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Hold On to Me

Page 4

by Lucia Franco

  The first time she noticed Ben, there was a dark and dangerous aura surrounding him that drew her in. His dark brown eyes pierced right through her, causing lust to swirl inside. Alyssa couldn’t help the feeling streaming through her and that lip ring of his caught her attention when he pulled it into his mouth.

  “I’m plotting to take out my archenemies from afar.”

  “Funny girl,” he said, leaning against the wall and crossing his legs.

  “Oddly enough, I kind of like it.” Not wanting to face the crowd, she was sitting under the overhang with her back to everyone lost in her school work until Ben showed up.

  Trying to avoid that awkward silence, she asked, “What do you people do for fun around here? I haven’t had a chance to really get out and explore.”

  Ben blew out a loud breath. “Not much to be honest. It’s boring as fuck around here. I guess some work on the weekend at their family’s farms, they get jobs outside of town, or they sit in a field and drink beer with friends. Some go hunting, and some swim down by the river. There isn’t really much to do.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Wow … that is boring.” She went from swimming in the most sought after beaches to swimming in a river?

  “You’re telling me,” he smirked. “If you want, I can take you for a drive and show you around town.” He took out a paper and pen and scribbled his cell phone number down and handed it to her.

  “That would take all of what? Five minutes?” She did the same and handed Ben her cell number.

  “Funny girl,” Ben chuckled. Alyssa finally got a good look at him, starting with his lip ring. She never had a boyfriend that had piercings before, and she wondered if Ben had any tattoos now. They seemed to go hand in hand. Ben’s tongue slipped out and licked it, pulling it into his mouth.

  “It didn’t hurt,” he said.


  “My lip ring that you’re staring at, it didn’t hurt in case you wanted to know.”

  Heat rose to her cheeks. Ben looked so deeply into her eyes that she had to fight the urge not so squirm under his gaze. Her body simmered, her heart beat faster. She could tell he was temptation … and she liked it. Alyssa had a few casual boyfriends in the past, but Ben was the kind of boy you didn’t bring home, the one a father would warn you to stay away from.

  But she didn’t have a father to remind her of that.

  “What did your parents say about your lip ring?”

  Ben huffed, his jagged smile tightening her stomach. “Mom took off when I was a kid so it’s just been me and my dad. Let’s just say he wasn’t too fond of it and tried to rip it out a few times.”

  Alyssa’s eyes widened.

  “Don’t worry about it—he didn’t get very far since he was drunk and shit.”

  “What does he say now since you still have it?”

  Ben shook his head. “Nothing. He put his hands on me, so I put mine on him. It was only fair. He hasn’t fucked with me since.” Ben shrugged it off. “Have any plans this weekend?”

  “Yeah—she does. With me.” That southern voice commanded attention more so than Ben’s did.

  “I should have known,” Ben sneered.

  “Why don’t you take a hike?” John suggested.

  “I actually don’t have any plans, but I’m looking for a job,” she interrupted.

  “I’ll see you around, Alyssa. Maybe this weekend I can help with your job search,” Ben winked and then left.

  John watched Ben walk away, his skin crawling. He heard from people around town that Ben’s father raised him with an iron fist and a splash of vodka.

  “You need to stay away from him. He’s bad news.”

  The last thing Alyssa wanted was to be told what to do. “So you’ve said. Why don’t you let me be the one to decide that?”

  “I’m serious, Alyssa. I’ve heard things.”

  “He didn’t seem so bad to me.”

  “That’s because you don’t know any better yet.”

  She ignored his last comment. “What are you doing here anyway?” she asked incredulously.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well, I just figured you would be with your friends.”

  “You are my friend.” He stated plainly. “Why aren’t you trying to make friends?”

  “I just tried to make a new friend, but you told me to stay away from him.” Alyssa shrugged. “Besides, what’s the point? Every time I make friends and get comfortable I have to up and move.”

  “Why do you guys move around so much anyways?”

  “My mom can’t stay in one spot too long or else she gets antsy. It doesn’t help that she’s a serial dater either. All her relationships seem to end on a bad note and she feels the need to move when that happens.”

