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Eye of the Tiger: Paranormal Dating Agency

Page 8

by ML Guida

  Seth had said she was his mate, but not once had he said he loved her. Miles had claimed he had, but it was all a lie. Had Miles ever told Caterina he loved her? She never thought to ask.

  Maybe mating didn’t equate love. Well, fuck that. She’d made her decision.

  Within minutes, she walked back into the kitchen. “Seth?”

  No answer.

  “Seth, where are you?”

  The dishes were put away, but there was no sign of Seth. God, how long was she in the shower?

  She hurried back into the bedroom. “Seth, where are you?”

  His clothes were gone. She raced back into the living room and looked out the window. His motorcycle was still parked in front of the bagel and coffee shop. If she was so convinced of her decision, then why were her insides a quivering mess? “Where the hell are you?”

  The door opened. She hurried out of the bedroom. “Seth?” She stopped and her mouth dropped.

  He shuffled his feet, holding a bouquet of red roses. He rubbed the back of his neck. “I thought flowers would make you smile.”

  “Well…” She walked over and put her hands on his chest. “You were right.” She beamed up at him and his hesitation vanished.

  He kissed her possessively. She pressed her body against his, allowing him to explore her mouth. His heart beat as rapidly as hers. Lordy, she was doing it again! Letting him take control of her senses. Whenever she saw or kissed him, she lost control.

  Red roses were beautiful and her favorite, but it wasn’t gifts she wanted or sex. He had to say those magic words…

  She broke away, panting, and lowered her head. “Thank you.” She took the flowers from his hand, inhaling their beautiful fragrance. “Let me put these in water.”

  “I’m glad you liked them.”

  She carefully cut the stems and put them in the vase. “Roses are my favorite.”

  “I’ll remember that.”

  His husky voice made her legs quake.

  She had to get out of her townhome before her horny instincts took over. “Have you been to Frisco?”

  “Just drove through it.”

  She brightened. “How about if I show you my town? Do you like to hike?”

  “I’m game.”

  “Great. It’s not much of a hike, but I’d like to take you to Rainbow Lake.”

  She grabbed her keys and headed toward the door. He clasped her hand and she looked into those tiger eyes that made her lose herself every time she gazed into them.

  He kissed the top of her hand. “You’re beautiful, Cora. I’ll never hurt you. Remember that.”

  Her throat closed up. She didn’t know how to respond. She wanted to believe him, but prom had wounded her so much. And the reunion was coming up.

  Instead, she concentrated on her mission to get to Rainbow Lake and be around people, so she wouldn’t strip down again and mount him.

  They walked out of the townhome. Seth let her keep the pace. He didn’t try to kiss her again, but held her hand. She showed him the different stores.

  “Don’t you work at the library? Is it in town?”

  “No, it’s actually in Bill’s Ranch, which is right behind Frisco. I love the library. It’s beautiful. When it’s nice out, I like to walk to work.”

  “Can you show me?” He bent down and kissed her briefly on the lips.

  She shuddered, thinking about what had happened at the Arvada library. “I’ll show you, but that’s all we’re doing when we get there.”

  He frowned, then burst out laughing. “I promise I’ll behave.”

  Her ears turned hot. She stared straight ahead. He might, but she wasn’t sure she would.

  The Frisco library was off Main Street and to get to it, she had to walk him down a bike trail that wrapped around Lake Dillon. Bikers whizzed by them. Seth kept her close to him as if trying to protect her. “I can see why you like it up here. It’s beautiful.”

  She elbowed him in the ribs. “See, I told you I’m not hiding.”

  They crossed a highway and got off the bike trail. The road curved around and they walked on the gravel.

  She pointed. “It’s right up there.”

  The Frisco Library was a red brick building with a grove of aspen trees growing in front of it. The library was connected to other government agencies like the DMV, which was convenient whenever she had to renew or get her plates.

