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Midnight Call (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 15

by Keyonna Davis

  “Then why are you guys just standing here? What’s going on?” she asked, still not convinced everything was fine.

  “My mom took the baby for the night, and we have a surprise for you,” Steve said, smiling.

  A surprise? Nadia had no clue what was going on, but she had to admit they definitely had her attention. Ever since she’d come home from the hospital a few days before, the guys had been very attentive to all of her needs but one. They refused to touch her, and Nadia was about to go crazy. She was curious what they had planned, so when Jackson started leading her to the living room, she didn’t resist. She hoped that whatever they did ended with them all in a naked pile by the end of the night.

  “Oh my.” She gasped when they led her around the corner. “How did you manage to get all of this done in the few hours I have been gone?”

  The living room had been turned into some kind of tropical oasis. There were large green plants that resembled palm trees in every corner. The furniture had been removed, and the floor was covered in huge fluffy pillows. The finishing touches were the lit candles covering every surface of the room.

  “Wow, guys. I don’t know what to say.” Nadia was trying to hold back tears. She was shocked at the transformation and what the guys had done just for her.

  “Come on and have a seat. We ordered Chinese for dinner, and then we are going to have some fun,” Greg said, winking at her.

  She hoped his idea of fun was the same as hers and could be described as hot, sweaty, and naked. Following Greg, she sat on one of the fluffy pillows and waited to see what was coming next. She didn’t have to wait long until she was handed a plate filled with all her favorites. Nadia happily ate as she listened to the guys joke and kid each other. She was glad to see they were finally getting past her kidnapping ordeal and getting back to normal as well. Each of them had been so sweet and attentive to her during her recovery, treating her as though she were made of glass. Now she wanted to yell at them that she was just a little bruised and battered, not dying.

  When she had enough to eat, Steve took her plate away, and Nadia cleared her throat. This was it. When she’d been kidnapped and scared that she would never see any of these men again, she’d made a vow that, if she got a second chance with them, she wouldn’t waste it. She would tell them every day how much she loved them and Addison.

  “Guys, I have something to tell you.”

  “Hold that thought,” Greg interrupted, giving her a quick peck on the lips. “We have something to give you.”

  Jackson smiled as he handed Nadia an envelope. “Open it.”

  “What is it?” Nadia asked as she opened it with trembling fingers. When she had the envelope open, she pulled out the piece of paper, read it, and gasped. The paper slipped from her trembling fingers as she looked up into Jackson’s smiling face.

  “There is nothing I could ever do to repay you for what you did to keep Addison safe. Because of you, she is still here with us. I figured, and the guys agreed with me, there is no one better qualified than you to be her mother. All you have to do is sign the papers and you will be Addison’s legal guardian along with me. Later on we can start the adoption process if you want,” Jackson said as he pressed an ink pen in her hand.

  “Are you serious?” Nadia was able to ask through tears.

  “Yes, baby,” Greg answered. “We love you. It’s stupid that it took almost losing you for us to grow some balls and tell you that, but there it is. We love you, and we want to spend the rest of our lives with you.”

  Nadia looked over at Steve and Jackson to see that they were both nodding as well.

  “I love you, honey,” Steve said.

  “I love you, too,” Jackson agreed.

  Nadia was at a loss for words. She’d expected to come home from the doctor and have to convince the guys they belonged together. Now they were giving her everything she wanted without her even having to ask for it.

  “I love you guys so much. Answering that ad for a nanny was the best thing I have ever done. It brought me a family, and that is all I could ever ask for.” She wiped tears from her face.

  Nadia climbed onto Jackson’s lap, cutting off any other chance he had of finishing the conversation. In her opinion, they had said all they needed to say at the moment. Now she wanted them. She sealed Jackson’s lips with hers and moaned when he immediately responded and slipped his tongue into her mouth. He tasted of the sweet wine he had drunk with his dinner, and Nadia eagerly sucked on his tongue.

  She felt hands tugging at her clothes and lifted up to give them better access. Her body was on fire with need, and she whimpered as the cool air caressed her skin with each item they removed. She felt rough callused hands, that she immediately recognized as Greg’s, start at her shoulders and make their way down her back to her ass. Although the soreness was pretty much gone from her ordeal, she still had a few bruises that hadn’t faded yet. She didn’t want them to distract Greg, so she wiggled, trying to give him a hint in the direction she wanted him to go. Unfortunately, he didn’t take the bait. Instead he ignored her and continued his slow, torturous journey down her back.

  When Steve joined in the assault by licking a hot trail from her shoulder up to the side of her neck, where he ended by slightly nipping her earlobe, Nadia shuddered. Her whole body was in sensory overload. Jackson then released her mouth, and she had to gasp for breath. These men were going to kill her, but Nadia couldn’t find it in herself to complain. Steve took Jackson’s place and claimed her lips as Jackson trailed light kisses down her chest until he got to her breasts. Nadia closed her eyes and gave in to the pleasure of hands and mouths covering every inch her body. Soon she wasn’t sure who was where, but she didn’t care. This was the way it was meant to be.

