The Cottage on Lily Pond Lane-Part Four: Trick or treat

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The Cottage on Lily Pond Lane-Part Four: Trick or treat Page 12

by Emily Harvale

  'I'm still feeling dizzy from my brush with death. I need to use you for support.'

  'I'm feeling dizzy from that kiss, but once again, it had no effect on you.'

  He raised his brows and looked at her. 'You know that's not true, so don't pretend otherwise.'

  She grinned at him. 'Then let's go back to my place.'

  'That should be my line. I'm sorry, Mia, but I'm not that sort of man.' He laughed.

  'Yeah, right. Pillock.'

  'Come and dance with me,' he said, pulling her into the pub and onto the dance area where Ella and Gill and Lori and Franklin already were.

  And as Mia danced with Jet, she realised that she was having the best time she had ever had. She laughed with Jet. She danced with Jet. Jet held her in his arms in front of everyone in the village.

  And later, much, much later, he walked her home to Sunbeam Cottage, with Ella and Gill walking in front of them. He kissed her goodnight on the doorstep. Several times.

  But the bloody annoying man would absolutely not come in and spend the night.

  'Are you coming in?'

  'No, Mia. And not because I don't want to. And not because I think it'll be a mistake. I'm not coming in because that's what I'd normally do with a woman I want to take to bed.'

  'And your point is?'

  He grinned. 'My point is, I don't want this to be like any other time. I don't want to do what I normally would. I want to take this slowly. To go out on a date with you. A proper date. To take our time. Can you understand that? This is a major step for me and I want to be sure I can handle it before we sleep together.'

  'I understand. I think. But I also think there's a very strong possibility I'll die of frustration. I don't think I've ever wanted anyone as much as I want you.'

  'Snap. But I still want to do things differently.'

  'Okay. Then you'd better get lost and let me go and take a cold shower right now.'

  He laughed. 'I'm going to go home and do the same.'

  She leant into him and ran her hand down the front of his shirt, beneath his unbuttoned waistcoat. 'We could shower together. Save water. Be good to the environment, and all that.'

  He sucked in his breath. 'I'm going home. Good night.' He eased her away from him and then pulled her back into his arms and kissed her again. 'God, Mia, Mattie Ward has got a lot to answer for. Right. I'm going. Good night.' And this time he stepped away from her and smiled. 'Lock the door behind me. Pleasant dreams.' Then he was gone. She waited for a moment to see if he'd come back, but he didn't. She closed the door, locked it and went upstairs to bed.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Ella couldn't believe that Jet and Mia had finally got together. But then again, Mia could hardly believe it herself. When she first woke up, she thought it might have been a wonderful dream and nothing more. But when her landline rang at seven-thirty and Jet asked her how she'd slept, she thought her heart would burst with happiness.

  'Oh, I didn't sleep. Tom popped round for a night cap and well, you know.'

  He didn't laugh. He didn't make a sound. She wasn't even sure he was breathing.

  'That was a joke, Jet. A joke. Too soon?'

  Jet let out a long sigh before he laughed. 'Much too soon. I'm new to this, I told you. Self-doubt and anxiety are already creeping in.'

  'God, Jet. I understand your doubts about having a relationship. But please don't have doubts about how I feel. If Ryan Gosling walked in here right now, I'd tell him I wasn't interested. And that's a big deal, believe me.'

  'Duly noted. What are you doing today?'

  'Other than reading the diaries, no plans in particular. You?'

  'Doing farm stuff. I'd explain but you'd die of boredom. Which is another thing we need to think about if this is going anywhere.'

  She sat bolt upright. 'Oh?'

  'You're allergic to animals and all things farm.'

  'True. But you're allergic to marriage and all things relationships, so we're equal on that front.'

  'That's true. Okay. I've got rugby stuff I need to do tonight. We're still trying to find a replacement for Justin and we've missed several training sessions since the season started. If we don't get sorted soon, we won't be playing any matches. Tomorrow is choir practice. Are you going?'

  'Sorry. I fell asleep when you mentioned rugby. Only joking. I want to hear about it. Er. I really do want to finish reading these diaries though, so I'm giving choir practice a miss again. And perhaps everyone should unless they want an angel landing on their head.'

