The Kennedy Men
Page 120
Hersh, Seymour, 551
Herter, Christian, 671–72
Heyser, Richard, 629
Hialeah Racetrack, 249
Hickey, John and Catherine, 13, 28–29, 55
Hicks, Granville, 104–5
Hilsman, Roger, 564, 720, 723–26
Hirshey, Gerri, 551
Hiss, Alger, 302
Hitler, Adolf, 119–23, 134, 141–42, 283, 531, 680, 720
anti-Semitism of, 82–83, 113–15, 128
Arvad and, 173, 175
JFK on, 134, 141, 227–29, 677
Joe Jr. on, 82–83, 129–30
Joe Sr. and, 83, 112–15, 119–20, 123, 130, 149
Ho Chi Minh, 288–90, 293, 328
Hoffa, James R. “Jimmy, ” 553, 740
JFK’s 1960 presidential campaignand, 461, 465
RFK’s investigation of, 369–71, 373–75
Hofmannsthal, Raimund von, 146–47
Holborn, Fred, 357
Holcombe, Arthur, 301, 332
Holeman, Frank, 529, 648–49
Hollings, Fritz, 448
Holmes, Hamilton, 555–56
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 7
Holt, L. Emmett, 44
Homage to Catalonia (Orwell), 125
Home, Earl and Lady, 318
Hooker, John, Jr., 588
Hooton, Claude, Jr., 276, 333, 461–62, 478
Hooton, Earnest A., 104–5
Hoover, J. Edgar, 180–81, 310, 383, 476, 491, 689, 693
anti-Communist campaign of, 596–98, 691
civil rights movement and, 709–13
Cuba and, 608–9
organized crime and, 408, 598, 601–4, 608–9
RFK’s relationship with, 360, 362, 596–98, 600–601, 605, 608–9
Hopkins, Harry, 109, 222
Horton, Ralph “Rip, ” 86, 98–100, 103, 249
Ho Tan Quyen, 722
Houghton, Arthur, 37
Houghton, Charles, 108
House of Representatives, U.S., 13, 162, 244–45, 384, 559, 659
JFK in, 243–54, 273–74, 280–85, 290–91, 444, 472, 659, 684, 716
JFK’s campaigns for, 223–24, 229–37, 248, 258, 293–306, 320
Select Committee on Assassinations, 411
Vietnam and, 289, 717
see also Congress, U.S.
Houston, Lawrence, 607–8
Howard, Lisa, 676
Howard, Roy, 70–71
Howe, Louis, 71
“How the Kennedys Spoil Wedding Anniversaries” (JacquelineKennedy), 380
Hughes, Harold, 715
Hughes, Howard, 488
Hull, Cordell, 113, 120, 148–49
Humphrey, Hubert, 343, 378–79
1960 presidential campaign of, 403, 416–17, 421–22, 423, 424–25, 426–27, 429–30, 431, 434
Humphrey, Muriel, 424
Humphreys, Jeanne, 412
Humphreys, Murray “the Camel, ”412
Hundley, William, 598
Hunter, Charlayne, 555–56
Hurst, Q. Byrum, 39
Hurwitch, Robert A., 496
lies, John, 191
Imhoff, Susan, 159
Immoor, Frederick, 410
India, 288–89
“Intervention in Spain” (J. P. Kennedy, Jr.), 125
isolationism, in World War II, 113, 119–20, 122, 125, 130, 142–43, 146–47, 150, 152–53, 157, 160–62, 175
Israel, 476, 670
JFK’s 1952 Senate campaign and, 303–4
JFK’s visit to, 286–87
RFK’s visits to, 262–63, 286–88
“Issues in the Defense of the West” (J.F. Kennedy), 284
“Jack Kennedy’s Challenge” (J. F.Kennedy), 248
Jackson, Henry M., 330–31
Jacobson, Max, 449–50, 526–28, 536, 543–47
James, Henry, 159, 179–80
James, William, 18
Jefferson, Thomas, 353, 419, 605
Jennings, Peter, 551
Johnson, Lyndon B., 379, 740
1960 presidential campaign of, 403, 417, 422, 434, 436
1960 vice-presidential campaign of, 434–36, 441–42, 444, 462
