The Cottage on Lily Pond Lane-Part Four: Trick or treat

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The Cottage on Lily Pond Lane-Part Four: Trick or treat Page 13

by Emily Harvale

  'The woman was a nutter,' Ella said, laughing.

  Lori laughed too. 'It may be bizarre, darling but it worked, didn't it? You came, you saw, you fell in love, to misquote Julius Caesar. You're going to stay and, unless Jet is a complete idiot, which I don't believe he is, you and he are going to be together. Mattie got what she wanted. And so have you and so has Jet. That doesn't sound crazy to me. It sounds like great-aunt Matilda turned out to be your fairy godmother. And not just yours. Jet's too.'

  'Bloody Nora,' Ella said. 'When you put it like that, I suppose you're right. The woman was a genius. And so was that fortune-teller, because she put the idea into Mattie's head.'

  Gill smiled. 'It's Destiny. One can't fight Destiny.'

  Ella glanced at Mia, grinned and looked at Gill. 'Then perhaps now would be a good time to tell you what that very same fortune-teller told me.'

  'Why do I get the feeling that this has something to do with me?' Gill queried.

  'Because you're a very clever man,' Ella said. 'Oh, but before I tell you, there's somewhere we women need to go. Come on you two. We've got to get to Rainbow's End.'

  'Rainbow's End?' Mia said. 'Oh. The cave. Yes. Come on, Mum.'

  'Er? Cave?' Gill asked as Mia, Ella and Lori ran along the hall. 'What cave?'

  'See you later,' Ella shouted.

  They ran outside, got into Lori's car and drove to the foot of Frog Hill, then ran to Rainbow's End. The tide was out but they had no idea if it was coming in or going out because they'd forgotten to check the tide time tables.

  'It doesn't matter,' Lori said. 'We won't be long.'

  They found the cave after a few minutes. Inside, it had the same colouration as Rainbow's End and shafts of afternoon sunlight cast a pathway of red, amber and gold before them.

  'Let's be quick,' Mia said. 'As beautiful as this cave is, I don't want to get stuck in here and I'm sure the sea is already closer than it was when we arrived. At least it's calm today.'

  'I'll go first,' said Ella. She called out Gill's name and a second later, his name came back, reverberating around the cave walls. 'Wow! That was incredible.'

  'It's an echo, Ella. It has to come back,' Mia pointed out, laughing.

  Lori called out Franklin's name, and again, his name came back.

  'There doesn't seem much point,' Mia said, but she called out Jet's name, keeping her fingers crossed behind her back, and thankfully, his name came back.

  'Well, this was a wasted journey,' Lori said. 'I suppose we knew it would happen. I'm not sure why we bothered.'

  Then Ella shouted out Justin's name, and they were met with stony silence.

  'Spooky,' Ella said.

  So Mia called out Garrick's name, and again, complete silence, but when she called out Jet's again, right after, his came back, even louder than the first time, as if the cave were reinforcing it.

  'I stand corrected,' Lori said. 'Now I think we should get out of here.'

  'I'm just going to take a photo of us.' Ella pulled out her phone, clicked the camera and stuffed her phone back in the pocket of her jeans.

  As they hurried out of the cave, Ella slipped on a rock and almost fell but she managed to regain her balance by reaching out for the cave wall and steadying herself. They left the beach, got back in the car and drove towards Sunbeam Cottage, all debating how and why some of the names came back and yet some didn't. But they couldn't come up with any answers.

  'Stop!' Ella yelled. 'I can't find my phone. It must've fallen from my pocket when I slipped.'

  Lori turned the car around and they headed back towards the beach. As they got out and dashed down the beach and across the sand towards the mouth of the cave, they saw Alexia going in.

  'Shush,' Ella said. 'Let's creep in and see whose name Alexia calls out.'

  'That's not nice,' Mia whispered. 'But okay.'

  They quickly and quietly made their way in, but Mia gave a little gasp when she heard the name Alexia called out. It was Jet's. To Mia's relief, the name didn't come back. Then Alexia called out a second name. Tom Tyburn. But that name didn't come back either.

  'Stupid bloody cave!' Alexia hissed, storming towards Mia, Ella and Lori and gasping in surprise when she saw them.

