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Omega in the Middle (The Rogue Pack Book 5)

Page 15

by Samantha Cayto

  When the boy nodded, he continued. “Second, that room is way too small to raise a pup in. It doesn’t even have a window. Our pup deserves a bright, airy space while growing up.”

  Ben stiffened. “Our?”

  Carr cursed the slip of his tongue and was about to apologize before deciding fuck it. There was no reason to keep his feelings to himself. “Yes, little one. Our pup. Even if we never mate, I will still be that pup’s sire, and I intend to care for it as much as I have you. It’s not going to be merely duty to help a pack member, either. You mean much more to me than that. And, so does your pup.”

  “But, you don’t know if it was your seed that took.”

  “I don’t care. It doesn’t matter to me who ultimately bred you.” He said the words and meant them. His wolf was less certain, but he told him to shut the fuck up. The birth of a pup was always something to celebrate. It made the pack strong and the pack was everything. Almost everything.

  Turning the omega so that they were face-to-face, Carr cupped the boy’s chin and leaned in. He hadn’t intended to do this here and now, but it felt right, and his wolf needed to be thrown a bone. He didn’t have the lofty ideals of Carr’s human mind.

  He pressed his lips to Ben’s, intending to keep the touch light and non-threatening. Even that plan flew away the moment that he got a taste of the boy. So sweet. During the whirlwind of the omega’s heat, there hadn’t been time to show tenderness. Now, he did, although he needed more. He pressed his tongue against the seam of Ben’s mouth and begged entrance. With a shuddering sigh, he opened up and let Carr come in to explore. Carr did without hesitation, sweeping every corner that he could find. He hugged the boy tightly to him and tasted all that he could reach until he felt him struggle to breathe.

  Reluctantly, he broke the kiss, yet continued to hug Ben to his chest. His cock had hardened and he realized belatedly that with their bodies so close, the boy must be able to feel the rigid length pressing against his jeans. He changed his stance to stop telegraphing his arousal. When he did, though, he felt a hard rod brush up against his thigh.

  “You want me?” He breathed out the question, hardly daring to hear the answer.

  Ben nodded. “I do. And, it scares me.”

  The confession broke Carr’s heart. “Why, little one? It’s nothing to be afraid of.”

  “I’ve never wanted anyone before. I wasn’t given the choice to before.”

  “That’s no longer the case. Other than your going into heat, you have only choices from now on.”

  “I know, but I don’t know what to do with it.”


  “This feeling inside me. It’s not like the heat. That was overwhelming and totally out of my control. This is urgent, yet it makes me feel…oh, I don’t know. Like I want to run toward something, not away from it. I’m not making any sense.”

  Carr chuckled and kissed his head. “I think I understand. It’s okay. Act on it, or not, in your own time. I’m here for you.” He paused, not wanting to say the next bit, yet believing he had to. “So is Daniel, if you also want him.”

  “Um, yeah. I kind of do. Does that bother you?”

  Yes. “No. Whatever makes you happy.”

  “Thank you.” Ben rubbed his cheek against Carr’s chest, which only gave his dick more ideas.

  Pulling back, he said, “I think it would be best if we both got back to work. I’m not as strong as I’d like to be around you.” He waved at the bulge in his jeans to make his point.

  Ben’s cheeks flushed again. “Oh.” He peered up at him from under his lashes. “Is it bad of me to find that kind of hot?”

  With a laugh, Carr pulled him to his side. “Yes, little one. Very bad, and I love it. Come on, let’s go before I truly forget myself.”


  Another double shift kept him and Daniel from eating dinner with Ben. When they entered the small bedroom, however, they found the omega awake and reading next to the table lamp. He was naked to the waist. A thin blanket covered him from there. He put the book down the moment they entered and treated them to a broad smile.

  “What are you doing still up, baby?” Daniel went to kneel by the boy.

  “I wanted to wait for you.” Ben ducked his head.

  Shutting the door behind him, Carr hummed his disapproval. “You and the pup need your sleep, little one.”

  Ben moved restlessly. “I know. That’s why I took a nap after dinner. Besides, Mabel was kind enough to lend me this awesome book. I love reading, but I haven’t had a chance to do much lately.”

