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Midnight Call (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 12

by Keyonna Davis

  “That’s cold!” she squealed, trying to turn over.

  “Sorry, sorry,” he said, trying not to laugh.

  When Nadia lay back down, Steve added what was in his hand to the oil already pooled on her back and began to rub. He spread the oil up to her shoulders and gently worked his thumbs into the knots she had there. Her moan let him know he was doing something right. He started to work his way down, letting his fingertips barely brush the sides of her breast as he went. He tickled her spine and traced every bump, and by the time he got to Nadia’s lower back, he noticed that she was slightly pressing her hips into the mattress. He smiled to himself. It seemed the massage was a success and was getting the results that he wanted.

  Steve continued lower, spreading the oil over her ass and making sure to graze his fingers along her crease a few times until he moved on down her legs all the way to her feet. The whole time he was touching her, he had to chant not to come in his head over and over again. It seemed that the massage was not only turning Nadia on, but him as well. He felt like he could explode at any moment and had to force himself not to hump Nadia’s leg until he came.

  He knew he had a wicked grin on his face when he got to Nadia’s feet and her moans got louder. It seemed she was sensitive there. He watched as her thighs clenched when he ran his fingers in between her toes. Leaning down, he ran his tongue around her big toe and sucked it into his mouth. After swirling his tongue over it a few times, Steve released it and then gave her other four toes similar treatment.

  “Oh God, Steve,” Nadia said panting. “You have no idea how good that feels.”

  He didn’t bother to comment on her statement. “Turn over.” He tapped her bottom. Steve started again at her shoulders and worked his way down. When he got to her breasts, he started at the sides and worked his way around until he got to her nipples. They were hard and begging for attention so instead of massaging them, he leaned down and sucked one into his mouth. Nadia moaned louder and arched her back. She grabbed the back of his head, and he felt her pull him closer in an attempt to hold him there. The move was unnecessary because he had no intentions of stopping. He gently bit down on her nipple then soothed it with his tongue. Nadia whimpered when he let her nipple slip out of his mouth with a soft pop and moved over to the other one.

  After a few minutes more, Steve realized that, if he didn’t stop, the massage was going to be over a lot sooner than he’d planned. Reluctantly, he pulled back and continued to run his hands down her stomach. He had to force himself not to touch her pussy as he passed it and moved on down her legs. At this point, she was soaking wet, and he could see her cream glistening on the lips of her cunt. He could smell her musk, and it was a huge turn-on. If anybody asked, he would never admit to speeding through the rest of the massage and moving back up her legs. When he got to her thighs, Steve pressed against them, and Nadia immediately spread them as wide as she could.

  “Damn, beautiful,” he whispered at the sight of her on his bed spread wide.


  That one whimpered word was enough to snap him into action, and he leaned down and took a deep breath. “You smell so good,” he said before he placed his tongue flat against her and licked from her hole to her clit. “You taste good, too.” No more words were spoken as he took it upon himself to map her pussy with his tongue. He wanted to know every inch. He prodded her entrance and was rewarded with more cream. I could do this all day. Listening to her moan and feeling her move beneath him were things he would never get used to. Steve pressed a finger to her entrance and slowly slid it in. At the same time, he covered her clit with his mouth and used his tongue to massage it. That seemed to set Nadia off, and he felt her clench around his finger. She screamed through her orgasm, and he had to press her hips to the bed to keep her still.

  He couldn’t wait any longer. Steve slid his sweats down far enough so that his cock popped free, and he climbed on top of Nadia. He had a feeling it was only going to take a few strokes for him to come, but he didn’t care. He had to be inside Nadia. When he slowly slid in, he could still feel her walls fluttering from her previous orgasm. She was tight and wet, and her heat felt good against his skin.

  “God, Nadia, you feel so good.” He pulled out and surged back in. You feel so good, you taste so good, you smell so good. Is that all you can say? Steve silently berated himself as he moved against her. All thoughts flew out of his head when Nadia wrapped her legs around his waist. She was open to him, and he surged even deeper into her moist heat.

