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Promise To Keep

Page 44

by Rainwater, Priscilla Poole

  They both stood there, faces in one another’s shoulders, in a timeless moment.

  Wow, just… Jonus thought, humbled.

  Finally stepping back, Aisha took both her hands in hers and drank in the sight of her. She could see a mixture of both their parents, herself, and their brother in her. Releasing one of her hands, she tried to wipe her eyes dry, then ran her hand over the top of her head in a gentle, loving caress. “You turned into a beautiful young woman.” she sniffed. “You look so much like momma, I see her in your eyes and smile.”

  “Thanks, I really wish momma could have made it out too, but it just wasn’t possible. She did help us though.”


  “I’ll tell you about it later. Right now I just want to enjoy being together with you, at last.“ she replied, blissfully happy of her sister’s acceptance. This was the woman she had been dreaming about, idolizing even, for her entire life. And suddenly, she was aware that all the photographs she had seen of her hadn’t done her justice.

  From the kitchen, Abby had heard her stepmother and someone else sobbing, and walked into the room to see what was the matter. Shawn stumbled behind in her wake, babbling incoherently. She looked up at Jonus, and tugging his hand, whispered, “Who’s that?”

  Looking down at her, he winked. “That’s her sister, sweetie.” he whispered back.

  “I didn’t know if you would let me stay, or even want me to, but I didn’t have anywhere else to go.” Zamora said in a low voice, still sniffling and wiping her tears away.

  “Oh honey, how could you have ever thought such a thing? I tried writing to you because I’ve always loved you, that’s never changed.“ Aisha replied. Smiling even more brightly, she leaned forward and kissed her on the cheek. Tugging at her hand, she began pulling her into the sitting room. “Oh, wait..” she said as she stopped suddenly, then looked at Jonus. “Could you be dear and go get Connell? And don’t tell him why I want him.”

  He peered at Zamora intently one last time, then smiled and left to do as she had asked.

  “Yes, yes, of course you can stay here! Live, I mean. For as long as you like! I’m so happy to see you! I still can’t believe this! It’s been such an eventful day, you have no idea!” Aisha gushed as they sat down on a large, comfortable couch, then informed her of the news of the twins. “Oh, and where are my manners? Are you hungry, or thirsty? Can I get you anything?” she finished as she stood to her feet excitedly.


  Zamora jumped when she heard the front door slam shut, then heard what sounded like someone thundering through the house in their direction. Her eyes grew wide as a huge, good looking man stepped inside, a man that she instantly recognized from various pictures in the house. Connell. He‘s almost as handsome as Jonus….almost. she thought as she felt herself blush again at the mere thought of him.

  Having eyes only for his wife at the moment, Connell said anxiously, “What’s wrong, did you fall? Are you sick?”

  Struggling to get up from the low couch, Aisha stood, then shook her head and smiled, in an effort to calm him. When it came to her, and especially their precious unborn children, he was more protective and paranoid than any woman she had ever met, and she loved him all the more for it. With a sly look in her eyes, she replied, “ No, nothing’s wrong, I just wanted you to meet my sister, Zamora.”

  “Huh?“ he replied, caught completely off guard.

  “My sister, Zamora. The one I told you about?“ Giving him a hopeful look, she tentatively said, “She’ll be staying with us?”

  Releasing a worried breath, he looked at the nervous, shy young woman who stood next to his wife. “Oh…Ohhhhhhh…that’s right, Zamora! Well…this is a surprise! How….oh, never mind, nice to meet you, finally. And welcome to our home!“ he said as he stepped forward and offered his hand.

  Shaking it timidly, she replied in a low voice, “Thank you sir.“

  “Sir? I’m your new brother-in-law, girl, no need for formalities! Just plain old Connell will do ‘er.“ Smiling, he went to Aisha’s side and wrapped an arm around her waist. “Well, welcome to our home, and our family. And yes, you’re welcome here for as long as you want to stay. No matter what you decide to do, there will always be a meal for you here, and a warm bed to sleep in at night. Wow, this is kind of awkward, too. I don’t want to appear rude, but I feel that…I don’t know, you two should be alone for a bit, you’ve been apart for so long.” Turning, he cleared his throat and kissed Aisha lightly on the lips. “We’ll be back to eat in a bit, there’s still a few things we have to do.” he said as he pulled away.

  Standing on tiptoe, she pulled his face back down and planted a longer, more passionate kiss on his lips and said, “Oh, thank you honey! I never thought this day would come!”

  Zamora looked away, feeling a blush spread across her face yet again. Couples in the compound had rarely displayed any affection towards one another in public, and even that was simply holding hands occasionally. Their own father had always frowned upon it, and viewed it as weakness on a man’s part. She felt as if she was imposing on something very private and special, here. She had never seen their own father give their mother so much as a peck on the cheek.

  “Well, I’ll leave you two ladies alone to catch up, I’m sure you have a lot to talk about. Love you two.” he said, then turned and walked out, still bewildered, yet happy for the both of them.

