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The Cottage on Lily Pond Lane-Part Four: Trick or treat

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by Emily Harvale

  'Thanks,' he said, looking anxious. He lowered his voice. 'Is it possible to have a word with Ella alone, please Mia? I've got some news and I think it's best if I tell her privately, but I'd like you to be on hand if she doesn't take it well.'

  'Oh my God, Justin. You're not dying or something, are you?'

  He pulled a face. 'Dying? Why would I be dying?'

  'I don't know. It's just that it sounds serious. Oh. Are you dumping her? Because if so, I have to say your timing is pretty unbelievable.'

  'I'm not dumping her, exactly. Well, I suppose I am in a way. But not just yet. Unless she wants to end it now. But I've had an offer I simply can't refuse. Is she here?'

  'Of course she's here. Ella! It's Justin. He wants to have a word in private.' She looked Justin in the eye. 'You can go in the living room. But whatever this is about, I hope you'll be kind. She's already had one shock tonight.'

  'Oh? What was that?'

  'It doesn't matter. Ah. Here she is. I'll leave you to it.'

  Mia gave Ella a hopeful smile and returned to the kitchen. A minute or two later, Gill joined her.

  'Is everything all right? I heard Ella's voice coming from the sitting room and she didn't sound happy.'

  'I don't think she is. But it's a long story and you must be shattered. If you want to go to bed, that's fine by us.'

  He grinned. 'Is that a polite way of telling me to make myself scarce?'

  She grinned back. 'Yes. If you don't mind.'

  'I don't mind. But I'm so hyped-up with excitement that I'm not ready for sleep. May I go for a walk in the garden? Or onto the beach. Can I get to that from your garden?'

  Mia nodded. 'Yes. There's a gate at the end. Just go over the dunes onto the beach. You might want to take a torch. I know the moon's still almost full and there weren't any clouds earlier but you never know. It can get pretty dark out there. There's a torch in that drawer.' She pointed to a drawer near the end cupboard. 'I'm quite excited about what we've discovered today, myself, so I don't think I'll get much sleep either.'

  Gill's grin broadened. 'Oh I wasn't only thinking about that. It's just a shame Ella has a boyfriend.'

  Mia's mouth fell open but she quickly closed it and grinned again. 'Yes. Well. That may not be such an issue. Was that the front door slamming?' She stood up and turned towards the hall.

  'I'll get out of the way. But shout if you need me.'

  Ella stormed along the hall. 'You will never believe this,' she said. 'Oh. Where's Gill dashing off to?'

  'The beach. To give us some privacy. What won't I believe?'

  'That meeting Justin had tonight, wasn't a meeting at all. He was simply waiting for a phone call from his agent. I didn't even know he had an agent. Apparently, someone sent this agent a video of one of Justin's shows and the agent came to see another show live and offered to represent Justin. Can you believe that? He never said a word about it to me. Not one word.' She slumped down on her chair. 'Anyway, he's been offered a part in a film and he's agreed to take it. And you'll never guess what the bloody fortune-teller told him and why he's been backing off from me? Yep. She said he would be offered an opportunity that was far too good to miss and that he would see his name in lights within one year … in Hollywood. Sodding Hollywood! But that he might feel torn over this chance, and a woman he cares for. He should start taking steps straight away to lessen the difficulty. And he should take the chance and forget the woman! I'm telling you now, if that damn fortune-teller ever shows her face here again, I'll kill her. But as she seems to know everyone's bloody future, she'll already know that, won't she?'

  'Wow!' Mia said. 'So when did all this happen? And is the film in the UK, or in the States?'

  Ella sighed. 'The agent contacted him the day after the Fête and a couple of days after that, Justin went up to London for an audition. Another thing he forgot to mention. He says he didn't tell me because if nothing came of it there was no point in rocking the boat. Rocking the Boat! I'm tempted to bloody well drown him. Now I know what that bloody woman meant when she told me that someone was leading me a bit of a dance. And the worst bit is, when the agent called tonight to confirm Justin got the part, he told him to be on a plane in two weeks' time and not to book a return, as there's a strong probability of another part. So much for him being such a nice guy.' She picked up her glass of wine from where she'd left it on the table and finished it in one long gulp.

