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Hold On to Me

Page 9

by Lucia Franco

Ford threw the sack back and John caught it. “I’ll teach you. Come stand behind the board instead of off to the side.”

  As Alyssa stood behind the board, John came up close behind her. Hyperaware of his proximity, she could feel the heat of his chest on her back. “Here, take the sack. Roll it around in your hand and get used to the feeling.”

  With his left hand, John held Alyssa’s hip. His searing touch went right through her, heating her whole body. He placed his right arm under hers and held her palm with his thumb as they began swinging.

  “Eyes on the bottom part of the board,” he whispered near her ear. “Don’t aim for the hole or else you won’t make it. Keep swinging like this … Slow and steady wins the race …”

  Alyssa’s breathing grew heavier. How was she supposed to make it now with him invading her personal space like this?

  “Just like that,” he whispered, rubbing her back with his thumb. She felt each caress, each inch his finger touched. “On the count of three, let it go. One … two … three.”

  As if it played in slow motion, Alyssa held her breath as she watched the sack soar through the air. It landed on the tip of the board before falling into the grass.

  “Oh man! So close!” she yelled excitedly. She high fived John and waited for Ford to go. When it was John’s turn, he had Alyssa stand in front of him and gave her his turn.

  “Let’s try it again,” he said. Only this time he was even closer. His chest was firmly pressed to her back, his stance wide as he helped her, both hands in the same spot. Heat crackled all around them, a hunger for more. She could feel it, and it wasn’t helping her game.

  But the question was, did John feel it too or was it one sided? He hasn’t so much as mentioned what had happened earlier. Sure, he was flirty, but it wasn’t the response she was expecting.

  The four of them played cornhole for the next thirty minutes and each time John helped her. The game ended when the first team scored twenty-one, which wasn’t as easy as it sounded. A crowd drew close waiting to play next while others either sat on tailgates or conversed by the fire.

  At this point, her body was fired up and ready. A blend of desire and alcohol streamed through her blood at high speed. John’s touch, the warmth of his body on hers, his southern drawl, it all got to her. Watching him play as he nursed a beer was hot as hell … and also not what she needed.

  Once the game ended, which they lost thanks to her and her terrible aim, Alyssa needed air. She stayed back and sat on John’s tailgate, allowing her body to unwind. She wasn’t expecting to react to John the way she did, but she had and now she was confused at what she wanted. They were friends, and a friendship with John wasn’t something she wanted to mess up.

  Alyssa went to grab another beer and walk back to the truck. Icy water dripped down the navy blue aluminum can and she shook off her hand.

  “I was wondering where you went off too,” John said, leaning against his tailgate.

  “Grabbed another beer,” she responded, wobbling in her wedges. Maybe it wasn’t such a great idea to wear them after all.

  “You should just take them off before you break your ankle.”

  Alyssa’s face scrunched up and she paused in front of him. “And go barefoot?”

  “Yeah …” he said it as if it was obvious.

  “That’s …”

  “Gross?” he finished for her.

  She smiled. “I was going to say gross, but it sounds heavenly to be honest.” Alyssa handed John her beer and then bent down to remove her wedges. She was nearly six inches shorter when she stood.

  “Ahhh …” she sighed, closing her eyes in bliss. Going barefoot was not something she was used to, but right now it felt amazing. The chilly grass cooled her tingling feet. She threw her shoes to the side and then reached for her beer. Alyssa went to stand next to John, but he hooked an arm around her waist and pulled her to his front. He widened his legs and she ended up leaning against him. His arm wrapped possessively across her stomach where he held her close like they were a true couple.

  “What was that stunt you pulled with Jace,” he asked, staring straight ahead at the fire.

  Hmmm … Maybe Jace was right? “What stunt?”

  A sarcastic laugh rolled off his lips. “You’re really gonna go there?”

  “I could ask the same of you. You flirted with Sarah most of the night, so I hung around with Jace. What was I to do?”

  “Not most of the night. It was more like thirty minutes, and you didn’t have to go and get all cozy with him.”

