Book Read Free

The Weird Fiction Megapack

Page 46

by Various Writers

  When Wrexler and I were seated, they too sat down. When I began to talk, they filled the hall with gay chattering. From a minstrel gallery at the other end of the room came soft strains of music.

  De Lacy stood behind me pouring my wine. One thing I noticed was that in the whole room—and there must have been two hundred people at least—there were no older men or women. In fact, de Lacy was the oldest of the lot; the others ranged from about sixteen to thirty.

  “How did my father get all these people together?” I asked de Lacy.

  “Most of them, my lord, were born at Rougemont. Still others were adopted and brought here almost as soon as they were born. None of us has ever been outside Rougemont gates.” De Lacy was quite matter-of-fact as he made his statement.

  Wrexler was searching the hall with his eyes, as he listened to my steward.

  “And you?” I looked at de Lacy.

  “I, too, my lord, know nothing of your outside world, nor do I want to. Why should I, who am happy here? My family live down at the farm, but his Highness, your father, became interested in me. He brought me into the château, had me educated, and looked after me, himself. Eventually he made me steward of Rougemont. It is a great honor he conferred upon me and I shall do my best to help you, my lord.”

  Of a sudden I saw what my father’s life-work had been: to rear a court to people Rougemont, My father had been twenty-five at my mother’s death. He had died at fifty-eight. He had had thirty-three years to make his dream come true.

  “Where are the parents of the ones who were born at Rougemont?”

  “At their own places, or the farms, my lord. Rougemont has over a thousand acres and several manors upon it, where people whom his Highness your father advanced over others, live. They all serve their ruler in some way, in return for what is given them. Only the people of the lodge are in touch with the Outside, which we have been taught to look upon with scorn. Here we have everything, and to be taken to the château itself is the ambition of everyone on the estate.”

  I saw it all; not, of course, every intricacy of the elaborate system my father had evolved, but at least a glimmer of the truth. And I marveled at the character of a man who had taken children out of the world to make his own world and then had the patience to wait for them to grow up; to form his court—the court he planned for me. Yes, in my egotism I thought it was for me! Two weeks were to pass before I learned what his real reason had been.

  Into my reflections, Wrexler broke abruptly, “She is not here. Ask de Lacy about her; her beauty haunts me. Already I am in love with her.”

  I was not surprised. Nothing, I felt, could at this point surprise me, so much had happened in the last few hours. If my father had arisen from the floor like Hamlet’s ghost, I would have greeted him quite casually.

  “Is there a young girl here with bronze curls and blue eyes?” I asked obediently.

  A shadow crossed de Lacy’s handsome face. For the first time he hesitated. “There is no one here that answers that description. May I ask why you—”

  “My friend saw her on the stairway.”

  I caught a murmur from de Lacy’s lips, “So soon!” it sounded like, but before I could question further, he said aloud, “I have leave to depart and join my lady.” And before I could answer, he bowed himself away to take a seat at one of the tables below.

  Wrexler looked over his wine goblet. “The man lied. I saw recognition of the description in his eyes.”

  “We’ll get the truth out of him later,” I countered. “Isn’t it fine to actually eat chicken with your fingers, and not feel you are committing a social error!”

  * * * *

  We did not get any information out of de Lacy later. To Wrexler’s insistent questionings he was at first noncommittal, and after a bit, downright curt. I poured oil on the troubled waters by suggesting that as it was late, we would wait until morning to see the library and the left wing of the chateau.

  With a smile of relief, de Lacy ushered us to our chambers. My retiring was a kind of ceremony. It amused me, but I had a nagging little thought in the back of my mind that all this etiquette would become boring after a while.

  As the last man bowed himself out of my room, de Lacy bent low. “My lord, there are guards at your door. You have only to call if you require anything.”

  I thanked him once more. Greatly to my embarrassment, he again kissed my hand. “Your servant to the death!” he cried, and drew the curtains about my high-canopied bed.

