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A Promise of Passion

Page 3

by M. E. Nesser

  She was beyond adorable the first day of class. I couldn’t get her to look me in the eyes, because she seemed so nervous around me. I seriously couldn’t figure her out, but I was determined to find out more about this mysterious girl who occupied so many of my nighttime fantasies. I was so desperate to gaze into her dark brown eyes and have her look back at me. I could hardly control my excitement. No matter what I said or did, however, she looked at anything but me. I kept staring at her, because I wanted her to see how interested I was. I needed to know if she felt any of the feelings that I was feeling. I was so infatuated with this girl that I could barely function. It really made no sense, since we hadn’t spent any time together outside of the science room. My attraction to her seemed unreasonable, if I thought about it logically, but I had never felt so attracted to anything or anyone in my entire life. I loved the way she dressed and the way she smelled. I had to touch her. God, did I have to touch her.

  I’ll never forget the first time I saw her. I was in the cafeteria line, and she was sitting by herself, sucking on the end of a pen and reading a textbook. All I could think of was that she was sucking on something on me. It could have been my finger, my mouth—or practically any body part. I would have been the happiest boy in the whole world. I felt like I would die if I couldn’t feel her mouth on me. My longing for her was desperate. I wanted and needed something from this girl that I had never experienced before. I knew from the moment I first saw her that she had the ability to own my heart.

  Sadly, she didn’t seem to notice me. It wasn’t until many weeks after our physics lab started that I realized she felt the same attraction and intensity that I did. I wish we had realized how strong our attraction was earlier, but I have to believe that everything happens for a reason, and that our connection wasn’t supposed to happen until it did. The moment we realized that we were attracted to each other was the most incredible moment in my entire life.

  So here we were, sitting at a small table in a physics lab, and our hands touched. That small touch made my heart stop and my breath get choked up in my lungs. I didn’t think it was possible that a touch from a girl could make me feel that way. It almost felt like a bolt of electricity had passed between us. It was so exciting and so stimulating that I had to throw my sweatshirt over my midsection so she didn’t see how hard she had made me.

  Everything about this girl aroused me. Unfortunately, there’s a fine line between being excited and being uncomfortable or embarrassed. I couldn’t help but examine everything about her in detail. She was just so beautiful. I found myself loving everything about her. Even her scent made my cock twitch. It was so embarrassing being a teenage boy; the slightest thing could make me hard. Every time I looked at Katie, I could feel myself getting thicker and harder. It was embarrassing as hell. I had never felt this kind of lust before, even when I was watching porn or reading Playboy magazine. Katie was the most intense aphrodisiac I had ever experienced, and I knew that I would die if I didn’t get a chance to touch her.

  As I was trying to disguise my growing appendage, I wondered what kind of effect I was having on her. Was she getting as wet between her legs as I was getting hard between mine? Did she feel the same longing I felt? Did she want to touch me as badly as I wanted to touch her? Damn, I had to find out.


  Every time we were together, I would learn new things about him. He said it was tough transferring to a new school his junior year. I couldn’t imagine having to change high schools half way through. It had to be really scary for him. He was nervous about making friends and fitting in. His father got a promotion, which was why they moved. His dad was an engineer and he couldn’t pass up the opportunity in Connecticut. Bryce had lived in Delaware since he was born, and he begged his dad to let him stay there to finish high school. Since Bryce was such a good squash player, his parents convinced him that the school in Connecticut would be a better place for him to play. And it sounded like it was the right decision, because Georgetown was already interested in him.

  There would be times when I would space out when he was talking, because I would be so overwhelmed by his presence. Often I found myself focusing on his masculine smell and the sound of his husky voice. I really wanted to know what it felt like to hug him. If I didn’t touch this boy soon, I knew I would explode. I could tell he was often staring at me, but sometimes I was way too nervous to look back at him, because I was embarrassed by what I was thinking. I started wearing lightweight clothes on lab days, because I found myself sweating more when I was around him.

  One day, he told me that he had an out-of-town squash tournament over the weekend and wouldn’t have time to do the homework. He asked me if we could get together to get ahead on our assignment. I thought I had died and gone to heaven. Extra time with him was a dream come true. We decided to meet at my house after school. Both of my folks worked until at least six every night, so I knew we would be alone for at least a little while. I couldn’t distinguish between my fear and my excitement. I couldn’t eat a thing all day, because my stomach was in knots.

  He showed up at my house around five fifteen, after squash practice. We only had about half an hour before my mom came home, but I knew I would savor every second of that time together. I was alone in my house for an hour before he got there, and I thought I was going to combust. Bryce was going to be in my house: holy shit! I checked that my hair was combed, my teeth were brushed, the little makeup I wore was fresh—and that my underwear was clean. I couldn’t believe how often I’d had to change my underwear this year. Every time I got near Bryce, my undies would get sticky and wet, and I could smell an unfamiliar musky odor. I was afraid that other people could smell it, too, and my panties would get so uncomfortable that I couldn’t take them off quick enough. All of these sexual feelings were new to me. I wasn’t sure how to deal with the pressure between my legs—the tingling sensation was kind of exciting, but it made concentration difficult. I wasn’t sure how to make it go away, and to be honest, I wasn’t sure I wanted to. I had so many unanswered questions about sex and relationships, but I sure as hell wasn’t going to ask anyone.