Johnson, Marlin, 599
Johnson, Priscilla, 341
Johnson, Robert H., 454
Johnston, William, 188–89
Jones, Clarence, 706, 710–12
Jones, Evelyn, 580
Jones, John Clark, III, 49
Joseph P. Kennedy Jr., 234
Joseph P. Kennedy Jr. Foundation, 393–94
Kane, Joe, 28, 222, 231, 234
Karson, Stan, 355
Kater, Florence May, 406, 550, 692
Kater, Leonard, 406
Kattenburg, Paul, 717
Katzenbach, Mrs. Nicholas, 568
Kazin, Alfred, 586
Kearney, Pierce, 164–65
Keating, Kenneth, 597, 625
Keeler, Christine, 690
Kefauver, Estes, 285, 357, 365, 367
Kelley, Kitty, 551
Kelly, Arthur, 20
Kelly, Gene, 701
Kelly, J.J., 310
Kelly, Mrs., 325
Kempton, Murray, 368
Kennan, George, 533
Kennedy, Bridget Murphy, 4–5, 17, 683
Kennedy, Caroline Bouvier, 381, 408, 474, 523, 543–44, 575, 586, 590, 652, 696, 700–701
Kennedy, Christopher, 41, 554
Kennedy, David, 589
Kennedy, Edward Moore, Jr., 581, 585
Kennedy, Edward Moore “Teddy, ”255–58, 384–89, 397–401, 408, 580–89, 593, 614, 664–72, 689
African trips of, 357, 581, 583
alleged Communist associates of, 309–10, 584
athletic abilities of, 255–56, 277, 332–36, 420–21, 588
birth of, 61
charisma of, 668
childhood and upbringing of, 63, 67–69, 124, 129, 139, 150, 163–69, 171, 199, 202, 219, 232, 236, 255–57, 261, 276, 318, 335, 385, 389, 420
debating of, 669–70
education of, 68, 117–18, 129, 139, 150, 165, 202, 255–57, 261, 275–79, 332–36, 373, 384–85, 398–401, 583–84, 666–67
European visits of, 278–79, 359, 664–65, 670
as father, 421, 580–81
finances of, 255, 257, 385
Harvard’s expulsion of, 277–78, 333, 335, 384, 584, 666–67
heritage of, 202, 333, 701
honors of, 664
illnesses and injuries of, 124, 165–66, 398–99, 420
JFK’s assassination and, 738–39
at JFK’s funeral, 741, 743
JFK’s 1958 Senate campaign and, 344, 388–89, 392, 398
JFK’s 1960 presidential campaignand, 401, 420–21, 434, 461–62, 468, 478, 580
Joan Bennett courted by, 386–88
Joe Sr.’s British ambassadorship and, 117–18
Latin American tour of, 665, 670
married life of, 400–401, 421, 580–81, 585
military service of, 278–79, 309, 581, 687
nickname of, 385, 4001962 Senate campaign of, 581–85, 664–71
personality of, 256–57, 276, 333, 336, 385–86, 388, 398–99, 420, 582–83, 585, 668–69, 687
physical appearance of, 165, 202, 255–56, 279, 336, 386, 399, 588, 668
press relations of, 582–84
recklessness of, 385–86
Senate career of, 671–72
sense of humor of, 278–79, 461, 478, 582, 671–72
speeches of, 386, 389, 420–21, 581, 583, 585, 668
veterans honored by, 686–87
wedding of, 397–400
womanizing of, 333–34, 359, 387–88, 409, 462, 584, 665, 670
World War II and, 150, 199
Kennedy, Ethel Skakel, 234, 265–73, 373, 386, 446, 498, 592
athletic abilities of, 266, 270, 363, 567–68, 589
competitiveness of, 266, 268, 270
family of, 266–68
finances of, 272
nbsp; married life of, 272–73, 331–32, 362–63, 367, 461–62, 478, 568, 570, 588, 607, 688, 714
as mother, 362–63, 367, 567–70, 607
pranks of, 265–66
pregnancies of, 273, 569