  I knew that outside the red damask, two huge candles were burning, but the curtain shut out their light and I was smothered in darkness. I made a mental note that I must arrange somehow for air in my room. The French idea of banishing night air did not coincide with my American habits. Tonight I was too weary to get up and attend to it. My thoughts were racing back and forth among the strange events of the day, but before I could focus them into any kind of order, sleep descended upon me.

  I had a strange dream. In it, the most beautiful woman I had ever seen came and parted the red damask curtains. Framed against the dark oak panels of my room, she stood looking down upon me. Her hair was red gold, and her eyes had all the sapphire tints of the world stored in their depths. Her pale, white face was oval in shape and balanced perfectly upon a slender neck. Her lips were sweetly curved and her nose delicately shaped. As she bent over me, I could see the rounded curve of her bosom. One slim hand reached out and touched my cheek. It was like the touch of a falling rose petal.

  In my dream I lay asleep, yet I was conscious of this lovely creature. I watched her through closed eyelids, and held my breath, hoping she would kiss me. It seemed as though I had never desired anything so much.

  A half-smile hovered on her lips, but her eyes told me nothing. She leaned lower. A faint perfume pervaded my senses, and then I felt her lips upon my forehead. A great cold swept over me at her touch—swept me down, down into blackness, and I knew no more.

  * * * *

  When I awoke, the sun was pouring through the opened curtains. I reached for a cigarette—my first conscious thought upon awakening—and not finding my case under the pillow, suddenly realized my new surroundings. At the same time, I remembered my dream. “Wrexler and his talk of a red-haired beauty is responsible for that,” I thought as I clapped my hands.

  De Lacy came in so quickly I knew he must have been waiting outside the door. He started when he saw the curtain of my bed had been opened. “Did you not pull them?” I asked.

  He shook his head, I said no more, and the ceremony of my arising began.

  When I had bathed in a great sunken tub—fortunately Diana de Poictiers had had her daily bath in the far-off time—I sought Wrexler.

  Together we breakfasted, and then I announced to de Lacy that we wished to inspect the rest of the château. He led us to the left wing, and took us through suite after suite. Beautifully furnished, the château was a veritable treasure house. An antiquarian would have gone mad with delight.

  I noticed that de Lacy had avoided two heavily built doors opposite the ballroom. When we had returned from our tour, I stopped before them. “And here?” I asked.

  “The picture gallery, my lord,” he responded unwillingly, and swung the doors open. There was an unhappy expression on his face.

  The room was long and narrow, and the walls except for the windows were lined with portraits. We walked slowly down the length of the room, looking at the portraits of a dead and gone race.

  “The former owners of the château?” I asked. De Lacy nodded.

  Suddenly I looked at the part of the room facing the door which he had entered. At first we had been too far away to distinguish anything about it except that there was only one large painting hanging in the center. Now that I was nearer, I could see the painting, and I caught my breath in astonishment; for there was the portrait of the lady of my dream, smiling down on me.

  Wrexler caught my arm, “That’s the girl—the one I saw on the stairs.”

t is the portrait of Helene, Mademoiselle d’Harcourt, daughter of the Lord of Harcourt, who owned this château,” de Lacy’s voice broke in.

  Wrexler and I exclaimed simultaneously, “But I—” and “She is—”

  De Lacy looked at us strangely. “It is from her that the château got its new name Rougemont—Red Mountain. Before that, it was called Hotel d’Harcourt. Mademoiselle Helene was very beautiful, as you can see, Messieurs, and she had many suitors. At last, from among them, she chose an English lord. One of the discarded lovers, Black George—le Georges Noir—vowed that she should not belong to the Englishman, or ever leave Rougemont.

  “She laughed, Mademoiselle Helene, and her father, the Lord d’Harcourt, laughed too, for he had many men at arms and was rich and powerful. Black George did not laugh, he only set his lips grimly. The wedding day came and the beautiful Helene married the English lord in the great hall, but just as he took her in his arms for the nuptial kiss, there arose a great noise outside. It was Black George attacking the château.

