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You and I Forever

Page 5

by Melissa Toppen

  I'm not sure if she wants to scream, puke, or cry. Or maybe all of the above. Her cheeks are bright red and she looks like she needs to sit down for a moment.

  “You're fucking with me right?” She asks, letting out a nervous laugh that is so not Lo like.

  “Not at all.” I say, smiling excitedly. “And you were right by the way. Total hottie. And those tattoos... Good God that man is the perfect combo of business and bad boy.”

  “Right?” She jumps in. “I thought so too. There was just something about him. I don't know how to explain it. Something that just really drew me to him and it wasn't just his looks. Do you know what I mean?”

  “Trust me, if anyone knows what you mean, it's me. I felt the same way about Bentley. Everyone goes on and on about how sexy he is but it wasn't that for me. I mean, obviously the initial attraction was, but beyond that, there was just something so different about him. Something that had me unable to shake the feeling he left me with.”

  “Exactly.” She agrees, clearly having experienced something like this with Dax.

  “Well he will be here in a couple of months.” I raise my eyebrows up and down at her.

  “Yeah but as my boss.” She says, laughing immediately when she realizes what she just said. “Sorry. Totally didn't even think about that.”

  “Uh huh.” I laugh.

  “So Josh is for sure leaving then?” She asks, returning to the fact that there is going to be a new manager at Allure.

  “I don't think so why?” I ask, confused by her question.

  “Because why else would we be getting another manager?”

  “Cora?” I question, thinking that it's pretty obvious.

  “No because Malcolm is taking Cora's spot.” She says, shaking her head. “Apparently he has a degree in business. Who knew?” She shrugs, clearly saying she didn't. “Didn't you know about any of this?” She asks.

  “Well it's been a few days since I have been to the club but Bentley never mentioned it.” I admit, feeling more than a little frustrated by that fact.

  “I overheard Josh talking to Shira. I am pretty sure he's leaving. And if he is, it makes sense that Dax is coming.” She says.

  “Overheard what exactly?” I ask, deciding that if Bentley is going to keep me in the dark, I will just have to rely on Lo and her incredible eavesdropping skills.

  “I guess they are shifting the area. Shira was telling Josh about a New York opening. Apparently one of the New York managers moved to the club in Philadelphia, which makes sense considering Dax was there and is now in Seattle. Shira was only a temporary fill until they could move someone else into the position at Allure and considering they are already training Malcolm, and Shira is splitting her time between us and Seattle, so she's not even really here full time, I think it's safe to say that her days of being in Chicago are dwindling down.”

  “You got all that from listening to Josh and Shira?” I throw her a confused look.

  “Well that and I overheard Josh and Malcolm talking in the office. I will never understand why people choose to have closed door conversations with the door cracked where anyone can just walk up and listen to what they are saying.” She looks up innocently and then meets my gaze again.

  “You're ridiculous.” I can't help but laugh.

  “So how do you feel about that?” She asks, cocking her head to the side to study me.

  “How do I feel about what?” I ask, not sure what she's getting at.

  “Josh going to New York.” She says in a way that makes me think the question should have been obvious.

  “I mean, if it's what he wants, good for him.” I say.

  “But you don't think that Bentley is sending him there on purpose?” She asks, for the first time really giving me the hint to what she is talking about.

  “I wouldn't think so.” I trail off, now wondering if maybe she's right. Maybe Bentley didn't tell me about any of this because he didn't want me figuring it out.

  “It makes sense. I mean, what man wants his woman working with a dude she used to bang. Especially in the club where they used to do it.” She laughs at my shocked expression. “I'm just saying.” She holds her hands up in front of herself. “I'm surprised it hasn't happened before now honestly.”

  I open my mouth to say something else but then immediately fall silent when I catch sight of Aaron crossing the parking lot towards us. He has his eyes turned down to the phone in his hand and it doesn't appear as though he even knows that me and Lo are standing just feet from him but that doesn't stop my stomach from twisting at the sight of him. Lo follows my line of sight and realizes what I am looking at just as he looks up and realizes we are here.

  His face drops slightly when he catches sight of me and his eyes immediately begin scanning the area, no doubt looking for Bentley. “Hey, isn't that........” Lo starts, but then immediately closes her mouth when he quickly turns around and starts heading in the opposite direction. Laughing, she turns her face towards me with a questioning look.

  “Aaron. Yes.” I say, smiling when I turn my eyes back towards Lo. “Had I known all it would take was for Bentley to scare some sense into him, I would have had him punch him out a long time ago.” I laugh, flipping my eyes back to Aaron who is now several feet from us.

  “Come on. I'm starving.” Lo says, pulling my attention back to her. “And I want every detail of your encounter with my mystery man while we eat.” She laughs, peeling open the door and walking inside of my building.


  Lunch with Lo was enjoyable but I couldn't really keep my mind focused on her rambling on and on about Dax. As much as I played it off to her that I couldn't care less that Bentley hadn't told me about all the changes taking place, the truth is, it bothers me.... A lot.

