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Angelfire (Dark Angel)

Page 20

by Hanna Peach

  Israel remembers when he realized just how petite she was. It was the first time she corrected his stance. She barely came up to his chin. She was in so close to him he could see the dapples of green in her irises, could smell the wind on her hair. He knew then, under that fierce facade she was more delicate than anyone realized.

  She makes him want to protect her.

  In the underground station the air is thick with the scent of the meat and tomato stew cooking in the large pot. Rat stew they have jokingly taken to calling it. It reminds Israel of the time that he called this place his home. They were some of the happier moments of his life.

  Mason lumbers over, kicks another crate closer and sits down next to him. They sit in silence for a while.

  A roar erupts from the men as Alyx races Razorback up the climbing ropes. Razorback wins but only just. Israel can see in Alyx’s face that she has let him.

  At the top of the ropes Razorback leaps off and somersaults into the foam pit, grinning at Alyx from ear to ear when he lands with a flourish.

  Alyx feigns a fear of heights from her position at the top of the ropes causing the boys to laugh and heckle at her. Then she throws herself off her own ropes and twists in the air in a triple corkscrew as she comes down, causing the boys to cry out in surprise.

  Alyx laughs at them as she bounces into the foam pit. She has this way of crinkling her nose when she finds something amusing. Adorable as hell.

  “She’s a live one your girl is,” Mason says.

  “She isn’t mine.” It’s almost painful to say.

  “You two aren’t...?”

  “No. She wouldn’t. I’m not her type.”

  “Did she say that?”


  “Then how do you know?”

  Israel shrugs. “Just do.”

  He can feel Mason’s eye’s on him. He wishes Mason would look elsewhere. This old pirate had a way of reading him.

  “She does care about you. Not that I understand why,” Mason adds with a light nudge.

  “She looks out for me. There’s a difference.” A big difference.

  “And you care about her too, that’s plain. So what’s the problem?”

  Israel considers denying his feelings for Alyx, but this is Mason... Israel knows better.

  “It’s complicated.”

  “It always is.”

  Not like this. How could he explain it to Mason? Alyx is this gorgeous, fierce, immortal creature, an angel, and he is...

  “What could I ever offer a girl like that?” he says quietly.

  Israel can feel Mason’s stare, heavy on his face. “Well I’ll be damned. You’re in love with her aren’t you?”

  Israel says nothing. He just stares at his fingers, twisting them over and over in his lap.

  “Scrapper, whatever your issue is, you better get over it. And soon. You won’t find another girl like that.” Slapping Israel on the back he adds, “Even if you were to live for eternity.”

  The dinner bell rings before Israel can reply.

  Mason gets up and strides towards where they have started serving stew into thin metal bowls.

  “By the way Scrap,” Mason calls back, “you still owe me.”

  During dinner there had only been the sounds of slurping and the clanging of metal against metal but now bowls have been scraped empty, bellies are full and the air is rich with noise.

  A case full of bootleg wine has been cracked open and bottles were being thrown back like water.

  Mason clangs the back of his spoon against the underside of his empty metal bowl. “Settle down you lot.”

  The rowdiness takes a moment to die down.

  Mason clears his throat. “We’d like to officially welcome back our old friend Scrapper,” shouts and good humored heckling, “and our extremely lovely guest.” The men erupt in hoots and cheers and Alyx warms with pleasure. “The boys have got something for you.”

  Alyx stands as Terrapin comes forward and presents out his hands. A red leather cuff lies across his open palms, inlaid with tiny silver studs, skulls, crossbones. From it hangs a black-feathered charm. Terrapin grunts.

  “I’m sure you know by now that Terrapin can’t speak,” Mason says placing one hand on Terrapin’s shoulder. “So I’ll speak for him. You have displayed courage, extreme loyalty,” Mason nods towards Israel, “and true kindness in sparing Terrapin’s life. So we’d like to name you as an honorary street pirate to the Clan of the Saint’s, if you accept of course.”

