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Page 10

by Kristen Day

  “But Carmen’s alive! She shouldn’t be judged yet!” Phoebe cried out.

  “Unfortunately, if given the instruction they will judge any soul. I’m afraid someone had to give them the instruction to judge Carmen.”

  “Nadia,” I spit out without thinking.

  “That was actually my hypothesis. The Erinyes serve Persephone, which means they will also listen to the demands of Hades as well as Nadia.”

  “The next time I see her…” Anger flared in my heart as I contemplated how to subject the same amount of pain Nadia had inflicted onto her.

  “It would appear that Nadia must know something about Carmen that we do not. She would have had to instruct the Erinyes to judge her once she entered the Underworld. They can’t travel to this realm unless they are within a soul. I’m afraid that is who has taken her mind hostage.”

  “But Nadia doesn’t even know her!” Phoebe shouted. She stomped a foot, sending waves of sand rippling outward. “How does she know what Carmen has or hasn’t done?”

  “I wish I knew. Unfortunately, having Persephone as your mother gives you the opportunity to obtain information others cannot.”

  “This is bullshit!” Phoebe shouted. The sand beneath us quivered and I suddenly wondered how mad she would have to be to incite an earthquake. “Why are they torturing her!? If they’re supposed to judge her, why don’t they just get it over with and stop doing this to her?”

  “She must be resisting,” Finn sighed. “She’s not giving them the answers they require. They’ll do anything they deem appropriate to get their answers; injury, disease…madness. That’s their only intention: to find the truth.”

  “What do you think the purification ritual will do?” I asked, curiously watching Natasha and Elina unload small glass jars from a small burlap sack that Elina must have brought with her.

  “Hopefully dispel them from her body.” He contemplated, “But whether or not that will send them back to the Underworld and release her from judgment, we have no way of knowing.”

  “All three of them are in there?” Phoebe’s eyes widened. “No wonder she’s been screaming like a lunatic.”

  We continued to look on, as Natasha and Elina began their ritual by running their hands above Carmen’s body. Something dripped down from their hands onto her skin as they chanted in hushed voices with their eyes closed. Carmen was watching them with amusement, and a feeling of foreboding fell upon me.

  “Foolish witches,” Carmen hissed. “We have decided that the time for redemption has passed. She will come with us.”

  “No she won’t!” Phoebe howled. She lunged toward them, but Finn stopped her.

  “You cannot take her. Her body lives,” Natasha retorted calmly, eyes still closed.

  “We are the Erinyes!” Carmen bellowed with renewed conviction. “How dare you presume to know what we can and cannot do!” She sat up abruptly, somehow throwing Natasha and Elina several yards down the beach.

  As she grinned in satisfaction at Natasha and Elina, who were slowly being helped to their feet by Finn, I crept silently toward her. She snapped her head around at me when I was only inches away. I froze while she stared at me blankly, seemingly trying to decide if I was a threat.

  “Carmen!” I whispered loudly to her. “Carmen! I know you can hear me! You have to fight them! Don’t let them take you!”

  “It would be to your advantage if you’d leave her be, and allow us to do our will. This does not involve you,” she/they commanded; the voice layered and forced.

  “Carmen-“ I started, and quickly stopped when her eyes met mine. A wall of judgment slammed into me, crippling my resolve and taking my breath away. I discerned a snaking fire of molten lava surround my body and press at my mind. I quickly pushed it away and mentally blew it back outward. I glared back at her, or more specifically whatever was inside of her.

  “You will not penetrate my mind or my body,” I growled at them. A fire raced through my body and I felt the sand beneath me stir with my energy.

  “Watch me,” she countered with an evil grin. The fire squeezed around me again but instead of pushing it away, I concentrated on my own energy. It stretched outward from my body, creating something of a force field, repelling her advances. Feeling exhilarated and stronger than I ever had before, I met her eyes with confidence. Right before my world exploded.

  Images exploded across my mind; blinding me with a mirage of colors, places, and most predominately, people suffering. I attempted to push them away, but somehow the onslaught worsened. I actually felt the agony and pain of the judged souls; hear their pleading and failed attempts at persuasion. Finally, I was able to concentrate long enough to realize that I needed to pull my energy back, not the other way around.