  I guess I feel like we should be past this point. If he doesn't want me and Josh working together anymore, the least he could do is tell me himself instead of going behind my back and shipping him off to another state.

  I mean, sure, I will miss Josh but as a friend, nothing more. But this isn't about Josh leaving. It's about Bentley not being upfront with me about why. Pushing up in my bed, I grab my cell phone off of the nightstand and pull it off of the charger.

  If Bentley is not going to tell me the truth, I will find it out directly from the source. Scrolling through my contacts, I click on Josh's name and put the phone to my ear. It rings several times and just when I am certain that the voicemail is going to pick up, Josh's voice comes on the line.

  “Logan?” He questions, clearly surprised that I am calling him.

  “Are you moving to New York?” I ask, not even bothering to say hello.

  “What?” He questions, clearly confused.

  “Are you moving to New York?” I ask again.

  “Why are you calling me this late at night to ask me this?” He questions.

  “Answer the question Josh.”

  “Yes.” He gives me a one word answer but doesn't attempt to say more.

  “Are you going to New York because you want to or because Bentley asked you to?” I ask, holding my breath, waiting for him to speak on the other end.

  “It's not that simple.” He says, clearly not wanting to get into this with me.

  “Tell me the truth Josh. Did you volunteer or something? Do you want to go to New York?” I ask.

  “I mean, I hadn't really thought about it before.” He starts, but I cut in.

  “Before what? Before Bentley suggested it?” I ask, laughing through my frustration.

  “This is a good thing Logan.” He lets out a long exhale. “I need this.” He admits. “So no, while it wasn't my idea, I think it's for the best.”

  “Josh...” I start but he cuts me off.

  “Don't apologize. You didn't do anything wrong. Even when I tried to make you feel like you had. You deserve to be happy and it's clear that you really love him. So yes, I am going to New York. And yes, I want to.” He says.

  “Okay.” I breathe out, not at all happy
about how Bentley went about this but glad that Josh seems to have made peace with everything.

  “I will see you at the club this weekend Logan. I gotta go.” He says, not waiting for me to say goodbye before disconnecting the call.

  Dropping my phone on the nightstand, I lay back down on my bed and stare up at the ceiling. This is a good thing, I replay Josh's words. And while I agree that it is time to move on, I hate that Bentley felt like he needed to go behind my back to make it happen. Maybe we haven't come as far as we'd like to think we have.

  Chapter Seven

  “So then, Josh is for sure leaving?” Lo flops down on the couch in my dressing room and pulls off her hot pink heels, stretching out her toes as she slides each one off.

  “Apparently so.” I say, turning towards her from my seat in front of the vanity.

  “Have you asked Mr. Marvelous about it yet?” She asks, smiling.

  “No.” I shake my head. “I think this is a conversation best had in person. Not that it's a big deal. It really isn't. I just wish he had been up front with me about it.”

  “I get that. I do.” She says, leaning forward to rest her elbows on her knees. “But I also see where he's coming from too. I mean, would you want him working side by side everyday with a woman you know for a fact he used to sleep with?” She asks.

  “Pretty sure he has probably slept with half the people he works with.” I retort, crinkling my forehead and trying to shake away the thought.

  “Good point.” Lo laughs, clearly finding more humor in it than I do. “So on another note, did you ever start your period?”

  “Yes, thank God.” I sigh out, turning slightly to drop my brush onto the vanity before turning back to Lo. “I was convinced the test was wrong when I still didn't start but thankfully it came last week.”

  “Wonder why you were so late.” Lo observes, crossing her legs in front of herself.

  “No idea. Stress maybe.” I shrug, knowing it could be a number of things. “I'm just glad I'm not pregnant. Could you imagine? Bentley would freak out.” I stop mid laugh when Lo's face morphs from humor to panic.

  “Would I now?” Bentley's voice washes over me from behind and I spin to find him standing in the doorway of my dressing room. My stomach immediately knots tightly and I can feel the heat rush to my cheeks.

  “What are you doing here?” The words fall from my mouth sounding more frustrated by his sudden arrival than I really intended.

  “I turned everything over to Dax and Shira today after the initial contracts were finalized. I thought I would surprise you early.” He says, knowing that I wasn't expecting him until tomorrow.

  “I....” I start but he cuts me off, turning his attention to Lo.

  “Lauren, would you please give me a moment alone with Anna?” He asks, not looking in my direction again until he steps out of the way to let Lo through the door. She throws me a tight smile before disappearing into the hallway.

  “Bentley.” I start, but once again he cuts me off.

  “You thought you were pregnant?” He asks, closing the door behind him, something I wish Lo had done when she barged in here five minutes ago.

  “I was a little late. It was nothing.” I say, shrugging like it's no big deal.

  “When was this?” He asks, not moving from his place next to the door.

  “I realized I was late when we were in New York.” I say the words quickly, hoping somehow that might lessen the blow.

  “What?” The word falls from his mouth in disbelief.

  “They gave me a test at the hospital before doing scans on my knee. It was negative. I didn't think it was necessary to bring it up since I wasn't pregnant.” My stomach twists tighter when his expression turns from disbelief to something I really didn't expect; hurt.