  Because Kurt hadn’t let him. The unspoken words hung in the air. I really need to find time to track down that fucker. “The humans are good story-tellers.” He went to join them, aware of both his and Daniel’s nakedness. He remembered, as well, his interaction with Ben earlier in the day.

  “Is there a particular reason why you wanted to greet us tonight?” He had shared his experience with Daniel. It had seemed only right. The beta watched for Ben’s answer as avidly as Carr did.

  “Well, um.” Once again, the boy’s cheeks turned a rosy red. His emotions were easy to read. He pushed the blanket down a few inches. The dusky tip of his erect cock peeked out.

  Daniel gasped. Carr choked on his own spit. “O-okay,” was all he managed to get out.

  Ben pursed his lips. “If you don’t mind, I was hoping we might take up where we kind of left off.” He flashed his eyes at the beta. “With you, as well, Daniel? I mean, I know I’m not in my heat anymore, and I don’t want to impose.”

  “Hush, baby.” Daniel put his finger against the omega’s lips. “Servicing you is no imposition. Believe me.”

  “Really? Because you didn’t touch me while I was in your apartment.”

  “Oh, baby.” Scooting closer, Daniel plucked up Ben and sat him on his thigh. “I didn’t want to take advantage of you. You can see how much I want you.”

  The beta’s dick was already rampant. As was Carr’s. He envied the guy’s closeness to Ben, especially when he stared into the boy’s eyes and stroked the back of his hand down his cheek. Then again, he’d had a chance to kiss Ben without Daniel around. He really wasn’t in a position to complain.

  He tried not to stare, but there was something compelling about how gentle the beta was with the omega and how responsive the boy was in return. It didn’t take long, either, for them to fall into the kissing stage of their foreplay. Cupping the back of Ben’s head, Daniel pulled him to press their mouths together. He slanted his face to brush what Carr knew to be satiny lips. Soon, it was obvious the beta’s tongue invaded that sweet mouth. Carr swallowed convulsively in empathic need.

  Ben reared back. “Oh!”

  Daniel’s eyes popped in alarm. “What? Did I hurt you?”

  Carr’s wolf growled and he had trouble reining him in and not ripping the beta’s throat open. The scent hit him before he’d moved a millimeter in that direction. The musky smell of omega slick goosed Carr’s dick and made him growl again for a different reason.

  “I’m wet!” Poor Ben sounded confused. “I thought my slick only came when I was in heat.”

  Carr tried to hide his grin, but Daniel didn’t. “Oh, baby. It happens any time you want to be mounted. You don’t have to be in heat.”

  Ben furrowed his brows. “I don’t understand. It’s never happened before.”

  The specter of Kurt joined them in the room. Carr caught Daniel’s gaze over the top of Ben’s head. They both understood the import of the boy’s words, and it wasn’t a revelation. Not really. The gamma who’d bought Ben and whored his mouth out to humans had never made any effort to arouse him. He’d fucked him dry, no doubt, leading the poor omega to believe that his pleasure didn’t exist outside of his heat. Not even then, really, given how mindless it had been.

  Daniel nodded once, firmly. It was time for them to reeducate the boy about his body. Like breeding him, it was going to be a coordinated effort. This time, however, all three of them could enjoy it w
ith clear heads. Well, as clear as passion could make them.

  It started with more kisses. Daniel took the lead on that if only because he was already in position. For his part, Carr stripped the blanket away to gain full access to Ben’s hard-on and pert ass. The mere sight of the taut globes made his cock anxious to sink into the wet heat. It would have to wait. Ben’s pleasure was paramount.

  Edging closer, Carr took hold of the slender rod with a light grasp. He slid up the shaft with a slow glide and flicked his thumb over the head. A dollop of pre-cum greeted him, and he used it to allow him greater speed without chaffing. Having shifted, he expected Ben’s body had recovered from the soreness of the breeding. The pretty moans the boy made confirmed that.

  He loved the sound of them, even though it would have been better if it had echoed down his own throat. As it was, Daniel did an excellent job of keeping the boy’s mouth occupied and teasing his nipples to hard peaks. The omega didn’t remain passive for long. He roamed his hand down the beta’s chest, played with the ribbed abs, before pressing his palm on the top of the hard rod he found jutting up.