  “Get out! Get out! Get out!” Carmen began to shriek over and over, this time in her own voice.

  I concentrated on bringing anything and everything ‘me’ back to my body. My energy rushed back into me with unmistakable force and the world spun. I collapsed in the sand beside Carmen and clutched her hand. Maybe, I could get through to her while she was still in control.

  “Carmen, please!” I squeezed her hand, “You have to fight them!”

  “I can’t,” she whimpered, her voice now weak with exhaustion.

  “You have to!” She screamed out in agony again; scratching at her skin as if attempting to pull the beings, or herself, from her body. I wrestled her arms away from her skin before she clawed herself to death when suddenly her body went limp and pale. Her blank eyes met mine slowly as the real Carmen started to shrink back inside herself.

  “They’re too strong,” she cried. “I deserve my fate.”

  Chapter 14

  “Stasia,” Natasha and Elina were now standing beside us, trying to pull me away from her.

  “No!” I yelled, pushing them away.

  “If she gives in, we must allow her to do so. It is her choice,” Elina stated calmly.

  “No! I won’t let her! You hear me Carmen!?” As my hysteria and desperation rose, the sand beneath us began to dance and shift again. Getting an idea, I slid my hands under her arms and began to drag her body towards the water’s edge.

  “Stasia, what are you doing?” Phoebe called to me.

  “Help me!” I instructed her. Whether it was my fierce tone or the determined look in my eye, she didn’t argue or ask questions. Once the gentle waves lapped at our feet, I sat down in the water and pulled Carmen’s body to me, so that her back was propped up against me.

  “Come on Carmen, you’re in the water. Pull from it. It’ll strengthen you. Concentrate on the way it makes you feel.” She continued to stare up at me blankly as Phoebe gently splashed water onto her face and shoulders. “It’ll help you fight them.”

  Another minute went by filled with blank stares before we saw any reaction or sign that she could hear us.

  “Stasia, look!” Phoebe exclaimed. I peeled my eyes from Carmen’s absent stare and I found what Phoebe was referring to. The water had started to vibrate around Carmen’s body ever so slightly. It slowly organized; sending small waves rolling outward. Excitement shone in Phoebe’s eyes as she watched.

  “You’re doing it, Carm!” she rejoiced. “Keep it up!”

  With no sounds or movements from Carmen, it was difficult to know what she was thinking or if she was even able to think. I was waiting for the moment when the three beings would come to the surface and decide to retaliate; potentially hurting me or Phoebe. I held her close in anticipation. Phoebe, however, was in full celebration mode. Tears of joy were running down her face, and she rotated from one side of Carmen’s body to the other several times. Just as I had feared, her joy turned out to be premature. Unfortunately the waves halted, and Carmen’s warm brown eyes darkened to a pitch black.

  “No! Carmen!” Phoebe yelled at her and shook her shoulders in panic. “Come back!”

  “She just isn’t strong enough,” I whispered, tears springing to my eyes. It was then that I noticed the p
icturesque woman walking towards us from the waves.

  “Allow me.”

  As she approached, I knew that she had to be a Nereid. Her dark skin was only a couple of tones lighter than her long, straight hair, which was a rich mahogany with chunks of black strands raining down throughout. Her dark, smoky eyes gave her an air of mystery and strength. She wore a dark blue dress that flowed behind her in the water. As she walked the waves become stronger and larger, clearly as affected by her presence as we were. It could only be Oreithya.

  Rendered speechless, I allowed her to take Carmen from me and into her arms. I pulled Phoebe back toward the beach and onto the sand with Finn. We watched on as Oreithya cradled Carmen in her arms and closed her eyes. A bright light flashed, and a massive wave echoed outward from where they were standing. Oreithya opened her eyes and smiled down at Carmen, who still appeared to be limp in her arms. She carried her to the beach and laid her gently on the sand.