  'Good point. I'll speak to Tom and see what's happening. Okay. Wednesday's Halloween. You've got to come to that. We all dress up and there's a competition in the pub for the best costume. Let's make that our first date night, shall we?' he said, laughing.

  'You really know how to impress a girl, Jet. Casanova could've learnt a lot from you.'

  'I'll take you to all the best places.'

  'I just want you to take me, Jet. But I know. We're doing things differently. Where do I get a costume for Halloween?'

  'There's a hire place in Little Whitingdale. I'll give you the directions.'

  'Great. I'll rope in Ella and Mum and Gill too.'

  'Gill? Does he play rugby, do you know?'

  'Goodbye Jet. Go and do farm stuff.'

  He laughed. 'Goodbye, Mia. Find out who gets the dosh if you don't make it to the end of the year.'

  'Oh, I'll make it, Jet. You can count on that. I'll still be here long after the bell chimes on that date.'

  'I hope so, Mia. I really do. And I never thought I'd hear myself saying that I'd like a girl to stick around.'

  'Stick around's a start. But I'm telling you, Jet. I'm in this for the long haul. And don't you dare get all paranoid and panicky and all woe is me and run away, because Mattie had plans for us and I think we owe it to her to try.'

  'Of course. I'm only doing this for Mattie.'

  Mia laughed. 'You tell yourself that, Jet. But we both know we're doing this for us. Now go and feed those cows and milk those chickens. Or is that the other way around?'

  'Nope. Chicken milk and cow's eggs are this farm's specialities. And the occasional slice of human, too, of course. Bye Mia.'

  'Bye Jet.'

  She fell back on the bed and kicked her legs up in the air and swung her arms around, laughing and screaming. She rolled over and back again, got up and jumped up and down on the bed.

  She knew she was right about him. She just knew it. He still might not fully realise it, but Jet Cross was well on his way to being in love. And she was the lucky woman he was falling in love with.

  'Ella!' she yelled, leaping off the bed and rushing to Ella's room. 'We need to hire a fancy-dress costume for Halloween. Oh sorry Gill. I forgot you'd be here.'

  Gill shot bolt upright but Ella groaned and turned over. 'What?' She glanced at the clock. 'It's just gone seven-thirty, Mia. We didn't get in till one. Go and read a diary or something. Call me in two hours. If this is what you dating Jet Cross is going to be like, I'm moving out.'

  'Yeah, yeah. Like that's going to happen.'

  Chapter Twenty

  Mia read until Ella and Gill got up, and after breakfast they met up with Lori and went to the shop to get their Halloween costumes. When Jet had emailed her the address, he told her he was going as Frankenstein, so Ella said Mia should go as his bride.

  'If you're really dating him then you may as well push it to the limits now. If he runs, he probably would've anyway. If he stays, you never know. Miracles do happen. And you don't even have to live together. You can stay at Sunbeam Cottage. He can live at his farm. You can simply be together without actually being together.'

  'He is right about that,' Mia said. 'I'm not exactly farmer's wife material, am I?'

  'Hey. You overcame your fear of water. You can handle a few chickens and cows. Besides, you won't have to handle them. He will. And he's got Franklin and also Pete. You can stay indoors and bake pies, or whatever farmer's wives do.'

  'Okay. Fr
ankenstein's bride it is. What about you?'

  'We're going as characters from The Rocky Horror Show. That's always popular with the crowds.'

  'And you, Mum?'

  'Franklin wants us both to go as Mummies. Don't ask me why. He says he's got a thing about Mummies. And if either of you two, cracks a joke about that's why he likes me so much because he loves ancient Mummies, I'll bring a plague of locust down on you before you can say another word.'

  'It's not very flattering or sexy though, is it?' Ella said. 'At least Mia and I can wear low cut dresses or something.'

  'Ah, but Franklin says when we get home, we'll slowly unwrap one another. That sounds like fun.'

  'It sounds time consuming. He's a big guy. That means lots of bandages. But hey, you go with it, Lori.'

  When they got home, Mia went back to reading the diaries.

