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You and I Forever

Page 13

by Melissa Toppen

  His hand trembles slightly as he pulls the ring from the box, the action only making the emotion in my throat become thicker. Setting the box to the side, he takes my hand and slides the ring on my third finger, his hand lingering there long after the ring is already in place.

  Neither of us speak for a long moment. Instead, we both stare at our hands that are joined. The large diamond the focal point that glitters in the soft light of the room. I can't tear my eyes away from it. This doesn't seem real. None of this seems real.

  Bentley finally breaks the silence between us. Putting his hand under my chin he lifts my face up to his. “I promise. I am going to make you the happiest woman in the world.” He says, his voice thick with his own emotion.

  “You already have.” I admit, swiping at the tears falling down my cheeks.

  Leaning in, he kisses me so sweetly, it only makes my hands tremble harder, my heart beat faster, my breathing more labored. Everything about this seems too good to be true. Like I have suddenly been whisked away into some fairy tale.

  Pushing into a stand, Bentley reaches down and pulls me to my feet, his arms going around me and pulling me tightly against his body. “I love you Anna. I love you so much.” He whispers into my hair.

  “I love you.” I manage to get out, nuzzling into his chest and holding him tightly against me, never wanting this moment to end.



  “How long have you had this?” I ask, gesturing to the diamond ring on my hand as we lay side by side in bed.

  “I bought it in New York not long after you left. I wanted to ask you the day I took you to the soccer field but I was worried it would be too much for you. So I waited. And then everything happened. I have been waiting to ask you since we arrived here but I just couldn't seem to find the right time, the right words.” He says, his fingers running lazily through my hair.

  “And then I realized.” He continues. “It wasn't because there was no right time or place before now. I was just too afraid you would say no.” He admits, laughing lightly.

  “I can't believe you have had this for so long.” I say, holding my hand up to look at the ring that fits my finger perfectly. “How did you know my size?” I ask.

  “Andrea.” We say in unison, both laughing.

  “That girl.” I shake my head, looking up at Bentley's handsome face. “So we're really going to do this? We are going to get married here?” I ask.

  “I don't want to wait another moment to make you my wife. I can have everything ready by tomorrow if you want to do it.” He smiles hopeful at me.

  “What about your mom and Shira? Won't they be upset that you got married without even telling them?” I question.

  “I don't really care honestly.” He admits. “They will get over it. At the end of the day, the only thing that matters to me is that I have you by my side. If I have that, I can face anything.”

  “I mean, I love the idea but I feel like our friends and family should get to experience it with us too.” I admit, my mind immediately flipping to Andrea and Lo who will both probably kick my ass over denying them the ability to get to wear sexy bridesmaid dresses and throw themselves all over the eligible men at my wedding.

  “How about this.” He says, looking down at me. “We get married here tomorrow and then we can have a formal ceremony for all our friends and family at a later date?” He smiles, seeing the pure elation creep across my face as I look up at him.

  “Really?” I ask.

  “We can do it anyway you want.” He smiles brightly at me. “That way everyone wins. And the best part, I don't have to wait another day to make you my wife.” He whispers, tilting my face up and dropping his mouth to mine.

  “Anna Reed.” I smile against his lips. “I think I like the sound of that.” I rasp, climbing up his body, officially ending our conversation.


  I'm nervous. Correction, I'm terrified. Don't get me wrong, I want nothing more than to tie myself to Bentley in every way possible. I want to be his wife. I want to share the rest of my life with him. But actually making that a reality is a bit more overwhelming than I think even I anticipated.

  Bentley, of course, has taken care of everything. From getting the minister, Henry, and his wife, to do the ceremony, down to the simple white sundress that I found laying across the bed this morning when I exited the shower. A note reading I will meet you on the beach, laying on top of it.

  The dress is perfect. I have come to expect nothing less from Bentley. Stepping in front of the mirror, I take a long look at my reflection. My hair is tied up in a loose up do with a few pieces falling around my face, my makeup light. It's the perfect match for the dress that clings to my chest and then flares out to my knees. Moving my hips side to side, I love the way the dress twirls with my movements.

  It's not what I expected my wedding dress to look like but then again, I never really ever saw myself getting married either. But now, looking at myself in the mirror, I have to admit that it all feels perfect. The dress, the ring, the man that is waiting to become my husband. There is not one thing about this moment I would change.

  Sure, I would love for all of our loved ones to be here to share in this occasion but Bentley is right, this is about us, our love. There is only one person I would have here if I could; Patty. But while she may not physically be here, I really feel like she is standing right next to me, just like she promised she would be.

  I know it's strange, but I feel this sort of calm. The kind that only comes when you feel truly safe and you know that everything is going to be okay. Up until Bentley, Patty was the only person that could give me that peace. And I truly believe it is her presence, or at least the presence of her memory, that is giving it to me now.

  Taking a deep breath, I turn from the mirror and make my way across the bedroom to the large bay windows that look out over the beach. I spot Bentley immediately. He's standing in the sand just feet from the back deck, barefoot and as handsome as ever, talking to the minister that in minutes will be uniting us as husband and wife.