  “Carmen?” Phoebe asked quietly. Her hands shook with fear as she reached down and touched her arm. Thudding footsteps behind us undoubtedly put me on the defensive, but I didn’t have time to protect us before Ricker had appeared.

  “What happened?!” Ricker fell onto the sand beside us, almost pushing us out of the way. I moved back and stood beside Finn as Ricker and Phoebe hovered over her. Her eyes were closed, but color had returned to her cheeks.

  “She is free of their grasp, but not of their judgment,” Oreithya told Finn with a respectful nod. I heard Willow’s sharp intake of breath when she realized who the newest arrival was.

  “And judgment shall be served,” an ominous voice added with malice. We all angled toward the voice and gasped. Three women now stood before us, watching us with impatience. Manifested in human form, I could feel the darkness they held within - they most certainly belonged to the Underworld. Their similarities were glaringly obvious. Their long black cloaks of velvet pooled at their feet, while large red amulets hung from silver necklaces; pulsing a deep, macabre red. Their hair touted every shade of red and orange; reminding me of a dancing flame.

  “Who are you?” Phoebe stood angrily and glared at them. “Is Nadia behind this?” I was taken aback by her sudden show of courage.

  “We are Tisiphone, Megaira, and Alekto,” one of the women announced with an old world accent. “We do not reveal who sent us.” Her golden eyes flickered bright yellow as she spoke.

  “Ricker? Phoebe?” Carmen’s weak voice was barely audible above the crashing of the waves, but most importantly it was her own. Phoebe returned to her side along with Ricker, who smoothed her hair back from her face. “Ricker…they know.”

  Ricker’s face paled as some form of recognition washed over him. Just as quickly, those pale features hardened with determination. The three women moved toward Carmen, but Ricker was already on his feet; blocking their path.

  “I am to blame,” he declared, lifting his chin with conviction. “I convinced her to do it.”

  “Ricker don’t…” Carmen attempted feebly.

  “Stupid boy!” Another of the women snapped. “The act cannot be disputed. It is the intent we seek. She will not disclose her own intentions.” She took a menacing step towards Ricker. “However, your own shame and ire are also telltale byproducts of guilt.”

  “No!” Carmen cried out, rolling onto her side to meet the eyes of the Erinyes. “He wanted it! He told me we could do it. He said it would be okay. But I…I talked him out of it. I convinced him that we were too young. I thought I could make it up to him after…” she cringed.

  “After you aborted your unborn child.” The third woman stated accusingly. I heard a collective gasp out of the onlookers as well as from my own mouth. Carmen had…an abortion? I couldn’t imagine how difficult that must have been for her, and how heavy of a burden that would be now. I had to admit her love/hate relationship with Ricker made more sense than ever now. She managed to sit up with Phoebe’s help. Her tired features contorted with undeniable fury.

  “I loved my unborn child! But the baby would have suffered!” Carmen spit at them. “We were only fifteen! We couldn’t provide for it! We weren’t equipped to give it all of the things it deserved, and we didn’t have a clue what to do!” She met Ricker’s eyes, full of despair. “I did it…out of love. I thought it would be for the best.”

  “Love,” The Erinyes repeated.

  “What do you know of love?” One of the Erinyes scoffed; her yellow eyes flashing.

  “I know what love is!” Carmen yelled at her.

  “Your choices since then do not support that claim,” she raised an eyebrow.

  “My choices?” Carmen shrunk back in shame. Her defensives crumbled visibly, softening her features and causing tears to collect in her eyes. She placed a hand over her heart in defense. “My choices were to protect myself. I just wanted to be normal! I wanted to go on dates like everybody else, and act like my biggest problem was what to wear on my date Friday night. But I knew…it wasn’t real. I didn’t really like any of those guys I went out with.”

  “You cannot alter events that have occurred. The consequences must be attended to.”

  “I know that!” She sobbed in earnest as her gaze darted to Ricker. “It just felt good to…be in control. It made me feel strong. At least it would for a little while. And then I would just go back to being scared and confused. I didn’t know how to deal with it! It’s not like the library has a ‘Dealing with Abortion for Dummies’ book.” She tried to grin at her own joke, but it didn’t reach her eyes. My heart was breaking for her. Coming from a history of violence and upheaval, I still could not imagine the extent of her pain and suffering. I also thought about my initial resistance to my stepmother’s direction to go on the pill for regulation of my period. I hadn’t really thought of it in the sense of actual pregnancy control until now.