  “So you mean to tell me that everything that happened in New York and the days that followed, that whole time you thought you might be pregnant with my child?” He asks, crossing his arms in front of his chest. “Why would you keep that to yourself Anna?”

  “I was going to tell you. I was. But then everything happened with Madison and then you ended things between us. I wasn't going to tell you anything after that until I knew for sure. The last thing I wanted was for you to feel like I was trying to trap you somehow.” I say, apology clear in my voice. “When the test came back negative, I didn't see the point. There was no baby therefore no reason to bring it up.”

  “Anna, you can't keep things like that from me.” He says, taking the three steps that separate us and squatting down in front of me, his hands resting against the top of my knees.

  “I know.” I breathe. “But at the time, I really couldn't say anything.”

  “And I'm sorry for that.” He cuts in, his voice soft. “I left you alone in more ways than one. You were probably terrified.” He says, reaching up to cup my cheek. “You shouldn't have to bear that kind of burden on your own. And I know that I can't take back what's been done but I can promise you this, you will never be alone again.” He says, pushing up slightly to lay a soft kiss to my lips.

  “And for the record.” He smiles, pulling back. “I would not freak out if you were pregnant. While I feel like it's a step we are not ready for yet, it is a step I want to take... With you.” He says, rubbing his thumb lightly across my bottom lip.

  While I have never really thought about a baby or what it would be like to be a mom, I have to admit that hearing Bentley say he wants to have children with me, excites me in a way that I never thought possible. Just another thing this man is opening my eyes to.

  “I'm so glad you're here.” I say, wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him to me. He snakes his arms around my waist and stands, pulling me upright with him.

  “Me too.” He drops his face into the crook of my neck, something I am learning he often does when he just wants to be close to me.

  “So you're here now. Like here here, for good?” I ask, pulling back slightly to look into his brilliant eyes.

  “I am.” His smile spreads widely across his face when I let out a light squeal. I knew this day was coming. He promised me it was coming. But I never truly let myself believe it. It was one of those, going have to see it to believe it kind of things.

  Now that I know it's true, that he is really here, I could not be happier. I have waited months to be able to have a normal relationship with Bentley. One where we go on dates and spend the night with each other. One where I get to see him beyond a few hours here and there a couple of times a month.

  “I thought maybe we could celebrate.” He says, reaching out to tuck my hair behind my ear.

  “What did you have in mind?” I ask seductively, knowing there is one thing I would love to do right here and now.

  “I have more than a few ideas.” He smirks, closing the distance between us to press his lips firmly to mine.


  “Can I ask you a question?” I ask Bentley as we lay in the bed of his hotel room, my head resting comfortably against his bare chest.

  “Anything.” He says, his hands running lazily through my hair.

  “Did you offer Josh the job in New York to get him away from me?” I ask, noticing immediately that he stiffens slightly below me.

  “How do you know about New York?” He asks, completely avoiding the question.

  “That's not important.” I say, not wanting to put Lo's head on the chopping block or draw attention to the fact that I called Josh the other night either.

  “But it is. If someone is sharing information that is not yet to be shared, I need to know the source.” He says, matter of fact.

  “Well let's just say that I overheard a conversation that I wasn't intended to. And based on your reaction, I'm guessing it's true.” I say, propping up on my elbow so that I can look up at him. “Why did you not just tell me?”

  “I make business decisions based on many different things, not one of which is based on my personal relationships.” He says, meeting my eyes.

So Josh going to New York has nothing to do with the fact that him and I share a bit of a past?” I raise my eyebrows at him, having a really hard time believing it could be for any other reason.

  “Josh has accepted a position at the New York club and while yes, it was my idea, it has very little to do with you.” He says, causing me to shrink slightly at his words. Perhaps I am putting too much value on his feelings for me but either way, his words sting a bit.

  “Okay then.” I say, rolling onto my back and staring up at the ceiling.

  “Anna.” Bentley rolls to his side to face me. “I have wanted Josh away from you since the moment I decided I wanted you to be mine. But I am a business man and I didn't get to where I am by making rash emotional decisions. Josh going to New York holds dual purpose though. While sending him there is one hundred percent a strategic move, that doesn't mean that I am not relieved to have him away from you. I just can't have you thinking that you are the reason he's going. Josh is a big boy and honestly, a damn good manager. I need someone like him in New York. So yes, Josh is going to New York. And no, it doesn't have anything to do with you.”

  “I just hate feeling like I don't ever know what's going on with you. I mean, I understand that you have a business to run and I don't expect to know everything that happens on a daily basis but I would appreciate a heads up on the things that directly impact me or my employment.” I sigh loudly.

  “Fair enough.” He says, trailing his hand lightly across my collarbone.

  “I just feel like I am constantly hearing things from other people that I should be hearing from you.” I flick my eyes in his direction to find him studying me intently.

  “Like what?” He asks, seeming genuinely interested in what I am talking about.

  “Well for starters, Cora. You knew she was leaving weeks before she actually did and never mentioned it. Why?”

  “I didn't really think about it honestly.” He admits.


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