  'I'm so, so sorry, Ella. But why did he come and tell you this tonight? Surely it could've waited until tomorrow?'

  Ella nodded. 'He said he was going to wait, but he started thinking about Franklin's accident and how lives can change in a split second and he decided he had to tell me right away. How bloody thoughtful of him? Not.' She sighed again. 'But once I got over the shock, the annoying thing was, do you know the first thing that popped into my head when he told me he was leaving?'

  'Um. That Gill being here might be a good thing, after all?'

  Ella smirked. 'Nope. Although I suppose it might be, now. But no. The first thing I thought was, no more delicious fresh bread and scrumptious buns, because who's going to bake them after Justin leaves?'

  Ella looked at Mia and shrugged and then they both burst out laughing even though the prospect of no longer having Justin's buns, wasn't in the slightest bit funny.

  Chapter Nine

  News of Justin's imminent departure spread around the village in no time and, as much as everyone liked Justin, the same words, or very similar, were on everybody's lips: 'Who's going to bake our bread and cakes when Justin leaves?'

  The good news was, even the man himself had thought of that. It seemed he had a plan in place. It was just a pity he hadn't thought to tell Ella he'd been making all these plans.

  'A cousin of mine's coming to take over,' he told Mia, when she went to get fresh bread the morning after he'd broken the news to Ella. 'She trained in Florence and she's been working in a pasticceria there for the last two years. Her cakes and pastries are going to be even more delicious than mine.'

  Mia, and one or two of his other customers, commented that Florence was better known for its art than its baking, but Justin pointed out that baking was an art if done correctly and neither Mia nor anyone else felt they could argue with that.

  'By the time Justin actually leaves,' Mia said, during breakfast two days later, 'everyone will be so keen to try his cousin's buns, they won't even notice he's gone.'

  'I'll notice,' Ella said.

  In spite of his behaviour, Ella was still seeing him. She'd told Mia that it would give her time to get used to the idea that he wouldn't be around. Mia wasn't sure it was a wise decision but it was Ella's life and if that was her choice, Mia would support her no matter what. And be there for her if things turned really sour. Justin, of course, seemed more than happy with this arrangement.

  'Just promise me you won't have 'Goodbye sex',' Mia had said, when Ella had told her, and they'd both laughed at that. They were getting rather good at laughing over bad, sad, or totally mad situations these days.

  'Of course you'll notice. But you can read Mattie's diaries with me until you get another book to edit.'

  'Oh joy,' Ella said. 'I'm hardly able to contain my excitement.'

  'You can help with my research, if you'd like to,' Gill offered. 'That'll keep you busy.'

  'My cup runneth over,' Ella replied, staring at the breakfast muffin on her plate as if that were a work of art.

  Mia nudged her arm. 'It'll take time to get over him, but you'll be okay. You said yourself that things were cooling off anyway. And look at me. I felt as if the world had been taken from me when Garrick left, but I'm doing fine.'

  Ella frowned. 'You've been sitting in the attic for the last two days, reading a dead woman's diaries, and taking them to bed with you at night. Forgive me for saying so, but that's not my idea of doing fine. It doesn't exactly scream, single, thirty-three-year-old woman having the time of her life, to me.'

  Mia grinned. 'That's because you
're thirty-four. We thirty-three-year-olds know how to have a good time.'

  Ella pulled a face. 'That just makes it worse. So what have you discovered from the diaries so far? Do you know why Mattie was ostracised?'

  'Not yet. The diaries haven't got to that bit yet. She started them from her twelfth birthday and so far it's been all about her friends, family and schooling. I've been reading about her family on her mother's side. I already knew quite a bit about her dad's side because of my dad, but her mum's side were fairly wealthy it seems from reading about their lifestyle, and so prim and proper that, to quote Mattie, "if one could capture in a bottle, the air they exhale during one conversation, the laundress would have starch enough to last a week."'

  'Does that mean they had bad breath?' Ella asked.

  'It means they were of the straight-back and stiff-upper lip generation,' Gill said.

  Ella tutted. 'I know what it means. I was joking. What's up with you? I thought you got my humour the moment you arrived, but during the two days you've been here, you've gone all serious and nerdy and pole-up-your-bum-know-it-all-git, again.'

