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Eden: The Dangerous Bride (The Brides of Paradise Ranch - Sweet Version Book 2)

Page 14

by Merry Farmer

  “Mr. Garrett, Mrs. Piedmont, and Mrs. Evans have finally agreed to send for a bride for me.”

  Cody finished his announcement, and Travis hid his face in his hand and shook his head.

  After everything she’d learned about Cody in the last few months, Eden was inclined to agree with Travis’s assessment of the situation. All she said aloud, though, was “Really?”

  “Yep,” Cody answered with pride. “Apparently, a Miss Wendy Weatherford will be coming out on the train in three weeks.” He sent a smug look to Travis.

  “Do you know her?” Luke asked Eden.

  Eden furrowed her brow and shrugged. “No. She must be new at Hurst Home.”

  “She’s a seamstress,” Cody added.

  Travis peeked up from where he was still hiding his face in his palm. “Well, at least the town needs a seamstress.”

  Cody sniffed and scowled. To Luke and Eden, he said, “Travis doesn’t think I’m ready for marriage.”

  “You’re not,” Travis said.

  “He thinks I lack maturity and commitment,” Cody went on, ignoring him.

  “You do.” Travis shook his head.

  Eden glanced to Luke. She could see her own thoughts on the matter reflected in his expression. Travis was right. Cody was in for a shock. But neither of them were about to tell him that.

  “Well,” Eden said as diplomatically as possible. “I wish you as much happiness as Luke and I have found.”

  Cody grinned like a cat and stood. “That’s exactly what I’m hoping for. Come on, Travis. Let’s go check out the house Howard said I could have.” He pointed to the mostly-finished building next door to Luke and Eden’s house. “We’re gonna be neighbors.”

  Without waiting for a reaction, Cody tugged on Travis’s sleeve, and the two of them clamored off the porch to take a look at what would be Cody’s house. Travis sent Luke and Eden a wary look as they left.

  “I wonder how that’ll work out,” Luke said, resting his cheek against the top of Eden’s head.

  “I have no idea.” She chuckled, then scanned the article Mr. Gunn had clipped for them. With a sigh, she added, “At least I know they’re alive.”

  “That’s something,” Luke agreed.

  Eden twisted to hug him. She loved the way they fit so well together, loved that they could enjoy these peaceful moments together, man and wife. “All I can do is pray that they get second chances, just like I did.”

  “You and me both,” he said. She let out a breath and closed her eyes, resting her head on his shoulder. “I love you, Eden Chance, and I will until the day I die and beyond.”

  “And I love you that much and more.”

  It was all she needed to say, all she’d ever needed.

  I hope you’ve enjoyed getting to know Haskell, Wyoming a little better and falling in love with Eden and Luke in Eden: The Dangerous Bride. Remember, reviews are always appreciated. There’s much more Haskell to come, sooner than you might think. After all, Cody asked for Josephine, Virginia, and Charlie to send for a bride for him. Wendy certainly is…surprising, and between you and me, it’s a good thing that Travis is there at the train station when she arrives. Just sayin’. You can read all about it in Wendy: The Bewildering Bride, available now! Click here for a complete list of other works by Merry Farmer.

  About the Author

  I hope you have enjoyed Eden: The Dangerous Bride. If you’d like to be the first to learn about when the new series comes out and more, please sign up for my newsletter here: And remember, Read it, Review it, Share it! For a complete list of works by Merry Farmer with links, please visit

  Merry Farmer is an award-winning novelist who lives in suburban Philadelphia with her two cats, Butterfly and Torpedo. She has been writing since she was ten years old and realized one day that she didn't have to wait for the teacher to assign a creative writing project to write something. It was the best day of her life. She then went on to earn not one but two degrees in History so that she would always have something to write about. Her books have topped the Amazon and iBooks charts and have been named finalists in the prestigious RONE and Rom Com Reader’s Crown awards.

  Click here for a complete list of works by Merry Farmer




  I owe a huge debt of gratitude to my awesome beta-readers, Caroline Lee, Margaret Breashears, and Jolene Stewart, for their suggestions and advice. And a big, big thanks to my editor, Cissie Patterson, for doing an outstanding job, as always, and for leaving hilarious comments throughout the manuscript. Also, a big round of applause for my marketing and promo team, Sara Benedict and Jessica Valliere.

  And a special thank you to the Pioneer Hearts group! Do you love Western Historical Romance? Wanna come play with us? Become a member at

  Click here for a complete list of other works by Merry Farmer.




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