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Mischief Under The Mistletoe

Page 61

by Maren Smith

  Cali stood biting her lip, tears still falling. She looked at her friends one last time before taking a deep breath and telling the whole sordid story. “When we found out you were coming, Uncle Jared, we made a plan to help you and Erika fall in love. Like the kids do in the movies sometimes to make their parents get married except we thought if we could get Erika in trouble with you then you would spank her and fall in love. We already know she’s in love with you ‘cuz she told Sadie.”

  “I did not!” Erika screeched, rearing off my lap as she protested.

  I couldn’t help myself. I laid down three solid swats to her skirt covered butt. “That’s enough out of you.”

  She crossed one leg over the other and whimpered, but that was her only response.

  “When you say ‘we,’ is there anyone in this room that does not deserve to be here and are we missing anyone?” I wanted to make sure no one got punished unjustly.

  She shook her head despondently, wincing as she spoke, “We’re all here and we all helped.”

  “Right then, and who’s idea was all of this?”

  The entire group of girls separated to leave a guilty looking Sadie front and center.

  “So much for sticking together,” she grumbled, crossing her arms over her chest.

  “Just as I expected. Erika, you may get up, but please don’t go far.” I offered her my hand to help her stand and held on while she got her bearings. She smiled at me, and I squeezed her hand. “Sadie, front and center, right now, little girl. Everyone else, timeout. I want your noses touching the wall, and you all need to be an arm’s length apart.” None of the girls hesitated, except Sadie. She held her ground. I had never been stern with her, but she was about to see just how tough I could be.


  “Uncle Jared, you have to admit—”


  As I opened my mouth again, she gave up and stomped over. Self-preservation mode had kicked in. She was still Sadie, though, and when she got to the spot where I indicated and stopped, her stance screamed ‘I need a spanking.’ With her arms still crossed she popped out her hip and one of her feet turned slightly out. I had never seen that much attitude in one body, but I was about to manually remove it.

  “I’m not amused, little girl. What you have done is mess with someone’s life and made her feel like she is less than the amazing woman she is. What do you have to say for yourself?”

  Her shoulders drooped slightly, but she kept the scowl firmly in place. There was no remorse, yet.

  Reaching out, I snatched her wrist and tugged her closer. “Maybe we should spank now and talk later since I can see you are not in the mood to talk. But that’s okay, because I have plenty to say.”

  I flipped her face down over my knee, raised her skirt and tugged her white panties up hard between her butt cheeks, soliciting a satisfying squeak of discomfort. Her hands flew back to pull at her panties, but she was a little slip of a woman, and I easily pinned her hands on the small of her back and wrapped her legs with one of my own. She wasn’t going anywhere until I was thoroughly convinced she grasped the error of her ways.



  My blood boiled as I watched Sadie give Jared so much attitude. She had been messing with me for a week, and she didn’t feel an ounce bad about it. It was difficult to keep my mouth shut, but this was Jared’s show now. He was the master disciplinarian. If anyone could bring about remorse, he could.

  “Ow! Uncle Jared! Let me go. I didn’t even get a chance to explain.” Her feet kicked behind her, but the way he had her pinned made it impossible for her to do anything more.

  “You had plenty of chances. If memory serves me right, you wanted to leave and let Erika pay for your little prank. So, when exactly were you planning to explain?”

  He didn’t give her any time to speak before he started laying down smacks that echoed through the room. There was no warm up, and he went straight for her sit-spot. I covered my own butt with my hands thinking that could have been me if Cali hadn’t stepped up. The entire room was silent save for the echo and squeals from Sadie. The girls did not move; I was sure some of them had stopped breathing completely, except for Cali. Her entire body shook, and I could tell she was crying by the way she kept swiping her face with her hands.

  I almost felt sorry for her. It wasn’t easy to tattle on a friend, let alone an entire group of them. Add to that the guilt that Jared was heaping onto them with his lectures and I know she was absolutely miserable. I didn’t want to interrupt the spanking, but I also didn’t want to disobey Jared. He wanted me to stay put.

  “I’m sorry! I really am. Please stop,” Sadie begged. I was surprised when Jared actually did, until I looked down at her butt. With his focus not leaving her sit spots and upper thighs, she was already very red. She sniffled and tried to get up, but he didn’t allow it.

  “Just because I am stopping doesn’t mean we are finished here. That was simply a taste. Now I expect you to drop your attitude and start explaining yourself.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she whimpered. “I was just trying to help. You and Erika both have a crush on the other, but you never say it, and she’s always running from you, and I wanted her to not be able to avoid you, so I thought if she got in a little trouble and you two stopped being dumb, you would finally make something happen.”

  Jared smiled at me, shaking his head. “You know I really should spank you for trying to avoid me all the time, but we can talk about that later.” He winked and turned back to the naughty bottom on his lap. “Do you really think any of that is your business, little girl?”

  “Well, you’re both my family, and I just love you and want you to be happy...”

  “And we both appreciate that, but we are adults, and we can make our own decisions. And getting another sub in trouble is never okay, is it?”

  “No, Sir.”

  “Do you know what happens in my world if one subbie gets another in trouble?”

