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Catherine (Echoes of Ossiria #1)

Page 5

by Vivian Lane

  She took advantage of landing on her back to kick the side of his knee with her heel. He dropped to one knee as she got up and ran down the hallway towards the back stairs.

  “Errgh…Catherine, will you stop? This is bloody stupid. Everybody’s waiting.”

  She stopped and turned around at the end of the hall. “You’re the one who insisted I change clothes and tried to drag me upstairs. We could be on the road by now.” She turned the corner, heading for the back stairs.

  “I’m going to tan that pretty little ass if you don’t get back here and do as you’re told!”

  Have to catch me first, she thought.

  She’d spent her free time, once she was allowed to roam freely, learning the mansion’s nooks and crannies as well as doing research in the library. Like many extremely old and large residences, the house had a few secret passageways like the one she was hiding in now. She was betting on him running past to take the stairs and not pay attention to her heartbeat in the wall.

  If his footsteps slowed, then she’d move.

  She watched him fly past, leather duster billowing behind him. Waited a minute, then opened the door panel and cautiously peeked out, only to be grabbed by her collar and yanked out of the passage.

  William pulled her out of hiding by her sweater, but the struggle wasn’t over.

  They came to a stalemate, her back hitting the wall as she pressed a sliver of wood against his t-shirt, over his heart. He glanced down at the pointy object, then at her defiant glare. “Clever girl,” he murmured. “Dust me now, and you have your freedom.”

  Option 1) Plunge the stake through his heart and get the hell out of Dodge. Alicia wouldn’t stop her.

  Option 2) Drop the stake and be at his mercy for whatever he planned to do to punish her.

  He kissed her, leaning forward enough to press his lips to hers, the point of the stake making a dent in his shirt and skin. All she had to do was push and he’d be dead, but…

  Her arms wrapped around his neck, instead. He growled into her mouth and pressed her body against the wall. It was her first grown-up kiss. His hands were on her waist. She jumped up to wrap her legs around his hips. He plunged his tongue into her mouth, grinding his erection into her private parts.

  What am I doing, what am I DOING? I’m dead or unconscious… I’m dreaming. William conked me on the head and I’m dreaming…there’s no way this is real. How does he taste so good?

  Her right hand clutched the back of his neck, her nails slightly digging into his nape, the stake somewhere on the floor. Her left hand clung to his coat. She wasn’t afraid he would drop her—she wanted to keep him close.


  They froze, waiting for the sound to have been a fluke. Imagined.

  “Yes, I’m still here,” Alicia said, rolling her eyes. “The girls were getting antsy. Should we go without you?”

  Catherine slid her legs down his body and hid her face in his coat. He cleared his throat and turned to Alicia. “We’ll be right there.”

  She shrugged and teleported away.

  Catherine sidled away from him and started walking to the stairs.


  “Don’t. It was a fluke. I’m going to straighten up, and I’ll meet you at the car.” She ran the rest of the way down toward the bathroom by the kitchen.

  Why did I let him kiss me? Why did he let me almost stake him? This place is stealing my sanity…

  After making herself presentable, she walked to the foyer to join the other girls. One of them handed her the purse and coat she’d dropped when William tossed her over his shoulder. The driver was standing by the passenger door. William was waiting on the other side of the limo, at the front. There were six girls plus Alicia to sit in the back. She was glad he wasn’t among them.

  Alicia gave her a sideways glance as she took her seat, but didn’t comment. It wasn’t anyone’s business what she’d seen upstairs.

  Catherine sat primly while the demon girls chattered and speculated on which club they might be going to. It was oddly comforting and disturbing that they sounded like the college girls she’d been surrounded by mere weeks ago. They wanted to go where it was “cool” and meet hot males. They’d primped their scales or feathers or whatever to perfection and put on their most alluring clothes. The couple she knew had been nice enough, though they clearly didn’t understand the “weird human girl”.

  Maybe she could stick with Alicia all night.

