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You and I Forever

Page 19

by Melissa Toppen

  “Work sucks without you and I haven't had sex in three weeks.” She whines, crossing her arms in front of her chest and pouting out her lower lip like a ten year old.

  “Well isn't that the most tragic thing ever.” Shira appears from the back, pulling the attention of all three of us with her comment.

  “It most certainly is.” Lo laughs, spinning to face her. “What are you doing tonight?” She asks, catching Shira by surprise.

  “Um. Nothing probably.” She shakes her head, stepping up next to me. “Here are the resumes that I have sorted through for the manager position. I've already screened all the applicants and these are by far the most qualified. All you have to do is the follow up interview and pick which one you like the best. Any you choose should be fine. They are all very qualified.” She slides the manila folder into my hand.

  “Thank you.” I breathe, hugging the file to my chest. “You are a life saver.”

  “I do my best.” She smiles. “So what are you girls planning tonight?” She asks, turning back to Lo.

  “We are taking Anna out to celebrate her wedding slash pregnancy. You want to come with?” She asks.

  “I don't know. I mean, what do you think you'll be getting into?” She eyes Lo curiously, knowing what a wild child she can be.

  “Oh nothing too crazy. Strip club, dancing, the normal girl stuff.” She laughs when she sees the expression on my face. “Joking Anna. We will save that until you are without child. Well, the strip club part anyways. You are way funner when you drink.” She laughs. “It will be fun, I promise.” She reassures me, turning back towards Shira. “So what do you say? You wanna hang with us tonight?” She asks.

  “Come on Shira, it will be fun.” Andrea pipes in, knowing first hand that Shira doesn't really have any friends in Chicago.

  “I don't know. I don't want to impose.” Shira turns towards me.

  “You won't be imposing. I would love for you to come. At least if your with me, I will have one responsible adult to keep me company for the evening while these two hooligans live it up.” I cock my thumb in the direction of Andrea and Lo.

  “Hey now.” Andrea chimes in, laughing when Lo looks at me and nods her head, agreeing with my statement.

  “If you're sure.” Shira turns back to me.

  “Absolutely I am.” I reassure her.

  “Then it's settled.” Lo pushes away from the counter. “Girls night!” She squeals. “Now get your stuff and let's go. We are wasting the night.”

  “Give me a few minutes to close down and I will meet you outside.” I say, crossing the lobby towards the hallway.

  “Don't take forever.” Andrea calls just as her and Lo disappear outside, leaving me and Shira to lock up.


  “Shut up. You're Bentley's sister?” Lo slurs, already several drinks ahead of Andrea and Shira.

  “I am.” Shira shakes her head, taking a long drink of her wine. “But you can't tell anyone at the club.” She adds.

  “You have my word.” Lo runs her finger across her lip like she is zipping her mouth shut and then playfully tosses the fake key away. “But seriously, I never would have guessed.”

  “We didn't meet until we were already grown so it's not like we grew up together or anything.” She shrugs, taking a drink.

  “And you're dating Ethan too?” Lo leans back and fans herself playfully. “My God that man is hot. What I wouldn't give to have one go at him.” She laughs, quickly continuing. “I mean, I wouldn't now, but I definitely would have. I was convinced he was a mute the first few times I was around him.”

  “He's very reserved around people he doesn't know well. Trust me, he's not that quiet behind closed doors.” Shira says, covering her mouth when she realizes how her statement sounds.

  “I bet he's not.” Lo says, dropping her voice on a seductive laugh.

  It warms my heart to see Shira getting along so well with Andrea and Lo. While she is by far the most conservative of the four of us, she also has a saucy side of her own. I have seen her flare come out more than once this evening and have no doubt that she has made a couple new friends during her time out tonight. Shira is a lot like Bentley. She is very intimidating until you get to know her. Once you know her, you can't help but love her.

  Leaning back in my chair, I watch as the three girls continue on with their playful banter. Tonight has been exactly what I needed. I missed my girls. I didn't realize how much until tonight. And even though dinner and a movie, followed by drinks at Lo's favorite pub, isn't the most exciting time in the world, it's been perfect for me. Especially given my current situation.

  While I really am having a wonderful time being out with them, I am also exhausted and have been waiting for my opportunity to make a graceful exit for the last hour. I know they say being tired is one of the side effects of pregnancy but I never dreamed just a few weeks in, that I would be this tired.

  My biggest problem is that I rode with Shira who has had a handful of drinks and while still within her right mind, is in no shape to drive. Considering Andrea and Lo are also intoxicated, I am assuming I am going to have to drive them all home when this is all over.

  My phone vibrates in my pocket, pulling me from listening to Andrea and Lo rate the guys around the bar on a scale of fuckability. Sliding it from the back of my jeans, I smile when I see Bentley's name flash across the screen.

  “Well hello there husband of mine.” I say, holding the phone to my ear.

  “Hello wife.” I can hear the smile in his voice. “Are you enjoying your night out?” He asks.