  Her body stiffened, and she shook her head.

  He patted her bottom. “Oh, little girl, this poor naughty little bottom is in for quite a punishment. And not just from me. Your Daddy has more plans.” Her whimper told the room that was bad news.

  “Wait!” She wrenched her body up, pushing against his leg with her hands. “How does he know?”

  “Silly, little girl. How you underestimate our intelligence. You think we haven’t noticed? The elevator was your undoing. If you are going to lie about something, you need to at least cover your tracks.”

  Her body sagged again. “This was a trap. That’s so unfair!”

  “Yes, it is unfair. It’s so unfair that Erika has answered for all of those pranks. She has been spanked and grounded, among other things. Do you know what that means for you and the rest of Santa’s Little Helpers?”

  “We are going to be spanked and grounded?” she guessed.

  “Mmhmm. You will all take the same punishment Erika did. That means seven days in a row of spankings, starting now. Erika would you be so kind as to provide me with the implement that Master Derek punished you with?”

  “Sir?” I questioned. The wooden paddle was harsh and only used for serious infractions, especially on the Littles.

  “Do as I’ve asked, please.”

  I turned toward the implement closet, but my steps faltered.

  “Trust me, little squirrel.” His voice was low and kind. When we discussed this plan he kept reminding me that we had to trust one another. It was difficult for me, but everything was going exactly as he said it would, and I needed to continue.

  I went to the closet and opened the door. The initial sight excited me no matter how many times I opened the door. It was full of tools of pleasure and pain, and each implement sat in its own special place. I ran my fingers through the falls of my favorite flogger, imagining the tendrils striking my skin.

  “Girls, front and center please, all of you.” Jared’s voice pulled me out of my reverie. I took out the
paddle, shut the door behind me, and went back to Jared’s side.

  The girls assembled themselves in a straight line in front of us as I handed him the paddle. He weighed it in his hands and hissed. “That’s a heavy implement,” he remarked unnecessarily. “Because I’m in the Christmas spirit, I’m going to give you an option of punishments. You may choose to receive a spanking with this paddle, or you can be grounded for the remainder of the Christmas festivities, including the big party tonight. Questions?”

  Each of them fidgeted shaking their heads.

  “Very well then, if you choose being grounded, you may return to your time out. If you choose a spanking, I want you lined up, palms flat against the wall, and bottoms out.”

  One by one each girl chose their own fate, death by paddle.

  I stepped forward and grabbed his wrist. “Master Jared, please be gentle. They are Littles and they... I think they’ve learned their lesson already.” I whispered, but there was no way the girls didn’t hear.

  Jared turned toward me as a menacing smile spread across his face. He looked down at my hand that was currently wrapped around his. I let go as if I had been burned. It felt like it at least. His stare bore straight through to my soul.

  “Little squirrel, may I remind you of the emotional torture these little miscreants have caused you this week?”

  “I know, but—”

  “Would you like to be the one to administer the spankings?” he asked, offering me the paddle.

  My mouth went dry, and I lost the ability to speak. All I could do was shake my head. No way in hell was I going to spank another girl.

  “Okay then, would you like to trust me?”

  I nodded.

  “Good. Then you and I can discuss this privately, later.”


  The look on her face after my promise was priceless. It was the reaction every Dom hopes to get when the threat of punishment is laid down. Her eyes widened, pupils dilated, and her mouth dropped open into an “O.” I bet that other parts of her anatomy were also responding, but I could not focus on that now. I had eight naughty bottoms to chastise, but later...

  I shook my head to clear my thoughts and turned back to the girls. “We all know why you are here, but I would also like to know who was involved in what prank.” I walked down the line flipping up their school skirts, yanking their panties up between their cheeks, and tucking the skirts into their waistbands. It really was a lovely sight, eight mostly bare bottoms framed by the tucked in skirts and knee socks. I took a moment to admire the way each one quivered. I tapped the paddle against my thigh testing it to make sure I had a good handle on what kind of force to use. I didn’t know these girls well and could not take a chance of actually injuring them.

  “You are all officially on Santa’s naughty list, but after you take your punishments like the good little girls I know you are, the slate will be cleared, and we can all carry on with an amazing Christmas celebration. Everyone understand?”

  A chorus of shaky ‘Yes, Sir’-s gave me the green light to finish the punishment. Starting with Sadie, I pulled back my arm and swatted her right cheek harder than any of the other girls would receive. She squealed, flung her head backwards, and bounced on her tip toes. Without waiting I laid a swat on her left cheek and moved down the line from there. Each one of them had their own “owie dance,” and it was immensely satisfying.

  At the end of the line I stood and watched as they squirmed silently. It’s good to be the Dom. I mused. Glancing over at Erika, I saw the awe in her eyes and wondered if she was finally beginning to trust me.

  “Okay girls, this time after your first swat, I want you to apologize to Erika for what you participated in. Make it believable because if she decides not to forgive you, you will have to try again next round.”

  One swat after another the girls confessed to their sins and Erika forgave them. Her kindness toward them was admirable. She had been through hell, and she took all of this in stride, worried more about the other little subbies than herself.