  In front of a building with a red door and small neon sign on a dark street, William gave his rules to the demon girls before letting them inside. “Remember, while you’re completing your course with us there will be no going home with any males you meet, and if you’re hung-over tomorrow you still have to be in class. Practice your skills, dance, and have a good time.”

  At least he hadn’t taken them to some dive. It actually looked like one of the nicer places in L.A. and the clientele were behaving themselves, dancing or huddled in booths for a drink.

  He’d been right about seeing all kinds of demons in the flesh. It was one thing to read about them or see a tiny drawing, quite another to see them in real living color, and smell. Some demons were rather…musky. Catherine was acutely aware she seemed to be the only human in the place.

  She followed Alicia to the bar. “You can’t hide from him forever,” the genie said, waiting for the bartender.

  “I can try. I really don’t want to talk about it.”

  “Well, you can’t follow me around all night like a limpet. I have people to talk to, and you’ll only cramp my style.”

  “Please, Alicia? I won’t say anything!”

  “Fine… I don’t think you have to worry, though. William’s already busy over there.”

  Catherine turned to see where Alicia pointed, and saw him whispering into the ear of some blonde chick. She smiled at him, and they disappeared further into the club. Catherine should have been relieved, but for some reason the sight…burned.

  Alicia said sipped from something pink with an umbrella in the glass. “Come on, before I get bored.” They passed into a different section with tables and billiard games.

  She hung back and let Alicia do her thing, leaning against the wall and watching the scenery.

  It took a while to notice that the cute guy across the room was trying to catch her eye. Me? she mouthed, pointing to herself. He nodded and crooked his finger, indicating she should come over. She glanced at Alicia, then pushed off the wall and made her way across the room.

  “Alone tonight?” he asked.

  Ooo, nice accent. “With friends,” Catherine said.

  He glanced at the table where Alicia and the demon were engrossed in conversation. “She didn’t seem to be including you.”

  “She’s working,” she said. “You know how it is.”

  “Dangerous friend you have. How does an American girl come by such a companion?”

  “Long story.”

  “I’ve got some time, Miss…”


  He smiled. “Pretty name. So, Catherine, what brings you to England?”

  “School. A little learning abroad. It’s my first real night out.” And now I’m flirting?

  “My lucky night, then. Care to dance before you get back to the books?”

  She took his offered hand. “I’d love to, Mr.….”

  “Ian.” Ian the Irishman.

  She followed his lead to the dance floor. Ian was just her type, dark-haired and broad-shouldered. Pretty hazel-green eyes. His hand was warm, so at least he wasn’t a vampire. She wasn’t ruling out some kind of demon, since many could appear as humans, and they were in a demon bar. Spotting William chatting up a girl out of the corner of her eye, she made a show of wrapping her arms around her partner’s neck and smiling up at him. Just in case someone was watching. Had to put this makeover to use somehow, right?

  “So, how long do you plan to stay here?” Ian asked.

  “Not sure. Maybe a coupl
e more weeks. I do miss home.”

  “And where’s that?”

  “California. I miss the sun.”

  He chuckled. “It is a rare thing to see, especially this time of year. I bet you look beautiful in sunlight.”

  She sighed. “Too bad we can’t find out…but I bet you say that to all the girls.”

  “I only compliment those worthy of it.”

  She smiled, shaking her head. “Good answer.”

  The song shifted to a fast techno beat. The old Catherine wouldn’t have tried staying out on the floor; the new her put her new skills to work and kept the boy’s attention.

  Then they went upstairs.

  She and Ian were having a nice chat until someone tried to beat the door down.

  “God, what is your damage, William? Knock, much?” Catherine exclaimed.

  He looked her over in a second before yelling, “Do you have any idea what he is?”

  She rolled her eyes. “We were only talking. It was loud down there.”

  “Hey, no hard feelings, mate. Didn’t realize she was taken.”

  “I’m not,” Catherine said. “He’s my…chaperone,” she said, then turned to William. “Go away!”