  Daniel broke the kiss on a grunt and a groan. He laved his tongue around Ben’s ear, making him shimmy and giggle. The boy turned his wide eyes on Carr. They glistened for once not with tears, but arousal. His pupils were blown and his lips puffy and wet. The strong scent of slick filled the air once more. Carr’s breath picked up speed and his balls ached with redoubled need. His jerking of Ben’s cock faltered as he got lost in the boy’s beckoning stare.

  Before he could pull himself together, the omega launched himself off Daniel and into Carr’s arms. He caught him with a muffled oomph. Before he could think of what to do with the handful of omega, the boy pressed him back. There was surprising strength in that shove. Carr fell with his legs splayed and Ben lying between them.

  The boy peppered him with wet, opened-mouthed kisses. He started with Carr’s face and raced down to his groin. Those swollen lips were wrapped around his dick before he could register what was happening. He stared up at Daniel, who loomed behind the omega with his nostrils flared and his mouth open. The beta was too caught up in the boy’s musk to think clearly. And that slick ass was pushed up right where it needed to be for the beta to mount it.

  Damn. Someone needed to slow this whole thing down. The idea of Ben giving him a blowjob made him worry that the omega was perhaps doing what he thought he had to in a kind of repayment. That belief couldn’t stand. Threading his fingers in Ben’s hair, he pulled up as gently as he knew how. The boy came willingly enough, staring at Carr with glassy eyes and lips parted in a wide O.

  “Easy, little one,” Carr gasped. “You don’t have to do that.”

  Ben panted. “I-I want to. I think it must be different when you like the guy whose dick you’re blowing. Please?”

  Oh my fucking Gods! There was no way he had the strength to fight Ben’s urges along with his own. He dropped his head down. “Only if you want to.” He kept his eyes trained on the boy’s face to see if he could tell his sincerity.

  Ben held his gaze steadily. “I want to.” He glanced over his shoulder. “Mount me, please?”

  Okay, that was it. Carr’s wolf howled and snarled in equal measure. The contrary creature wanted those lips around Carr’s cock and wanted Daniel to stay away. Well, he couldn’t have both things. And, the moment the omega took his shaft once more into that warm mouth, rivalry with the beta took a back seat.

  Slamming his eyes shut, Carr let go and just enjoyed. Ben worked his dick with lips, tongue and even teeth. He sucked and bobbed and laved until Carr’s hands fisted and his toes curled. Hot, steely muscled legs kicked his wider. He felt the moment when Daniel breached Ben’s hole. The boy surged forward, taking him deeper into his throat, and moaned around the hard flesh. The reverberation sunk straight to Carr’s balls, which Ben caressed in his small, soft hand. He rolled the globes around, making Carr toss his head from side-to-side.

  Daniel was in charge. From his vantage point, he controlled his movements and Ben’s. This was the right role for a beta, planning and executing maneuvers that benefited other pack members. This might not be a governing or war council, but it nevertheless needed to be done right. If he could only keep his head straight, a tall order considering that the tight heat of the omega’s ass was robbing him of rational thought.

  Gods, Ben’s slick channel sucked Daniel’s dick in with unbridled need. This was different than how it had been during the heat. The frenzy and the hotness was still there, yet knowing that Ben did this because he wanted to, instead of needed to, made all the difference. Daniel sank down balls deep and savored the feel of being squeezed.

  He had one hand on Ben’s hip, while making slow circles on the small of the boy’s back with the other. Ben’s wavy-haired head bobbed over Carr’s groin, and the look on the gamma’s face told him that the boy gave excellent head. He hated thinking of where the skill had come from and instead focused on how all of this was because the omega wanted them. Truly wanted them. He believed that fact because it was inconceivable that the boy could fake the sweet passion he’d shown so far.

  Maybe he was fooling himself, and if so, he and Carr would have to deal with the aftermath of their stupidity. For now, though, he had to concentrate on making this night as good for Ben as possible. That mean moving. The boy’s hole tightened and loosened with a pulsing rhythm that egged Daniel on. So, he pulled out until only the head of his dick remained, stretching the puckered ring wide. Then he surged back in and began thrusting with long, sure strokes.

