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Howl of the Wolf hc-4

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by N. J. Walters

  Howl of the Wolf

  ( Hades' Carnival - 4 )

  N. J. Walters

  When artist and tarot reader Sabrina Wolfe runs across an old carousel wolf in an antique shop, she can’t resist buying the compelling symbol of her totem animal, her protector. But she isn’t prepared when the wooden animal comes to fang-flashing life—and shifts into a darkly sexy man.

  Arand is the last of seven immortal warriors sworn to protect the Lady of the Beasts. Freed by Sabrina’s touch, their instant physical attraction is hot, intense—yet neither is safe until twenty-four hours have passed and the curse is truly broken.

  Hades plans to use every one of those hours to unleash his last effort to control the world—or see both the warrior and his woman dead. Though help comes from unexpected quarters, Arand and Sabrina alone risk paying the ultimate price for victory. Their lives…and their very souls.

  Warning: This book contains an immortal warrior who can pour on the heat, a woman who can take it, gods, demons, and downright nasty battles. Now really, does it get any better than this?

  Howl of the Wolf

  Hades' Carnival 4


  N.J. Walters


  For my amazing husband. Thank you for everything.

  Spell of the Lady of the Beasts

  Lion, wolf, tiger and bear,

  Be of stout heart and show no despair.

  Phoenix, jaguar and serpent, all brave,

  Be not afraid, though thy destiny is grave.

  Warriors brave deserve a much better fate.

  You shall not pass beyond Hades’ gates.

  My powers I give thee to protect and to keep

  From death and torture in the dark and the deep.

  When Olympians’ power is turned into dust

  The time will come for the righteous and just.

  A chance to escape from a prison of Hell.

  Listen closely to all that I tell.

  Feminine power will come to your aid.

  You will come to life as the curse starts to fade.

  The sands of time will begin to slip by

  And you will have but one day’s turning to tie.

  While the demons from Hell tempt and deceive,

  A life must be given, a heart received.

  One step from the path and all will be lost.

  Your souls will be forfeit. That is the cost.

  If honor and courage win the fight,

  The curse will be broken, the debt made right.

  Free you will be from harm and from strife

  Able to live your immortal life.


  Hades wasn’t happy. And when he wasn’t happy, every demon and cursed soul in his realm held its breath, hoping to evade his notice. When he wasn’t happy, people died.

  Two enormous demons stood guard by his door. Both were twice his size, but he could end their miserable lives with a wave of his hand, and they both knew it. He could smell their fear, taste it on his tongue. It was better than the finest wine.

  “Leave me.” In their haste to escape his presence they almost tripped over one another. At any other time it would have amused him greatly. But not today.

  Hades stared at the gilded mirror, his window into this or any other world, and brooded. The Lady of the Beasts, the goddess he’d held captive for more than five thousand years, had managed to escape his realm. He could see her in the mirror as clearly as if she were standing right in front of him. Totally naked with her hands raised in the air, she stood in a mountain glade filled with wildflowers and birds. He could hear the birds singing and the Lady humming a jaunty tune. It was sickening really.

  He turned his head away from the mirror as the picture winked out of existence and he tapped his fingers against the finely carved arm of his massive wooden chair. It was more of a throne, carved hundreds of years ago by a master craftsman. He deserved no less. Usually he found pleasure in his private rooms with their red silk walls and the plush hand-woven rug that covered every square inch of the floor. Rare gemstones winked in the candlelight, spilling out of bowls onto the shelves that housed them. Exquisite paintings adorned the walls. Today’s artists were Jackson Pollock and Van Gogh, but Hades had hundreds more by the greatest painters the world had ever known, maybe thousands.

  An enormous bed awaited his pleasure, silk sheets in midnight black stretched across the down-filled mattress. He could snap his fingers and have any number of delectable female demons ready to fulfill his every sexual desire.

  But today he wasn’t happy, and that bitch goddess was to blame. He had everything he could want, except the one thing he truly craved—ultimate power.

  His brothers and the rest of the Greek gods and goddesses were idiots, content to fade into the mists of time, relegated to the annals of history. But not him. The world was ripe for the taking and he planned to claim it all for himself.

  His only problem was he needed some help. He couldn’t exactly explode into the earthly realm with his demons in tow. No, his siblings and the others would certainly notice the surge of power and investigate. They might be weak, but if Zeus and Poseidon combined their powers with the others, they could defeat him.

  Hades would not stand for defeat. Not now when he was so close to attaining his heart’s desire.

  His plan was really quite brilliant in its simplicity. Years ago, the Greek gods had attacked the Lady of the Beasts, wanting what power she held. But they hadn’t killed her. First off, it wasn’t easy to kill a god or goddess, even one drained of almost all their power. Secondly, it was unthinkable for a god to kill another. That would set a very dangerous precedent indeed. If one god was killed then none of them were safe. Instead, Hades had imprisoned her in his realm.