  “Oh, gee, since you asked so nicely…no. He’s an incubus.”

  She blinked. “So?”

  “So, they seduce women, show them a good time, and then you’re having demon spawn burst out of your innards four weeks later like one of those things from the ‘Alien’ movies.”

  “A chest-buster? You are seriously deranged, William.” To the incubus, she said, “I’m so sorry. He’s still not housebroken.”

  “You…two…seem to have some things to work out…” Ian said, and made a hasty retreat out of the room.

  Catherine threw her hands up in disgust. “Oh, that’s great! The one guy who’ll talk to me in this place and you chase him away. Thank you, William! This night has been so fun.” She grabbed her purse and jacket in a huff and made for the door, only to be yanked back by the arm. “Let. Go. Of. Me.”

  “No.” William slammed the door shut. “We need to talk.”

  “No, we don’t! I have nothing to say I haven’t already said.”

  “We kissed, Catherine.”

  “You kissed me.”

  “You kissed me back. Or did I imagine you wrapped around me with all four limbs, making all those delicious little sounds.”

  “A lapse in judgment,” she coldly replied. “It won’t be repeated.”

  He stalked forward, stopping boot tip to boot tip. “So, only the heat of the argument, then? A bit of cold comfort?”

  “You kissed me when I had a stake at your heart. Question your own motives before you start in on mine.” She pushed past him and yanked the door open, her feet clomping loudly on the stairs a minute later.

  The atmosphere between them couldn’t have been any colder during the drive back.

  Alicia followed Catherine up to her room, inside, and shut the door.

  “Can I help you?” she asked the genie.

  “Is this…whatever…between you and William going to screw up business around here?” Alicia asked.

  “Not as far as I’m concerned. I don’t care what he does.”

  “Uh-huh… I’m guessing he screwed up since he’s male, so what are you going to do now?”


  “Curse him, ignore him, chop his man parts off…you know, the usual.”

  Catherine sighed and sat on the bed. “Nothing so drastic. I don’t even know how this all happened. It’s insane! I shouldn’t even know he exists, or you exist. I was happy minding my own business in my little college life… I wish everything could go back to the way it was. I just want to go home.”

  “So go home.”

  “I can’t, yet.” My allowance won’t be in the bank until the first.

  Alicia shrugged. “Suit yourself. But you’re going to have to find some way to get by until you are ready, because he won’t hide from you in his own home.”

  “I know.”

  Catherine thanked her lucky stars most of her routine could be conducted before he was awake and out and about. He typically got up at sundown, spent time in the office, and then joined them for dinner. It was Saturday, so that meant it was movie night in the TV room instead of class time. She could avoid him tomorrow, too, since Sunday was her day off from self-defense training.


  Catherine’s hand still in his, he pulled her in the room with him. Her heart-beat rapid like a bird’s, she cast wide eyes about the room, taking in his private sanctuary. He smirked, drawing her further in, closer to the great canopy bed with its ebony silk sheets. She knew what she was here for, of course. It had been her training for weeks.

  The vampire let his coat slide off his shoulders to the floor, then sat on the bed, his hands on her shoulders gently pressuring her to her knees. She was nervous, but with anticipation, not fear.

  She’d never seen a grown man revealed in the flesh before, so as she unfastened his trousers, her eyes were fixed on that spot. It was easier than looking up into the intensity of his eyes. She could feel them burning through her skull.

  His erection sprang out as she lowered the zipper, surprising her. She touched it, caressing it softly with her fingertips. The vampire hissed in pleasure, the heat of her hand in contrast to his room-temperature skin. She was again surprised by how soft his skin was, yet the muscle underneath was hard as steel. Her hand made passes over and around as she learned his contours, until she felt his hand in her hair. It was a signal to get on with what she was supposed to do.

  She couldn’t take that thing in all the way…her mouth just wasn’t that big, but she tried her best, and found it wasn’t entirely unpleasant to have him this way.