  “The English lord, with Helene’s kiss warm upon his lips, went forth to battle. There was a fight such as these peaceful lands had never seen, and the mountain ran red with blood. Black George was the victor. He slew the Englishman, he slew the Lord of Harcourt, and his men hacked to pieces the defenders of the château.

  “Black George, followed by his men, came into the great hall where Helene d’Harcourt sat on the throne, her face whiter than her wedding dress. Black George flung her lover’s body at her feet, and the women of the household who were crouched about the throne cried aloud with terror. The fair Helene did not cry, nor did she moan; she only looked straight at Black George, and there was that in her gaze that silenced everyone in the great hall; even Black George stepped back a pace.

  “Then Helene d’Harcourt rose and went down to her love, the English lord who for a brief moment had been her husband. She knelt beside him and kissed his cold lips; then she took her wedding veil and laid it over his body.

  “All the while there was silence in the great hall, while men and women watched the slim girl say farewell to the man she loved. They watched almost as though they were under a spell. But as the veil fell into place, Black George laughed a long laugh that rang through the room; then he turned to his followers, and cried loudly, ‘The women are yours—take them as you will, all but that one who belongs to me.’ He gestured toward Helene and laughed again.

  “Helene d’Harcourt stood erect and pointed her slender hand at Black George. ‘Wait,’ she cried, and there was a quality in her voice that made her listeners tremble. ‘I shall belong to no one until my lover comes for me, and till he comes, woe to you, Black George, who are well named! Woe to you and to all men, for I curse you with a mighty curse, the curse of a broken heart. And I curse all men for their black and bitter deeds. Year after year, century after century, I will take my vengeance for the wrongs I have suffered, and no man shall be free until my lover comes again and we find bliss together.’

  “And while the eyes of the whole hall were riveted upon her, she plunged the dagger she had taken from her lover’s belt into her heart. For a second she stood swaying; then she crumpled and fell beside the English lord.

  “Black George caught her and held her in his arms. ‘My curse upon you, Black George!’ she cried.

  “Black George could also curse—‘Never shall you leave Rougemont to find your lover, and never shall he come, until—’ and then his voice died away as her head fell backward over his arm. The fair Helene was beyond his reach.

  “For a minute more the people in the great hall were paralyzed by the force of the terrible words that they had heard, but with the girl’s death they were released from the spell and a fury swept over the men. They rushed upon the women and dragged them forth. Black George took Helene’s body and carried it away, but where he buried her no one knew, nor could any discover; for the next day he was found in the great hall raving mad, and the people said that Helene’s curse was a potent one, that already it had wreaked vengeance on the one who had wronged her most.

  “From that day, the château was called Rougemont. The d’Harcourts were all dead and the place fell into other hands. Then there grew up the rumor that the château was haunted, that the fair Helene roamed through its halls, cut off from her lover, and doomed to stay within these walls by Black George’s curse.”

  * * * *

  De Lacy silent. Wrexler and I looked at the portrait. My own feelings were in a turmoil. It had been a ghost’s lips that had touched me last night; yet surely no ghosts could have been so beautiful or seemed so real.

  Wrexler turned to me, “It would be the curse that has always been upon me that when I fell in love it would be with a ghost!” His eyes were vivid, shining brightly in his pale face. “I knew when I saw her on the stairway that I loved her.”

  “There is a rumor,” said de Lacy, “that the man who sees the fair Helene will meet with some misadventure, unless she gives him a kiss. Then he is protected from her wrath.”

  I started. Wrexler smiled, “She kissed me with her eyes. I am not afraid.”

  “The fair Helene makes men suffer to make up for the wrong Black George did her. For years she has not been seen at Rougemont. Last night when you described her, I was afraid. My lord,” de Lacy turned to me, “send your friend away. If she only looked at him and smiled, there is a grave and deadly danger for him, more deadly because it may be unexplainable. Men upon whom the fair Helene has smiled have met strange deaths.”