  “I’m not going to last long, honey. Can you come for me again?” Steve asked. He didn’t give her time to answer. He slid his hand between them and circled her clit with two fingers. “Come for me, Nadia,” he whispered in her ear, and damned if she didn’t scream and do exactly that. He felt her clench tightly around him as she screamed in his ear. That was all it took, and Steve came as well. The orgasm was intense, and he felt like his body was trying to expel his balls through his cock. He had never had an orgasm that powerful before but immediately knew he wanted to have them over and over again with Nadia for the rest of his life.

  “I feel like my body is one big puddle of goo,” Nadia said drowsily.

  Steve laughed and rolled over to lie next to her. “I’m hoping that is a good thing.”

  “Oh, believe me, it is. You can give me a massage anytime you want if that will be the result. Maybe next time I will even give you one.”

  That comment had Steve’s cock trying desperately to perk back up. Looking over at Nadia, he saw she was seconds away from sleep. “I don’t think I will be able to handle it, love,” he said as he kissed her cheek and followed her into sleep.

  Chapter 10

  Nadia couldn’t keep the smile off her face as she got Addison cleaned up and fed. She couldn’t believe Steve had actually told her he loved her the night before. She felt like she was walking on air. Too bad she hadn’t had the courage to say it back. She was a coward, and she knew it, but she was just scared. For the first time in her life, she felt like she belonged somewhere. She was actually loved and cared for and not looked at as a responsibility, which was how she felt her parents saw her. Here, living with Jackson, Steve, and Greg, she fit in. That was the simplest way to describe how she felt. She just fit, and, if she had to admit, it was one of the best feelings in the world.

  “Come on, Addy. We are going to take a trip today,” Nadia said, and she gathered all of the baby’s things.

  They hadn’t seen much of Jackson in the past few days because he had been getting his classroom and lesson plans ready for the new school year. Today was the first day of school, and Nadia had decided to surprise him with lunch. Once she had everything packed and spent twenty minutes getting Addy buckled in the car, she was finally headed for the school.

  She was grateful the halls were quiet and empty when she arrived because she didn’t want to be jostled while lugging Addison and her luggage around. She swore the baby needed her own butler or someone to a least carry her twenty-pound diaper bag around. Nadia amused herself with the idea of some poor old English guy trailing behind them loaded down with all of Addy’s things until she found Jackson’s classroom. He was sitting at his desk with a pair of tiny reading glasses perched on his nose.

  “I bet you have all of these teenage girls fighting for the desks in the front row,” Nadia said, only half teasing him. What she said probably had some truth to it because Jackson was one sexy man.

  “Hey, babe. What are my two favorite girls doing here?” Jackson said as he stood and kissed her and Addy on their cheeks.

  “I figured, since it was your first day of school, the baby and I would come down and have lunch with you.”

  “Well, you have perfect timing because my students just headed to lunch so we have the classroom all to ourselves.” He lifted the baby out of her arms. “Slide that chair over to my desk and we can eat.”

  After she found the chair, Nadia unloaded their lunch, and they sat down to eat.
“So how is your first day going?”

  “So far so good. Today is really an easy day. All about getting to know the students and letting them know what I expect out of them for the year. Since I teach seventh and eighth grade history, I already know most of the students.”

  Nadia watched the way Jackson’s eyes lit up when he talked about teaching. She could tell he loved what he did, and that was proven when his students returned from lunch. They were eighth graders, so Jackson had taught them the year before, and every single one of them had a smile on their face when they entered the classroom. It looked like they were eager to be there. Nadia had to hold back her giggle when she saw two girls almost knock each other over to get to the seat closet to Jackson’s desk. It looked like they were playing musical chairs, and there was only one seat left. One girl finally won and took the seat with a triumphant grin, staring up at Jackson with huge starstruck eyes. The other girl grumbled as she took the only seat left located in the back of the room.

