The Cottage on Lily Pond Lane-Part Four: Trick or treat

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The Cottage on Lily Pond Lane-Part Four: Trick or treat Page 11

by Emily Harvale

  On Tuesday, Mia, Ella and Lori went with Hettie to have their final fittings. Hettie's long, silk chiffon gown was pale lavender with a silk, one-button coat of lavender with purple flowers embroidered here and there. The bridesmaid dresses were full-length, purple silk chiffon with lavender lace, bolero jackets. Prince Gustav would be wearing his purple jacket and Jet and Fred would wear grey morning suits and matching top hats with a pale lavender band, and purple waistcoats.

  'You look stunning, Hettie,' Mia said. And she meant it.

  The gown was empire style, as were the bridesmaid dresses, and the one button on the coat was set just below Hettie's ample chest. The sweep of the outfit gave her a streamlined figure.

  'Fred said I could have whatever I want, deary, and this is it.' There were tears of pure joy in her eyes but she sniffed and wiped them away with the back of her hands. 'What a silly old fool I am, getting all emotional.'

  'You should be emotional,' Ella said. 'It's your wedding day on Saturday and Fred's a

  lucky man. You look beautiful.'

  'Get away with you, deary. I look like an old woman.'

  Lori hugged her. 'You look like a woman in love, Hettie, and the girls are right. You look incredible.'

  On Wednesday, Gill and Ella went shopping and Gill informed Mia that she had to go with them.

  'I promised Jet, at Hettie's engagement party, on pain of … I'm not sure what exactly, but something very unpleasant if the look on his face at the time was anything to go by, that I would never leave you alone in the cottage.'

  'But it's the middle of the day and I'll be fine.'

  'Yes you will, because you're coming with us,' Ella said. 'Don't argue. I promised Jet too.'

  'Well, I didn't. Oh okay. Don't look at me like that. I'm coming. But I'm bringing one of the diaries with me and I'll read it every chance I get.'

  Hettie came to clean on Thursday and stayed all morning showing Mia and Ella the cruise she and Fred were going on for their honeymoon.

  'I need to ask you a favour, deary. Will you look after Prince Gustav while we're gone?'

  'Of course, we will. Gill will bring his cage round here just like Garrick did when you stayed with us.' That memory sent a pang of sadness through Mia's heart, especially as it was getting close to what would have been her and Garrick's wedding day.

  On Friday, she, Ella, Lori and Hettie went into town for manicures, pedicures and to have their hair done and Friday night, when Fred was having a stag night in the pub, the 'girls' had Hettie's hen night in Little Whitingdale, watching The New Frog Hill Hounds, but they weren't the same without Justin.

  'I still can't believe he left without saying goodbye,' Ella said.

  'He didn't say a proper goodbye to anyone, deary. Didn't want a fuss, he told me. Fuss indeed. After all the years he's lived in Little Pondale. But he wasn't having it. Jet was the only one he spent any real time with before he jumped on that plane. But I can't believe we still haven't got fresh bread, deary. That cousin of his should be over here by now. Once you close a bakery, people will start looking elsewhere.'

  'Gill's been baking bread for us,' Ella said. 'It's not as good as Justin's but it's better than that plastic stuff, or a long journey to town to get some. Sorry, Hettie. I'll get him to bake you a loaf or two.'

  'Well it's a bit late now, deary. I'm getting married tomorrow and then we're off on our cruise. By the time we get back, the bakery should be up and running, or so the note said on the door.'

  On Saturday, Mia just about had time to read the start of the diary for the year 2010 and what she read almost made her late to Hettie's wedding. She was sitting on the window seat in the attic when Ella came thumping up the stairs.

  'I've been looking everywhere for you. We've got precisely an hour before the wedding and we've got to get to Hettie's to help her. You're not even showered!'

  'Oh my God. I lost track of time. Why didn't you call me sooner?'

  'I thought you were getting ready. I called you two hours ago and told you you were cutting it fine. You said you'd come right down.'

  'I got to the bit where Mattie decides to start watching me. She doesn't mention her will, she just says she got an interesting idea and needs to get to know me to see if it will work. And I've only just found out what that idea was. You'll never believe it, Ella. Not in a million years.'