  I watch his carefree smile as he converses with the older gentleman. He seems completely at ease. His black pants are rolled up a couple of inches to keep them out of the sand. His white button down shirt is hanging out loosely at the bottom and the top two buttons are open.

  He runs his hand through his messy dark hair and laughs about something the minister says. Tilting his head back, his smile stretches across his entire face, his dimples clear to see even from where I am standing. He looks happier than I think I have ever seen him before and the thought causes my heart to swell ten fold.

  Words cannot describe the feelings that flood through me at the sight of him like this. Knowing that I did this, that it is me that is making him this happy, well that just makes my own feelings that much more raw and emotion filled.

  Stepping away from the window, I make my way back across the room and out into the living space. Each step I take feels heavier than the last and while I am so eager to reach Bentley, I also can't bring myself to move any faster. For whatever reason, I feel like I need to take my time. I need to savor every second leading up to the moment that I step out onto that beach and tie myself to the only man I have ever loved.

  “Are you ready Ms. Blake?” Charlene, the minister's wife, pulls my attention to the kitchen and I see her smiling brightly at me.

  “I.. I think so.” I stutter out, looking down at my dress, at my bare feet and then back up to her.

  “You look beautiful dear.” She smiles even wider, her eyes squinting slightly with the action. I just met her a couple of hours ago but already I like her. She is one of those natural mothering types that just makes me feel a level of comfort that in this moment, I desperately need.

  Crossing to the french doors, she pokes her head outside to inform the men that we are ready to begin. I hear her husband speak but can't make out his words. She nods and then turns her attention back to me, smiling warmly as she c
rosses the space towards me.

  “Ready when you are dear.” She says, reaching out to push a loose curl away from my face. “And I just have to tell you, I have witnessed several dozen weddings over the years and I have never seen a groom look as happy as yours does right now.” She gives me a toothy smile and tucks her sandy hair behind her ears, showing off the gray that peppers the front.

  “Thank you.” I say, not really sure how to respond to her words. “And I'm ready.” I add on, taking a deep breath and straightening my dress one last time.

  Charlene walks next to me as I cross the space towards the back door. Reaching out, she pulls open the french style doors and ushers me onto the deck before following me out into the perfect evening air. Bentley and Henry have moved down to the shore and are both facing the water.

  It isn't until I get about half way down the beach, Charlene following behind me, that Bentley finally turns and spots me coming towards him. His smile pulls up his entire face and it takes everything I have not to give into the nerves now coursing through me and buckle right here on the spot.

  I focus on my breathing, on the way his eyes hold mine. Each step takes me closer to the moment that will forever bind us. The moment when I become his wife and he, my husband. Even now, even as I close the distance between us and reach for his hands, this doesn't seem real. The moment is too wonderful, too perfect, to actually be true. And yet, it is true.

  Bentley takes both of my hands in his and pulls me to him. Laying a gentle kiss to my cheek, he pulls back and looks down at me adoringly before giving me a wink and turning towards the minister. I follow his gaze, glancing to the ocean rolling in behind Henry, the water washing up over our bare feet. It takes everything I have not to let the emotion raking through my body show through.

  Henry looks to Bentley and then to me before opening the book in his hands. He smiles warmly and then begins to read a passage that I have heard several times before.

  “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. Corinthians 13:8.” He looks up, meeting me with soft brown eyes before continuing.

  “Love is the magic of living. The one thing that has the power to bring us ultimate happiness. It takes patience and courage to love someone with all that you have. Loving someone with your whole heart means giving a part of yourself to the other person. But it is with love that we truly live. I am honored to be here with you today. To celebrate the love you have found in one another. To bring you together as one. For from this moment on you will no longer be one man and one woman, but a man and woman united.”

  “We have come together to join your two lives. Out of the routine of ordinary life, the extraordinary has happened. You found each other, fell in love and are finalizing it in the eyes of God by becoming man and wife.” Bentley meets my gaze and squeezes my hands gently as the minister continues.

  “Bentley, if you could repeat after me.” The minister says, turning his attention to Bentley before continuing. “I, Bentley take you Anna to be my wife, my partner in life and my one true love. I will cherish our friendship and love you today, tomorrow, and forever.” Bentley repeats the minister's words, his eyes burning deeply into mine. I can feel the emotion welling behind my eyes but I refuse to let my tears spill.

  Everything about this moment is so overwhelming. From the thought of Patty being here with me, to the man currently holding me in his loving gaze, it all feels like so much and yet, so completely perfect at the same time.

  When the minister turns to me and asks me to repeat the same, my voice trembles with each word that I speak. “I, Anna take you Bentley to be my husband, my partner in life and my one true love. I will cherish our friendship and love you today, tomorrow, and forever. I love you.” I tack on at the end, not missing the way my voice breaks slightly with emotion.

  “Bentley do you take Anna to be your wife? Do you promise to love, honor, cherish and protect her, forsaking all others and holding only unto her for as long as you both shall live?”