  'You'll never guess why Mattie changed her will,' she said that night as she was about to read the next one to Ella and Gill. 'I told you she was leaving money to provide for Grace. Well, it seems that Grace started being a bit cool towards Mattie. Grace was worried about what people might think of their relationship, apparently. Mattie still doesn't spell out what their relationship was. It seems some things she still won't reveal, not even in her own diary. Anyway, she also says that Grace clearly has a problem, but she doesn't say what. She does say that instead of leaving Grace money in her will, she's making arrangements to ensure Grace has money right away. Enough to last her for the rest of her life. But she also says that they're not telling Tom about this arrangement. She says Tom's now being extra friendly but that she's never really liked him. She paid for the restoration of the bells because she loved the bells, and also because it was what Grace wanted. But Mattie thinks Tom's hiding something. Which is exactly what Hettie says about him, isn't it?'

  'She does,' Ella said. 'Does Mattie go on to say what it is?'

  'She says she's convinced he's been in the cottage. And listen to this. That he used the key she gave to Grace. That means there might be another key and Tom might have it. And that means, Tom may've been the one who I heard on the stairs.'

  'That's a bit of a leap,' Gill said. 'If Mattie and Grace's whatever it was had cooled off, surely Mattie would've asked for her key back.'

  'True. But Tom may've already got another one cut. She says things have been moved and at first, she thought Hettie had moved them but it was often on days when Hettie hadn't been round. She thinks he's been looking for her will. She'd told Grace about the proposed legacy. He might've wanted to see how much. He didn't find it because Mattie had hidden it, but after that he kept saying how much repairs would be for the church and how valued her previous contribution had been. Blah, blah. Basically, he's trying to guilt trip her into paying out more. She decides to make sure Tom won't see a penny of her money. It's for a good cause but she says she thinks he may be skimming money from the church.'

  Ella gasped. 'She thinks Tom's a crook?'

  'It seems so. And that got me thinking. Tom was the one who saved me at Rainbow's End, but he was also the one who, along with Bear, led me to believe Jet would be there. And he's always lurking, isn't he? And when that stone fell, he came from the church. But so did Bear. Oh I don't know. I just know Mattie didn't trust him. Hettie doesn't and nor do I. And let's not forget all those things he told me about Jet in an attempt to put me off. What if he still thinks he may inherit? That Mattie left him or the church the money in the codicil? He could easily be the one who put the frog and flowers on the doorstep, and the card.'

  'Then I think we had all better keep a close eye on the vicar,' Gill said.

  By Tuesday, Mia was up to 2016.

  'You'll never believe this,' Mia said after dinner that night as she read the last section of the diary. 'Mattie talked a lot about Jet in each diary since she'd met him and his mum. She'd written about how much she liked him. She'd mentioned the loan and his insistence on repaying every penny. She'd given details over the years about his love for his mum and how devastated he was by her death. It was pretty clear Mattie was a little bit in love with Jet herself. But one sentence actually says, "if I were many, many years younger, I'd be head over heels in love with Jet. He reminds me of Will. He reminds me of the power of love." Isn't that amazing? And get this. She also says she's sure there's something going on between Tom and Alexia. Can you believe that? She doesn't say what, as yet, but she says she's going to keep a closer eye on both of them. But Alexia told us she and Tom have never dated.'

  'Bloody Nora,' Ella said. 'Now there's got to be a vicar and tart joke somewhere in that.'

  By Wednesday, Mia had raced through 2017 and was ready to open 2018; this year's diary and one that would be very short because Mattie died in March. The odd thing was, this diary wasn't just tied in the bundle; this diary had its own ribbon tied around it and up and over the top and when Mia finally unbound the ribbon and let the pages fall open, two envelopes fell out. One was addressed to her and said, "Mia, please read this note first". The other said, "Mia read the other note before this. This is my last will and testament. It also contains my codicil". Mia dropped the diary and ran downstairs, calling for Ella and Gill and telephoning her mum.

  'I've got the will and codicil, Mum. I can find out who inherits if I leave. Please come round. I want you to be here when I read it, but hurry because I'm so excited I can't wait long.'

  'I'm on my way, darling.'

  'What's up?' Ella said, coming in from the garden a few minutes later. 'We could hear you yelling all the way down to the beach. We were walking on the sand, making the most of the first truly sunny day this week. Okay. That's not true. We were already back in the garden but anyway, why the shouting?'

  Mia waved the two envelopes. 'Another note to me. And Mattie's will and codicil. I'm waiting for Mum to get here and then I'm going to read it.'