  Mia gasped and Gill almost choked on his coffee.

  'Again?' he queried. 'Is that what you think of me? That's good to know. I foolishly thought you rather liked me. It seems I was mistaken.'

  'Like you?' Ella said, raising her voice and shoving back her chair as she got to her feet. 'I don't know what gave you that idea. Mia was the one who wanted you to stay, not me. I can't wait for you to leave. You're getting on my nerves.'

  He raised his brows as well as his voice as he stood up. 'I sincerely apologise. If my presence annoys you so greatly, perhaps I should go now.'

  'Please do!' Ella glared at him.

  Mia banged her hand on the table. 'Please don't! Ella doesn't mean that, Gill. She's upset, that's all.'

  'I do mean it,' Ella said, almost at shrieking pitch. 'And I'm telling you right now, there is no way I'll ever marry you so don't even bother asking.'

  'Marry me?' His angry voice reflected the shock on his face and his eyes shot from Ella to Mia and back again. 'What in God's name makes you think I'd ask you to? I only met you three days ago. I'll admit I'm attracted to you. But marriage? … God … I haven't even asked you out.'

  'No, you haven't.' Ella glared at him.

  'Because you're still dating a man who's told you he's leaving.' Gill glared back. 'I have no intention of asking you out while you're chasing after him.'

  'I'm not chasing after anyone. I'm still dating him because I like him. And because I like having sex. And because no one else has asked to date me. Okay?'

  'Okay. But there's no need to shriek like a banshee. I like having sex too. You could date me.'

  'Don't you dare call me a banshee. And I can't date you because you still haven't bloody well asked me.'

  'Well I'm asking now. Will you go out on a date with me?'

  Ella hesitated for a split second. 'Well, okay then.' Her voice came down an octave.

  So did Gill's. 'Okay? You'll go out with me?'

  'I might as well. It's better than reading Mattie's bloody diaries with Mia. And that's my only other option.'

  'Fine. What about tonight?'

  'Fine.' Ella sounded almost calm again.

  'Okay. But you'd better tell Justin it's over. I'm not the kind of man who dates other people's girlfriends.' Gill even grinned. 'The pole up my bum won't let me.'

  'Okay.' Ella grinned back. 'I'll go and tell him now. But as much as I like sex, I'm not the kind of girl who jumps into bed on a first date, so don't expect me to.'

  'I don't expect anything.'

  'Good.' Ella turned and marched along the hall. 'I'll see you later.'

  'Good.' Gill marched out into the garden.

  Mia sat at the table, blinking.

  What on earth had just happened?

  Chapter Ten

  The Indian Summer was continuing just as Jet had said it would, that night of the firework display on the beach and, as neither Ella nor Gill had returned after an hour, Mia decided she'd take a break from the diaries and go for a morning swim. She didn't know why it was taking Ella so long to end things with Justin. Perhaps they were having 'Goodbye sex' after all.

  A small part of her hoped she might see Jet but the only other person on the beach was Tom, and he hurried towards her the minute he caught sight of her. Where Gill had disappeared to, she had no idea. Perhaps he'd walked along the beach and up towards Frog Hill. He might return to the cottage via the village and she realised he didn't have a key. Ella might be back soon, so she could let him in. If not, he would simply have to wait.

  'Hello, Mia,' Tom called out, seconds before he reached her. 'How are you, and how is Ella? I've been meaning to call but I've been so busy. You didn't come to choir practice on Tuesday night.'

  'Hi Tom. We're fine, thanks. Ella didn't go because she knew everyone would be looking at her and Justin, and I didn't go because we've found Mattie's diaries and I've been so engrossed in them that I've hardly thought of anything else.'

  'Mattie's diaries?' His tanned face paled a fraction. 'Mattie kept diaries?'

  'Yes. From the age of twelve. And you'll never guess what. Like everything else, they were hidden away where no one could find them. But she left a clue for us, and with Gill's help, we found them. Oh. I suppose you've heard that Gill is staying with us and that his grandad was a friend of Mattie's?'

  Tom nodded. 'Yes. I heard. So you've got her diaries?'