  “You were all forgiven by Erika and now you are all forgiven by me, but for the next six days you must each report here to Master Derek for four more swats. Don’t make him come find you. That will not end well. Now, which of Santa’s naughty little helpers has a hug for me?”

  I braced myself as eight sniffling little girls bombarded me, making sure I gave each one of them their own hug and reminded them they were good girls. After me, they went to Erika, and I watched as she embraced each of them, telling them again that she forgave them and she loved them. Seeing her submissive heart shine through made me fall harder for her. This girl needed to be mine.

  Sadie was the last one to leave. “Did it work?” she asked, with more cheek than she should have had left.

  “What?” Erika gasped, gaping at her with disbelief.

  I merely shook my head. “Go report to your Daddy, little girl. He would like to speak to you, and you need to tell him your punishment from me did not come close to curing you of your nosiness.”


  “Go. Or would you like to chat with me and the paddle some more, maybe a cane would do the trick?”

  “I think I hear someone calling me,” she announced as she sprinted from the room.

  Erika giggled. “Guess she got the picture.”

  “Guess so. Now, what about my last naughty little elf?”

  She looked around the room. “They’re all gone.”

  “I’m talking about you, little squirrel.”

  “Me? I’m not naughty.”

  “Santa knows when you’ve been naughty or nice, and you are all over my naughty list.”

  She swallowed hard. “I think someone’s calling me, too.”

  I clicked my tongue. “You aren’t going anywhere. We have some important matters to discuss.”

  The office door swung open, and Derek walked in carrying the missing Santa beard. “Angel asked me to bring this to you.”

  “It could have waited,” I scowled.

  Derek looked at his watch. “Not so much, old friend; we have final preparations to make for tonight.” He laughed, “Did you really wear the suit while you spanked them?”

  “Santa doesn’t mess around. They got the picture I think.”

  He clapped me on the back as he handed me the beard. “I’m sure they did. I’m sure they did.”

  IT WASN’T UNTIL AFTER the party that I was finally able to steal some time alone with my little subbie. It was three in the morning. We were both exhausted but neither willing to call it a night. Watching her prance around in her elf costume all evening had almost done me in. I found myself fighting the urge to pull her into my lap on more than one occasion. Now we were alone in the office, which acted as a command center for the party since the ranch was overflowing for the week of the legendary party. A pot of coffee brewed, and she flitted around me organizing the costumes and cleaning up.

  “Wasn’t that just the funnest?” She twirled in a circle, and her skirt flared out revealing red, white, and green striped shorts that matched her knee socks.

  “It was a smash hit, only one thing bothered me.”

  She sobered quickly. “Bothered you? What happened?” She came to my side, and I took the opportunity to pull her into my lap.

  “It’s what didn’t happen, little squirrel.”

  She peeped in surprise. “What didn’t happen?”

  “This.” Tipping her backwards I slammed my lips against hers. I was tired of waiting. Since the taste I took in the elevator, I had craved the moment when it would happen again. It was about damn time. She wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me in tighter, encouraging me to deepen the kiss. I trailed one hand up her spine, grabbing ahold of her soft silky hair. With the other hand I explored her thighs and ass, appreciating every curve, contour, and muscle. She smelled of peppermint, which was not surprising with how many mini candy canes she consumed. The mint tingled on my tongue, and she let out a long low moan that v
ibrated straight to my cock which hardened in response. I tightened my hold on her hair and forced myself to pull her away.

  She stared in awe. “Why’d you stop?”

  “Because I had to, honey. All I want to do in this moment is bend you over and plunge my cock into your sweet little pussy, but it’s way too soon for that, and we aren’t ready.”

  “Ready? I’m beyond ready. It’s not like we are virgins,” she complained.

  “I know, little squirrel, but we are just getting to know one another, and I can’t sully it by jumping into a sexual relationship.”

  “You’re joking right?” She gaped at me. “Jared, it’s twenty-seventeen. People have casual sex.”

  I growled in response. “You know what else didn’t happen that I am bothered by?”

  “I can tell you what I’m bothered by,” she grumbled.

  That was all I needed. I flipped her onto her belly and laid down a volley of smacks. She kicked and fought at first, but then she melted. Her entire body sagged, and I smiled knowingly. It was time to up the ante. I wasn’t letting her up until she was good and red from the peak of her bottom to the tops of her thighs. She would fall asleep with the sting of my hand at the forefront of her mind. Starting at the crease of her knee, I skimmed my hand up to the top of her shorts and slowly pulled them down along with her panties, scraping my knuckles against her skin. She shuddered and goosebumps covered her legs.

  “You cold, little squirrel? Allow me to warm you up. You’ll be all nice and toasty by the time I’m finished with you.”

  She whimpered and shifted in my lap.

  “Whimpers feed my Dominant soul, little squirrel.”

  I began to spank in earnest then, covering every inch of her backside with solid swats, transforming her beautiful bottom from light pink to a nice rosy red. I learned what swats made her moan and which made her squeal, playing her body like a musical instrument. It was beautiful, and I could have continued all night, but I had one more thing to take care of before we headed to bed.


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