  A cheer goes up around all the station. Terrapin is nodding his head and grinning from ear to ear.

  Alyx bows her head. “I accept.”

  “Then accept this as a sign of your affinity with us, Dark Angel.”

  Alyx laughs at her new ‘name’ and lets Terrapin buckle the cuff on her wrist.

  “Call upon our help as if we were your brothers,” Mason continues. “You are welcome to stay here as long as you want, and you are welcome back anytime.” He nods towards Israel. “Just don’t bring him next time, ey?”

  Laughter fills the station.

  Chapter 45

  Over the next few hours pirate by pirate either stumbles to bed or slumps out cold where they sit. The din in the station fades from slurred singing to soft snores. A spilt bottle of wine gives the air a sharp fruity smell.

  Mason stumbles over to where Alyx is sitting alone on a bench. She laughs as he misjudges the edge of the bench and almost falls off.

  “It’s just us now Mason. You don’t have to pretend anymore.”

  “I dern know what yerr talkin about,” Mason slurs, holding an unsteady finger towards her face.

  Alyx pats his hand away. “I know you haven’t had a real swig of wine all night.”

  At this Mason sobers up and his droopy eyes become alert. “Jesus lass, nothing gets past you does it.”

  Alyx shrugs. “I understand why you pretend to drink around these guys. But why don’t you?”

  “My tale is as old and as common as the hills.”

  “I have time.”

  “Alrighty then.” Mason tucks his feet under the bench. “I had a good life once. Good job, good money, pretty young wife. But I was arrogant. I made a stupid mistake, lost my job over it. I started drinking. Soon my marriage broke down, I lost most my friends, lost my house, found myself on the street. The Captain, the leader of the Saint’s before me, took me in and I cleaned up. Found something worth living for again.”

  “Is stealing really something worth living for?”

  “We don’t consider it stealing lass, just… redistributing the wealth.” He grins. “We only take from large greedy corporations and we pass out most of what we take.” Mason leans in close. “Don’t tell anyone, but the Saint’s Clan is one of the most active anonymous donors to this city’s various charities.”

  Alyx laughs. “Like Robin Hood and his merry men.”

  “Something like that. Anyway, I haven’t touched a drop since. Only you and the Captain know, so...”

  Alyx puts her hand on Mason’s, her tiny fingers dwarfed against his bearish hand. “Your secret is safe with me, I promise.”

  “What about you? Why don’t you touch the grog?”

  “I need to be alert and ready at any time just in case…” Alyx pauses, “well, just in case.”

  “You’ll need it around Scrapper, what with the demons that are after him and all.”

  Alyx jolts. Did Mason just say demons?

  Mason stretches his legs out from under him. “Oh, I always knew Scrapper was a little... different. And now that you’re here with him, it just solidifies it for me.”

  Alyx shakes her head. “I don’t understand.”

  “It’s just us now. You don’t have to pretend anymore,” he says using her own words.

  Did Israel tell Mason? Or does this mortal know more than he is supposed to? Her skin starts to prickle and her fingers move for the dagger tucked in her boot.

  “Oh Angel. Don’t be getting skittish on me
now. I’m not looking to profit from this observation of mine. But seeing as you jumped quick as an anchor’s decent for your boot-dagger I’d say that’s proof of how close to the truth I am.”

  Alyx pauses, her hand halfway down her thigh, peering at Mason closely.

  “You threw yourself in front of Israel more than once back there.”

  Alyx shrugs trying to look casual. “Okay, so maybe I’m looking out for him. So what?”

  Mason shakes his head. “Nah, it’s more than that. I can see the way you are around him. I see you looking at him every time you think no one’s watching. I see you noticing every time he moves, what he does, who he talks to. Did you know your body follows him around where ever he goes? Only subtly, but it does. You know what it looks to me? Looks to me like you may be in love with him.”

  Alyx makes a spluttering noise. “I am not in love with him.”