  When all of the students were seated, Jackson introduced her and then introduced Addison as his new daughter. It was the first time Nadia had heard him refer to Addison as his daughter, and an idea began to form in her head.

  “Thank you for lunch,” Jackson said, and then kissed her.

  Nadia knew she was blushing when she heard wolf whistles coming from the guys and “aahs” coming from the girls. Jackson’s huge grin proved he’d known what would happen when he kissed her. Rolling her eyes but smiling, Nadia gathered all of Addison’s belongings and headed out, ignoring the angry glare coming from the girl in the front row.

  At the car she was relieved to see Addy’s stroller in the back. That saved her the trouble of having to go all the way home to get it, and there was no way she could carry the baby and her bag all over the mall. Nadia wanted to go to the mall so she could pick up something nice for the guys. When Jackson had called Addison his daughter, it had given her the idea of getting him a Father’s Day gift, even though the day was months past. Still, she wanted to get him something nice for welcoming the baby into his home, essentially leading to her being welcomed. She also wanted to get Greg and Steve a gift as well. They might call themselves uncles, but they gave the baby as much care as Jackson did. She had no idea what she was going to buy the guys. She just wanted to find something special.

  For the first time since she walked away from her parents’ home, Nadia actually had money to spend. The money she made from being Addison’s nanny was just sitting in her account. She had no expenses to pay since she lived with the guys, and she never went anywhere, so she had no reason to spend the money. Now I do. Hopefully, she could find the gifts quick and make a stop by the grocery store and be back home in time to make dinner.

  It took about ten stores before Nadia began to get frustrated. The only good thing was that Addison obviously loved the stroller because she had fallen asleep about ten minutes into their shopping trip. Nadia wished she could do the same thing. Her earlier enthusiasm for finding gifts for the guys was slowly fading with each store she left empty handed. To make matters worse, she couldn’t get over the feeling that someone was following her. Every time she turned to look behind her, she didn’t see anything or anyone looking suspicious. That didn’t stop the feeling from growing the longer she stayed at the mall. Nadia hated to leave, but she had the baby’s safety to think about, and all kinds of warning signs were going off in her head at the moment.

  She pulled her keys and cell phone out as she headed for her car and dialed the house number, hoping either Greg or Steve was home to answer.

  She sighed in relief when Greg answered. “Hey, Greg, listen, I know it’s probably just me being paranoid, but I just wanted to let someone know where I was. I’m leaving the mall with Addison now, but I kept feeling like someone was following me the whole time I was there.”

  “Are you and Addison okay? Where are you now? Do you need me to come get you?” Greg asked.

  “We are okay. I’m almost to the car now. Like I said, it’s probably nothing. I just felt better having someone on the phone with me,” Nadia said as she arrived at the car. She tried to talk calmly so she didn’t alarm Greg, but the feeling of being followed had been getting worse the closer she got to the car. Looking around, she still didn’t see anyone.

  As fast as she could, Nadia got Addison strapped in her car seat. “I have the baby in. I just need to put her stroller in the back.”

  It took her a minute to figure out how to fold the stroller down, and she cursed her shaking fingers a few times. Greg’s steady breathing in her ear gave comfort, and she breathed a sigh of relief when she finally got it folded the right way.

  “God,” she said laughing into the phone, “you need to be a rocket scientist to work all of these things.”

  Nadia never heard Greg’s response because her cell phone was suddenly snatched out of her hand and thrown into the back seat. Before she could even take a breath to scream, her body was shoved up against her car by something heavy, and a hand slapped over her mouth. She could see Addison through the rear window still strapped in her car seat and knew she had to fight for the baby’s sake. Using all of her strength, Nadia shoved herself away from the car. If she hadn’t taken whoever was holding her down by surprise, she never would have had the strength to move them. Quickly turning, she went wild and began punching and kicking her attacker and screaming like a crazy woman. As she fought, she realized there was only one guy, and he was dressed from head to toe in black, including a black ski mask.