  As Wrexler looked up at the portrait, an inward light illumined his countenance. “I am not afraid,” he repeated.

  “There are many deaths. There is the death of the spirit as well as that of the body. I beg you to go while there is time, friend of my lord.” There was real feeling in de Lacy’s voice.

  I too felt afraid for Wrexler. The strange, unworldly feeling he had always had, the pulling toward something he knew not what, made me doubly fearful. Had the fair Helene been calling him all this time, across the world? For myself I had no fear. She had kissed me, and besides, even death at her hands would have been preferable to never seeing her again. In these last few minutes I had realized that I too was in love with Helene, that I could hardly wait for the night, in hopes that she might visit me again.

  Resolutely I put my own feelings in the background, for at the moment Wrexler was of paramount importance. If there was anything in de Lacy’s story—and from my own experience I was sure there was—Wrexler was in danger. I turned to him. “If anything happened to you, I could never forgive myself. Perhaps you’d better go. I could arrange a trip for you, and later—meet you.”

  Somehow de Lacy seemed one of us. I had no hesitancy in speaking before him. He seemed a part of my new life. With the strange suddenness that comes on rare occasions, we were already friends.

  Wrexler looked at me, then back at the portrait. Helene d’Harcourt, her red hair gleaming, smiled down upon us. Before he spoke, I knew what he would say, because in his place I would have said the same, “Unless you kick me out, I want to stay.”

  I put my hand on Wrexler’s shoulder. “So be it. Come along, let’s see the library, then we’ll know all of Rougemont. We’ve seen everything else.”

  Wrenching his eyes away from the portrait, Wrexler followed us.

  The library was beautiful, with paneled walls that had rows and rows of books sunk in their depths. There was a long, oaken table, and on the center of it stood a carved, gilded box, the casket which held my father’s letter. I wished then that I could read it at once. I wish now that I could have, but perhaps it is better that I did not; at least things moved as the fates ordained, and the responsibility for what occurred was not mine.

  * * * *

  The next three days were quiet, happy ones. Nothing occurred. I had no ghostly visitant and Wrexler saw nothing of Helene. Under de Lacy’s expert guidance, we rode over the estate, hunted with falcons, a pleasing sport which we both took to our he
arts; mingled with my court, found the people charming and highly cultivated. We took lessons in the old dances, visited the manor houses. It was all very gay and amusing, and I had no longing for the outside world. I did not even go down to the lodge for news.

  There were many details of the estate management that I had to go into with de Lacy. We spent several hours each morning going over the affairs of Rougemont. It was virtually a small kingdom, and everything was referred to me.

  Necessarily, the time I spent with de Lacy on such matters, Wrexler was alone. He had changed a great deal since we had come to Rougemont. He had come alive, and he threw himself into everything with a curious intensity. He was like a person who has been very ill, who suddenly finding himself better and fearing it is only temporary, clutches life with both hands. He devoted long hours to reading the records of the d’Harcourts, until he knew the family history as well as his own.

  I did not mention Helene, although there was seldom a moment when she was out of my thoughts. I found myself watching for her day and night, and I caught the same tension in Wrexler’s eyes as he searched the shadows.

  The third night she came again, not to me, but to Wrexler; and although he was my friend, I almost hated him because he had seen her and I had not. He told me next morning as we walked along the lake shore.

  “Jim,” he said suddenly, “I saw her last night. She came to my room. She drew aside the curtains of the bed, and leaned over me. I can’t describe my sensations. It was almost as though life were suspended in space—like a bridge over a timeless sea.”

  I had nothing to say. I knew so well how he felt.

  “She leaned closer and closer to me,” Wrexler went on; “then she smiled, and before I could find my breath to speak, she was gone. This is the second time she has smiled at me. I felt a nameless fear, as though there was a threatening quality in those red lips. She looked at me as though I might have been Black George himself.”


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