  “Is it me you’re trying to convince?” Mason nods towards her right shoulder where Terrapin had slashed her. “Say, you heal pretty quick there.”

  There is nothing but smooth skin peering out from her wide neck collar. Alyx silently curses herself for choosing this shirt. She wraps her arms around her shoulders as if shielding herself from cold.

  “I’ve only met one other who can heal that quickly. He called himself a Rogue. I figured you and he are one in the same. Aw Angel, don’t fret, your secret’s safe with me.”

  Alyx doesn’t know what to say.

  Mason continues, “Everyone always forgets about us street rats. We’re invisible to most people. Which means we see more than most, often more then we’d like. We see more of your kind and of the demons you fight than you know. Sometimes we get targeted by them and we have to get involved. But mainly we like to stay out of it and let you guys clean them up.”

  “So,” says Alyx, struggling to make sense of all that Mason just revealed to her, “you see them too?”

  “Not like Israel does. But I’ve seen enough to know they’re real.”

  “You said you met a Rogue?”

  “I was a bit younger. There was a big fight on... Silva and Sonnen I think. The boys and I had gone out to watch that match at one of the local bars. It was early, about eleven at night. I was walking home alone. The other boys were still out drinking, being rowdy. I rounded a corner, a shortcut through a smaller street, and I saw them. The Rogue fighting a demon. They didn’t see me. I stuck close to the wall and just watched them. They were getting into each other real good.”

  Alyx’s eyes widen. “A Rogue fighting a demon? Are you sure that’s what you saw?”

  “Sure as a rusty cannon will ne’er fire straight. Why?”

  “Rogue’s are supposed to be working with the demons.”

  “Well this one wasn’t. Finally the Rogue killed the demon but he was badly hurt himself. Only reason I knew that the Rogue was still alive is cause of the noises he was making. Then I heard voices, the friends of the fallen demon looking for him. The Rogue was in no state to fend off another attack. So I dragged him to the closest manhole and took him down under.”

  Mason rubbed his face. “I’ll never forget the sight of his wounds healing up over themselves. That’s when I knew he wasn’t human.”

  “Do you remember his name?”

  “He wouldn’t give it to me. Said it was better the less I knew ‘bout him.” His attention was caught by someone approaching. “I’d love to continue this conversation but I think this is my cue to leave.”

  Even before Mason noticed him coming, Alyx knew it was Israel. Mason was right. It doesn’t matter what she is doing there is always a part of her that is aware of him.

  After appearing to avoid her throughout dinner here he is, chewing on his lip and looking, for the first time she notes, almost unsure of himself.

  Mason stands up. “She’s all yerrs, Scrap,” he slurs before stumbling in the general direction of his carriage.

  Israel fumbles with his jeans pockets. “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to―.”

  “It’s fine Israel.”

  He shuffles his feet.

  “Sit down. You’re making me nervous standing just there like that.”

  Israel sits where Mason had just been sitting.

  “Are you okay?” she asks him.

  “Sure. Fine. Why wouldn’t I be?”

  “You seem nervous.”

  “No. Not nervous.”

  Alyx gives up trying to get him to talk. They sit in silence for a while.

  Alyx tries to make sense of her earlier conversation with Mason. How many other mortals know about the Seraphim and the Darkened?

  “So,” Israel says, “where to from here?”

  “We should get a couple hours sleep. Early morning we’ll find that train line that goes along West End and head back to the theatre.”

  “Would it be better to wait till dark to sneak out?”

  Alyx shakes her head. “The Darkened sleep during the day and the Seraphim don’t usually patrole when it’s light. We’re better off making a break for it then.” Alyx leans closer to Israel and drops her voice low, “Did you know that Mason knows about us?”

  “Us?” Israel’s eyes widen.

  “About what I really am and about your second sight.”

  “Oh, right. No, I didn’t know that. But I’m not surprised. He notices everything. There’s a reason he become the Saints’ new captain.” Israel pauses, twisting his fingers over and over again. “Speaking of noticing things, he said something to me before. Something about you… and me.”