  “What a great building.” He nuzzled her ear. “Do you want to go behind it?”

  Heat rushed over her cheeks. “No! You promised.”

  “I’m only kidding. Now where’s this lake of yours?”

  “We’ve have to go up the road and cross over to the bike path. There’s a turn off on a gravel road that leads to Rainbow.”

  “Lead on.”

  Cora led him up the quarter mile road to Rainbow Lake. Rainbow was a small lake, more like a pond than a lake, but she loved it. Lily pads dotted the surface and pussy willows grew on the edge.

  “If you get here at the right time, sometimes you’ll see a moose munching by the edge of the water.”

  He sniffed. “I can smell them.”

  “Really?” She looked around. “Where are they? Moose will charge, so we have to be careful.”

  “They’re hiding deeper in the woods.” He squeezed her hand. “They won’t charge. They can smell me. I doubt any of them want to take on a tiger, especially one who is protecting its mate.”

  She glanced up.

  He winced. “Sorry. I know you didn’t want to hear that.”

  She didn’t answer. Well, maybe she did, but she wasn’t going to tell him that. Otherwise, he’d likely take her back in the woods and claim her. The point being––would she protest?

  Luckily, children and adults were fishing and playing on the shores of the lake.

  “This really is beautiful,” he said. “I bet it’s really beautiful when all the aspens change.”

  “In the fall, it’s like the forest is painted gold. Fall’s my favorite time of year.”


  “Are you keeping track of me?”

  “All your favorite things. So far, I know you love roses and the fall. I like finding out things about you.”

  “Well, I don’t know anything about you.”

  “Okay. What would you like to know?”

  “What’s your favorite time of year?”

  “Summer. I like the heat. I love riding my bike on the open road.” He winked. “I don’t have a favorite flower, but I do like hunting.”

  “As a tiger or a man?”

  He shrugged. “Both.”

  “I’ve never gone hunting, but I do like to fish.”

  “At Rainbow.”

  “Sometimes. I like to go to the Black Lakes or up to Turquoise in Leadville.”

  “You’ll have to take me up there one of these days.”

  “Maybe I will.”

  She led him down the rocky path back to Frisco. They had to walk single file because it was too narrow for them to walk side by side. She missed holding his hand, but he was right behind her. Every once in a while she caught him sniffing and she wondered what animal scent he was catching, but didn’t ask. She’d never been afraid up in Frisco, because she’d always respected the wildlife. Going hiking after dusk wasn’t a good idea because the predators were out. Frisco had mountain lions, bears, and coyotes. She didn’t want to be a tempting snack.

  When they got back to town, her stomach growled. “Would you like to go to my favorite restaurant?”


  She laughed, knowing he was packing all of her favorite things into his memory. The red-brick restaurant was on the corner of Main Street and Fourth Street. “Bagalis is known for their pizza and pasta.”

  “Since you’re Italian, it must be good food.”

  “Do you feel like pizza?”

  “As long as it’s loaded with meat.” He opened the door for her. The fragrance of basil, sausage, and pasta greeted them.

p; A young blond hostess smiled. “Welcome to Bagalis.” She wasn’t looking at Cora. She was practically drooling over Seth.

  Cora bristled.

  He held up his fingers. “A table for two.”

  The hostess led them to a table near the huge wine cooler. She handed them menus. “Barry is your waiter and will be with you shortly.”

  He examined the menu as if he hadn’t even noticed the hostess. Most men would have been making a comment about her large boobs and tight ass. Miles would have, but Seth never said a word.

  “Are you hungry?”

  “Actually, I’m starving. Do you want to start off with an appetizer?”

  “Sure. Do you like calamari?”

  “Absolutely. Let’s get the truffle French fries too.”

  She’d forgotten how ravenous shifters were.

  A tall waiter with his brown hair pulled back into a tail came over to their table. “Hi, I’m Barry, and I’ll be your waiter today. Can I get you anything to drink?”