  “I do.” He says, his dimple filled smile literally causing my knees to shake under my own weight.

  “And Anna, do you take Bentley to be your husband? Do you promise to love, honor, cherish and protect him, forsaking all others and holding only unto him for as long as you both shall live?”

  “I do.” My voice once again trembles and can barely be heard over the sound of the waves crashing around us.

  “Wedding rings are an unbroken circle of love, signifying to all the union of this couple in marriage.” The minister continues, holding his hand out to retrieve the wedding bands from Charlene, handing mine to Bentley before continuing. “Bentley, repeat after me. With this ring, I thee wed.”

  “With this ring, I thee wed.” Bentley says, sliding the platinum band onto my ring finger, his eyes not once leaving mine.

  Reaching my hand out, I take Bentley's band from the minister and repeat the same words to him. “With this ring, I thee wed.” I manage to get out clearly through the lump now lodged in the center of my throat. Sliding the ring onto his finger with shaky hands, I stare at the band for a long moment.

  I don't know how he managed to get it done so quickly but Bentley got us matching wedding bands. Anna engraved inside of his and Bentley engraved inside of mine. I have quickly come to learn that there is nothing this man can't accomplish but I am still surprised every time he manages to do the impossible,

  “I love you.” Bentley mouths just as the minister begins again.

  “By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. Bentley, you may kiss your bride.” The minister no more than gets the words out and Bentley is pulling me into his arms. Dropping his face to mine, he pauses just shy of my lips to stare into my eyes.

  He doesn't speak but then again, he doesn't need to. That look, that one look says everything I need to know. That he loves me, that he will do anything and everything to protect me, that he will spend the rest of his life making me happy.

  Closing the distance between our mouths, the moment our lips meet, a jolt runs through my entire body. Like it somehow knows that this one kiss is so much more monumental than all the ones that came before it. Because this kiss solidifies us as husband and wife.

  Bentley is my husband. He is mine. Now and forever. And as he pulls me into his frame, my feet leaving the soft sand, I know that every decision I have made regarding him has been right. Because it was those decisions that led me here. Those decisions that brought me to this very moment. Those decisions that led me to marry the one man that has consumed me since the very first moment I laid eyes on him.

  Every moment since then has been an exciting, overwhelming, crazy ride and I wouldn't change a second of it. Bentley slowly lowers me back to the sand, my feet meeting the earth just as he breaks the kiss.

  Dropping his forehead to mine, he meets my gaze, his hands latching onto mine as he stares down at me. “I love you Mrs. Reed.” He smiles at his words.

  “I love you Mr. Reed.” I repeat, knowing there is no truer statement in the world.



  “How are you feeling Mrs. Reed?” Bentley purrs from behind me, nuzzling his face into the back of my neck.

  “Quite well Mr. Reed.” I roll to face him, still not able to wipe the smile from my face that I have been wearing since we said 'I do' just six hours ago.

  We have not left the bedroom since then, as Bentley insisted we consummate the marriage the right way. Not that I mind one bit. In fact, I can't imagine a better way to spend our wedding night than wrapped in his arms and losing myself in his touch.

  “I love you.” He smiles, propping himself up on his elbow to look down at me. “How did I get so lucky?” He runs his hand along my cheek.

  “Well I think that depends on who you ask. Many would probably say that I am the lucky one.” I reach up to push his hair away from his forehead.

  “And they would be right.” He smirks playfully, leaning down to brush his nose against mine in the most adorable way. “But I'm luckier.” He kisses me softly before pulling back.

  “Are we really going to lay here and debate which one of us is luckier?” I laugh at our obvious mushiness and wrinkle my nose playfully.

  “Of course not.” He pauses. “Because we have already established who is luckier.” He laughs when I swat playfully at his arm.

  “You're ridiculous.” I shake my head at him, laughing when he drops his face into the crook of my neck and rubs against my skin with his day old facial stubble. “Bentley.” I laugh, falling silent when he pulls back and hits me with a look I can't quite pinpoint. Love? Contentment? Adoration? Maybe all of the above wrapped into one? All I know is that it's enough to make my skin prickle and send my heart hammering inside of my chest.

  “I'm never going to get enough of you.” He breathes, causing my stomach to twist tightly in arousal with how seductively the words drip from his lips. Leaning down, my breath hitches when he stops just short of my mouth and trails his tongue across my bottom lip.

  “I'm sure you'll tire of me eventually.” I whisper as he closes his mouth down on mine.

  “Never.” He hisses, sliding his tongue inside my lips.

  That's all it takes. A few whispered words, a deep kiss, and immediately I melt below him. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I pull him downwards. He shifts his weight onto me, sliding in between my legs as he deepens the kiss.

  My hands immediately dive into the back of his hair and grip tightly, holding him to me. Even after the evening we have had together, I still can't quench the thirst that Bentley sends through my body. One touch, one kiss, and I crave him like my lungs crave air. A need so intense, I feel like without him I would surely suffocate.


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