Book Read Free

Defending Justice

Page 19

by Adrienne Giordano

  “ – law enforcement.”

  “Possibly. Think about what DTC does.”

  “Military supplies.”


  “You’re thinking the shooter might be former military?”

  Beck cocked his head. “I’m curious if Travathian has friends or associates who play with long-range automatic rifles.”

  Jackie’s cell phone rang and she sat forward, snatching it from the desk. “Debra Johansen. This should be good.” She tapped the screen. “Debra, what can I do for you?”

  “Well, you can start by giving me a statement about the sex tape starring Jackie DelRay. Then we’ll get to today’s shooting.”

  What now? She bolted upright, her gaze shooting to Beck. The only man she’d had sex with in over a year. Just last night in fact.

  He wouldn’t.

  Would he? After so many years apart, how much did she really know about him? No. Couldn’t be. Not with a murder charge hanging over him. Only an idiot would make a sex tape of his lawyer and release it to the press.

  “Debra,” Jackie said, her narrowed gaze still on Beck. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  The reporter let out a soft snort. “Nice try, Jackie, but believe me, you’ll want to give me some kind of comment and rather quickly. Whoever sent me this video gave me a thirty minute head start before unleashing it on the internet. Pretty soon the world at large will see your client sucking on your nipple through a bra.”

  Jackie leapt out of her chair sending it crashing against the credenza. “What!”

  “Jesus. What is it?” Beck was out of his chair and moving around the desk, but Jackie pointed at him to stay put.

  “Girl,” Debra drawled, “he’s a hottie for sure, but I must say, I’m stunned that hard-nosed Jackie DelRay would risk a case like this. Are you in love with him?”

  Oh, she might be. She glanced at Beck, who propped a hip on the edge of the desk and, ever the FBI agent, stared at her, measuring her actions.

  She should have warned him not to head shrink her. He’d fry his brain trying to figure her out.

  “Send me the video,” she said to Debra. “Then I’ll see about a comment.”

  She punched off the call and held the phone up. “I’m trying not to freak out right now, but if this is what I think it is, we have a huge problem.”

  Her phone dinged and she brought up the email containing a link to a shared file service site.

  Beck sidled up to her and she pushed her shoulders back, steadying herself before tapping the link. Frozen on the screen was an image of Jackie – in her sports bra – with her head tipped back, mouth partly open in what could only be described as sexual euphoria as Beck suckled her breast through her bra.

  Dear God. Bile swirled in Jackie’s stomach and she pressed her hand against her forehead. She poked at the arrow on the screen and the video rolled, showing them in her office just the other night when she’d spilled coffee on her blouse and they’d shared that crazy hot kiss.

  A low moan came from the phone and onscreen Beck’s hand moved down her throat to her cleavage and even in her horror, Jackie felt something stir.

  “Shit,” Beck said as he watched himself move between Jackie’s legs.

  “Oh, my God,” she said. “This is bad.”

  She closed her eyes, thought back to that night and what came next. Son of a bitch. The thumbnail photo at the beginning of the video. Beck’s mouth on her. Sucking her breast.

  Another moan came from the phone and then, “God, yes. More. Harder.”

  With that, the humiliation was complete. Jackie set one hand on the desk, steadied herself against it.

  “Holy shit,” Beck hissed. “How the hell…?”

  A small squeak left Jackie’s throat and a burst of panic, mixed with the spinning bile in her stomach rocked her. The room spun and she tipped left. Beck grabbed her, sliding his arm around her and absorbing her weight.

  “You’re okay,” he said. “Sit down.”

  Sit? He wanted her to sit? Like a weak little girl who’d let her rational mind take leave while she dry-humped her client against her desk. The big bad attorney turned sex kitten.

  Her mother. She’ll never forgive me.

  “I can’t sit!” she screamed. “Someone is about to release this. And, and…” She flung her arms around, gesturing wildly with the phone. “How the hell did they get it? Oh, son of a bitch. I will murder the fucker. My parents will see this! My mother is the Mayor of Philadelphia! Her PR people will be on this the second it gets released.”