  I didn’t know how to quell this electricity in my loins. I knew what masturbation was; I just wasn’t sure exactly how to do it. Sometimes I’d rub myself down there, but it made me feel embarrassed, even though I was always alone when I tried it. One of these days, I was going to get the courage to ask Janey questions about sex. I just wasn’t ready yet. I was enjoying keeping my budding relationship with Bryce a secret. I knew I shouldn’t feel ashamed for how my body was responding to Bryce—or at least that’s what I’d tell myself—but I was, a little. Still, if I ever got the chance to make out with him, I was sure that the sensations would be amazing. I couldn’t wait. Everything I was feeling was so intense and exciting that I knew I’d die if I didn’t let it out soon.

  He walked into my house with his floppy hair wet and dripping from the shower. It didn’t look like he’d even toweled it off. He must have been anxious to get to my house, or at least that’s what I hoped. I can’t describe how fresh and clean he smelled, or how intoxicating his masculine scent was. Physics was the furthest thing from my mind. If only I could find the courage to put my lips against his.

  He walked into our kitchen and said, “Hey Katie, how are you doing?” That was probably the sexiest question ever asked. I didn’t even know how to respond. I thought about saying “Oh, I’m great. I feel sexually frustrated and probably need to change my panties again; I’ve been doing it several times a day since I met you.” Instead, I said, “I’m good.” And that was it. I didn’t ask him how his practice was. I didn’t ask him if he was hungry or thirsty. I just stared at him like an idiot. In fact, I became mute. God, I’m such an imbecile! I was so infatuated that I could hardly function, especially since we were alone.


  I’ve never wanted a squash practice to end as badly as I wanted this one to. All I could think of was going to Katie’s house and being alone with
her. I took the quickest shower of my life and rushed over, wiping the water out of my eyes as I drove because I had forgotten to dry my hair. I don’t think she had a clue how much I wanted to be alone with her. I prayed she felt the same way. She usually acted like I was just another kid in her class, but every once in a while it seemed like she might be interested in me. If she only knew how desperate I was to touch her…

  I walked into her kitchen with my hair dripping onto my shoulder. I couldn’t believe how wet it still was, but I couldn’t get to her house quick enough. She said her folks usually got home around six, and I wanted a little bit of time alone with her. I wondered if this would be the day I would get the courage to touch her or kiss her or ask her out or—something. She was like a siren luring me with her song. Except that her song was just her voice, and I knew she didn’t have a clue what it did to me. Oh Christ, Greek mythology class wasn’t helping my analogies at all.

  Katie seemed super nervous as I sat down at the table with her. I was at a total loss for words, so I just stared at her. She wouldn’t return my gaze, so I did the ballsiest thing I had ever done in my entire life. I touched her chin and lifted her head to gaze into her eyes. It felt like she was holding her breath, but I couldn’t tell because I could hardly breathe myself. That was when I said the words I’d been rehearsing the entire way to her house. I asked her if I could kiss her. I think my voice squeaked like a mouse, but at least I got it out.

  That moment changed both of our lives forever. Katie touched the side of my face gently, closed her eyes, and rested her lips against mine. This was the moment I had been dreaming about. We started kissing slowly. I pulled my chair closer to her, so she didn’t have to lean toward me. I felt our knee’s touching, and I liked that there was another part of my body touching her. At first, our kisses were light and gentle. They were like little butterfly kisses. There was a tenderness that made me ache for more. I felt dizzy from the rush of adrenaline running through my body. We rubbed our lips against each other, and I swear I could feel her smiling. I was too afraid to open my eyes and break the spell, so I just kept kissing her beautiful mouth.

  I don’t know how much time had passed, but we were both breathing more heavily as we tried different positions with our mouths and heads. I opened my mouth, hoping to explore what her tongue felt like. Not only did she let me, she opened her mouth and gave me her tongue in return. The inside of her mouth was wet and hot. It was so sexy. I never knew that touching another person’s tongue with my own could be so arousing. I loved the fact that she gave me her tongue. I licked it and gently sucked on it. She did the same in return. It felt like there was an electrical current that ran from my mouth to my loins. My dick was so hard that I thought I was going to explode in my jeans. This was better than I had ever dreamed.

  We kept kissing, the pressure of our mouths hard against each other and then soft. I licked her lips and her tongue. She licked me back. I suckled on her tongue a little harder, which felt really adventurous. I tried to not be too aggressive. I didn’t want to scare her or turn her off. When she suckled back, I thought I was going to explode. It was obvious that she was enjoying this as much as I was. I don’t think I could have been this horny if she had sucked on my cock. I was completely in awe of how exciting it felt to be sitting at her kitchen table kissing her. I was pretty sure I could have sat with her for hours simply exploring her beautiful mouth. The soft, moist heat from her lips and her tongue were making me crazy. Who would have thought that a girl sucking on your tongue could stimulate so many feelings between your legs? I could feel electricity passing through my entire body, not just my cock. It was the most amazing feeling in the world. There aren’t enough adjectives to explain how incredible kissing this girl was. I had made out with girls before, but I was totally confused about what I should do next. My head was fuzzy, and my loins were on fire.