  'I'll leave you then,' Gill said.

  Mia hesitated for one second. 'No don't. You know as much about Mattie as we do. And I'm pretty sure it won't be you who inherits, so I'm happy for you to hear it. But everyone must promise not to say a word once we find out who it is.'

  'Promise,' Ella and Gill both said.

  'I'm here, darling.' Lori ran along the hall. 'I think I broke the speed limit getting here but anyway.'

  'I'll make coffee,' Ella said. 'Start reading. I'm listening.'

  Mia opened the note and read it. 'It says the usual greeting bit then, "I wanted you to live in Little Pondale, you'll know that and you'll know why if you've read my diaries. I hope you have. And I hope in the order I told you to. I'm old and frail now and I'm living on borrowed time. I've had an exciting life. I've known incredible pain both physical and emotional and I've known wondrous love and the power to heal hearts and wounds such love can have. I would only change one thing. And that is, I would have married Will. I should have married him. I don't want you to tell him this but I hope you've told him what I asked in my previous note to you. I have no way of knowing how long you've been in the cottage as you're reading this. I'm hoping it's a few months but it might be longer. What I'm really hoping is that you have fallen in love. And you'll know who with if you've read my diaries. I may be old but I'm still a good judge of character. I know what people really want and I know how to get it for them. You want someone to love with all your heart and soul. I want Jet to be that man. And hopefully, so do you. Because Jet wants a woman who will love him like that. Jet needs a woman to love him like that. And more importantly, Jet will love a woman like that with all his heart and soul and every fibre of his being. He plays the part of a jack-the-lad, but Jet is a prince of men. I know you could be that woman, Mia. I know it in my soul. And if I had the slightest doubt, someone else has told me this is what will happen. You may laugh at this. I don't know. But every year at the village Fête, a fortune-teller in a crimson tent amazes people with her predictions."'

  'The fortune-teller!' Ella exclaimed.

  'Good heavens,' Lori said.

nodded. 'She seems to be in all our lives. Anyway, "I visited her several years ago, shortly after I began watching you. I wrote about it in my diary but I erased it because I didn't want you to know of it until you reached this final diary. She told me I was keeping a very close eye on someone, a young woman of my bloodline. That there was a young man with a damaged heart, not physically but emotionally and that I cared deeply for him. That the way to mend his heart and mine, and to make peace with my own past was to bring the woman and the man together. That Fate would take its course, but it needed time. The woman needed an offer she couldn't refuse. The man needed to help her overcome a fear as she would help him overcome his. You will find a way, the fortune-teller told me. You will. Your will. Money is a carrot, she said. That's when I knew. I had to change my will and add a codicil. That's when I started making plans. You may find it hard to believe that a person like me would take notice of a fortune-teller's words, but I have seen her predictions come true, year after year. I believe in Destiny and Fate and the mystical power of things we don't fully understand. I believe what she told me, will come true. Now you can open my will and the codicil. Be happy Mia. Choose Love, no matter how difficult things may seem. True Love can overcome anything." And it's signed the same as before.'

  'I may be wrong,' Ella said, grinning, 'but I get the feeling Mattie wants you and Jet to be together.'

  Lori and Gill laughed and Mia smiled. 'She's not the only one. Okay. Now let's open the will.'

  'Forget the will, darling. You know what that says. You're here in the cottage and you have to stay a year. Read the codicil.'

  'You're right, Mum.' Mia opened the envelope and removed the will and then the codicil which was in another envelope inside that one. 'Okay. This is a codicil to the last will, blah, blah. That's all legal stuff. Oh. My. God.' She glanced up at her mum and then Ella before she burst out laughing. 'This you won't believe. It says, "I leave my entire estate..." More legal jargon, then "To Mia Ward, my great-niece, regardless of whether or not she stays the year in Sunbeam Cottage, as stated in my will. She may dispose of Sunbeam Cottage and all my chattels and estate as she sees fit and ..." More legal jargon. So basically, this means that no matter what, I get it all. Every bit of it, whether I stay or whether I go. It seems the will was just a way of getting me to come here, stay, meet Jet and hopefully fall in love. And the codicil was meant to make me think someone else would inherit if I didn't stay. What a bizarre and crazy thing to do!'


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