  After he left, Aisha took her hand and said, “Come on, I’ll show you your room, and we’ll get you unpacked. Then I want you to meet a few of my friends. Helen, you’re gonna’ love, trust me! Well, let me rephrase that. She may seem a little intimidating at first, just don’t be too shocked by her..uhh.. colorful language, Ok? But deep down inside, she’s a sweetheart. Let’s go check on the kids first.”

  Stopping at the playroom, they peeked in on the children, making sure they were all right. Abby had Shawn dressed up in one of her fairy princess outfits, and Aisha shook her head. She knew Connell would have a fit if he ever saw his boy running around in a pink taffeta dress, crown, full-length white gloves, and a rhinestone scepter, as his sister served him tea.

  Putting her own hand over her mouth, Zamora giggled shyly.

  “Abby, you need sisters, and fast!” Aisha chuckled, then shut the door quietly.

  She lead Zamora to what they had originally intended to be the guest bedroom, and stopped when she heard her sister clearing her throat. Turning, she asked, “Something wrong, dear?”

  “Aisha, you’re really happy, aren’t you? I can tell.”

  Without hesitation she replied, “Yes, I am. To be honest, after my divorce, I thought I would, or could, never be happy again, but the good Lord has blessed me with ten times more than I ever lost with Max. I love my husband more than any woman could ever love a man, and I’m going to be a mother, to boot. Yes, I’m happy.“


  Zamora carefully put the rest of her meager belongings in the chest of drawers, then closed them.

  Walking to the center of the room, she looked around in wonder. Her room. Her very own space, where she could have her own privacy, be alone with her own thoughts. It was something she had never had. At the compound, she had always slept in a small bed of her own, inside her parent’s bedroom. It had been a precaution her father had taken ever since Aisha had ran away. The sky blue color of the walls was like something out of her dreams, a very soothing color. There was a large window that overlooked a pond in the backyard, some fifty yards or so away. She had her own private bathroom. Walking to the large canopy bed, she spread her arms wide and fell back on the plush mattress. She let out a little squeal of delight and thought, This room is like something made for a princess. Thank you momma, for having the courage help me and Liz, and thank you Lord for keeping us both safe. Thank you for sending Raven and Carlito along just in time, I will never forget them. I’m finally here, reunited with my long-lost siste
r and her family, and I’m safe. PLUS, I’ll get to look at Jonus all the time, too

  She smiled as she thought about meeting Aisha’s friends for the very first time. They had all been very nice, and eager to help her begin her new life. Helen had promised to take her out for her first night on the town, much to the horror of Aisha. Sheriff Berry and Carol informed her they could employ her part time at the newspaper and Sheriff’s office. The only rough spot had been meeting Connell’s mother. She and Aisha had gotten into a bit of a yelling match because the woman was constantly trying to tell her sister what the kids should and shouldn‘t eat, this and that, a little bit of everything. It had finally culminated with Aisha making it clear her input wasn’t needed.

  She had used that opportunity leave and come into her room.

  She couldn’t believe that her sister was having twins. She had happily told her that she would be the best aunt possible. She also planned to pull her own weight around the place and help out.

  A light knock on the door distracted her. “Come in.” she called. The door opened and Abby peeked in. Stepping inside, the girl looked at her shyly and said, “It’s time for dinner.” She then leaned against the wall and twisted her foot back and forth, looking at the floor. It was obvious she had something else to say.

  “Something on your mind, honey?“ she asked.

  “Since Aisha is my mom now, does that mean you’re my aunt now? I‘ve never had a real aunt before.”

  She gave the little girl a smile, then nodded. “Yes, I suppose I am. But don’t feel all alone. Until today, I never had a niece, either.”

  Seeming pleased by her answer, the girl walked up to her, took her hand, and led her to the dining room.

  She was surprised to see a freshly showered and clean-shaven Jonus sitting at the table, his long, damp hair hanging loosely around his shoulders.

  Looking up at her, he felt the same pull he had felt the first time he had laid eyes on her. Standing, he offered her the seat next to him. “Please, sit down. Aisha and Connell are still in the kitchen.” As she took her seat, he said, “So, I take it you’re all settled in?

  With her head down, she glanced at him shyly and thought, Oh he’s so beautiful! Embarrassed, she looked at the kitchen door and said, “Yeah, I’m unpacked. Do you think they need help? Aisha and Connell, I mean?”

  “Naaah, I think they want a little alone time.” he replied, then winked at her. “You know how newlyweds are.”

  Abby joined in the conversation. Wrinkling her nose in genuine disgust, she looked at Zamora and said, “Uncle Jonus means they’re giving each other cooties again! They’re ALWAYS doing that, yuck! I‘m never letting a boy’s lips touch mine!”

  Jonus’ head fell back and he let out a roar of laughter at not only the look on Abby’s face, but Zamora’s as well. It was obvious the young woman was not only innocent, but a little naïve as well. Deciding to spare her any further embarrassment, he said, “Alrighty then, Abby. Listen, Zamora, how would you like a tour of the farm, after dinner?”