  “I am. I miss you though.” I say, dropping my voice low so that the other girls can't hear me. They are so wrapped up in their current debate over where the bartender falls on their scale, that they don't really even pay attention to me.

  “That's what I like to hear.” He laughs lightly. “When are you planning to leave?”

  “I don't know. The girls are all drinking and I think I'm their ride.” I pout into the phone.

  “Well I guess it's a good thing I'm here then huh?” He laughs when I spin around and immediately spot him leaning against the far wall next to the door watching us, a wide dimple filled smile across his impossibly handsome face.

  Shaking my head at him, my stomach immediately bursts into butterflies as he pushes away from the wall and starts walking towards me, clicking off his phone in the process. Even after all this time, he still makes my heart hammer in my chest at the sight of him.

  “Ladies.” He smiles the moment he reaches the table. All three woman immediately fall silent when they realize he's here.

  “Damn it.” Lo smacks the table and pins her eyes on Bentley. “You had to show up and ruin our good time.” She slurs, waving her arm through the air.

  “Actually, I came to steal my wife. You are more than welcome to continue on with your evening.” He says, leaning down to kiss the top of my head. “Ethan is on his way. He's going to hang out with you and drive you all home when you're finished.” Bentley says to Shira.

  “You mean we can put shy guy on the spot and ask him a lot of embarrassing questions and really fuck with him?” Andrea bounces excitedly in her chair, clearly feeling the effects of her drinks.

  “Okay, on that note.” Bentley laughs. “Shall we?” He asks, leaning forward and offering me his arm. Linking my arm through his, I allow him to pull me to my feet before turning my attention back to the girls.

  “Shira, do not let her go home with anyone. No matter how much she tells you she's got this, she doesn't. And I promise, the longer the night goes, the less picky she becomes.” I say, ignoring Lo's objections. “You.” I say, pointing my finger at Andrea. “Don't forget you have a boyfriend and yes, random hookups are considered cheating.” I remind her playfully. She crinkles her nose at me and fakes innocence.

  “Go home Anna. You old married pregnant hag.” Lo hollers at me playfully before blowing a kiss in my direction.

  “Thank you for tonight.” I say to the gr
oup of them. “I love you. Be safe.” I turn towards my amazing husband and pull him into a hug, my lips finding the crook of his neck. “Take me home Mr. Reed.” I breathe.

  “With pleasure Mrs. Reed.” He laughs, wrapping an arm around my shoulder as he leads me out of the bar.



  The studio is quiet. Quieter than I ever remember it being. Everyone has already left for the day and I can't help but feel an eeriness being here alone at this late hour. The sun has already set and darkness fills a good portion of the studio.

  I make my way down the hall, turning off the remaining lights as I prepare to leave for the day. When I reach the last studio room, the one I always used to dance in, I can't resist the urge to step inside. Looking around, I try to wrap my head around everything that has happened.

  I step further into the room, remembering all the times I spent in here. The hours of practice and the fair share of emotional meltdowns that I experienced within these very walls. The most recent, when I thought I had lost Bentley forever. Little did I know then where I would be now.

  I close my eyes and let my mind drift to the past. The sound of the music flowing through the space. Patty's voice as she corrects my movements and makes suggestions to my routine. The laughter, the tears, the knowledge and experience I walked away with after years of being here.

  I can only hope that one day I will have as much impact on a young dancer as Patty had on me. She taught me to live through my dancing. Something I have carried with me from a very young age. Something I still carry with me today. I may not be able to dance like I used to, but that doesn't mean that I still don't use dance as my outlet.

  Crossing the distance to the far wall, I flip on the speaker system and scan through the digital log, a new system that Bentley had installed for me just days ago. Sliding my finger along the touch screen, I hit the random button and flip through a few songs before finally finding one I like. I take a deep breath as “Autumn Leaves” by Ed Sheeran fills the space.

  It's a mournful tune and so painfully beautiful. The words immediately remind me of Patty. Of what I lost when I lost her. Closing my eyes, I reach my arms above my head and let the music guide me.

  I keep my movements slow and controlled, not wanting to push my body too hard but simply wanting to feel the music. Lifting to the tips of my toes, I do a full spin, extending my left leg out and then up, grabbing my ankle with my hand as I pull my leg into a full standing split.

  Releasing it seconds later, I continue to move across the floor, utilizing the entire space of the room as I go. For the first time in a very long time, I don't feel the anger or the pain. Instead, I feel happiness. I feel love. Because no matter how much I miss Patty, especially when I dance, I have also realized what a blessing it was to have her in my life, even if our time was cut short.

  I keep my eyes closed for most of the song. It helps me focus on the music and the way it makes my body feel rather than how it looks. Coming out of a slow twirl, I open my eyes just as the last note sounds through the speakers and the room falls silent again.

  “I don't think I will ever get used to the way it makes me feel to watch you dance.” Bentley says, breaking into the moment.