  I have no idea how long we were kissing when I felt her pull her head away from me. She leaned back and looked at me with a new intensity, her hands cupping the side of my face. Her eyes were dark and full of passion; she had never looked at me like this before. After she knew she had my undivided attention, she said, “I’ve been waiting for you to kiss me for a long time.” Holy shit, was she kidding me? She’d been waiting for me to make the move. She’d wanted me to kiss her. This was more than a defining moment. This was the best fucking day of my life.


  Kissing Bryce for the first time was the most thrilling thing I had ever done. Nothing could have prepared me for the feel of his lips and his tongue against my mouth. It was, by far, the most stimulating experience I’d ever had. There were new feelings radiating through every part of my body. And talk about tingling between my legs? I couldn’t press my thighs together tightly enough to calm the throbbing sensation that pulsed inside of me. His lips were so soft and so wet. But it was a good wet, not a sloppy one. Andy Harmon had tried kissing me in the tenth grade, and there was so much saliva, I thought I was going to throw up in his mouth. The thought of French kissing Andy again was never an option, since I felt like I was drowning in a sea of slime when I tried making out with him that one time.

  In spite of how gross kissing Andy was, I had always wondered what another person’s tongue would feel like. It was different than I thought. It was so much better. Bryce’s tongue was soft and wet; it did things to my belly and between my legs that I couldn’t explain. When I sucked on his tongue, he made the sexiest noises. I imagined how it would be to suck on other parts of him, which made me even hornier. I wondered if he was thinking the same kind of thoughts. I have a feeling he probably was. All I knew was that I didn’t want it to end. For one fleeting moment, I actually prayed that I could spend the rest of my life kissing this beautiful guy.

  At one point, I opened my eyes and looked down to see the biggest bulge in his pants. My hands pulled at his hair, and I felt him drop his head back, close his eyes even tighter, and let out a little moan. I couldn’t help but stare at his crotch. I would have done anything to touch it for just a minute, but I was too embarrassed. I was also a little petrified by how big it looked. To be honest, I’d never seen a man’s penis in the flesh, so I wasn’t really sure what to expect. I’d glanced at a Playgirl once, but I’d felt funny looking at the pictures and closed the magazine as fast as I’d opened it. Now I was finally seeing one in person. It may have been hidden under his pants, but it was pretty obvious how big it was. It was such an exciting thing to witness, but it was unnerving. There was no way anything like that would ever fit into my body. That didn’t mean that there wasn’t a part of me that wanted to try.

  It was at that moment that I had to admit to my feelings for him. He looked so surprised when I did that I almost wanted to laugh, but I didn’t want anything to spoil the moment. I couldn’t tell you how long we sat there kissing. It seemed like forever. It also seemed like only a minute. All I knew for certain was that I never wanted it to end.

  We continued to sit in my kitchen chairs with just our mouths and knees touching when I heard our dog starting to bark. Oh my God, my mom was home. We both jumped and sat back in our chairs. It was obvious that we were both nervous and uncomfortable at the interruption. I saw him pull his sweatshirt over his crotch, and I squeezed my thighs together. I wiped my mouth in case there were any signs of kissing visible. I realized dimly that that didn’t make sense, but I definitely wasn’t thinking clearly.

  Moments later, I heard my mom walk in. She said hi to me and extended a hand and introduced herself to Bryce. He stood up, still trying nervously to cover his midsection with his sweatshirt. My mom didn’t seem to notice anything out of the ordinary, which was surprising—I felt like I was going to explode with embarrassment.

  Bryce excused himself. He told my mom that it was late and he was due home for dinner. My mom said again that it had been nice to meet him and turned away from us to start dinner. I was so grateful that she was oblivious to the whole situation in our kitchen. She noticed nothing. She we
nt about her mom duties and started pulling food out of the fridge.

  Bryce gathered up his books, said good-bye, and fled quickly. I excused myself and ran to my bedroom. I needed a minute to compose myself. It took much more than a minute.


  Katie’s mom coming home had to be one of the most mortifying moments in my life. Here I was, kissing her daughter with the biggest boner of my life between my legs. I tried so hard to will it to go away, but it wasn’t cooperating in the least. I knew I had to shake her extended hand. I also knew that I should be respectful and stand up, but I had to conceal how completely turned on I was. I know I’ve said it before, but being a guy totally sucks sometimes.

  I think I did a pretty good job of covering myself with my sweatshirt, but I’ll never know if she noticed. Katie was about ten shades of scarlet, and it was obvious that she was totally freaking out. I couldn’t tell if she was regretting kissing me, or if she was just feeling as overwhelmed as I was. I didn’t learn until later how extreme her feelings were for me. It was such a relief to know that the attraction wasn’t one-sided. The chemistry between us was real.


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