  Looking back up, she was lost for a moment in his eyes, almost feeling his gaze like a soft caress, and knew she would spend time with him watching paint dry, if that’s what he wanted to do. Unable to speak, she rewarded him with a huge smile and eagerly nodded yes.

  Oh man, what is happening here, ol’ boy? Shit, I can’t fall for her….I wont. I CAN’T let it happen again… he thought.


  In the kitchen, Connell ran his strong hands over Aisha’s shoulders, pulling her closer and kissing her deeply.

  She loved the feel of being in his fiery embrace. Actually, she loved everything about him. When she felt movement in her womb she gasped and pulled back. “They’re dancing, they’re so happy. I love feeling our children!” she giggled.

  His heart swelled, knowing that he had been the man to give this amazing woman so much joy. He touched her stomach and spread his large hand over her belly. “Well, maybe when these two come, we’ll have at least one boy for Shawn to hang out with. I can’t believe you’ve been letting let him run around like some pre-school drag queen.”

  She laughed heartily, remembering the look of horror on his face when he came back from the fields a little earlier than usual, and discovered Shawn running around the house in the play clothing Abby had dressed him in.

  The sound of her laughter made him melt, yet again. Touching her radiant face, he said, “You make such a beautiful mother to be. And having your sister here has only added to your joy.”

  Caressing his face, she replied, “And I want so much to be a good sister to her, especially since she’ll have trouble adjusting, under the best of circumstances. There’s no way this can’t be a culture shock for her, after having lived all her life under those archaic rules my father dictated at that..that place.” Turning, she removing the pot roast with vegetables from the oven.

  He could see she was upset at the mere thought of where Zamora had managed to escape from. He knew her family was a source of deep seeded pain for her, and he knew there were things she still hadn’t told him about her father, mother, brother, or the Tribe Of Eden compound, for that matter. “Don’t worry, you’ll be a wonderful sister, I’m sure, and I think she’ll be happy here with us. Come on, let’s have dinner, with our newest family member. Then I’ll take my son to the barn and spend some time with him, let him play in the empty stalls or something.”

  Grabbing the steaming dishes, they headed for the dining room.

  Aisha was surprised to see Zamora smiling shyly and giggling at something Jonus had said. She sat through dinner, and her heart warmed at the playful banter between her long lost sister and him. Connell ate and watched in silence as well, a faint, knowing smile on his lips.

  When dinner was finished Jonus stood, giving them both a nervous look. “Uhhh, I told Zamora I would show her around the place, that alright?”

  Connell had to hide his smile as he glanced at his wife. “Sure, just make sure the gates are secure.” He wanted to laugh as the young woman practically leaped to her feet, obviously excited and eager to go.

  But suddenly Zamora stopped, remembering that she had vowed to herself to pull her own weight around the place. Looking at Aisha, she said, “Well, maybe I should help you clean up instead. We can always take the walk tomorrow.” she said, giving them both a hopeful look.

  Like her husband, Aisha could see the glaringly obvious attraction between the two, but knew Jonus was a good man, and would never hurt her sister on purpose. “No, no, we’ll take care of it this time. It’s a little cool at night here, so grab a sweater of mine out of the hall closet.”

  They both smiled as the young couple hurried off.

  Abby spoke up. “I think Jonus reallllly likes her.” she said, then covered her mouth and giggled.

  “Yeah, honey, daddy thinks he realllly likes her too.” Connell replied. Looking at Aisha, he said, “Hey, what say we put this off and clean a bit later, huh? Come on, lets all go out and play with Thelma and Louie for a little while.”

  “Well, why not?”

  Winking at her, he said, “And don’t worry, he’s a good man. You know he would protect her the same way I do you.” That’s what a real man does when he’s falling for a woman. And afterwards, too… he thought.


  Chapter 14

  Flowers for Zamora

  Zamora looked around the beautiful landscape with wonder.

  “Here’s my favorite spot on the entire farm, this is where I come when I feel like thinking. It’s quiet, and hardly anyone comes here, not even Connell.” Jonus said as he stuffed his hands in his pockets.

  She looked around the area, and knew instantly that this would be her favorite place as well. She walked over to a beautiful patch of purple and yellow wildflowers that were growing not far from a large oak tree. “You’re right, it really does seem so peaceful. And these flowers are
beautiful.” she replied, her voice full of wonder.

  He was amazed that such a beautiful young woman, who could have just about man she wanted, she could derive so much joy out of a simple walk in the evening, and nature. The fact only added to his attraction to her. Unable to help it, he moved to her as if he was being pulled in by her aura. Before he knew it, he found himself standing right in front of her, smiling. Bending over, he plucked a purple wildflower from the ground, then stood. Reaching out carefully, he brushed her hair back on one side and placed the flower behind her ear. “A simple adornment only adds to your beauty.” he said more to himself than to her, as his large hand, seemingly having a mind of it’s own, began caressing her face slowly and lovingly. Vaguely, he thought to himself, So this is what it feels like to be mesmerized.


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