  “I’ll have a glass of Chianti,” Cora said.

  “I’ll have a Bud Light. We’re also ready to order appetizers––the calamari and truffle fries.”

  “Excellent choice.”

  Seth’s phone buzzed. He took it out. He scowled and murmured under his breath.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “It’s Miles. I’d better take this.”

  Cora sipped her water.

  “Yeah.” Seth’s expression darkened. “I know, Miles.” He clenched his fist. “I told you I’d have it.” He turned away. “Fine. By the reunion. Later.” He stuffed the phone back into his pocket.

  “What was that all about? You seem upset.”

  “He’s such an ass.”

  “Tell me what’s wrong.” She put her hand over his clenched fist. “Maybe I can help.”

  “Only if you have ten thousand dollars.”

  “I’m sorry. I don’t understand.”

  “I borrowed thirty-thousand dollars from Miles. He’s called in the note.”

  She frowned. “Why?”

  “Hell if I know. Because he’s Miles. He’s determined to get my shop. I never should have trusted him. My own damn fault.”

  “Why does he want your shop? Miles doesn’t ride motorcycles.”

  Barry brought over their drinks.

  Seth picked up his beer. “Better bring me another one, buddy.”

  “Coming right up.” Barry hustled back to the bar.

  After he left, Cora asked softly, “How much of the loan do you still owe?”

  “Ten thousand. He’s made it clear if I’m even a dollar short, he’s taking the shop.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  He took a long swig of beer. “I’ll have to work night and day to get the money. He wants it by the reunion.”

  “That’s in two weeks. Will you have it by then?”

  “I will.” He took her hand, caressing it with his thumb. “But I won’t be able to see you as much as like I’d like to.”

  Chills ran down her back. “I understand.” She smiled. “You can still call me.”

  “Every day, sweetheart. Every day.”

  After dinner, they walked to Seth’s motorcycle. He shoved his hands into his back pockets. “As much as I want to stay, I have to get up early to go to work.”

  She slid her hands up his chest and leaned her body against his. His heart quickened and breath turned husky. “I’ll see you later.”

  “You bet you will.”

  He kissed her, stealing her wits away. She clutched him tightly. Her feelings were so mixed. If he’d only say those three little words…

  She pulled away. “I’ll see you later.”

  “Yeah.” He straddled the motorcycle and kicked started it. “I’ll call you.”

  “I know you will.”

  His smile melted her stubborn heart. He pulled away and out onto the street. The wind fluttered his hair and his muscles stretched beneath his jacket. So many women would do anything to be with him, but not her. She was terrified. What would happen if she lost her heart?

  Chapter 11

  Two weeks later

  Seth wiped the sweat off his face. It was less than an hour until the reunion and he was stuck at work. A valuable client needed new brakes and wheels put on his bike, and Seth couldn’t say no. He needed the money. It was the last of what he needed to pay off Miles’ loan. He’d be able to bring the money to the reunion and stuff it down Miles’ greedy throat.

  He’d called Cora every night since he last saw her in Frisco, but he was no closer to convincing her to be his mate than when he’d started. He’d no idea what he was doing wrong, but he refused to give up.

  She was his.

  And he wouldn’t let her slip through his paws this time.

  He glanced at his watch. “Come on, Steve. Get here.”

  He was supposed to meet Cora at the reunion at six. She had to get there early to help Lara set up.

  His phone buzzed.

  “Yeah?” Seth tried to keep the annoyance out of his voice.

  “Hey, Seth. I’m running late, and won’t be there for another hour.”


  He hung up and immediately called Cora.

  “Hi,” she said. “Are you on your way?”

  “No. I’m still at work.”

  “You are?” Her voice cut through him like a knife.

  “I have a client who won’t be here for another hour.”

  “Can’t you meet him tomorrow?”

  “No. After this, I’ll have the money to pay off Miles. I’ll only be an hour late. I promise.”