  'I'll believe it, but you'll have to tell me later. We've got a wedding to get to.'

  She grabbed Mia's arm and virtually dragged her down the stairs and threw her in the shower. She laid out her clothes, did her hair while Mia did her own make-up and Mia was still putting on her jacket as she was being dragged along the hall.

  They made it in time to help Hettie and by the time they arrived at the church, even the clouds that had been threatening rain all morning, lifted to reveal the sun.

  'That's Hector,' a tearful Hettie said. 'He's arranged for the sun to shine for me and Fred.'

  'I think you'll find ... Oh never mind,' said Ella. 'Let's get you married. Where's Prince Gustav?'

  'I've got him,' Mia said, holding up the Cinderella carriage-like cage. It had a pale lavender cushion for him to sit on and he looked every bit the prince in his purple jacket.

  'Off you go then,' said Ella.

  Mia grinned. 'When did you get so bossy?'

  'When you buried your head in those damn diaries on Hettie's big day. Now go.'

  The Wedding March rang out from the organ pipes and Mia began her slow walk down the aisle. Fred looked handsome and she smiled, trying to forget that this could have been her walking down the aisle as the bride.

  And then she saw Jet and she almost stumbled.

  She had never seen him in anything other than work clothes or casual clothes – and both consisted of jeans. In his grey morning suit, white shirt and purple waistcoat, he looked like a piece of heaven had beamed down before her eyes. The man was gorgeous casual. Like this, he was divine. His midnight black hair gleamed in the beams of sunlight filtered by the stained-glass windows. His tanned face was clean shaven as usual, but his skin seemed to glow today. And as he watched her – and he definitely was watching her – walk down the aisle towards him, she had to remind herself again that this was not her wedding. And she was definitely not walking down the aisle to Jet. As his bride to be. But the image was making it difficult for her to breathe.

  A smile spread across his face and reached his eyes. And for a second, she thought he was seeing her as she was seeing him and then his smile faded and was replaced by a frown and he turned away, although it looked as if it took great effort because she could see his eyes and head keep twisting back in her direction.

  She reached her spot and stepped aside to let Hettie, and Hector's ghost, pass and Jet suddenly looked at her and mouthed the words. 'You look beautiful.'

  Or was he saying that to Hettie?

  No, he was definitely not looking at Hettie.

  'So do you,' she mouthed back, and she saw the twitch take hold again and bloom into a full-blown, sexy, loving smile.

  Chapter Eighteen

  The ceremony went off without a hitch. The bride shed one or two tears of joy, Fred shed one or two more and Prince Gustav peed on his lavender cushion, but you can't have everything go right when animals are involved.

  'That's a good omen!' Hettie declared.

  'Of course it is,' said Ella.

  Gill offered to take Prince Gustav home to Sunbeam Cottage. 'You can come and say goodbye before you leave for your honeymoon.'

  That seemed to please Hettie, so after the photographs were taken, in the sunny garden at the rear of the church, in which Prince Gustav was front and centre with the bride and groom, Gill took Prince Gustav to Sunbeam Cottage and Ella also disappeared. It didn't take much imagination to know what they would be doing for the next half an hour or so. There was a buffet and an open bar at The Frog and Lily, and guests began to make their way from the garden, around to the front of the church and across the lane to the pub. />
  Jet was standing near the back door, leading to the steeple, deep in conversation with Toby Bywater.

  'Are you coming to the pub now, darling,' Lori asked.

  'In a minute, Mum. You and Franklin go ahead.'

  Lori smiled and left. Mia walked towards Jet; she had something in particular to tell him. The sun was still shining, the sky was the softest blue and a warm breeze lifted the tips of Jet's hair as she looked at him.

  The bells were still ringing and Mia wished they would continue for hours; they made such a beautiful sound. Especially one bell. What was that one called. She looked towards the belfry and tried to remember. It was named after the man who paid for it to be made. What was his name? Edward something. Ah yes. Edward Angel, that was it. It was called the Angel Bell. And that's what it sounded like to her.