  Mia smiled. 'I knew the village gossips wouldn't let us down. This place could teach big business a thing or two about speedy delivery. Anyway, yes. We also found a note from Mattie to me. Isn't that amazing?'

  'Amazing,' he repeated, stony-faced. 'What did it say?'

  Mia smiled. 'She asked me to read her diaries in order and not to merely jump right to the one she wrote this year. So that's what I'm doing. But you wouldn't believe how tempted I am every single day to just take a little peek at this year's.'

  'Oh I think I would.' He gave a small cough. 'So you haven't? Not at all?'

  She shook her head and grinned. 'Nope. I've been really good. You might almost say, angelic.'

  He grinned back but it looked as if it took effort. 'Has anyone else? Read this year's diary, I mean.'

  'No. I've made it clear that no one, not even Mum or Ella can read them before me. You know what Ella's like. If it said something interesting or important she wouldn't be able to keep it to herself. And nor would Mum. Which reminds me. What did you think when you heard about Franklin's so-called accident and Jet's car?'


  'Yes. About the fact that it wasn't an accident after all. That someone had tampered with the brakes, which meant they expected Jet to be the one who got hurt. Are you okay, Tom? You look as if your mind is miles away.'

  'Sorry. Yes. I'm fine. Just got a lot on my mind at the moment. Is that what you believe? That someone wanted to cause Jet harm?' He shook his head. 'I expect that would give the police a long list of suspects.'

  'I don't think they have any suspects. I'm not even sure they're taking it very seriously. According to Mum, the police officer who came said that while it may appear to be foul play, there are a number of other possibilities. No one knows what that means because it's clear to everyone except him that there's only one possibility. Anyway, he assured them that the police will continue to look into it and that any further incidents should be reported. Which basically means nothing will be done. Why did you say there will be a long list of suspects?'

  Tom shrugged. 'There's a long list of broken-hearted women, many of whom have brothers and most of whom have fathers. Some no doubt, had husbands.'

  'Tom! You really must stop saying horrible things about Jet. You're supposed to be his friend.'

  Although to be fair, Ella had said almost the same thing.

  Tom looked surprised. 'I am his friend. Friends should be honest about one another and to each other. Jet knows very well that I have never a
pproved of his behaviour towards women and that I never shall. I lecture him about it, take my word for that. Not that it does any good, of course. Falls on deaf ears. Jet will do want Jet wants to do, regardless of what anyone may think.'

  'Well, I think you're being unkind. And to be honest, Tom, I don't like it. I'd be grateful if you'd stop saying things about him behind his back. At least to me.'

  He reached out and took her hand. 'Oh, Mia, I am so, so sorry. I have only ever had your best interests at heart. You know how I feel about you and I would do anything I can to save you from further heartbreak. I've known Jet for years and years. You've only known him for a few months. Surely you can see that I may know him a little better than you do. That I know – and have seen – the real Jet Cross. The one he keeps under wraps as much as possible.'

  Mia snatched her hand away. 'You're doing it again, Tom. Saying horrid things. I mean it. I don't want to hear them. I like you, Tom, I really do, but if this continues, I'm not sure we can be friends.'

  'Mia! Please don't say that. Your friendship means the world to me. You mean the world to me. Forgive me. Please, please forgive me. I promise I shan't say another word. Unless your life depends on it.'

  'Unless my life depends on it? What does that mean?'

  His expression was a mixture of anxiety and apology. 'I can't say. I promised not to say another unpleasant word against Jet, and I'll keep that promise. Until the time comes when I have to speak. Now let's change the subject and be friends again. Franklin is up and about, I hear and Ella is still seeing Justin in spite of the way he's treated her. That was a surprise to all of us. Justin has always been such a thoughtful man. But the promise of fame can turn a man's head. Just as can, the promise of money.'

  Mia had a feeling there was more to that comment than met the eye, but she didn't pursue it.

  'Ella may not be dating Justin for very much longer.' She glanced at her watch. 'In fact, I'd say by now she's not.'

  'Oh? Does that mean she has ended things with him? Good for her if she has. No one likes to see a woman throwing herself at a man. Especially when the man clearly isn't interested.'


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