religious beliefs of, 265
RFK’s courtship of, 265–66, 268–70
wedding of, 271–72
Kennedy, Jacqueline Bouvier “Jackie, ”287, 357–60, 373, 405–8, 446, 482–83, 544, 548–50, 573–77
Dallas trip of, 731–35, 737
European visits of, 535, 538
illnesses of, 527
illustrations and sketches of, 323–24, 380
JFK’s assassination and, 740
JFK’s courtship of, 314–17, 319–21
at JFK’s funeral, 741–43
JFK’s illnesses and, 340–41, 344, 346–47, 379, 528
JFK’s inauguration and, 474JFK’s 1960 presidential campaignand, 405, 424, 431, 433, 437, 456–57, 468
JFK’s 1964 reelection plans and, 699, 731–32
JFK’s womanizing and, 347–48, 381, 405, 407, 548, 550, 688, 692, 700
Joe Sr.’s stroke and, 592
married life of, 321–24, 326–27, 340–41, 344–46, 354–55, 358–60, 362, 380–81, 406–7, 456, 481–82, 503, 508, 513, 522, 527, 535, 548–49, 570, 575, 585–86, 588, 632, 635–36, 645, 650, 652, 688, 698–701
as mother, 381, 474, 575, 652, 741
Onassis’s cruise with, 698–99, 732
pregnancies of, 344, 354, 358–59, 381, 437, 456–57, 651, 695–98
sense of humor of, 314–15
Stevenson’s 1956 presidentialcampaign and, 354
wedding of, 319–20
and White House cultural and socialstyle, 571, 573–74
White House decor and, 482, 575–76
will of, 407–8
writings of, 322, 360, 381
Kennedy, Joan Bennett, 397–401, 408, 569
married life of, 400–401, 421, 580–81, 585, 588
as mother, 421, 580–81, 585
pregnancies of, 580–81
Ted’s courtship of, 386–88
Ted’s 1962 Senate campaign and, 581, 583–85
wedding of, 397–400
Kennedy, John Fitzgerald, 39, 98–107, 130–35, 155–56, 158–64, 174–96, 223–38, 243–58, 261–62, 280–329, 334–36, 339–60, 362, 375–468, 471–516, 518–52, 557–66, 570–93, 595–96, 600–601, 620–77, 679–704, 706–43
ambitions of, 62, 155, 158–59, 175–77, 182, 206–7, 223–24, 229, 275–76, 295, 311, 313–14, 321, 340, 354–55, 389–90, 420, 432
amphetamines used by, 450, 466, 527–28, 543, 545–47
anti-Semitism of, 181, 183
and aristocratic conception of life, 325–27
articles written by, 161–62, 226–28
Asian tour of, 284, 288–91, 300, 328, 486–88, 716–18, 728
assassination of, 485, 698, 738–41
athletic abilities of, 49–51, 53, 62, 65–68, 79–80, 102, 106, 132, 139, 163–64, 167, 253–55, 334, 340, 539, 586
atomic weapons and, 245, 262, 283–84, 350, 473, 485, 509, 540–42, 630–32, 636–38, 640, 643–44, 647, 655, 659, 703, 734
awards and honors of, 92, 190, 207, 213, 351–52, 435
Billings’s relationship with, 80–81, 83–84, 92–93, 96, 98–101, 103, 105, 130–31, 133–34, 159, 178, 200–201, 532
birthday celebrations of, 236, 606–7
birth of, 31
books read by, 134–35, 145–46, 158–59, 161, 185–86, 223–24, 325–26, 648
books written by, 144–45, 158–59, 186, 223, 229, 344, 349–52, 472
celebrity of, 354, 358, 364, 379
charm and charisma of, 104, 159, 161–62, 174, 225, 236, 249, 321, 334, 379, 395–96, 432, 463, 549
childhood and upbringing of, 36–37, 43–51, 53, 61–69, 84–85, 91–92, 102, 106, 158, 166–67, 189, 193, 195, 200, 213, 224, 229, 233–34, 257, 259, 290, 293, 327, 341, 350, 380, 383, 466, 472, 481, 513, 548, 684, 735–36, 742