  'Oh! Hello Alexia,' Ella said. 'Fancy meeting you here. Hettie told us to come and call out the name of someone we like. Have you done it? Does it work?'

  'How long have you been here?' Alexia glared at each of them in turn.

  'We just arrived one second ago,' Mia lied.

  'So you didn't hear anything?' Alexia looked worried.

  'Not a thing,' Lori said.

  'Well it doesn't work and it never bloody well has. So I wouldn't bother if I were you.' Alexia walked past, almost knocking Mia over in her haste, but Lori and Ella steadied her.

  'She was happy to see us,' Ella said, sarcastically. 'I'm glad it didn't work for her. Now where's my phone?'

  'But did you hear the names she called?' Mia said. 'First Jet's and then Tom's. What does that mean?'

  'That she doesn't stand a chance of getting either. Jet loves you. And so does Tom. Ah! There's my phone.' Ella bent down and grabbed it from beside the rock on which she'd slipped, just as the first gentle wave lapped at the entrance to the cave. 'And it's time we got out of here.'

  Chapter Twenty-One

  'You're my bride?' Jet said, a look of something close to fear etched across his face when Mia opened the door to him that evening.

  She smiled. 'Only for tonight, don't panic. You're a very handsome Frankenstein.'

  'And you look beautiful. But then you always do.'

  'Thank you. Ella and Gill will catch us up.' She stepped outside and closed the door behind her. 'I've got something to tell you.'

  'Oh? Should I be worried?'

  Mia laughed. 'No. Quite the contrary.'

  'Shall we walk and talk?' He held out his hand and she took it. 'Come on then. Don't keep me in suspense.'

  They ambled down the drive.

  'I'm up to the very last diary. I haven't read it yet but there's only a couple of months in it so I'll read it tomorrow. But I have read the codicil to Mattie's will. She left it for me with the final diary and another note. That was one of the reasons she wanted me to read the diaries in order. So that I wouldn't find the codicil until I'd got to know her through her diaries.'

  He raised his brows and then smiled. 'Wow! And that makes sense. So now you've nearly finished them, what are you going to do? You said at Hettie's reception that you, Ella and Gill are going to write a novel. Is that still the plan?' They left the drive and turned onto Lily Pond Lane.

  'Yes. Gill's also writing the biography of his grandad and he's including Mattie's story. I'd like people to know about her life and how brave she was, and so utterly incredible. The novel will also include some aspects of her life, but through a fictional character. It should be fun.'

  'And the so-called hero who she and her partner keep rescuing, is he still going to be called Jet?'

  'Unless you have any objections, yes. Jet's a lovely name.'

  'I've no objections. And you did rescue me the other day, so I suppose that's what they call art imitating life, or the other way around.'

  She glanced up at him. 'You haven't asked about the codicil.'

  He shrugged. 'Is it important? You're going to stay, aren't you, so it doesn't matter who is named in it. Unless it gives a clue as to who may want you to leave?' He met her look and held it. 'Does it?'

  'No. And yes, I'm definitely going to stay. But I don't have to. The whole thing was a ploy to get me here and make me stay. I told you the other day that she thought we might get on. Well, it seems she got the idea from the fortune-teller.'

  'The fortune-teller? The one at the Fête?' He grinned at her.

  Mia nodded. 'The very same. Mattie was going to change her will anyway but the fortune-teller told her that there was a man whose heart needed to be healed and a woman who was looking for her True Love. And that Mattie could bring the two t
ogether and it would help her heal her own past, or something like that. I'll show you the note and you can see exactly what she said.'

  'And those two people are you and me?'

  'Yes. Mattie was so convinced of it that she put the condition in her will to make me come and make me stay. She was certain we would fall in love. But the thing is. I get it all, whether I stay or not. Are you cross? Do you feel manipulated? I hope you don't because although it was a crazy thing to do, she was doing what she thought was best for us.'

  He shook his head and laughed. 'I'm not cross. It seems Mattie knew us both better than we know ourselves.'

  'It seems she did. But that's what she was so good at. Mattie could read a person inside out and she rarely got it wrong. And she could manipulate people to get what she wanted. She wanted us to be together.'