  John laughed. “What relationships end on a good note, though?”

  “Well, some people have amicable splits, but that’s not the point. The point is, she moves with each break up. It’s ridiculous. Who does that? She swears this is it though, that we’re not moving this time.”

  “If you had the chance would you move back to California?”

  Alyssa pursed her lips together and thought about John’s question. “I’m not sure … probably not. I guess I could live on my own if she wants to move again, but it’s always just been me and her, you know? I kind of want to stay in one spot and just live each day without worry.”

  He nodded. “That’s kind of how the people are down here. Laid back and easy going.”

  She smiled. “So I’ve noticed.”

  John laughed. “How do you like this campus so far? It’s small in comparison to other community colleges, but that’s what I like about it.”

  Alyssa shrugged, enjoying the natural flow of conversation. “It’s alright I guess. It gives me some sort of constancy, so I’m happy about that …” she trailed off. “What’s your major? Or have you changed it already?”

  John offered her some French fries. She took a few. “I’ve been thinking about enlisting in the Marines. My dad served. I actually just took my ASVAB test, and I’m waiting to hear back on that. So rather than enroll in a big college and spend all that money, go in to debt, I picked a small CC. And my mom is sick, so I’d like to stay close to home just in case. But then if I join the Marines, I wouldn’t be home much, would I?” John wasn’t sure why he was opening up to Alyssa the way he was, and it caught him by surprise.

  Alyssa’s brows pinched together. “Your mom is sick?”

  John grew quiet and looked Alyssa directly in the eyes. “She has Multiple Sclerosis.”

  Alyssa slowly swallowed the last of her fries. Despite his teasing nature, John seemed like he had a good heart with his family being important to him.

  “Aren’t you afraid you’ll be shipped off to war? The Middle East isn’t looking too good right now.”

  “When are they ever?” he quirked. “And to answer your question, no, I’m not really scared … I mean, I am, but I think anyone who serves secretly fears war in some way. They just never admit it. How could you not fear? You’re literally risking your entire life once you step off that plane.” He paused. “Actually, I take that back. It’s once you join, from the beginning is when you’re risking your life. It’s a hard pill to swallow.”

  “That’s very admirable of you.” She smiled softly, and stole a couple more fries. “Do you know what you want to do if you enlist?” Alyssa couldn’t believe she was having a conversation with John the way she was. It was completely unlike her to delve deep into someone’s life, especially someone she met recently.

  “Well, my family was in aviation, so I was thinking of going down that path if I can, but it just depends on my scores and where I place.”

  Tilting her head to the side, Alyssa took in John’s features. He had the most incredible eyes she’d ever seen. Ivy green with hints of golden yellow. They were honest and straightforward. She didn’t want to stare, but it was difficult to tear her gaze away. They were beautiful. Complemented with his
olive skin and narrow nose and square jaw line, John was incredibly attractive.

  And that stupid dimple under his mouth really got to her. His lips looked soft and plump, and she found herself wondering what they would feel like against hers. A smile crept slowly across his face, and Alyssa realized she had been caught.

  “Oh my God,” she said, heat rushing to her cheeks. “You caught me staring at you. How embarrassing.”

  “It’s all good. I stare at you too, only I don’t get caught.” He winked, his gaze drifting to her lips. They looked soft, plush and he wondered how they would feel on his.

  “Hey,” she said, breaking his stare. “You have another dimple by your eye. I didn’t notice that before.”

  “That’s because you’re too busy staring at my mouth, probably wondering if I’m a good kisser or not.”

  Alyssa picked up a fry and threw it at John. “I was not!”

  He dodged it. “Yeah, right. If you’re lucky, I’ll let you find out.”

  “Oh, you are just so full of yourself, country boy. And who said I wanted to find out anyway?”

  “You didn’t have to, your eyes—“

  “John!” a female voice carried in the wind, cutting him off.

  John turned around. “Hey, Sarah.” Sarah ogled John as she sauntered over to him. Her hips swayed as if she was on the cat walk, her pouty red lips and mountain of cleavage were the only things that he could seem to focus on.

