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You and I Forever

Page 1

by Melissa Toppen



  You and I

  Book Three

  Melissa Toppen

  Copyright © 2015 Melissa Toppen

  All rights reserved.

  This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events

  are entirely coincidental.

  You and I,


  You and I Book Three

  Written by Melissa Toppen

  Table of Contents

  chapter one

  chapter two

  chapter three

  chapter four

  chapter five

  chapter six

  chapter seven

  chapter eight

  chapter nine

  chapter ten

  chapter eleven

  chapter twelve

  chapter thirteen

  chapter fourteen

  chapter fifteen

  chapter sixteen

  chapter seventeen

  chapter eighteen

  chapter nineteen

  chapter twenty

  chapter twenty-one

  chapter twenty-two

  chapter twenty-three

  chapter twenty-four

  chapter twenty-five

  chapter twenty-six

  chapter twenty-seven

  Chapter One

  “Where are we going?” I bounce nervously in the passenger seat of Bentley's car, watching the country side pass by through the window.

  “You'll see.” He glances at me out of the corner of his eye before turning his attention back to the road. “It won't be much longer.”

  We have been driving for several minutes. If I had to guess, I would say we are at least ten miles outside of the city by now. Gone are the buildings, the sounds and the lights. Now, all replaced by the fields and open spaces that lay beyond Chicago. Bentley turns left down a narrow two lane road and then turns right again about a mile further up.

  I have no idea what he's up to but I know it's more than just a drive as he had said when he asked me to come with him. Though up to this point, I have no idea where he could be taking me. When he slows to a near stop and pulls off to the side of the road, killing the car engine, I turn a questioning gaze towards him.

  “We're here.” He smiles widely at me, his dimples on full display.

  “Here?” I question, glancing around. “There is nothing here but fields and woods.” I say to Bentley's backside as he climbs out of the car and shuts the door behind him.

  “Are you just going to sit in there?” He calls, waving for me to join him. Pushing open the door, I peel myself out of the car, instantly hit with the peaceful silence of the nature surrounding us.

  “Bentley. What are we doing here?” I ask, not trying to hide my confusion as I shut the car door and take the hand that he extends to me.

  “Just come on.” He says, leading me through an overgrown patch of land into a small clearing a few feet from the road. “So, what do you think?” He asks, laughing lightly when I look at him like he has six heads.

  “What do I think about what?” I ask, gesturing that there is nothing around us. And I mean that literally. There is nothing. No houses that I can see, no cars. Just trees, trees and more trees.

  “Our new home.” He says, smiling widely at the confused look on my face.

  “Our new home?” I question.

  “If you want it to be.” He says, nodding as he looks around the open green space.

  “What are you saying?”

  “I'm saying that I bought this land and if you like it here, we will start construction on our house immediately.” He rocks back on his heels, seeming very proud of himself.

  “You want to build a house with me?” I physically have to force my mouth closed otherwise it would probably be on the ground. I am shocked, floored. We haven't really talked about this. I mean, I knew he wanted to look for a home in Chicago, but I had no idea that he intended to include me in those plans.

  “Anna. I've made my feelings very clear to you. I want a life with you. I want it all.” He says, stepping forward to take my face in his hands. “All you have to do is say yes.”

  I hesitate, unsure of what exactly I am saying yes to. While it all sounds wonderful, it also seems like a bit too much, too fast. He's still living in Seattle ninety-five percent of the time, not to mention that it has only been a couple of weeks since our reconciliation. The last thing I want to do is rush this.

  “Bentley.” I breathe.“I... I don't know what to say.” I finally meet his eyes.

  “Say yes.” He says, smiling sweetly at me, his thumbs rubbing gently against my cheeks. He sees the hesitation in my eyes, I know he does, but it doesn't seem to bother him.

  “We're just talking about the house right?” I ask, my forehead scrunching together in apology.

  “For now.” He says, lowering his hands from my face and letting them rest gently against my shoulders. “Come on, I will walk you through it so you can get a visual.” He smiles, dropping his grip on me to take my hand and lead me further away from the road.

  “I was thinking we would fence all this in.” He gestures around the property. “We could put a gate there.” He points to the road. “And then a long driveway here, leading up to the house which I think we should build right up against the woods.” He gestures to where we are standing and then points to the back of the property a few acres away, that is covered in thick trees and shrubbery. “We can build any type of house you want. Big, small, brick, siding, I don't care. I want you to have whatever you want.” He says, pinning his hopeful eyes on me. “What do you think?”

  I take a long look at him before turning back to the edge of the property. I try to envision a house, a life here with Bentley. Our children playing in the front yard, chasing the dog around, laughing. It's everything that I want and yet, it still scares the hell out of me.

  “It all sounds wonderful. But have you really thought this through?” I ask, turning inward to face him. “I mean, a house. That's a huge step.” I say, taking a shaky inhale. “Are you sure you're ready for this?”