  “We were hardly cozy. More like just two friends hanging out.”

  “Friends don’t touch like that.”

  She laughed. “Really? We’re friends and you touch me way more.”

  “That’s different, Alyssa. Jace is my best friend, and he should know better than to put his hands on you.”

  Alyssa stifled a chuckle. If he only knew … “How’s it different?”

  Tightening his hold around her, she was testing his patience. “It just is. And just so you’re aware, Sarah means nothing to me if that’s what you’re getting at. We fucked this morning. Do you really take me for the kind of guy who goes around and fucks any girl?”

  Alyssa couldn’t stop the cringe that rolled through her. Her heart dropped and she felt sick. He made it sound like a cheap hook up. She tried to step away, but he stopped her.

  “It’s not what you think.”

  He huffed. “Everyone’s famous last words.”

  Pushing off of him, Alyssa stepped away from his embrace. “For your information, that little scene you saw was Jace’s idea. He played you and I went along with it trying to prove him wrong.”

  John’s brows went up in confusion. “What are you talking about?”

  “It’s nothing … I really don’t want to get into it.”

  “No, I want you to tell me.”

  An exaggerated sigh left her lips. “I was proving we’re just friends since he thinks it’s more than that.”

  John stayed quiet. Were they more than that, or not?

  “Listen, I’m not sure what you’re thinking, but just because we hooked up doesn’t mean we’re dating,” she said. “We had a little fun. That’s it.”

  Slightly, insulted he held back. “That is it. Even so, I don’t expect or appreciate to see you hang on my boy, Alyssa. You’ll get a name for yourself around here. Is that what you want?”

  “I think I’m ready to go home.”

  John closed the distance in two strides, forcing her to step back. Alcohol streamed through his veins. Normally it relaxed him, but the image of Alyssa and Jace stuck in his head did the opposite.

  “Do you want him?” he demanded, slipping an arm around her waist and yanking her to him. Alyssa turned her head to the side, ignoring him. She was aggravated and tried not to touch him, but when John pressed his hips into her, she couldn’t resist. “Did you want Sarah when you put your arm around her waist?”

  He chuckled near her ear, the vibration ran through her. “She’s not you, so that’s a hell no.” His warm breath tingled along her neck. “Well? What’s it going to be, honey? Me or Jace? You can’t have both, and I don’t share or swing that way.” His playful lips grazed her neck then up to the shell of her ear where he slipped his tongue out and traced it. He already knew her answer. John was just having a little fun watching her squirm.

  Alyssa moaned under him and gripped his arms against her better judgment. He smelled intoxicating and between the hold he had on her and his sexy southern drawl, she was done for. Her panties were soaked and she ached for his touch. John was incredibly hot and it was obvious he knew what he was doing to her. He got her going like no other.

  “You,” rolled off her breath. “Not that it matters since we’re just friends and all.”

  “If that’s what you think, but we’re way passed friends. I don’t go around laying lips to just anyone, or screwing them for that matter. Only to the ones I really like,” he said, and then crashed
his mouth to hers. The fire pit crackled in the background the same way he burned for her. He was lost to the new girl who unexpectedly captured his gaze the moment she came to town.

  Pulling back, he said, “It better be just me.”

  She nodded, unable to say the words. Truth was, Alyssa did like him more than friends, and that scared her more than anything.

  “I guess I owe Jace an apology.”

  “I’m sure he’s watching nearby …” he said, kissing her neck. “Ready to get out of here?”

  Alyssa nodded.

  A few minutes later, after saying goodbye to his friends, they were loaded and ready to go. John carefully pulled out of Whiskey River. Once they hit the main road, he took off. She unbuckled her seat belt and scooted next to him, resting her head on his shoulder with her hand on his thigh. John turned on the radio and Kip Moore’s Dirt Road flowed through the speakers. Alyssa must’ve liked it because she reached over and turned it up.

  “I see my girl is opening up to country music,” he drawled.