  He smiled. 'Then it looks as if she's accomplished her final mission, doesn't it?'

  Mia nodded and smiled up at him. 'And we don't have to live together or anything. I have the cottage, you have your farm.'

  He stopped abruptly. 'Hold on. Are you saying we should live our lives together but apart?'

  'It's the perfect compromise. You always said you don't want marriage, or kids, or a woman moving in with you.'

  'And you said people can change if they want to. I haven't been able to stop thinking about that angel falling, or that you nearly got sliced up by the harvester. I've been thinking how I would feel if anything happened to you, or to me, and that's made me see the light. I can't make any promises but one thing I do know for sure. I want to change, Mia. I want to be in love. No. I'm already in love, I think. I've never been in love before, but I've never felt like this and I'm pretty sure it's love. I could live without you. But I don't want to live without you. I've never told any woman I loved her. Apart from my mum. But that was different.' He grinned.

  'I know, Jet. I understand. Saying the words won't be easy for you.'

  'Actually. I think it will.' He became serious as he looked her in the eyes. 'I love you, Mia.' He sighed deeply as if saying that had been a huge relief.

  She beamed up at him. 'And I love you, Jet. I have said that to someone else. But this time it's different. This time I know, without a shadow of a doubt, that you're The One, Jet Cross. And there will never be another. So you'd better start getting used to the idea. It's a pity you didn't go into that fortune-teller's tent that day. It would've been interesting to see what predictions she had for you.'

  'There's always next year.' He smiled. 'Although I don't think I need to be told what my future has in store.'

  'Happiness and joy beyond my wildest dreams is what she told me I'd have. If I chose Love wisely. So as I've chosen you, I'd say you'll have that too.'

  'I'm pretty sure I already have.'

  The moon was on the wane and a few puffs of clouds drifted across the sky as he bent his head to kiss her in the otherwise silence of the evening, but a second before their lips met, a high-pitched screeching shattered their tranquillity.

  'Are those police sirens?' Mia said.

  Jet turned. 'Yes. And they're pulling up outside the church.'

  'Oh God. Perhaps there's been another accident.'

  'I hope not.' He took her hand again and they hurried towards Tom's cottage, the sirens competing with the deafening music emanating from the pub.

  'Wait a minute.' Mia couldn't believe her eyes. 'Is that Tom the police are bringing out? Is he in handcuffs or am I imagining it?'

  'You're not imagining it. What the hell's happened? There's Bear. Perhaps he'll know. Bear!' Jet called and waved to him a couple of times, and he finally saw them and nodded his head in acknowledgment. 'What's going on?'

  Bear scratched his head as they reached his side. 'You're probably not going to believe this, or perhaps you will. Craig, a friend of mine from Little Whitingdale did the video of Hettie's wedding, and caught on camera, that angel that almost fell on you. He hadn't played it all back until today and when he did, part of the video was of the belfry and the steeple. Hettie had asked him to try to film and record the Angel Bell while it was ringing. In one corner of the video, you can see there's someone on the roof, tampering with the carved stone angel. When Craig enlarged it, it was clear that it was Tom. Craig had caught him giving the thing the final shove and then it shows the angel wobbling and smashing to the ground and you and Mia almost being hit by it. I believe that comes under attempted murder or at least intent to do grievous bodily harm.'

  'Tom tried to kill me?' Jet looked stunned and Mia gasped. 'Tom? But why?'

  Bear shrugged. 'That's the way it seems. Perhaps he thought with you out of the way, he stood a chance with Mia. Oh hold on. Why is Alexia dashing towards the car? What's that about? Is she trying to hit Tom?'

  'Oh my God,' Mia said. 'She's trying to kiss him. Look! She's trying to wrap her arms around him.'

  'Tom! Tom!' Alexia screamed, as a police officer attempted to hold her at bay. She hit him in the face and attacked the other officer who was trying to get Tom in the car.

  Jet let go of Mia's hand. 'Stay here,' he said, and ran with Bear to the officers' aid.

  It took all of them to get both Tom and Alexia under control and by this time, Ella and Gill had raced to Mia's side, Gill also going to help the police and Jet and Bear.

  'Bloody hell,' Ella said. 'This is just like a Saturday night in London. God, sometimes I miss those days.'