  “I'm ready to start my life with you Anna. I have wasted years without you. I don't want to waste another second.” He says, taking my hands in his. “So is that a yes?” He asks, pouting out his bottom lip playfully.

  “Now how can I say no to that?” I smile, laughing when he sweeps me clean off of my feet and spins me in his arms.

  Pulling me tightly against his body, he nuzzles his face into my neck. “I love you Anna Blake.” He says, pulling back to lay a feather light kiss across my lips.

  “I love you.” I say, just as he sets me back to my feet.

  “We can meet with the builders first thing tomorrow.” He says, laughing when he catches my expression. “I already scheduled the meeting in hopes that you would say yes.” He crinkles his nose in apology.

  “Of course you did.” I shake my head at him, not the least bit surprised by his preparedness. If there is one thing I have come to expect out of Bentley, it's that he is nothing if not prepared. “Were you so sure I would say yes?” I ask, taking his hand as he leads me back towards the car.

  “Actually, no.” He laughs lightly. “But I hoped you would.” He hits me with his baby blues, the sun hitting the gold and green speckles just right causing them to almost sparkle in the light reflecting off of them.

  “When did you arrange all of this? I mean, you just got back into town yesterday.” I observe, sliding into the passenger seat when he pulls the door open for me and then shuts it.

  Crossing to the front of the car, he doesn't attempt to answer my question until he slides into the drivers seat next to me and fires the engine to life. “I looke
d at a few lots the last time I was in town.” He says, meeting my gaze for a brief moment before turning his attention forward and pulling the car back out onto the road.

  “But I was with you.” I interject, trying to figure out when he could have possibly had time to do this.

  “It was before.” He says, immediately making me realize that he was out here looking at land before him and I had even reconciled.

  “But... I don't understand. Why would you be out looking at land when you didn't even know if we were going to be together?” I ask, a little shocked by his confidence.

  “It didn't matter. I was going to build it anyways. Because even if you had turned me away, I was never going to stop fighting for you.” He says, reaching across the console to grip my hand. “But this way, you get to design it rather than me guessing what you would like.” He gives me a lopsided grin before turning his attention back to the road.

  “So how long does something like this typically take?” I ask, assuming that it will be several months before us living together will be an actual thing.

  “If we get started soon, construction should be finished by the new year.” He says, laughing when he catches my shocked expression.

  “But that's just a little over four months away.” I gape at him. “There's no way they can build a house that quickly.”

  “You would be surprised how quickly I can make something happen.” He throws me a wink, shaking his head like I should know better.

  “But we're not moving in then right? I mean, I will still have five months of school left.” I start but he cuts me off.

  “And it's close enough that you can commute.”

  “And leave Andrea roommate-less for the last half of our senior year?” I interject like I can't even begin to consider doing that to her.

  “Andrea is a big girl. I think she will be just fine.” He shakes his head, clearly ready to shoot down any objections I may have about us living together so soon.

  “I know but.....”

  “No buts. Either you want this or you don't Anna.” He says, his tone stern.

  “I do. I do.” I immediately start. “It's just....”

  “It's just what?” He asks, his tone a bit softer.

  “Doesn't it seem like maybe we are moving a bit fast?” I bite my lip, hoping I am not pushing this issue too hard. The truth is, I want nothing more than to live with Bentley. I just want to make sure that we do things right. “I mean, we have not even lived in the same city before and we are just going to jump right into living in the same house together?”

  “Would it make you feel better if I told you that starting next week I will be back in Chicago, this time permanently?” He laughs when I squeal from my seat, a large smile stretching across my face.


  “Seriously.” He smiles sweetly at me. “The club opens this weekend. There is nothing that will require me to be there full time. Shira will be there for the first couple of weeks and I am transferring one of my managers from Philadelphia there temporarily as well. Considering it's on the other side of the country, I need people there I can trust to get the job done. I will make sure that everything goes smoothly during the opening week and then I am all yours.” He raises his eyebrows suggestively at me, causing me to squirm slightly in my seat.

  “Which brings me to my next question.” He continues. “Would you like to join me in Seattle for opening night?” He asks, his eyes firmly on the road.

  “Are you kidding?” I ask, not trying to hide my excitement. “I mean, I will have to make sure they can cover me at the club.” I tack on.

  “They can cover you.” He says matter of fact, like it's not up for discussion.

  “Bentley.” I warn, having already had this conversation with him countless times before.

  “Don't give me that look Anna.” He says, shaking his head. “The only perk to you working at one of my clubs is that your work schedule will never be an issue for us.”

  “The only perk?” I cock my head to the side, silently reminding him of the private dance he received last night when he showed up unexpectedly.

  “Okay, maybe not the only.” He trails his tongue across his lower lip the same way he did last night after bringing me to orgasm with his mouth. I shift in my seat, heat suddenly flooding my body with the memory.