  In a surprisingly unselfish move, the Lady of the Beasts had used the last of her waning power to protect her loyal shapeshifting warriors. “Some protection,” he muttered as he surged out of his chair and walked over to a small gold cabinet. He lifted the heavy lead-crystal decanter and poured himself a shot of the finest whiskey in existence. The liquor burned on the way to his belly and he embraced the fire before slamming the glass back down. The fragile piece shattered, sending shards of crystals flying. Some of the glass nicked his skin, raising several beads of blood.

  Hades raised his hand and licked the blood away, savoring the sharp tang against his tongue.

  For more than five thousand years, those warriors had remained locked in their animal forms, unable to be brought into his realm. All his plans hinged on those warriors. For even though they had been trapped and powerless, their existence was present there, like a never-ending hum of energy. The other gods were accustomed to the power of the warriors existing in the human world and paid it no heed. Hades knew if he could free the immortal warriors and convince them to join him, he could easily stage his takeover of the world before his brothers took notice. It would be a done deal and he’d then have the power to destroy anyone who stood in his way.

  He stalked back to the mirror and waved his hand. Immediately, a dusty back room of a junk shop filled his vision. The last remaining warrior—the wolf—sat there, a discarded animal from a carousel ride from a carnival that no longer existed.

  The rest of the warriors had been released from their captivity. Mordecai had come first and been Hades’ greatest success. It hadn’t taken any convincing at all on his part to get the serpent to kill the woman who’d freed him and take his place at Hades’ side. But the next two—Stavros the jaguar and Phoenix the great fiery bird—had chosen death for themselves and their women.

  Hades waved his hand again and the image in the mirror faded. He had to use this power sparingly as it was limited. The mirror allowed him to
see outside his realm for the equivalent of one hour in the span of a day. If he used up his time he had to wait until the proper amount of time had passed, and he hated waiting.

  He hadn’t been too discouraged, but it had taken long years before Roric, the white tiger, had been set free. But unlike the others, Roric had managed to remain alive for twenty-four hours, thus negating the curse. Neither Hades nor any of his minions could touch Roric or his woman now, or he’d face death. He’d made a bargain with The Lady and had agreed to her terms without thinking things through, or so he now realized.

  Anger burned in his gut. He, who was the greatest wheeler and dealer in history, had come out on the short end of this bargain. The Lady had told him how to release her warriors in exchange for her freedom. Unfortunately, Hades couldn’t be the one to set them free. Oh no, only one particular woman could release one particular warrior. It was maddening.

  But he’d had the last laugh.

  A cruel smile curved his lips. He’d freed her from her prison, but not from his realm. She’d wandered Hell for decades, so close to the outside world, but yet so far. It had been lovely to watch.

  His smile slowly faded as he thought about his latest glimpse of the Lady. It should have been impossible, yet somehow she’d managed to escape from Hell all on her own.

  As if that wasn’t bad enough, Marko and Leander, the bear and the lion, had slipped through his fingers, leaving only the wolf remaining. He needed the allegiance of the wolf if his plan for world domination was going to work without difficulty. Of course, his plan would go ahead no matter what happened, but it would be easier with the wolf’s assistance. And Hades liked anything easy, disliked having to unnecessarily exert himself.

  The door to his chamber opened and Mordecai strode in like he owned the place. The insolent creature inclined his head, but barely. The warrior’s arrogance set Hades nerves on edge. Mordecai was the only creature in his realm who didn’t walk in fear of him. But he would, he surely would before Hades was done with him. He couldn’t wait until he no longer needed the immortal warrior. He planned to kill the serpent very slowly once his plan was successful.

  “You sent for me.” Mordecai stood with his feet braced apart and his arms loosely crossed over his chest. As always, he was wearing khaki pants, an olive drab T-shirt and combat books. Really, after spending so many years seeing Hades as an example, you’d think the warrior would invest in some decent clothing.

  Hades took his time and sat in his chair, making the warrior wait. It was a small power play and gave him some satisfaction, but not nearly enough. Mordecai didn’t appear the least bit concerned about being called into his presence, nor the least bit perturbed about being made to wait. Hades’ blood boiled, but outwardly he showed none of his anger.

  “The Lady is a problem.”

  Mordecai frowned. “But she’s beyond your reach now. She escaped from Hell, and according to the agreement you made with her, you can’t touch her without reprisal.”

  The reminder of his failure didn’t sit well with Hades. “No, I can’t touch her. Neither can my demons.” He waited for the warrior to grasp his meaning. That was the one thing he did like about the warrior, he didn’t have to explain himself. The serpent was as devious as he was, maybe even more so. That thought gave him a moment’s pause, but he shook off his unease. He was, after all, Hades, Lord of the Underworld.

  “You want me to kill her.” The coldness in his tone took even Hades aback. You’d never say that Mordecai had served the goddess from the beginning of time until his imprisonment. It was a good thing he planned to do away with the warrior when this was over. He wasn’t someone Hades wanted at his back for eternity.

  “I don’t like to lose.” He really could care less about the Lady. She was free but basically powerless in a world that no longer remembered her. But he hated losing.

  “Consider it done.” Mordecai unfolded his arms and motioned his head toward the mirror. “What about New Orleans?”

  Hades rested his elbows on the arms of his chair and steepled his fingers against his chin. “Leave New Orleans and the woman to me. I plan on handling this one personally.” He pointed an accusing finger at Mordecai. “You fucked up last time.”

