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Space Rescue One

Page 32

by Atk. Butterfly

  "If you don't know what to look for, you will before the day is out. Shelly is going to assist Ceriga in inspecting my suit now," Chief Dickson said.

  "We're looking for any rips or punctures that Chief Dickson might have missed or that happened while he dressed. If we see so much as one, we will immediately inform him so he won't be hurt or killed by leaving the ship in an unsafe suit. After inspecting the suit, we'll check the equipment. We'll look to make sure that everything is in the correct place so that nothing will snag on anything. As well, we'll make sure that everything is present. We're not very useful out there without the proper equipment to perform the rescue. Since this is a limited drill, there isn't as much equipment to inventory. Notice how I open each pouch and visually check it. If necessary, I will put my hand inside to make sure that something is there that should be. When I finish each pouch, I will close it and then verify that it closed properly. Okay, Chief. You pass," Shelly said.

  "Thanks, Shelly. Did you follow everything, Ceriga?" Isaac asked.

  "Yes, Chief. Is this only for drills?" she asked.

  He answered, "This is standard procedure for every time we go out. Okay, team assignments. Ceriga, you're with me. Then Alex and Jimmy. Last, George and Marsha. Order of drill is George and Marsha, then Alex and Jimmy, then Ceriga and myself. Follow me."


  "For this drill, you'll merely be taking a space walk to familiarize yourself with what it feels like to be out there," Isaac said.

  Amanda asked, "I've been out there already. When do we get to practice with the equipment?"

  "When everyone on my team is at the same level. Not before. As I understand it, you got into trouble the last time you were out. Now listen up to Chief Dickson and hold the questions to what we're doing. Team Two, get your suits. Prepare to dress and inspect," Shelly said.

  Part of Shelly's team moved a bit more hastily than what they observed hours before. She called out, "Halt! Put the suits back, return to your places around the table."


  "We're going to do this right. That means no hurrying. . . Get your suits. Prepare to dress and inspect," Shelly said.

  Shelly watched her team move more deliberately than before. She didn't stop them though they were still a bit fast. Instead, she let them take their suits out and hang them in the center of the ready room. While her team was watched by Team One, she went about behaving as if it was an actual emergency, taking her time to visually inspect her suit from all angles possible. She glanced around to see that Isaac was nodding his approval.

  "Undress and put your suits on." Shelly stripped down to her underwear. Glancing around her, she wasn't at all surprised to see both Sheila and Amanda strip naked before slipping into their suits. She said nothing as she knew it was a personal choice they were permitted to make. She noticed the hesitancy in Irving's face before he stripped all the way as well, apparently taking his cue from Sheila and Amanda. Shelly wasn't at all concerned to see that one of her technicians doffed everything while the other stopped at his underwear.

  "Team assignments are as follows. Irving is with me. Amanda is with Ashika. Sheila is with Bruno. Begin your inspections. Chief Dickson, please have one of your technicians guide my trainees in their inspections," Shelly said.

  "Right. Alex, take Sheila. Jimmy, Amanda. I'll take Irving," the Chief replied.


  "Okay, listen up. Keep off your radios unless you have something wrong, see something wrong, or have an important question. Do not chatter just to hear yourself. This may be a drill, but it's meant to keep you alive later. Everyone snap on the tether line. Verify when you're hooked by raising one of your hands," Shelly said.

  Shelly watched until she had five hands showing. She felt grateful that her experienced technicians were going along with the tedious instruction routine though they knew as much as herself.

  "Okay, I'm engaging the airlock now. Our green light will change to red as the process begins," Shelly said.

  The green light changed to red over both hatches inside the airlock.

  "I'm now opening the outer hatch. You'll see a second red light come on. That means one of the hatches is open," Shelly said.

  The red light was joined by a second red light. The hatch slid out of the way leaving them with a broad unobstructed view of endless black space speckled by distant bright stars.

  "Take your time and follow me out onto the hull." Shelly stepped out of the airlock and swung herself around with a handhold to the hull where she planted her feet firmly. The slightly magnetized plates in her soles gripped just enough to keep her from floating away. She moved away from the hatch so the others could follow in a like manner. She backed up slowly as she watched Irving, then Ashika, then Sheila, then Bruno, and lastly Amanda leave the hatch.

  With everyone on the hull, she said, "Okay, walk to the edge of the hatch with me and observe what I do. Unless one of us closes the hatch, no one inside can use this exit without using an override. Under some circumstances, we will leave the hatch open. Under others, we'll close it. Unless someone inside the ship is in communication or visual contact with us, they have no way of knowing if we're clear of the hatch. That's why it's our responsibility to close it when appropriate. I'll demonstrate first. Then I'll open it and let each trainee close and open the hatch once to get the feel of it."