  “I swear to you, it wasn’t me.”

  “Of course it wasn’t. You have nothing to gain from this. If anything, it makes you look like a schmuck. And me a bigger one!”

  Beck turned, facing the entrance to her office. He pointed. “Josh walked in on us.”

  “Josh? No way. He wouldn’t.”

  “Are you sure?”

  Right now, not of anything. “Well, as sure as I can be at the moment. He’d have no reason to release it. I gave him a career.”

  “Maybe he’s trying to ruin you. Take over your clients.”

  Maybe. She’d helped him. Saved his damned career when that court reporter accused him of sexual harassment after he’d rejected her. Jackie had gone to bat for him with the Bar, proving the woman had a history of revenge against men. Jackie shook her head. “It’s not Josh.”

  “How do you know?”

  She eyeballed him. “Trust me. It’s not him.”


  “Oh hell no. We’re too much of a good team.”

  Jackie tapped the phone’s screen again. Five minutes since she’d hung up with Debra. The clock was literally ticking before this video was released. She poked at Debra’s name. Seconds later the reporter picked up.

  “Quite the imagery, aye?”

  “First of all,” Jackie said, “obviously this video was taken without my or Mr. Pearson’s consent. It’s private.”

  “It was. In about twenty minutes, it won’t be. Do you have an additional comment?”

  What could she say? There was absolutely no defense for this. Besides, in twenty minutes, it would supposedly be released to the general public. Compared to that, Debra was small potatoes.

  A fresh bout of horror descended and Jackie dipped her head, squeezing her eyes closed as a wicked pounding settled at the base of her skull. “Other than to reiterate that this is an illegally obtained video, I have no comment.”

  “You’re no fun, Jackie. What about Pearson? Any comment from the bombshell?”

  “He has no comment either.”

  “Alrighty then. I’m rolling with it.”

  “Gee, Debra, thanks.”

  “Oh, please. It’s going to be out there anyway. I might as well get the scoop.”

  “Well, I’ll remember that. Just so you know.”

  Before Debra could comment, Jackie disconnected.

  Beck held his hand out. “Let me see that video again? Let’s figure out how they got it.”

  He watched it a second time while Jackie tried to hold down her stomach contents. The chamomile was trying to exit stage left.

  “Here.” Beck pointed at her monitor sitting on the credenza behind her desk. He sat and started typing. “He hacked into your computer’s camera and microphone, the bastard.”

  Less than a minute later, Beck had discovered how the hacker had compromised her computer and used it to spy on her conversations. And record her movements. “Looks like he could see who you’ve texted and emailed from this computer too. You’re going to need a full system scan and security update. I’ll call Teeg…”

  Jackie didn’t hear the rest. She ran to the bathroom and vomited.


  The landline rang off the hook for the next hour. Jackie’s cell phone too. The only call she’d taken so far was from her mother. When she came up for air from that conversation, Beck could see the troubled look in her eye
s again.

  “Oh. My. God.” Jackie banged her skull back against her chair. “I love my mom to death, but threatening to show up here and drag me home to Philly is a little over the top.”

  “You were shot at and had a sex tape leaked to the press,” Beck said, “and she’s your mother. She’s more than a little freaked out, and rightly so. You’re being targeted.”

  I wish mine cared that much.

  “I know, I know.” Jackie rubbed her eyes and sat up straight again. “But going home to Philly won’t solve anything. She knows that. She’s just…scared for me.”

  “Can’t say I blame her.”

  “So back to this shooter. How do we find out if Dikko hired him?”

  Work was her coping mechanism. Beck understood. He’d used it on many an occasion to help him deal with shit. Since the hacker who’d done the sex tape might be connected to Annabelle and the rest of the case, they might as well keep looking into Dikko and the shooter. “I’ll hack into DTC’s employee files and see if there are any with military backgrounds. Cyber experts, too.” He stood and stretched, his calves cranky from hauling ass earlier. “Do you need a refill on the tea?”

  “I’m going to need something stronger if you’re hacking into DTC’s records from my office. That’s illegal, you know.”