  Mia looked at her and blinked. 'Except it's Wednesday and even in London I don't think I've ever seen a vicar being arrested.'

  'Or a barmaid coming to his rescue. Hey! This adds a whole new dimension to my vicar and tart jokes!' She grinned.

  'It's not funny, Ella. Tom actually tried to kill Jet! He pushed that angel off it's corbel. A friend of Bear's got it all on video. But what I don't understand is why Alexia would risk getting arrested to try to free Tom.'

  'You heard her in the cave. She called out his name.'

  Mia nodded. 'Yes. But she also called out Jet's.'

  'True. But it looked as if she was trying to kiss Tom just now. Perhaps something had been going on between them, just as Mattie thought it had.'

  'She was trying to kiss him. I saw that. But that's what I don't get. I thought she was dating someone from one of the other villages. That was the last I heard.'

  Ella shrugged. 'Perhaps she and Tom have been secretly dating.'

  'But why keep it secret? And why pretend to date other people? And does that mean Tom wasn't really in love with me? God. This is making my head hurt.'

  'Mine too. I suppose we'll eventually find out. Well, it looks as if they've got things under control.'

  Mia and Ella walked forward as another police car roared down the lane towards them and Lori and Franklin, along with several others, came tumbling out of the pub. Lori waved and rushed to Mia, as Alexia was led towards the second car.

  Alexia spotted Mia and glowered at her. 'This is your fault,' she hissed. 'Why wouldn't you just bloody well leave? Tom and I should've got at least half of that old bag's money.'

  Jet looked furious. 'Ignore her, Mia.'

  'And you can drop dead,' Alexia spat at him. 'How could you prefer that silly cow to me? How could Garrick? At least Tom had good taste. He wasn't in love with you, Mia. He was only pretending so that we could find that sodding will and codicil.'

  'Get in the car, miss,' the officer said.

  Alexia struggled until the officer slammed the door. The other officer she had hit, rubbed his chin.

  'She's got a good right hook. I've arrested men who haven't hit me as hard as that.'

  He got in the car and after a few minutes more, they drove off.

  'Did she say Tom was pretending to be in love with you?' Ella asked. 'He's a bloody good actor, if that's the case. He certainly had me convinced.'

  Mia nodded. 'Me too. Although I still don't know what all that was about. Did they think they were named in the codicil?'

  'That's what it sounded like,' Lori said, wrapp
ing her arm around Mia until Jet came back and joined them.

  'Well. That was a bit of a surprise,' he said, taking her hand and holding it tight. 'Alexia and Tom? Who would've guessed that?'

  'Mattie did,' Mia said, as Toby Bywater came towards them, head bowed. The man looked mortified.

  'What can I say?' Toby said, shrugging his shoulders and shaking his head. 'Mum, Dad and I had no idea. I swear we didn't. Not until Alexia ran out screaming that the police were taking away the man she loved. Dad tried to stop her and that's when it came out. She's been secretly dating Tom for months, but they both pretended to be interested in other people to divert suspicion from them. She called us stupid and said she had to get out of this dump. And that once they got Mattie's money, they would be off. It seems she was the one who left you those warnings, Mia.'

  'And Tom was the one who broke into my cottage, I suspect. He was looking for the will and codicil.'

  'And he was the one who pushed the stone angel,' Bear said. 'And I presume, he also tampered with your brakes, Jet.'

  'But why? I had nothing to do with the will?'

  Toby sighed. 'I suppose because it was pretty clear to everyone except you, that you fell for Mia almost immediately. And it was also pretty obvious that she had fallen for you. I don't know, I'm only guessing, but I do know that Alexia was still bitter at being dumped by you over two years ago, and then, even though she was secretly with Tom, she dated Garrick and he dumped her for Mia. Tom wanted you out of the way, Jet, because he knew Mia would stay if you asked her to. I think they were both starting to get desperate and things took a more serious turn.'

  'Then why not simply do away with me?' Mia queried.

  'They're both unhinged,' Ella said. 'Nutters do nutty things. There doesn't need to be a reason and it doesn't have to make sense. Perhaps killing you off would bring too much suspicion on Tom, if he had been named in the codicil, as he obviously assumed he had.'


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