communism and, 246–47, 283–84, 288, 292–93, 300–301, 328–29, 438–39, 453, 455, 487–88, 509–10, 540, 564, 566, 625, 631, 681, 703, 709–10, 712, 716, 719
competitiveness of, 46, 49–50, 62, 67, 77–80, 106, 190, 195–96, 213, 550
congressional campaigns and careerof, see House of Representatives, U.S.; Senate, U.S.courage valued by, 186, 189–91, 195–96, 203, 207, 211, 221, 225, 232–33, 247, 251, 262, 284, 288, 290, 343, 350–51, 357, 385, 429, 452, 472–73, 564, 627, 647, 655–56, 659–60, 683–85, 697, 736
Dallas trip of, 731–37, 742–43
death threats against, 734
debating of, 424–25, 448–56, 462
domestic policy and, 245–48, 291, 298, 301, 313, 378, 390, 392–93, 437, 449, 452, 457–61, 473, 481, 534, 541–42, 555, 557–61, 575, 613–17, 671–72, 706–12, 715–16, 731
education of, 47–51, 53–54, 61, 63–66, 75–76, 78–81, 84–93, 98–107, 130–33, 139, 141, 143–47, 159–61, 181–82, 194, 212, 223–24, 238, 242–43, 246, 248, 251, 256, 275–77, 334, 341, 409, 504, 707
European visits of, 131–35, 227–29, 251–52, 262, 283–86, 317–18, 347–48, 358–59, 535–38, 680–84, 694, 698
on fate, 162, 190, 192, 220, 698
as father, 381, 474, 523, 543–44, 546, 575, 586, 645, 652, 696–98, 700, 727, 732–33
finances of, 85–86, 104, 130–31, 311, 323, 340, 351, 405, 586–87, 733, 736
foreign policy and, 244–46, 283–93, 300, 328–29, 350, 375–78, 381, 392–93, 437, 439–40, 448, 451–57, 473, 477, 481, 483–516, 518–22, 525, 527, 529–31, 533–34, 536–41, 558, 562–66, 609–13, 617, 621–63, 635, 656, 672–77, 680–81, 702–3, 708, 713–14, 716–31, 734, 736
funeral of, 740–73
heritage of, 49, 54, 104, 176, 251–52, 298–99, 301, 326, 392, 415, 681–84, 701–2
illnesses and injuries of, 36–38, 45–47, 49, 64–66, 75, 78–79, 87–90, 98–101, 106, 132–33, 144, 159–60, 167–68, 179, 181–85, 187, 190–92, 202, 206, 210, 213–14, 219–21, 223–24, 236–37, 250–53, 259, 280–82, 284, 291, 299, 323–25, 334, 339–47, 349–50, 354, 359, 379–80, 391, 397, 414, 420, 434–35, 440–41, 449, 462, 522–28, 532–33, 536, 538–39, 543–47, 550, 586, 643, 651, 679–80, 685, 730–31, 734–36
inauguration of, 471–75, 481, 524, 539, 592, 647, 741–74
Jackie courted by, 314–17, 319–21
and Jackie’s cruise with Onassis, 698–99
Jackie’s pregnancies and, 358–59, 695–98
Joe Sr.’s stroke and, 591–93, 595, 620–21
Kennedy Foundation and, 394
King and, 457–61, 557–58, 560, 710–12
McCarthy and, 299, 301–3, 307, 309, 342–43, 351, 356–57, 378
manhood as viewed by, 146, 167, 184, 233–34, 293, 493, 501, 546, 564, 742
marriage planned by, 314–21
married life of, 321–24, 326–27, 331, 340–41, 344–46, 354–55, 358–60, 380–81, 384, 406–7, 414, 456, 481, 503, 508, 513, 522, 535, 549, 570, 575, 585–86, 588–92, 632, 635–36, 645, 650, 652, 688, 693, 698–701
Middle Eastern tours of, 286–88
mob connections and, 382, 408, 411, 413, 551–52, 601, 603–5, 609
Muckers’ revolt led by, 90–92, 145
narcissism of, 101, 133
narcotics used by, 528