  He moaned at the first feel of her lips passing over the head and down his shaft. Praised how hot she was. He made more encouraging sounds when she grazed her teeth along his length as she lifted her head back up. Up-down, up-down. Apply suction. Flick her tongue in the little cleft. She fell into a rhythm, learning what he liked.

  Even learned she wanted to please him.

  It was soon apparent, though she was on her knees, that she held the power here. She could bite clear through and maim him. Rip his testicles off with a twist and pull of her hand. Make him make a myriad of sounds, good or bad.

  Lucky for him she was determined to make him scream in pleasure.

  His body warned her of what was coming next, so she was prepared for the jerk of his hips and the spurt of thick fluid down her throat. She’d been trained to swallow, too, unless he didn’t want her to. It didn’t go down easily but the taste was alright. Salty. The hand that had been tangled in her hair massaged her scalp. She released him from her mouth and looked up at the panting vampire.

  Strange that he felt the need to breathe.

  He pulled her to him to kiss her, plunging his tongue past her lips. They clashed in desire, warring for dominance.

  He had to have her now…

  She needed to be satisfied…

  Was that really my dream? Catherine thought. This was so not good. Why couldn’t she have dreamt of Ian, the hot young stranger? At least that fantasy would make sense. But dreaming of William was trouble.

  On Monday, he came to find her before dinner.

  “Look, we’re both adults, so there’s no reason we can’t be professional during the remainder of your stay, right?” He stood stiffly, his voice neutral.

  “I’m agreeable to that,” she said.

  “Good. I’ll see you in the gym after supper, then.” He nodded curtly, then walked off.

  Her stomach fluttered nervously through dinner at the prospect of sparring with him, being in close contact. You couldn’t practice a full-contact sport without touching the other person.

  Stupid hormones.

  Her head wasn’t looking for a boyfriend, and her heart wanted to go home, but her body kept responding to the one attractive male she was around for
the past month. It made sense from a biological standpoint, except you couldn’t reproduce with a vampire. But her body didn’t care about details. It only recognized that he was pleasantly shaped.

  She needn’t have worried.

  He brought in one of the other girls to do the actual sparring and only gave instructions. It was the least fun she’d had in class since she started.

  Chapter Five

  Wednesday, October 31st


  Catherine was told to pack everything she needed to get ready for the evening in a bag and meet the car outside at two o’clock. She made sure she cleared her plate at lunch in case she didn’t get to eat again until very late, and was waiting on the steps promptly on the hour. The chauffeur picked her up in the limousine.

  They drove into London, stopping at a pretty building in a nice part of town. She was led up to an empty flat, and had a moment of confusion, before others entered with various things: a dressing table, adjustable chair, full-length mirror, boxes of all sizes, and a food cart with beverages and treats. She recognized the seamstress that had worked on her dress.

  “Good afternoon, Miss Mitchell. The gown is complete to your specifications. Let us do a last fitting in case last-minute adjustments are needed?” She removed the lid on a large box and lifted the dress up. “Magnificent, isn’t it?”

  “Um, I need somewhere to change.” Catherine said. The dressmaker pointed to a wardrobe screen set up behind her. “Oh.” She changed into the appropriate foundation garments before the lady came back with the dress and helped her step into it.

  She adjusted the ties in back, then directed Catherine to come back out to the mirror and stand on the pedestal. “Mmm-hmm…” She circled her with a critical eye. “Shoes, please.” They were brought instantly. “Perfect. Add the jewels, and you will look like royalty.”

  The gown was gunmetal gray silk, the bodice constructed like a corset with hook-and-eye closures in front, lacing in the back, and heavily beaded with seed pearls. The boning in the bodice created noticeable cleavage. Intricate beading bordered the top hem, running along each side of the closures down the center to the floor-length hem and around the slight train. The skirt split at knee level to reveal hidden layers. The rest of the beading was in tones of silver-to-black to create a blossom pattern on the bodice and train.


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