  “You cannot avoid what happened any longer,” the same Erinye replied. “The time has come for you to decide if you can use your pain for good, or if you will let it destroy you. We are here for the latter.” I caught the snide grin that played on her lips and shivered.

  “I’ll use it for good, I promise,” Carmen pleaded weakly.

  “And we’ll help her!” Phoebe stepped forward a little too quickly, almost tripping over her own feet. The Erinyes looked at each other and closed their eyes. They remained that way for several minutes as we all looked at each other apprehensively. Finally, they opened their eyes and gazed upon Carmen with resignation. “Truth and remorse. That is all we ever required of you. Many times the self-inflicted punishment of one’s own soul is harsher than any appointed retribution. Your intentions are virtuous. Our judgment is one of renunciation.”

  “Thank you,” Carmen whispered as exhaustion took hold of her body. She slumped back down onto the sand as they continued.

  “The soul of your unborn child will be extricated from the Vale. She will await your arrival among the Asphodel Meadows.”

  “She…” Ricker repeated quietly, his eyes filling with tender happiness.

  With that, the Erinyes promptly disappeared, leaving us drunk with relief and elation. Silent tears trickled down Ricker’s cheeks as Carmen rose to her feet with the help of Phoebe. She gingerly took his hand and smiled. “I loved our unborn child. And…I love you. I always have and I always will.”

  Ricker’s light blue eyes gazed into hers and joy washed over him. “I love you, too.” He pulled her close and kissed her with obvious devotion. “Having you and knowing that she’s waiting for us - when we die - gives me every reason I need…to live.”

  Phoebe smothered them both in a sloppy hug as Finn put his arm around me and squeezed me tight. His smoldering blue eyes gazed down at mine full of affection, weakening every ounce of willpower I possessed. Having both he and Carmen return to us was almost too much to accept. Happiness exploded in my heart and flooded my soul.

  “May I have a moment?” Oreithya asked me cordially; her dark eyes shining. She took my hand and led me away fro
m the group. Her touch felt like the soothing rhythm of the tide, and her voice reminded me of a symphony.

  “You show the courage and loyalty of a great leader.” She held my hand, palm up, in hers and stepped in front of me. A ray of gratitude sliced through me when it dawned on me what she was doing. She closed her eyes and smiled ever so slightly. I noted the others halting their conversations to pay attention to Oreithya’s display of approval. My hand tingled and the glittery puddle condensed on my palm. Just as before, it hovered in the air and then burst. “Echete Epilexei.”

  “Thank you,” I nodded graciously, and then remembered something that I had been wondering about. “What does Echete Epilexei mean?” She cupped my cheek with her hand and smiled at me lovingly.

  “It is Greek for ‘You are Chosen’,” she clarified with a wink. Well that made sense.

  Next, Oreithya approached the still fragile Carmen and embraced her in a hug. “Take care of yourself, daughter. You have been through so much. You deserve true happiness.” She raised an eyebrow at Ricker and grinned slyly.

  “I can’t ever thank you enough, Oreithya.” Carmen hugged her again. “It is such an honor to meet you.”

  “What was all that about?” Willow and Phoebe whispered to me curiously, pulling me aside with excitement.

  “She Chose me,” I smiled proudly. “That makes thirty-eight Nereids.”

  “That’s what the gathering was for?” Phoebe gasped.

  “They each have to Choose me before I can join their sisterhood,” I explained.

  “That’s unbelievable,” Willow breathed. I gave them a brief summary of the gathering, the spiti of Achilles, and the variety of Nereids I had met. Finally, I relayed Laneira and Psamanthe’s messages to them.

  “I can’t believe she knows who I am,” Phoebe muttered in awe.

  “I got the feeling they know each and every one of their descendents, even though they aren’t present in their lives,” I contemplated.


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