  “Fuck.” Greg hissed when he slid her jeans and panties down to her thighs.

  Snapping out of her haze, Nadia couldn’t help but grin as she imagined what he was seeing at the moment. “Surprise, I was going to come in here today and demand that you guys fuck me. I figured if this wasn’t enough proof I’m well enough for sex then nothing is. Too bad you had to go and ruin my plans,” Nadia teased. Not that she was complaining. They could ruin all of her plans if this was the result.

  “Jesus, baby,” Greg said as he lightly pulled on the plug in her bottom. “You have no idea how sexy you look right now. Have you had this in all day?”

  There was no way Nadia could respond through the waves of pleasure flowing through her body with each pull of the plug. She had experimented with anal sex only once before, and the experience hadn’t been pleasant. This was so much better. Just having the plug in easily topped her previous attempt. Nadia had inserted the plug right before she left the doctor’s office, and it had taken all of her willpower to not pull over on the side of the road and finger herself. Every bump in the road seemed to cause the plug to shift, sending pleasure from her ass straight to her pussy. Needless to say her panties were soaked by time she had arrived home.

  Nadia wanted all three men to take her at the same time. Just the thought of trying it scared her to death, but she was willing to give it a try. If she was going to be with all three of her men, she didn’t want to limit herself or them. She didn’t want to always have to take them one at a time.

  Nadia hissed when Greg spread her ass apart and pulled at the plug again. “Oh God, Greg, please.”

  “Please what?”

  “Stop torturing me and fuck my ass already!” she shouted.

  Nadia should have been embarrassed at her behavior or the words coming out of her mouth, but need was all she felt at the moment. She was going to spontaneously combust if she didn’t get relief soon. Greg let out a deep sexy laugh but didn’t say anything. Instead, he moved away, and Nadia felt disappointment until she saw he was removing his jeans.

  Steve and Jackson seemed to take the hint also and began taking off their clothes as well. As soon as they were all naked, Jackson lay on his back on the bed.

  “Come on up her
e, baby,” he said in a horse whisper.

  It was good to see she wasn’t the only one affected. She didn’t need to be told twice. Nadia crawled over him as he held his cock straight up and slowly slid him inside of her pussy, not stopping until she rested in his lap. “So good,” she moaned as she stilled to give herself time to adjust to his size. Her muscles clamped around him tightly, and Nadia knew all it would take was a few strokes for her to come.

  She tensed when she felt Greg climb behind her and gently ease the plug out of her. Although she was beyond ready for him, her nerves were attempting to make their presence known.

  “Relax, baby,” Greg whispered, running his hands soothingly down her back. “I promise I won’t hurt you. You’ve already done the hard part.”

  She watched over her shoulder as Greg grabbed a bottle of lube and poured some in his palm. He rubbed it on his shaft, which was rock hard and purple on the tip, showing her she wasn’t the only one in desperate need at the moment. Nadia was temporarily distracted from Greg when she felt a hand in her hair and turned to see Steve kneeling at her side. He had his dick in his hand, slowly stroking it. The clear drip of fluid on the tip had Nadia’s mouth watering as she leaned down to lick it off. His salty taste flooded her tongue, and she eagerly sucked the head of his cock into her mouth.

  “Oh yeah, just like that.” Steve groaned. “God, honey, that feels so good. Your mouth is so hot.”

  Nadia felt her pride swell knowing she had reduced Steve to babbling. Jackson wasn’t any better off. He had his eyes squeezed shut, and she could tell he was clenching his teeth by the way the muscles in his jaw flexed. It was her turn to groan when she felt Greg slowly ease himself into her ass until he was buried deep. There was a slight burning sensation at first, and Nadia had to force herself to stay relaxed until it passed. Soon all she felt was the urge to move. She reached back and patted Greg’s thigh, and just as she suspected, he took it as permission and slowly withdrew. As he pushed back in, Jackson alternated the movement and withdrew from her pussy.

  The guys took turns, setting a rhythm in which Nadia always had a cock deep inside her. Her senses became overwhelmed when Steve joined in by wrapping his hands in her hair and holding her still as he fucked her mouth. He matched his pace with Jackson and Greg, and soon, all four of them were moaning and panting. With the guys taking control, there was nothing for Nadia to do but feel. She felt her orgasm building and knew it was going to be extreme. She focused on the building heat between her legs and eased her hand between her and Jackson’s stomachs, circling her swollen clit with two fingers.

  Nadia had no idea how she did it, but she somehow forced herself not to orgasm until she felt the guys start to lose their rhythm. When Jackson and Greg slammed into her at the same time, there was no holding back. Nadia released Steve’s cock from her mouth and screamed out as she came. She felt her vaginal muscles clenching with each pulse of her orgasm. That seemed to set off a chain reaction because Jackson gripped her hips and stilled as he came, followed by Greg, who moaned through gritted teeth. When Nadia turned to focus on Steve, she found him stroking his cock at a furious pace. She was just in time to watch as he hissed and ropes of thick white cum spurted from the tip of his cock, landing on the bed.