  “Okay, fine. But don’t be any later. Miles and Caterina are already here.”

  He paced back and forth. “I know. I know. I get it.”

  One hour turned to two. By the time he pulled into the Arvada Center’s parking lot, he was almost three hours late. He couldn’t have rushed over as a greasy monkey and had run home to change. He tried calling Cora several times, but she didn’t answer. What the hell was going on?

  But he knew the answer. Miles. The bastard must have done something.

  He trotted up to the front door.

  “Where the hell have you been?” Lara met him at the door, threw her hands up in the air, and scowled. Her fingers brushed over her hair that was piled up on her head. Her backless black dress screamed formal, and all he had on was a nice shirt and black jeans.

  “I got caught up at work. Why?”

  Rock music blared from inside a ballroom. A buffet of picked over food was against one wall. His stomach screamed in protest.

  “Because Cora’s a mess. Miles told her that you weren’t coming, because you were embarrassed to be seen with her.”

  “What? And she believed him?” Seth’s vision clouded. Blood increased to all extremities and the back of his hair stood straight up. His tiger roared. Miles had pushed him too far by threatening his would-be mate.

  Lara stepped back and put her hand on her chest. “Seth, you’re scaring me.”

  “You’re not the one who should be scared. Where is she?”

  “She’s in the ballroom.”

  He pushed past Lara with his fists clenched. He didn’t care if he got arrested. Miles better damn pray he wasn’t the first one he saw.

  Red and white balloons framed the door with the year two-thousand eight on them. The room was dark and he had to squint. He didn’t need to see. All he needed to do was smell.

  Cora stood next to the bar, swaying unsteadily. Her face was flushed, and her eyes glistened. Her red dress hugged her curvy body and her hair swept over her shoulders. She had a glass of red wine in one hand that she was gulping down as if it were punch.

  “Hey, Seth. Another Streak. How are you?” someone called. “Don’t look, Ethel.”

  Seth didn’t even turn around. He didn’t recognize the voice and didn’t care. He rushed over to Cora. She was in pain and needed him. That was all that mattered.

  “Cora?” />
  She frowned. “You.” Her voice shook with rage and hate. She spilled some of the wine onto her opened shoes.

  “Here let me take that.”

  “No!” She jerked the glass away and it flew out of her hand. Glass and red liquid splattered onto the floor.

  People had stopped talking and were starting to stare.

  He put his arm around her shoulder and maneuvered her to sit on the stool.

  “Don’t touch me!” She stumbled. “I can’t believe I believed you.” She put her hand on her sweating forehead. “All the things we did… What I let you do.” Her cheeks burned bright red. “I’m an idiot. The biggest fool there is… letting another tiger close to me.”

  “What are you talking about, Cora? I called you. I called you every day. I told you I had to work late. I…”

  She slapped him across the face hard. “Liar!”

  He put his hand on his throbbing cheek. “I’m not lying.”

  She put her hand against the wall. “Miles said you didn’t want to be seen with me–the fat girl.”

  “He’s a liar. I’d never say that. I love you.”

  Her eyebrows furrowed as if she were trying to figure out whether he was telling the truth. She laughed. “Really?” She flicked her hand toward a table where Caterina, Miles, and the rest of the Streaks were watching.

  “Caterina showed me the text you sent Miles. Everyone’s been cracking jokes all night. Betting you’d stand me up or leave with another girl.”

  “Cora, I never sent a text.”

  “Really? I know your number, Seth. There’s no other way she could have gotten that on her phone.”

  Shit, this was happening all over again. Just like high school.

  He put his hands on her shoulders. “Cora, you have to believe me. I promise I wouldn’t hurt you.”

  She knocked his hands away. “Too late.”

  Lara ran over to Cora and put her arm around her shoulders. “Come on, Cora. I better get you home.”

  Tears streaked down Cora’s face. “Seth, don’t ever call or come see me again.”


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