  “The warriors and the women are unpredictable.”

  Hades’ blood was practically bubbling in his veins he was so angry, but he controlled his rage, letting none of it show outwardly. “There will be no female demons sent to befriend the woman. Either the wolf accepts my offer or he and the woman die.” Hades had had enough of failure. This time he wanted results.

  There would be no more offers of bargains, no more sending emissaries first. That hadn’t worked the last three times he’d tried it. It was time to go back to basics. If the wolf wouldn’t join him, Hades would kill him and the woman who freed him.

  He glared at the warrior. “Why are you still here?”

  Mordecai cocked his head to one side. “It would be quicker if you simply opened up a portal for me. Otherwise it will take me longer to get to the Lady.”

  Yes, it would be quicker and easier, but he wasn’t in the mood to make the arrogant immortal warrior’s life easier. “Go.”

  The corners of Mordecai’s mouth tilted upward in a semblance of a mocking smile. “As you command.” He gave a quick nod, turned and stalked out of the room, a beast already on the hunt.

  A shiver of dread raced down Hades’ spine. He had to deal with Mordecai and soon.

  In the meantime, he had some humans to visit. It was so easy to stir up discord among them. Humans did love to kill one another and make war. Their hatred and greed strengthened Hades, and he did so enjoy watching as the silly humans succumbed to temptation, arrogance and avarice.

  A few words in the right ears and the world would be on the brink of another world war before any of them realized it, which was exactly what he wanted. His plan for world domination would be so much easier if they were already perched on the edge of destruction, just waiting for him to give them one final push.

  He rose from the chair, checked his appearance in the mirror and smiled.

  Sabrina Wolfe twisted and turned on the tangled sheets. The cool air from the open window drifted over her bare arms and legs but did little to cool the sweat from her body. A gust blew the curtains, making them flutter like a flag in the wind and sending the fresh scent of lavender from the flower box on the fire escape wafting into the room.

  Wrinkles creased her brow and her lips parted on a sigh of pleasure.

  Sabrina was lost in the arms of her dream lover. As always, his face was hidden in shadows, but she didn’t care. She knew him, in her heart and soul where it mattered the most. She gripped his broad shoulders before sliding her fingers down his massive biceps. He was strong, her lover.

  He flipped her onto her back with ease, captured her hands in his and raised them over her head, exerting his dominance over her. She struggled, but he held her easily, subduing her attempt to evade him.

  Shaggy hair fell around his shoulders, but she caught a brief glimpse of his partially covered his face. His jaw appeared to have been carved from granite, his lips were thin and slightly turned up at the corners in a smile of masculine pleasure.

  Her breasts were plastered against his heavily muscled chest, the puckered nipples stabbing at him. Her pussy was wet and ached for him. She wanted his thick cock buried deep inside her.

  She arched her hips and rubbed against him, using his hard shaft to stimulate her clit. A moan of pleasure escaped her and his smile grew. “Like that, do you?” His voice vibrated through every cell in her body, making her yearn to get even closer. She wanted to crawl inside her lover and stay there where it was safe.

  That made her stop. Safe? Why would she even use such a word?

  He gave a low growl that raised the short hairs on the back of her neck it was so lifelike. Then he kissed her. No, that wasn’t accurate. He consumed her. He ate at her lips and sucked on her tongue, leaving no part of her mouth

  Sabrina lost herself in her lover, giving herself over to him, trusting him to give her the pleasure he tempted her with.

  “Come to me.” She slipped her hands free of his grip, dug her nails into his firm ass and urged him closer.

  He laughed and the light-hearted sound made her heart flutter. “I will give you what you want.”

  The broad head of his cock pressed against her opening and she spread her legs wider, desperately wanting him inside her. “Yes,” she hissed under her breath. She couldn’t wait for him to claim her, to feel the heat of his cock pulsing against the walls of her vagina.

  She tilted her hips toward him but he seemed to be getting farther away, not closer. “No,” she cried. Sabrina reached for him, but he slid through her fingers like a ghost, an insubstantial apparition. “No,” she cried again when her hands clutched nothing but air.

  She was alone.

  She bit back a sob, feeling totally bereft. Pulling her knees up to her chest, she wrapped her arms around them and held on tight. The cool air encircled her, making her shiver.

  No, it was more than the night air. Something else was here with her.

  Laughter filled the room, male and mocking and…evil. That was the word she was searching for. Something about the voice made her gut clench and her heart race. She grabbed the cotton sheet and pulled it around her, needing even its meager protection.

  “No need to hide your body. I’m not interested in that.”

  “What do you want?” she demanded. She needed a weapon but didn’t own a gun. She had a chef’s knife in the kitchen but instinctively knew she wouldn’t make it to the bedroom door before he stopped her.

  The slight scuff of footsteps off to her left made her jolt. Whoever he was, he was between her and the door. The window was her only option for escape.

  She started to slide out of bed and was horrified to discover she couldn’t move. Completely panicked, she began to fight whatever invisible bonds were holding her. She could feel nothing, but she couldn’t budge an inch no matter how hard she tried.


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