  “Have you met Alyssa?”

  Sarah looked at Alyssa as if she had no idea she was even there. “Hi.”

  “Hey,” Alyssa responded, and Sarah focused her attention back on John. “I’ve been trying to find you. Are you heading home soon? I usually ride with Chelsea but she wants to stay in the library and study, and I have to work today. Any way you can give me a lift home?”

  Alyssa’s mouth gapped open. Did Sarah even take a breath with all of that?

  “Yeah, that’s cool. Are you ready now?”

  Sarah batted her eyelashes at John. “I’m ready when you are.”

  Looking at Alyssa, John said, “I’ll be back when your class is over to get you.” The way he said sugar was like warm honey rolling over her.

  “It’s okay—I can call my mom.” The last thing she wanted to do was inconvenience him.

  “I’ll be back to get you. Later, sugar,” he stated, leaving Alyssa gawking in his dust.

  A few minutes before class let out, Alyssa felt a vibration coming from her back pocket. Pulling out her phone, she spotted two text messages—one from her mother apologizing for not waking sooner to drive her to school, and the other from Yours Truly.

  Yours Truly? Oh, just wait until she got her hands on him.

  Yours Truly: Meet me in the courtyard.

  She stepped out of class and walked to the front of the school and around the maze of people conversing with one another until she spotted the tall dirty blonde head she was looking for. With a good-natured shove, John stumbled.

  “Yours truly?” she said, holding up her phone.

  John spun around, a huge grin plastered on his face as he pinned her with his incandescent eyes. “I knew you’d like it. I have you as Babe in mine”

  “In your dreams, country boy. I’m changing it.”

  John reached over to snatch the phone from her hands. “Alyssa … you better not!” he laughed as he held it high and out of her reach. Her tiny little body was pressed into his as she tried to wrestle the phone from his hands. As aggravated as she appeared to be with him, a little laugh rolled off her lips.

  “John, you better stop! Give me back my phone!”

  “Only if you leave it.”

  “No way!”

  “Then you can’t have it back.”

  Alyssa jutted her hip out. “Stop acting like a ten year old and give me my phone.”

  “Promise to leave it?”

  She gritted her teeth behind her smile. “Yes.”

  He plopped it in her hand. “Come on. I’ll give you a lift home.” Turning to Ford and Jace, John said, “I’ll hit ya’ll up later.” They looked at him as if he’d spoken a foreign language. John just shook his head, a smile dancing across his face.

  John pulled Alyssa to his side as they began walking to his truck. He gave a light squeeze to her shoulder and she leaned into him almost perfectly, fitting in like a missing puzzle piece. He questioned himself about her. What was it that drew him in, aside from her beauty and smart mouth? At times she appeared drawn and closed off, other times she was all smiles and a breath of fresh air. Most of the time he felt like girls only wanted to be his friend because of who is brother is, but Alyssa didn’t seem to care about Luke’s status. Or maybe it was because she didn’t care for country music either?

  John opened the driver’s side door and Alyssa climbed in, scooting over to the passenger seat. Their movements felt natural, like they had been doing it for years … and she liked it. Strangely, she found reliability in John. The one thing she wanted. Like roots that couldn’t be cut. She couldn’t quite place it, but he called out to her silently and she took the bait.

  After a few songs played on the radio, they were pulling into her driveway.

  Turning to John, she said, “Thanks again for the lift.”

  “I told you it was no problem.”

  “See you later.” Alyssa smiled, and stepped out of John’s truck. She slammed the door shut and stepped to leave.


  “What are you …” she trailed off as John walked around the front of his truck, his eyes never leaving hers. She took two steps back and he pressed her against the door with his body.

  He had to. John had to kiss her, or at least see if she wanted to kiss him the way he did her. Her kissable lips were begging for his. He knew it was crazy, but he didn’t care.

  John rested his forearm above her head on the hood of his truck while he tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. He hovered above her mouth, breathing quietly and taking her in. She was so beautiful. Something about Alyssa stirred John deep inside and it scared him. Maybe it was her feisty attitude combined with her tough demeanor underneath her pretty soft skin that got to him. Maybe it was her sparkling blue eyes.