  She saw Jet glance in her direction. She saw the smile reach his eyes. Toby looked at Jet and then at her, and an odd expression crossed his face. He tapped Jet on the arm, nodded towards Mia and walked away.

  'The Angel Bell,' she whispered, although she wasn't sure why. 'The Angel Bell. Oh God.' Her eyes shot to the steeple and as she screamed Jet's name, she ran. Faster than she had ever run before. He was only a few feet away and she covered the distance in no time at all, thumping into him, and as solid as he was, she managed to knock him off balance. He stumbled backwards against the church exterior wall, with her landing in his arms, her face thudding against his chest.

  The noise was almost like the sound Mattie had described in her diary of the V-1 flying bombs, or doodlebugs as they were commonly known. A buzzing and then silence just before the bomb hit. Mia heard the buzz like whizz of displaced air, or so she thought and then the silence before the carved stone angel shattered on the ground, inches from her and Jet, sending up shards of masonry like shrapnel, one of which she noticed, was a piece of the angel's wing. And it landed on her shoulder before tumbling to the ground.

  'Are you all right, Mia?' Jet barked, holding her tight against him.

  She burst out laughing, and he eased her away from him to look into her eyes.

  'I'm fine,' she said. 'I heard the warning bell, just like the fortune-teller said, and an angel was on my shoulder.'

  'Mia!' It was Lori's voice coming ever closer, screaming in fear.

  'I think she may've been hit,' Jet yelled. 'She sounds delirious. Where's Bear? For God's sake! Someone find Bear.'

  'I'm here,' Bear said, running from the church. 'Are you okay, Jet?'

  'Don't worry about me. Take care of Mia.'

  'I'm fine. I'm not delirious. Honestly. I'll probably have a couple of bruises where the bits of masonry bounced up and hit me, but there's no blood. Look. No cuts. What about you, Jet?'

  He looked deep into her eyes. 'I'm fine, Mia. Thanks to you.'

  'What happened?' Franklin said. 'How did the statue fall?'

  Tom came running from the church. 'What happened? Oh good heavens. An angel has fallen from its corbel. I've been warning the diocese something like this might happen. The church is in need of repair but I didn't foresee it happening quite so soon. Is anyone hurt?'

  'No one's hurt, Tom,' Jet said. 'Mia just saved my life. If she hadn't done what she did, that angel would be on top of me right now.'

  'I saw it wobble for a second or two before it fell,' Mia said.

  'Then it's a miracle,' said Tom.

  'It may be a miracle,' Jet replied, 'but I'm not so sure it was an accident.'

  'We should call the police,' Lori said.

  'What for?' Tom demanded. 'It was an accident, I can assure you. The police won't find anything but crumbling stone up there. I'll get someone to clear up this mess but I think it would be wise if everyone made their way out of the garden now.'

  'Then let's not let it ruin Hettie's wedding,' Mia said. 'And I for one could do with a very large drink. We're okay, Mum.'

  'Make that two,' Jet said, glaring at Tom before wrapping his arm around Mia. 'Are you really sure you're okay?'


  Lori didn't look convinced and nor did Jet but Mia smiled. 'Honestly, I'm fine. Come on. Let's go and celebrate with Hettie and Fred.'

  A little reluctantly, Lori and Franklin walked ahead of Mia and Jet.

  Mia glanced up at Jet and whispered: 'Did you mean what you said about it not being an accident?'

  Jet looked at her and shook his head. 'I don't know. Perhaps it was. Those stones are centuries old, and Tom's right about the church needing repairs. Mattie paid for the bells to be restored, several years ago and I think Tom was hoping that she had left some money to the church in her will.'

  'She did. Originally.'

  He stopped and turned her to face him. 'How do you know that?'

  Lori and Franklin stopped too.

  'It's okay, Mum. You go ahead.'

  Lori seemed unsure but Mia beamed at her and winked, trying to convey that she'd like a word alone with Jet, and after a second, Lori nodded and she and Franklin continued towards the pub.