  Carr widened his legs, giving Daniel more room to edge forward. The gamma’s heels pressing against his ass startled him. They began to beat and push, the unspoken command clear. He picked up the pace, drilling Ben’s tight ass faster and harder. He gripped the omega’s hips with both hands now to keep upright. It was hard, but he kept his eyes open, making sure that everyone was okay.

  The gamma made a wild swing for Ben’s dick, even though it was impossible for him to reach. The guy’s arms weren’t that long. It was up to Daniel to bring the boy some relief. He was just sliding his hand down when the omega’s hole clenched him hard enough to bring tears to his eyes. Then Ben convulsed, his back rising and falling in a jerky wave. His scream of release was muffled by Carr’s big dick. The boy had come from the fucking alone.

  Daniel was processing that revelation when the gamma arched back with a shout. His pale face contorted as if he were in pain. The sight mixed with one more tight squeeze of Ben’s channel sent him over the edge. Now he did shut his eyes and threw back his head as the climax claimed him. His thrusts stuttered as he lost control. The coating of his semen, mixed with Ben’s slick, made his dick slide like feet on wet grass.

  With another shout, he collapsed, bringing Ben down with him. He had a moment to worry about Carr’s cock getting bitten off before he found himself plastered against the guy with Ben squished in the middle. The gamma had recovered sufficiently to wrap his arms and legs around them both and turn everyone onto his side. Daniel could do nothing more than briefly grip the man’s arms. Harsh breathing mingled their breaths. His chest heaved while he tried to calm his racing heart.

  “B-Ben,” he gasped. “Are you okay?”

  The omega gave no answer, but the gamma’s chuckle washed over Daniel. “He’s asleep.”

  “Oh.” He swallowed hard. “Good.” That’s all he was able to say before sleep claimed him, too.


  The alarm sounded while they were fast asleep. Daniel and Carr both woke with the clear-eyed speed of a fighter. They were on their feet and grabbing clothing for Ben before the boy had managed to sit up.

  “Get dressed, quickly now.” Daniel barked out the order without a second thought. The crisis was upon them and every pack member had a duty to perform. His was issuing orders and Ben’s was to obey them.

  Carr opened the door to their tiny room, exposing the rush of pack members charging down the hall. “What time
is it?” he called out to no one in particular.

  “Dawn,” came the hurried reply of a sigma.

  Ben whined even as he fumbled with his clothing. Daniel’s attention diverted back to him. He knelt to help the boy get his footwear on. Carr returned to aid the effort from the top.

  “Is it the other pack?” Ben’s voice was laced with fear, as well it should.

  “Don’t know, baby. But, you need to be ready to leave the longhouse in human form and not get chilled.”

  Daniel flicked his gaze up to Carr. The gamma’s mouth was thinned in a grimace. They were both thinking the same thing—if this battle went badly, the Haldon Pack would claim Ben along with the other omegas and sigmas. They’d be forced to leave the compound, probably without shifting first, unless the invaders killed the pups. The notion roiled his stomach. It was known to happen, and from everything he’d heard about Haldon, he was cruel enough to do it. Without pups to carry, Ben and the others wouldn’t need human form or human clothing.

  He couldn’t dwell on that, though. He had to believe that they would be victorious.

  With Ben dressed, he and Carr each took the boy by the arms and hustled him out. The great room was already teaming with pack members. The more muscular sigmas had shifted. They would be the last line of defense, and Gods, he hoped that wouldn’t be necessary. The weaker sigmas, omegas and the pups were crowded onto the sectional sofa against the far wall. It was the safest place for them to be, which wasn’t very safe at all, unfortunately. Again, it was all they had.

  “Over here, baby.” Daniel led Ben to the couch and sat him down next to Joey. The other omega held his fretful pup in one arm and an equally upset and cowering Loki. All the pups were crying or whining, but most of the adults were holding their own. “Stay here. Try not to worry. We’ll keep you safe.” He hoped he could live up to that promise.


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