  Alyx’s heart stops. Was she really that obvious? Did Mason tell Israel about her feelings for him? She curses under her breath. Mason told Israel about her feelings for him. And now here Israel is looking worried... why?

  Mason never said that Israel felt the same way about her.

  Her heart clenches. Of course Israel’s worried. He doesn’t feel the same way. He doesn’t want to have to let her down. He’s worried this will ruin their partnership. Judging by the look on Israel’s face Alyx knows she is right. Her cheeks begin to flush. Relax Alyx. Play it cool.

  “Oh that,” she laughs nervously. “Yes Mason mentioned it to me too.”

  Israel blinks madly at her. “He did?”

  “Yes and you don’t have to be so worried about it. It’s just a Guardian-bond thing. The feelings aren’t really real. How could they be?”

  It is crushing to be so flippant about her feelings for him. How her heart begs instead to let itself be heard by him. Tell him, it cries, tell him how he makes you feel.

  No, her mind replies, he doesn’t feel the same way.

  Tell him anyway...

  “Oh.” Israel looks confused for a moment, then he clears his throat. “Sure. Of course they aren’t real.” He appears to compose himself.

  Relief. He is relieved. He bought it. Crisis averted.

  But the slim satisfaction of getting herself out of this situation is overshadowed by the crushing confirmation that he just doesn’t feel the same.

  Chapter 46

  The next morning after Alyx and Israel say goodbye to the pirates, Terrapin and Mason escort them to the exit near the old theatre. When they reach the covered manhole above them Terrapin tugs on Alyx’s arm.

  “What is it?”

  Terrapin points at her, taps himself on the chest then points to the exit above them.

  “I’m sorry, I don’t understand.”

  “I think he wants to come with us,” says Israel.

  Alyx turns back to Terrapin. “Is that it?”

  He nods vigorously, then puffs his chest out, beating himself across the chest with his right arm.

  “I think he wants to be your bodyguard.”

  Alyx touches Terrapin lightly on the arm. “But your home is here. Why would you want to come with me?”

  Mason speaks, “You spared his life Angel. That’s not something most other people would have done in your situation. In fact, that’s probably one of the kindest things anyone has ever
done for him. He’ll feel that he owes you.” While Mason is speaking Terrapin is nodding.

  “Oh Terrapin,” Alyx says. “You don’t owe me. Your place is here with Captain Mason and the boys. I tell you what though, if I ever need help or need someone beaten up I’ll come straight to you, okay?”

  Terrapin grins and wraps Alyx up in a hug that lifts her off her feet. She laughs and buries her face in his shoulder. “I’ll miss you too. Stay out of trouble for me will you?”

  Terrapin sets her down, nodding.

  “If there is anything you ever need, you let me know,” Mason says, grasping her hand in his.

  “I will.” Alyx throws her arms around him in a hug.

  A broad smile cracks over Mason’s face. “And if you ever get tired of playing with this boy,” he nudges his head towards Israel and winks at her, “you especially let me know.”

  Alyx laughs.

  Each of the four theatre rooms of the Regent had been decorated in a different theme.

  The Royal theatre, the smallest room, had large purple seats like thrones, gold curtains and a small curved stage that juts forward into the audience.

  The Crystal theatre is a slightly larger room with faded cream seats and a ceiling dripping with strands of crystals.

  The Peacock theatre, an even larger theatre room, is dressed in blues and greens, a pattern of peacock feathers across the carpet.

  And the Grand Hall is the largest of them all, the ceiling soaring the full height of the building, private boxes like tarnished coins around the wall, the once gold carvings on the arms of the cinema seats now chipped and rubbed brown.

  “Which theatre room is your favorite?” Alyx asks Israel’s image lying next to her.

  She is in the Grand Hall while he lounges across the front of the Crystal Theatre. They had been practicing appearing to each other.

  “I like the Royal theatre,” says Israel after a pause.


  “Because,” he grins, “I reckon I was a King in a past life.”


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