  “I have a laptop Teeg gave me. It’s got some funky software that will ping the IP address off ten different towers around the country. He thought I might need it if I had to go on the lam. If Dikko figures out he’s been hacked, no one will be able to trace it to your office, and I actually have decent hacking skills, so don’t look so worried.”

  Jackie laughed. It was subdued but he’d take it. “Go on the lam? Ye of little faith.”

  “We’re talking Teeg here. He probably belongs in Federal lockup for the cybercrimes he’s committed, and I have no doubt he’s ready to go all Fugitive on Grey at the drop of the hat. He’s like a prepper in the cyberworld. He could do an e-death on himself without blinking an eye.”

  “I’m sorry, e-death?”

  “The top shelf black hats can redact warrants, BOLOs, person of interest flags, etc., to clean a fugitive’s files. It’s tricky, but it can be done. Even more extreme are the ones who can make a fugitive dead to the government and give them an entirely new identity. Like cyber WITSEC for those on the run.”

  “And Teeg is one of the hackers who does this?”

  The things Teeg could do were downright scary. “Neither you nor I want to know what all Teeg can—and does—do, trust me. That’s for Grey to worry about.”

  Her lips blew out on a hard sigh. “Do you need a desk?”

  “Nah.” He grabbed the backpack with the laptop Teeg had provided and made himself comfy on Jackie’s office couch, kicking off his shoes and setting his feet on the coffee table in front of it.

  Jackie stared at her desktop, unseeing, and Beck had to bite his tongue not to offer her more tea again. Or a massage. Her landline rang, startling her out of her funk and she reached for it like it was a lifeline.

  “Chessie?” She sat back in her seat and rocked. “Yeah, I’m fine… No, no, everything’s okay. Seriously. Beck was there to save me. I didn’t even get a scratch.”

  As she continued to fill in her investigator on the details of the shooting, Beck booted up the laptop. Her words—Beck was there to save me—swirled in his head. Everything had happened so fast, so unexpectedly, he was still twitchy. What if he hadn’t gotten there in time? There would be two bodies in the morgue right now.

  Focus on the problem at hand.

  Acid ate at his guts, but he took several deep breaths, zeroing in on the screen in front of him and trying not to see the replay of Natalie dropping to the ground over and over again.

  “You saw the video, huh?” Jackie’s gaze met Beck’s. “Yeah, a hacker is targeting me. I know, I know…yeah, got it handled. Thanks, Chessie.”

  Josh popped in and opened his mouth to say something to Jackie, then stopped, seeing she was on the phone. She held up a finger and the kid turned as if to take a seat and noticed Beck. “Hey, your friend is here.”

  Friend? “My friends are few and far between these days, but I still need you to be more specific.”

  At that moment, a blond head peeked around the doorframe. “Thought I might find you here.”

  “Taylor?” Beck jumped to his feet, setting the laptop aside and slipping his shoes back on. “What are you doing here?”

  She hugged him and he saw Jackie narrow her eyes. Josh ducked out the door.

  “Special delivery from Matt.” Taylor shoved an envelope at him. “I never touched or saw this, just so we’re clear.”

  “Absolutely.” He took the manila envelope, eyeing it suspiciously. “Thank you… I think?”

  “A little bird might have told me Dikko’s 10-K forms filed with the SEC are in there.”

  “Any discrepancies?”

  “I wouldn’t know since I have absolutely no involvement in this exchange.” She batted her eyelashes, giving him a fake innocent look. “But I’m guessing the reason you’re holding them is because they contain important information or Matt wouldn’t have sent them.”

  He grinned. “Roger that.”

  She turned serious. “Ballistics aren’t back yet on the rifle, but the preliminary evidence suggests it was the one used on Natalie Wong.” Taylor cocked her head at Jackie, who was hanging up the phone. “She okay?”

  “She is fine,” Jackie said, standing and straightening the edge of her bland suit jacket. He really needed to get her a new wardrobe. Some nice tight skirts and blouses rather than the ultra-boring suits. “You must be Beck’s boss.”