  Maybe he didn’t care what it was as long as he was near her.

  “Tell me you want to kiss me, because I sure as hell want to,” he drawled, and it was sexy as hell.

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea,” she whispered against his lips.

  John didn’t move. “Why’s that?”

  “Because nothing good can come from a kiss?”

  His eyes danced with trouble. “Says who? If that’s the case, then you aren’t being kissed right because a lot of good things can come from a kiss, honey. Trust me,” he said huskily, pressing his hips into her.

  “While that may be true,” she held him tighter. “I don’t know if it’s a good idea.”

  “May I? I promise to make it worth it,” John whispered when she didn’t answer, caressing her jaw with his thumb. He was just inches from her mouth.

  Her lips tingled, her heart thumped against her chest. Alyssa became immobilized under him. Her eyes drifted closed waiting for his mouth to descend. And then, soft lips blanketed her parted ones. She nearly sighed at the feel of John’s warm mouth on hers. He tilted his head to the side and sealed every inch of her mouth with his as he held both sides of her jaw.

  John nipped at her lips, pulling then kissing, but not delving in as much as his dick was telling him to. His tongue slipped out and danced across, sneaking in here and there. His blood was simmering and his heart was pounding from wanting more than what she was giving.

  Slowly opening his eyes, John looked for her sparkling blues, but they were closed. Alyssa’s black lashes rested against her flushed cheeks as he continued to drop kisses to her mouth.

  Grazing across her lips, he whispered, “See you tomorrow.”

  Alyssa was breathless as she walked away, unable to form words. She’d never been k
issed in such a simple, yet sensual, way before that left her with goose bumps. It was electric and wild.

  As crazy as it sounded, she wanted to feel his lips on her again, and soon. Alyssa stood still watching John drive away, a cloud of dirt flying up behind his truck with a smile so big her cheeks hurt.

  Later that night, long after the sun set and her class work was completed, Alyssa struggled with falling asleep. She worried about finding a job, but was at ease knowing she was finally being able to settle in one place. Throughout her jumbled thoughts, she kept drifting back to John. She hadn’t been expecting his kiss, but oh did she like it. It was a blend of temptation and desire, taunting her with what he was capable of. Just thinking about it caused a tingle to run down her spine.

  Breaking her thoughts, Alyssa’s phone chimed. Her heart fluttered at the name and she slid her finger across the screen swiftly.

  Yours Truly: That kiss was a mistake.

  Alyssa shook her head, her heart dropping into her stomach. That kiss had been on her mind all afternoon and into the evening. Her lips tingled just thinking about it. She knew she should have told him no earlier.

  Before she had a chance to respond, her phone chimed again.

  Yours Truly: Because one kiss isn’t enough. I want more.

  Her heart melted. She wasn’t expecting that.

  Too bad. That’s all you get.

  Yours Truly: We’ll see about that.

  Alyssa reread her reply. Even in text form she knew it was a lie. If he wanted to kiss her again, she would probably allow it.

  Actually, there was no probably—she would without hesitation.

  Yours Truly: Do you have plans this weekend?

  Yes, I’m looking for a job.

  Yours Truly: With Ben? You know how I feel about him.

  I know, but he’s been nothing but nice to me.

  Yours Truly: Text me after your job hunt. Maybe we can go to the movies or grab some pizza.

  Was he asking her out on a date? Her fingers trembled thinking of a response.

  Sounds good to me.

  Yours Truly: Good luck.

  She smiled to herself.

  Thanks :)

  Looking over at Ben, he was the typical bad boy all the girls wanted. His black sideways hat was propped on his head, one arm slung over the steering wheel and a cigarette dangling from his pierced lip. He slept around, skipped class, and partied hard, so she heard. He wasn’t the committed relationship type and she liked that the most seeing as she wasn’t that type herself. He made his own rules and lived by them. Alyssa had to admit, Ben was hot as hell. There was a certain sex appeal surrounding him, an air of darkness that lured her in, and when his eyes scanned her body, she felt every inch of his heated gaze on her skin.


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