nickname of, 187, 190
1956 vice-presidential campaign of, 353–59
1960 presidential campaign of, seeelection of 1960
1960 vice-presidential running mateselected by, 434, 36
1964 reelection plans of, 693, 699, 708, 714–16, 718, 729–32
O’Donnell scandal and, 693
patriotism of, 194, 684–85
personality of, 43, 46, 77–78, 84–88, 101, 107, 130–31, 133–35, 158, 185, 224–25, 228, 230, 243–44, 248–51, 261, 310–11, 340, 353, 396, 407–8, 415–16, 419, 450, 508, 511, 513, 523, 540, 621, 637, 650
physical appearance of, 45–47, 49
, 61–62, 65, 78–80, 84, 86, 91, 93, 98–99, 102–3, 132–33, 158–59, 167, 176, 190, 199, 213, 220, 223, 226, 228, 230, 236–37, 243, 249, 252–53, 272, 282, 299, 315, 323–24, 340, 345, 364, 373, 395–96, 421, 432, 436–37, 466, 471, 523, 548, 576, 586, 650–51, 702, 730, 736, 742
playboy lifestyle of, 102, 104, 130, 160, 194
on politics, 415–16, 736–37
popularity of, 62, 515, 519, 672, 735
presidential appointments of, 475–83, 665
press relations of, 574–79, 586, 666–67, 736
racketeering investigations and, 365–67, 372–73, 404–5
recklessness of, 396, 407–8
religious beliefs of, 48–50, 65, 76, 104, 171, 178, 183, 191, 249, 298, 301, 303, 325, 348, 355, 393, 407, 421–22, 427–30, 434, 442–46, 457, 461, 571, 684, 698
sense of humor of, 80, 84, 86, 89, 92, 103–4, 159–62, 223, 253, 310–11, 347, 391, 478, 549
sexual boasts of, 100–103, 201, 224–25
sexual fantasies of, 86, 89–90, 99–100, 341
speeches of, 230–31, 234–36, 245–48, 284, 291–94, 300–301, 304, 313, 328–29, 364, 375–76, 379–80, 391, 396–97, 415, 419, 429, 437–38, 444–45, 447–48, 456, 460, 467, 471–73, 481, 524, 539–41, 566, 616–17, 637, 640, 645–47, 674, 680–81, 703, 708–9, 731, 734–35, 742
Stevenson’s 1956 presidentialcampaign and, 363–64
Ted’s 1962 Senate campaign and, 581–84, 664–71
Ted’s Senate career and, 671–72
temper of, 130–31, 621
veterans honored by, 684–86
wedding of, 319–21, 397–98
and White House cultural and socialstyle, 571–74
womanizing of, 100, 102–3, 105–7, 131, 134, 144, 159–62, 172, 174–79, 181, 191–93, 203, 213, 224–26, 228, 242, 249–50, 264–65, 268, 280, 314–18, 324–26, 334, 341, 345, 347–49, 358–59, 381–82, 387, 395–97, 399–400, 405–14, 422–23, 430, 433, 477–78, 523, 527, 531, 548–52, 570, 600, 603–7, 636, 680, 688–93, 700–701
World War II and, 134, 140–41, 143–45, 147, 160–63, 167–68, 172, 175–77, 181–96, 198–203, 206–7, 212–14, 221, 223, 225, 227–29, 232–35, 252, 275, 294, 327, 350, 374, 385, 426–27, 429, 435, 439, 444, 479, 481, 627, 677, 686
Kennedy, John Fitzgerald, Jr., 474, 523, 546, 575, 652, 696, 700, 727, 732–33, 742
Kennedy, Joseph Patrick, Jr., 75–84, 87, 90, 92, 149, 162–64, 178, 195–215, 318
ambitions of, 82–83, 127–28, 155, 162, 195, 206, 209–12, 257
anti-Semitism of, 82–83, 122, 137
articles written by, 126–27, 204
athletic abilities of, 50–51, 53, 62, 66–68, 77, 79, 95–96, 102, 105–6, 110–11, 124, 139, 163–64, 200, 239, 334–36
awards and honors of, 80–81, 86, 196, 207, 234, 258