  Beck made introductions and Taylor shook Jackie’s hand. “Sorry to barge in like this,” Taylor said, “but I needed to see that he was all right with my own eyes. I’m glad you’re both okay. It was a traumatic event for sure. And the video, we’ll see what we can do about that.”

  Jackie eyed the envelope in Beck’s hand. “Please tell me that’s evidence that will tell us who killed Annabelle and her business partner.”

  Taylor chewed her bottom lip. “For the record, I’m just the messenger. Matt was going to bring it to Beck, but I offered since I wanted to check on him. Off the record, I think you’re onto something with Dikko Travathian. Keep digging.”

  “Any thoughts on who took the shot at Jackie?” Beck asked. Taylor had no doubt been brainstorming on the culprit with the rest of the team. “Any of the traffic cams catch him?”

  She shook her head. “We’re waiting on DOT to provide us with access to the videos in that area. At this point, the police are labeling it a random shooting and saying we’re lucky the guy didn’t kill more people in the restaurant.”

  “Seriously?” Jackie leaned on the desk. “They think it’s a random occurrence that Annabelle Lockhart’s partner was shot?”

  “Because the guy shot up the restaurant, they’re saying they think he’s mentally unstable. That’s all. There’s been no official link between this and Annabelle’s death.”

  Unbelievable, but so was the rest of this case. “So I’m still their number one suspect then,” Beck said.

  “Afraid so.” Taylor’s cell buzzed and she looked down at the screen. “Lockhart’s on my case. Gotta run. Remember, if anyone asks where you got that envelope…”

  Beck drew his fingers across his lips. “It magically appeared under Jackie’s door like the picture of Byron and the President.”

  Beck handed Jackie the envelope. “I’ll see you out.”

  As he and Taylor walked down the hallway, he lowered his voice. “What’s Lockhart on your case about? Me?”

  “You were inside the restaurant when the shooting happened, so he’s trying to figure out if you hired someone to take out Natalie in order to make it look like you’re innocent, or if you really are. His stress level is through the roof. I think deep down, he knows you didn’t kill his wife, but if you didn’t? Then he’s got a whole other can of wor
ms to dig into and it’s making him nuts.”

  “His stress level is through the roof?” Beck chuckled at the irony. “Poor baby.”

  Taylor gave him another hug when they reached the entryway and he opened the door for her. Cold air blasted in. “Thanks for checking up on me, Taylor.”

  “We’ll get this figured out. You’re not alone, you know.” Just as she stepped out into the cold, she drew up sharp. “Director?”

  Beck swore under his breath as he saw the man coming up the walk. Great.

  Lockhart’s cheeks were flushed, his trench coat unbuttoned and blowing back due to his aggressive gait. His hair was mussed like he’d dragged his fingers through it, and he looked like he hadn’t slept for days.

  Welcome to my world.

  Crossing his arms over his chest, Beck blocked the door. “I’m guessing this isn’t a social call, but I’m pretty sure if you’re looking for an attorney, you’ll have to go elsewhere. Ms. DelRay is booked.”

  “I’m not here for you or your lawyer,” Lockhart scowled. “I was looking for Sinclair.”

  Surprise flashed across Taylor’s face, followed by indignation. “How did you know I was here? Were you following me?”

  He ignored her questions. “I put a rush on the ballistics for the Wong shooting. Thought you’d want to know that the bullets that killed her came from the weapon Pearson found.” He didn’t even glance at Beck. “No fingerprints on the rifle, scope, or bullet casings. Nothing found on the rooftop except the casings. If there weren’t dozens of witnesses at the restaurant claiming Pearson was inside when the shooting started, he’d actually look pretty damn good for it.”

  The Director’s stance and tone suggested he still wanted to believe Beck was six shades of guilty. Beck stepped out of the doorway to stand next to Taylor. “Seems like you could have told Taylor all that over the phone.”

  Byron glared at him, but there was something different in his stare. Less defiance. More weariness. Just a touch of…was that dismay at the fact Beck might be innocent? “Watch yourself, Pearson. There’s a killer on the loose and I’m still not convinced of your innocence.”


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