  Mia smiled up at Jet. 'I've been reading her diaries. And I can't be sure, because I still haven't finished, but I think there may've been something between her and Grace. Grace Tyburn. I'm not sure if it was romantic, or simply a very close friendship but the way she writes about her, it's clear Grace meant a lot. Mattie said that she was planning to leave Grace "well provided for" although as Grace wasn't that much younger than Mattie, and probably wouldn't be around for many more years, that might not have been a lot. But she would've got it before she did die, and as Tom's her only living relative, and he no doubt, inherited Grace's estate, he would've got Mattie's money too.'

  'You said, "Originally". Does that mean she changed her mind? Or do you think that's what's in the codicil?'

  'She changed her mind. She hadn't made the codicil at the time. Just a will. But it doesn't say who she left the rest to. She'd been watching me for a while, so possibly me but it doesn't say. Anyway, something happened and she made a new will. She says that Grace is no longer in it but that she's taken steps to make sure Grace will have enough money to last her lifetime. I don't know what that means, because she doesn't elaborate. But Mattie also had other plans. A plan for two people, in fact. And I don't want you to get angry, especially as it feels really nice to have your arm around me again. No. Don't pull away, Jet.'

  He grinned. 'I wasn't going to. I was going to put my other arm around you as we're standing face to face.'

  'I like the sound of that. Go on then.'

  He did and he smiled down at her. 'You were asking me not to get angry.'

  'What? Oh yes. The plan.' She took a deep breath and placed her hands on the front of his jacket. 'Mattie didn't mention leaving you anything but you definitely meant a lot to her too. And she says that what you need is to fall in love. To find someone you can really care about.'

  He stiffened and the smile faded.

  Mia curled her fingers around the edges of his jacket. 'And she says that she feels you and I should meet. Don't be mad.'

  He stared at her. 'I'm not. So far. What else does she say?'

  'That she's going to have to find a way to make that happen. I know this sounds ridiculous, but I think that's what the condition for me to inherit is all about. She put the term of a year in her will to make me stay here, so that you and I could get to know one another.'

  He gave a burst of laughter. 'Did she know how annoying you are?'

  Mia nodded. 'She knew. She'd been watching me, remember. She also knew what a stubborn, pig-headed man you are, but she still thought we might get on. She even thought we might like one another.'

  'Well, it shows she wasn't always right then, doesn't it?' He grinned.

  'I'm amazed just how wrong she could be.' Mia grinned up at him.

  'Did she also say that she thought I'd find you almost completely irresistible?'

  'Almost? No. She said that you'd constantly walk away and drive me nuts and make me so cross that if I'd known that angel was so
loose I'd have pushed it on top of you myself.'

  'It's a good thing we've got a year. I suppose there's a slight chance we might like one another by the end of that.'

  'I don't know. I think it's touch and go.'

  His grin widened. 'I'd like to go and touch right now.'

  'Really? Are you saying what I think you're saying?'

  'I don't know what I'm saying. When I saw you walk down that aisle towards me, I …' He suddenly became serious. 'I don't know, Mia. I've never had a relationship. A real relationship. I don't know how to. I don't know if I can. I still can't promise you anything. I don't know if what I feel will last. I don't even know what it is I do feel. All I know is that I can't seem to get you out of my head. And that's never happened to me before. Are you honestly willing to take a chance on me? To take that risk? This might end as quickly as it started.'

  'It might. But then again …' She shrugged. 'It might not. And yes. I'm willing to take that chance. I've told you more than once I am. You're the one who keeps walking away.'

  'Because I can't bear the thought of hurting you. Of doing to you, what my dad did to my mum.'

  'Then stop thinking you will. You're not your dad, Jet. You're you.'

  They stared into each other's eyes for several minutes until Mia gave a little cough.

  'Ahem. For someone with your reputation with women, Jet, I hate to have to say this. But now would be a pretty good time to kiss me, you know. If you want to that is. And if you say you don't, you're dead.'

  'I want to,' he said.

  And he did.

  For some considerable time.

  It was only when some other wedding guests walked past and one said, 'Get a room,' and laughed and cheered, that he stopped.

  'That's not a bad idea,' Mia said.

  'But we've got a wedding reception to go to. There's plenty of time for that.'

  She tutted and he laughed.

  'Come on then.' She grabbed his hand but he let it go and kept his arm around her instead.


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