  “I guess I am,” she wrapped an arm around his waist as he drove. “Gotta admit, I adore the stories the songs tell. Never thought I would want to listen to it, but I guess country music’s growing on me.” She paused. “It kind of reminds me of falling in love.”

  Windows down and wind blowing under the midnight sky, John looked over at Alyssa. “What do you mean?”

  She smiled sweetly. “You know how true love is something that takes times to develop?” John nodded. “No one is ever really prepared for love, but it secretly cultivates around you and pulls you in when you least expect it and latches on. It could be something as simple as a conversation or a thoughtful act that begins the growth. The music is planting seeds the way love begins to blossom, taking root inside and growing strong each day,” she says matter of fact. “Eventually it becomes part of you and you never want it to go away.”

  John paused. “I’m not really sure what to say to that?”

  “I’m not sure what I would say either if someone had said that to me.” Her laugh was contagious, and John found himself laughing too.

  “That was a pretty deep analogy. You’re such a girl.”

  Pulling into her driveway, he switched off his headlights. She gathered her things and turned toward John.

  “I had a really good time tonight. In fact, I needed a day like today. Thank you for asking me, Johnny.”

  John stepped out of his truck. He walked around to the passenger side and opened Alyssa’s door. Darkness surrounded them, the moon shining brightly above. Walking up the steps and stopping in front of her door, he turned toward her and cupped her face. Their eyes locked. Ever so carefully, he leaned down and pressed his lips to hers. As much as he wanted to, he didn’t push or prod. He just took what she was willing to give.

  For John, it was enough for now, but he wanted more.

  As May rolled around, it marked the end of another school year. John and his friends loved this time of year simply for the feeling it brought—anticipation and new memories. Endless star-filled nights and long summer days were what they looked forward to and thrived on.

  “I heard there’s a bonfire tomorrow night, out past Whiskey River in that big field near the woods, to celebrate the end of another school year. You guys want to hit it up?” John yelled down to his friends as he climbed down a tree.

  “And you found that out just now up there in that tree?” Jace asked sarcastically.

  Ford perked up. “Oh yeah? Who’s putting it on?”

  “Not sure. But who cares? It’s a party,” he said, reaching the ground. Looking at Alyssa he asked, “Want to come with us?”

  Alyssa shrugged. “I have to work tomorrow, but maybe after if it’s not too late.”

  Another day spent with his friends swimming in the river under the hot Georgia sun. They broke midway and ate lunch, which they brought. Ford busted out his dirt bike at one point and they watched him take a tumble or two … or three and laughed. They even managed to hook up a new river swing.

  This was his life, and he loved every minute of it. Summer was always spent with his closest friends since he was a kid. It was just how he was raised and couldn’t imagine living any other way.

  Alyssa learned that mud was inevitable, just like he said it was. She was reluctant, but if she hung with him and his buddies, it was bound to happen eventually.

  After all, they liked to get a little dirty and wild. Every now and then they had to raise a little hell.

  John glanced at Alyssa. She was wearing small black shorts and a black tank top. Her legs went on for days and her hair was tied into a ponytail. Just about every inch of her was covered in dirt and mud. He laughed at her repulsed filled expression.

  “What’s so funny?” she asked.

  “You should see the look on your face right now.”

  “No thanks. I think I’ll pass. This mud better be giving me the facial of a lifetime, that’s all I gotta say.”

  “It’s probably clogging your pores,” Jace said with a straight face. She was going to throat punch him soon.

  Ford nodded in agreement.

  “We can always try the new rope swing out and you can rinse in the river.”

  Alyssa groaned. That wasn’t what she had in mind.

  “It’s your best bet if that shit bothers you,” Ford jumped in.

  Alyssa looked at John. “Are you sure you secured it properly? It’s not going to untie when I climb on?”

  “I’m positive. That sucker isn’t going anywhere.”

  “And that water is deep enough for me to jump into?”

  “Sure is,” he reinforced.

  “Alright. Let’s do this!” she rubbed her hands together in excitement. Walking to the tree, she had no idea what she was doing.