  Nadia collapsed onto Jackson’s chest, exhausted. She panted for breath as though she had just run a marathon. One that I would gladly run again and again if it always feels this good. Being used on all three ends was the best feeling in the world. There was no way she could do what they had just done on a daily basis, but Nadia definitely had no problems trying. These guys are going to be the death of me was her last thought as she slowly drifted off to sleep.


  Nadia was trying her best to hold back tears. She needed to be strong for Addison. She didn’t want her daughter to see how distressed she was. If that happened, things would go downhill from there. She already had the feeling Addison knew she was holding on by a thread as it was. The only thing keeping her together was the fact that Jackson was going to be right down the hallway from the tiny girl. The small private school that Jackson taught at included grades from kindergarten to twelve, allowing him to be at the same school as Addison.

  Nadia squeezed Addy’s hand to comfort her as they walked slowly toward the door. She felt a squeeze in her other hand and gave Jackson a nervous smile. Be strong, be strong, be strong was the mantra that she chanted over and over in her head. She looked back to make sure Greg and Steve were still there and smiled to see they looked just as nervous as she was. At least she wasn’t the only one. It wasn’t every day that the girl she had grown to love and considered a daughter started school.

  In the five years since Addison had been born, she had never spent a day apart from Nadia, aside from the first week of her life. Today would be the first. Because Jackson had a little pull since he taught seventh and eighth grade at the school, he was able to get Addison in the class of the best kindergarten teacher there. They’d had her over for dinner the night before, and Addison loved her. That was the one thing holding Nadia together at the moment. She couldn’t stand it if Addison ended up with a teacher that was mean or didn’t really connect with the students. She had even gone as far as researching home schooling. That was where the guys drew the line.

  “You are going to have so much fun, baby,” Nadia said, kneeling down in front of Addison. “Your uncle will be right down the hallway, and I will be right outside to pick you up when school is over.”

  Addison smiled and patted her shoulder. “It’s okay, Nadia. I’m sure you will find something to do while I’m gone.” She turned and went into the room then, straight over to a girl who was sitting alone.

  Nadia heard Addison introduce herself and ask the other girl’s name. She watched as they began talking as though they were already best friends.

  “See, honey?” Jackson whispered in her ear. “I told you everything would be okay. Nothing to worry about.”

  Nadia knew he was right, and she did feel better seeing Addison making friends. No parent wanted to know their baby had no friends or, God forbid, was picked on at school.

  “Now we have to find something for you to do during the day. I have a feeling you will go crazy with nothing to do,” Steve said behind her.

  Nadia smiled. She had been waiting for the right time to tell the guys her news. No time like the present.

  “Actually, I have something to do. I have a feeling I’m going to be quite busy for the next nine months,” she said as she walked away from the guys.

  By the time she’d made it to the car, the guys had caught up with her like she’d known they would. She wasn’t surprised to see Jackson standing there as well, even though it was time for school to start.

  “Are you serious? Are you really pregnant?” Greg asked.

  When she nodded, he picked her up and swung her around laughing the whole time.

  “Put her down, Greg. Are you crazy? You shouldn’t be swinging her around like that in her condition.” Steve moved Nadia away from Greg when he put her down.

  He tucked her under his arm and held her tight. When Steve kissed her, Nadia felt the joy pouring off of him. She looked over to Jackson to see a huge grin on his face. He didn’t have to say anything for her to know he was happy as hell. All she wanted was for them to be as happy as they’d made her for the last five years. Greg lifted her again and carried her around to the passenger side of the car. He gently sat her down in the seat. Nadia had to suppress her smile.

  Ever since her incident with Addison’s father five years before, the guys had been obsessively protective of her and Addison. Nadia had a feeling her pregnancy announcement was going to push them over the top. Although she would never admit it out loud to the guys, she wouldn’t take them any other way. They were her family, and nothing was going to change that. Now they were going to add to that family, and she couldn’t have been happier about it.

  Nadia wished her parents were around, but they’d made the
ir opinions clear when her relationship with three guys became public. She missed her parents, even though their relationship hadn’t been that great to begin with. They were still her parents though, and Nadia wasn’t opposed to them being in her and the baby’s life. If they ever decided to open their closed-off minds, she would welcome them with open arms. They had a lot of changing to do though. Looking at her three guys all slapping each other on the backs congratulating each other, Nadia rubbed her belly and thought anything was possible.




  I was born and raised in Nashville, Tennessee and have a degree in mortuary science. I am a single mother of a very active young son and was blessed to be able to take off work and become a stay at home mom when he was born. When I am not driving him to soccer, karate or one of the many activities that he participates in, you can find me curled up reading a romance novel, watching a movie, or writing.

  For all titles by Keyonna Davis, please visit

  Siren Publishing, Inc.




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