  "When we leap into space, we generally leap in pairs or as a team. For now, we will practice in pairs. Once you have a feel for how it feels to jump with someone else, then we'll practice doing it as a team. The senior team member or partner will always give the count when possible. Generally the count is given as a count of three followed by the word 'mark.' You'll leap on that word only unless faced with an emergency. Disconnect into pairs. Bruno, coordinate with Amanda and make your first practice jump," Shelly said.


  "Well, how did it go?" Richard asked.

  "Better than I expected. There were more dumb questions asked than I remembered from my own training," Shelly replied.

  "I think they were about average. They'll probably work out after all. We'll just have to be patient and repeat ourselves until they're always thinking safety and buddies," Isaac said.

  "Okay, that sounds good. We'll be having another drill in two days. That should give you more time for instruction in the Space Jaws and use of the Air Link," Richard said.

  "Was Ceriga all right with you last night?" Isaac asked.

  "I had no problem with her, Isaac. Did I cause her any problems?" Richard answered.

  "Not really. She wasn't sure if you might want her. It appears that she found you quite tempting and stated that she had to fight herself so you could get your sleep. I was planning on letting her do it again tonight until I heard that from her lips. Now I'm not so sure. Do you have an opinion on this?" Isaac answered.

  "Well, it was bound to happen sooner or later, I suppose. I've already tried to warn Shelly about that," Richard replied.

  "It was on my own initiative that we linked up a tether line between us that one time. I guess I don't have any grounds to complain on if someone else does the same thing," Shelly said.

  "Chief, it's not anything we can do much about. If it isn't Shelly or Ceriga, then it will probably be someone else we least expect it from. I can't see you making it more difficult on yourself by worrying about that. I've already had it pounded into my thick skull that I'm not going to be left alone at night if at all possible, so I'm not going to argue with you or anyone else about that or who you send to spend the night," Richard said.

  "I'm pretty persuasive," Shelly said with a forced grin.

  "That you are," Richard agreed.

  "Well, Ceriga is still ahead of the other trainees so she'll be with you a bit more. That is, if it's all right with you?" Isaac asked.

  "It's all right, Chief. I've no complaints on the matter," Richard answered.


  Ceriga entered Richard's quarters. She was a bit sur
prised to see him still awake sitting at his computer. Judging from the look on his face, he'd just received bad news. "Is something wrong?"

  "Well, you might say that something is wrong. I just got the news that Chief Brunner was arrested yesterday for murder on Venus. Unfortunately there's little I can do for him right now though I wish there was."

  "I'm sorry to hear that. Are you ready to go to bed now?" she asked.

  "Not yet. I thought I'd just sit here for a few minutes and gather my thoughts about me. If you're tired, you're welcome to go on and slip into bed now."

  "I'm not that tired. If you don't mind, I'll sit up with you. Would you mind if I removed this to become more comfortable?"

  "I guess not since there's no one in here to see you."

  "Thanks," Ceriga replied as she let the robe fall from her shoulders to splatter in a heap on the deck. "Sometimes I can't stand to wear clothing. Other times I feel totally embarrassed to be without it. I'm not sure why I get conflicting signals."

  "That's interesting. I guess I never thought of it from that point of view. I figured that people almost always had a reason for why they did things."

  "I did, too. I guess that's why I know that it's hard for others to sort out the signals we give them because our own thoughts are often confused. For instance, my brother, genius that he is, still thinks that there's discrimination lurking around every corner. I keep telling him that it's mostly in his mind. After all, he and I both have done well and neither of us have been blocked by any discrimination."

  "He disagrees with that?" asked Richard.

  "Well, not exactly. He knows he's doing well. Still, he sees shadows lurking around corners. You're avoiding looking at me, aren't you? I'm sorry, you truly are embarrassed for me to stand here naked like this," Ceriga answered.

  "It's all right, Ceriga. I said you could. I'm just trying not to leer at you."

  "If I was worried about that, I sure wouldn't be standing here like this. Look if you want," Ceriga said.


  "Is it true, Captain? About Ralph?" Isaac asked at the breakfast table.

  "It's true. He'll stand trial soon to my understanding. I'm not sure, but I think he has a better chance in their courts than on Earth," Richard answered.

  "How so?" Isaac asked.

  "Well, he won't be facing a stacked jury for one thing. Apparently they're trying something new instead of trying to find an impartial jury since those never are," Richard answered.

  "Yeah, so how's it different?" asked Isaac.

  "His lawyer gets to choose half the jury. The prosecution gets to choose the other half of what will be a ten-person jury. They can each select jurors who believe that he's innocent or guilty to begin with. To reach a guilty or innocent verdict requires a simple majority vote," Richard answered.

  "That doesn't sound too good. The prosecution only has to sway one juror," Isaac commented.