  I open my mouth to give him a smart ass retort but then close it again when his cell phone buzzes to life in the center console, pulling his attention away from the road just long enough to grab it and swipe his finger across the screen. “Bentley Reed.” He says, his voice morphing into business mode. While I love every side of Bentley, I have to admit, there is something so sexy about a man who commands a multimillion dollar business the way he does.

  He has this cool confidence that just oozes from him. And while he comes off very friendly to his staff and clients, there is also this powerful aura that surrounds him and makes him more than a little intimidating.

  Turning my head towards him, I watch him talk to whoever is on the other line. If I had to guess, I would say it is either Shira or Ethan, as those are the only two employees that he talks to so casually. I don't even pay attention to what he's actually saying, I can just tell by his demeanor. I am too busy admiring his profile and imagining all the things I want to do to him when we get back to his hotel, to really care about anything else.

  I don't even realize he has ended the call until his eyes meet mine and he laughs lightly. “Where did you go there?” He tosses his phone back into the console and reaches for my hand.

  “No where.” I smile up at his handsome face. “Just admiring the view.” I say, relaxing back into my seat. Entwining my fingers with his, I glance out of the window and take a deep breath, trying to process all of the things that have happened today.

  Two weeks ago, I didn't know if I would ever see him again, and now, we are planning to build a house together. I can't quite seem to keep up with how quickly my life seems to jump from one point to the other where Bentley is concerned. It's like one wild roller coaster ride that is always changing its track. And while the ride can be a little scary and sometimes a bit nauseating, it's the biggest thrill I have ever experienced and I never want it to end.

  Chapter Two

  “Hey girl.” Andrea bounces up next to me after stopping by the desk located at the front of the class and dropping her paper off to our English Professor. “So Collin is busy this afternoon and I thought maybe we could hang out, grab a late lunch. What do you think?” She asks, throwing her bag over her shoulder as we make our way outside.

  “I can't.” I say, turning my eyes towards her the moment we step out into the perfect fall day. I love this weather. Not too hot, not too cold. I wish there was a place that existed where the temperature was like this everyday because I would totally live there. “I have plans with Bentley.” I say, throwing her an apologetic look.

  “Oh, I just assumed he left already.” She pouts out her bottom lip. “Well poo. Now what am I going to do?” She whines, following me across the lawn to the sidewalk.

  “I'm sure you will figure something out.” I laugh, my steps faltering slightly when I look up and see Bentley making his way towards us. “Hey.” I call to him, smiling widely as I jog over and jump into his arms.

  He pulls me tightly against his body and drops his face into my hair, inhaling deeply. “I missed you.” He purrs, pulling back to lay a light kiss across my mouth.

  “I missed you.” I say, laughing when Andrea makes a gagging noise from behind me. Whipping my head around, I immediately stick my tongue out at her as she approaches.

  “Seriously, you two are just sickening.” She shakes her head, stopping directly next to me. “So what do you two love birds have planned?” She asks, adjusting her book bag on her shoulder.

  “Well.” Bentley pauses, looking down at me as if silently asking my permission. Nodding my head, I can see no reason not to just tell Andrea about the house now. It will save me from
having to drop the bomb on her when we are alone. “We are meeting with a design team today to start the process of building our home.” He smiles down at me, not even paying attention to Andrea's reaction.

  “He purchased some land a few miles outside of the city.” I add on, not missing the way her eyes widen.

  “What?” She mouths to me, completely floored by the news.

  I give her a tight smile and nod my head, reassuring her that it's true. “But it will be a few months.” I tack on. “So you're stuck with me for a while longer.”

  “We need to talk later.” She says, eyes still wide. I know what she's saying. She wants the dirt without Bentley here listening to our every word.

  “We will.” I promise, giving her an expression that I know only she will understand. One that says, I'm in shock too but I am also really excited. She smiles knowingly at me and then hits me with a look that strikes me as odd. Like a parent would look at a child who just made the honor roll or won the spelling bee. It's weird to think, but in some strange way, I feel like Andrea is proud of me.

  “But it will have to wait.” I tack on. “Bentley is taking me to Seattle for the weekend. His new club is opening there.” I bounce on the balls of my feet in excitement.

  “Shut up!” She exclaims, hitting Bentley with hateful eyes. “When are you leaving?” She asks, her lip puffing out into a full on pout.

  “Tomorrow afternoon.” He says, reaching out to tuck my hair behind my ear when I turn to face him.

  “And we will be back when?” I ask, simply out of curiosity since we haven't really discussed it.

  “Sunday.” He says, giving me a sweet smile.

  “You guys suck.” Andrea exhales, crossing her arms in front of her chest. “I want to go to Seattle.”

  “You're welcome to join us.” Bentley interjects, surprising both me and Andrea.

  “Seriously?” She gapes at him like she can't believe her own ears.

  “Seriously?” I say her words again, turning inward to face him head on.


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