  Somehow in the struggle Nadia was able to grab the mask and pull it off. Her shocked gasp when she saw the redheaded man from the park was all the distraction that her attacker needed. Nadia felt the blow to the side of her head and the white-hot pain as she crumpled to the ground. Surely someone heard me screaming and will come to help. That was her last thought before blackness descended.

  * * * *

  “Stupid, stupid, stupid,” Robert muttered as he slammed his fist against the steering wheel. His task was simple. All he had to do was knock the bitch out and take the baby before anyone saw him. Why can’t things ever go the way I plan? Now, Robert was stuck with not only the baby, but with the crazy bitch unconscious in the trunk.

  He eyed his jaw in the mirror and was happy to see the bleeding had stopped. He hadn’t expected the woman to be as vicious as she was. She got him good when she raked her nails across his face. Robert smiled in the mirror and adjusted his dick in his pants. The bitch had fought like a cat, all claws. Just the thought had him rock hard. Would she be like that in bed? It had been too long since he had a woman like that in bed with him. Sarah, the old frigid bitch, had never liked sex and used to complain if he got a little rough. He hadn’t meant to take the woman with him, but he had no choice when she somehow ripped his mask off. He couldn’t leave her behind and have her identify him. Now he was stuck with an unwanted complication.

  Robert was thankful the warehouse where he’d been instructed to meet Officer Stanley and his buyer was located next to a dark alley. He was able to pull the car in as far as it would go. It couldn’t help if someone saw him unloading a woman out of his trunk and called the police. Once he had the woman out and tied to a pipe in the floor, he went back to get the baby out of the car. He decided to grab the baby’s bag as well, figuring his buyers might need it. Who said he couldn’t be considerate? When he set the baby’s car seat on an old abandoned desk, he got his first look at his daughter. The red hair was an exact match for his, but other than that, she looked nothing like him. That was just fine with him.

  Leaving the brat sleeping, Robert began to pace. He had a few hours to kill before the buyer arrived. Too much time in his opinion. He just wanted the baby gone and the money in his hands. He had less than a day left to get the money he owed Mr. Porello, and he was cutting it a little close. A little too close for comfort. He was screwed if this deal fell through or if Mr. Porello decided to jump the gun a little. There was no time to come up with ano
ther plan, so Robert had to see this though and make no more mistakes.

  Looking over at the woman passed out on the floor, he sighed and rubbed his hands through his hair. Once the deal was done, he would decide what to do with her. Maybe when all this was over, he would reward himself with a little fun before he got rid of her. See if I can get those claws to come out again.

  Chapter 11

  Jackson couldn’t stop pacing. After spending all afternoon answering questions for the police, he was desperate to find Nadia and Addison. Just like he had told the police what seemed like a hundred times, he had no idea who would want to kidnap them. They had no enemies, and they hadn’t pissed anyone off that he knew of. All Jackson knew was that he couldn’t lose either one of them. He loved Addison like she was his own. She was the last link to his family, and he didn’t know what he would do without her.

  He truly missed his sister, but looking back on that midnight call that had started all of these crazy events in motion, he realized he wouldn’t have changed anything that happened up until Nadia and Addy were kidnapped for the world. His sister might have abandoned him in life, but in the end, she’d given him family. She’d given him Addison, which inadvertently had brought Nadia into his life as well. If possible, she’d even brought him, Greg, and Steve closer together. They were a true family now, and for that, he had his sister to thank every day for the rest of his life.

  He couldn’t lose Nadia. Just the thought of never seeing her again made Jackson realize he was in love with her. He knew he was starting to have deep feelings for her, but now with the possibility he’d never see her again, he realized he couldn’t live without her.

  Jackson made a vow that, if they found her, he would make sure not a day went by that he didn’t tell her he loved her. He was also going to make sure neither of his girls ever set foot outside the house again without him or one of the guys with them.


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