  "Same holds for an innocent verdict. On the other hand, if only one juror switches sides to a guilty verdict, he can only receive one-fifth of the maximum sentence."

  "Oh? Well, that's something at least."

  "It gets better. Even if he's found guilty by all the jurors, he has the right to an immediate reopening of the trial if new evidence ever surfaces that could prove him innocent. If the verdict is guilty by only six or seven jurors, then his side has to have a judge rule on the significance of any new evidence before they can get a reopening of his trial," Richard said.

  "Not much chance of any of that happening. He is guilty, isn't he?" Isaac asked.

  "Probably, but it does seem like he has a better chance for an acquittal than otherwise. They also don't have the death penalty because of their sentencing structure. As well, if any of the evidence collected against him was illegally obtained, the sentence is reduced twenty percent for each separate instance if he's found guilty."

  "But they get to use the illegally obtained evidence against him?" Isaac asked.

  "Yes, they do. Anyway, they're trying to achieve a better balance of rights and impartiality than what's been seen in the past," Richard answered.

  "I'll have to see it to believe it."

  "I don't blame you, Isaac. After all, any new system is bound to have some bugs in it. Still, I can't help but think that Ralph has a better chance in their court than elsewhere. All he needs is five stalwart jurors who know of his previous work as a rescuer. If they refuse to convict him, he could get an acquittal. I kind of like the idea that people who know about the good you've done can be selected to judge you and possibly give you a second chance in spite of your guilt. Too many people have been sent away in the past for too little. It's about time the system took a person's good deeds more into account."

  "Yes, Richard, but for murder?" asked Isaac.

  "Believe me, Isaac, the men Ralph was after deserve more than he's capable of dishing out. He and I talked after he found one of them. Unfortunately, I failed to convince him to turn the man over to the authorities. Now I know that he probably did the right thing under the circumstances."

  "You're condoning murder?" asked Isaac.

  "I'd rather think of it as condoning justice, but you're right. It is murder and I'm truly against that despite my feelings to the contrary concerning these two men," Richard answered.

  "I get the feeling that you know more than you can discuss. Let me correct that. More than you're willing to discuss," Isaac said.

  "You're insightful as always, Isaac. That's all I can say for now."

  "Then I won't pry about that anymore. Any problems with Ceriga last night?" Isaac asked.

  "If you're asking whether she came on strong, the answer is yes. She was trying, almost desperately in my eyes, to push the right buttons and get me to take her."

  Isaac stared at Richard with a better poker face than Richard could usually manage. He analyzed Richard's features to determine if he should pursue or drop the topic. He finally asked, "Well?"

  "We both slept like babies."

  Chapter 20

  "Attention all Space Rescue One personnel. This is a priority alert scramble. Repeat, this is a priority alert scramble. Attention all Space Rescue One personnel . . ."

  Ceriga sat up instantly from beside Richard when she heard the intercom. He stirred beside her. Seeing that he was awake, she slipped out of bed and rushed to the door without bothering to pick up her robe. She ran down the corridor oblivious of her nudity to reach her station and be ready for whatever the emergency turned out to be.

  Richard went over to his computer console. "Computer command, situation status now."

  He looked at the information display and listened to the dispatcher describe the problem. He replied, "Thanks. First Officer, have us launch as soon as everyone is on board. I'll be on the bridge as soon as I shower and dress."


  Isaac hollered, "Slow down! It's not a level one right next to the station! There's plenty of time, Ceriga."

  "Yes, Chief," Ceriga replied.

  "You better take your time now and get yourself a shower before you get dressed. I won't start the briefing until everyone is ready. Okay?"

  "Yes, Chief. It's just that this is my first call. I hope I'm up to it," Ceriga replied.

  "I know it is. Trust me, I won't let you or anyone else get in over your heads," Isaac said.

  Richard walked in carrying Ceriga's robe. "I think you forgot this. Care to shower with me or your Team Chief?"

  She replied, "Thanks, I guess I flashed a whole bunch of people. I should have been more thoughtful. Maybe I better shower with Chief Dickson since we're buddies."

  "Fine with me," Richard replied without letting on that he was grateful for her decision.

  "I'll be with you in a moment, Chief. Let me get a towel," Ceriga said.

  The two men watched her go to her quarters without thinking about putting on the robe she then held.

  "God, I sometimes wish I had her energy," Chief Dickson said.

  "You aren't the only on
e. She's very good in bed, too, and really puts that energy to use there," Richard said.

  "In that case, you have my sympathies," Isaac said.

  "I ought to since you gave her the assignment. Guess I'll look up Shelly and find out if she minds having me as a shower buddy," Richard said.

  "Oh?" Isaac exclaimed.

  Richard replied, "Well, I need to discuss something with her. By the way, the job we're going to isn't likely to need anyone from the rescue teams."

  "Why not?" asked Isaac.


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