  “So … how does this work exactly? Like, when do I let go?” she asked.

  All three guys looked at her as if she spoke another language.

  “You just jump on and let go when you’re over the water,” Jace stated like it was common knowledge.

  She popped her hip out, a dirt filled brow raised high. “Excuse me, but we don’t have rope swings where I’m from, homeboy. This is a first for me.”

  John’s lips formed a thin line as he tried to suppress his grin.

  “John,” Jace said. “Your girl has some serious attitude.”

  “And that’s a problem?” he asked jokingly. “I kind of dig her sassy mouth.”

  Alyssa smiled, her eyes lighting up.

  “I think you should wash her mouth out.”

  Alyssa snapped her head to John. “Try it and your balls are mine.”

  Ford and Jace turned around giving their backs to them to stifle a laugh.

  “I’d give the whole package to you any day, sugar,” John wiggled his brows, his eyes gleaming. “All you gotta do is ask. It’s usually one and you’re done kind of thing, but for you I’d make an exception. Want it again?”

  Jace and Ford turned back around with their mouths hanging open. Alyssa was seeing red. She was going to have his balls alright. She was going to crush them the next chance she got.

  “Meh. It wasn’t as good as you thought.” She retorted. “I’ll pass. But thanks for the offer.”

  That wiped the smirk off John’s face. “Take that back,” he stalked toward her.

  “No,” she backed up with each step he took.


  “Nope.” Alyssa took off running. John followed closely and caught up to her. He stopped to pick up a handful of mud. He mashed it in his hands, going back and forth like he was forming a ball and then chucked it hard at Alyssa, hitting her back. She stopped and hit the floor. All John could do was laugh.

  He got up and walked over to her, kind of feeling bad. Laughing at her hunched over back because he just couldn’t help it, he said, “I’m sorry. Let’s get you cleaned up,” and reached for her. As he did, Alyssa turned over and threw a giant mud ball right in his face, and then she got up
and booked it.

  John stood tall, taking the hit and wiping the mud from his face as his friends laughed nearby.

  “That’s what you get!” she exclaimed, laughing ten feet away.

  “Touché,” he said. “Come on,” he held a hand out. “I’m serious. Let’s get you cleaned up. I know how much you hate getting dirty. I’ll show you how it’s done.”

  Walking back over to the tree swing, John gripped the bottom of the rope.

  “Grip this as high as you can. Wrap your legs around it the way you would wrap your legs around my—”


  “And once you reach your climax, let go,” he joked.

  “I swear, I’m going to kill you in your sleep.”

  Naturally, Jace and Ford laughed. “Go on, laugh it up, boys,” Alyssa said, gripping the thick, braided rope in her hands, then she flipped them all off.

  John stepped back and she eyed the water, trying to decide where to land. The drop off point scared her. It shouldn’t considering she wouldn’t hit it, but it did.

  Taking a deep breath, Alyssa jumped, grasping the rope as high as she could and swung out and over the river, too scared to let go.

  “Oh my God! Catch me,” she screamed, swinging over the water. She ended up swinging back to the boys, too scared to let go then too, and they all joined in and pushed her back to the water.

  “I’m going to kill all of you,” she yelled, releasing the rope and plugging her nose before she hit the water.

  The water was ice cold and she came up quickly looking for land. She couldn’t imagine any dirt washed away at the rate she rose. Each guy laughed nearby and she flipped them off, again.

  “I’m done with you assholes,” she exclaimed. John helped her out and gave her his towel.

  “What a mouth she has,” Ford laughed.

  “Let me show you how it’s done, city girl,” Jace said.

  “It’s all yours,” she encouraged.

  Alyssa watched Jace take hold of the rope, gripping it and tugging it in his hands. He winked, took a deep breath and hopped on. After the long swoop over the water, he let go and flipped backwards and heard a splintering noise and crack before he landed in the water.

  “Did ya’ll hear that?” he asked, back on the grass. Jace shook his head trying to rid some of the water.


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