  “Shit.” I jump and scream at the same time, startled by his unexpected appearance. “What is it with you and standing in doorways like a creeper? You're likely to give me a heart attack one of these days.” I laugh.

  “Well let's not do that.” He shakes his head, crossing the space towards me. “Sorry for startling you.” He gives me a dimple filled smile and leans down to place a gentle kiss against my lips.

  “I think I can forgive you.” I smile, pulling back to stare up at him.

  “Hows my baby?” His hands immediately go to my stomach and rub gently across my small bump. “And my other baby?” He looks up to meet my eyes.

  “Better now.” I smile up at him.

  “What were you working on just then?” He asks, referring to my dance.

  “Nothing. I was just messing around.” I swipe my hand through the air.

  “Well it was a pretty incredible nothing.” He smiles sweetly at me. “One of these days you are going to have to teach me some moves.” He laughs lightly when I wrinkle my nose at him, clearly finding the thought very humorous.

  “What are you doing here anyways?” I switch directions.

  “I wanted to see if you were interested in taking a ride with me.” He says, resting his hand on the top of my shoulder and then letting it trail down my arm before finally closing it around my fingers.

  “Where to?” I ask.

  “You'll see when we get there.” He smiles, releasing my hand as he starts to back out of the room. “Are you coming or not?” He laughs when I make no attempt to move.

  “Give me a second to finish closing up. I'll meet you in the lobby in about sixty seconds.” I say, smiling brightly at him when he winks in my direction and then disappears through the doorway.


  “Where are we going?” I ask, being so wrapped up in our conversation that I am just now realizing how far from the city we have traveled.

  “You don't know?” He eyes me curiously before turning his attention back to the road.

  “Should I?” I ask on a laugh, straining my eyes out the window to get a look at our surroundings. All I see are fields and trees everywhere but it's too dark to really pinpoint our location.

  “Yes.” He chuckles lightly beside me. Like a light bulb going off, I finally realize where we're headed.

  “The house?” I question, seeing the wide smile stretch across his face.

  “Bout time you caught up.” He shakes his head on a laugh.

  “It's finished?” I question, turning excitedly towards him in my seat. I have known that they were getting close but with everything that has been going on and how busy I have been at the studio, I haven't made it out here since Bentley brought me here the first time.

  “It is.” He confirms.

  “Is that what you've been doing these past couple of days?” I ask, having gotten to see very little of him this week.

  “It is.” He repeats again. “I wanted to make sure that everything was perfect before I brought you here.” He flicks his eyes towards me for a fraction of a second before landing them back on the road.

  “How long until we get to move in?” I ask, not hiding my excitement in the least.

  “Tonight.” He laughs. “Everything is done. Everything.” He repeats. “The furniture is already here, everything is set up. Your clothes are even here and put away.” He smiles, slowing the car to a near stop as he turns down another dark two lane road.

  “Shut up?” I question, laughing when he hits me with a stern look. “I mean, you're kidding.” I say sarcastically, not able to contain my smile.

  “You ready?” He asks, slowing to a stop as he turns onto a paved driveway blocked with a large, rather fancy looking, steel gate. He reaches up and hits a button on his car panel that causes the gate to swing out allowing us to pass through. I try to see beyond that, eager to get a look at our new home but my view is blocked by the trees that line the entire driveway leading up to the property.

  I am practically bouncing out of my seat by the time the house comes into view. The moment I lay eyes on it, I am utterly speechless. The trees open up to a circle driveway that wraps around a fountain sitting at the front of the house.

  Bentley stops about half way through the circle portion of the driveway and puts the car into park. Killing the engine before climbing out of the car, he immediately crosses to my side, holding his hand out to help me from the car the moment my feet hit the pavement.

  I straighten my posture and look up at the amazing house in front of me. It's perfect. It's more than perfect. A two story brick home that looks big enough to house a family of twenty but still small enough that it seems more like a normal house than a mansion. Though honestly, it looks just as nice as one.

; “What do you think?” Bentley steps up next to me, entwining his fingers with mine.

  “What do I think?” I breathe, letting my eyes travel the exterior of the home, trying to process everything I am seeing. There is not one thing about this house that isn't perfect.

  Everything is exactly as I wanted. When Bentley and I first sat down and reviewed the blueprints and floor plans, I knew that I wanted something spacious but not too much. I wanted a full wrap around porch and I wanted brick. With everything that happened with Patty, I never got to see the finalized plans.

  “You did everything I wanted.” I finally say out loud, turning my gaze on the amazing man at my side.

  “I did.” He confirms with a smile. “Wait until you see inside.” He smiles even bigger, squeezing my hand lightly.

  “Bentley, I... I don't know what to say.” I stutter, looking back up at the house. At the new home that we will share. The home where we will raise our child.

  “Say that you will spend the rest of your life here with me.” He squeezes my hand again, pulling my attention to his face.

  “Okay.” I smile, feeling emotion well behind my eyes. No matter how much time has passed, I still have trouble grasping the raw emotion I feel when I am with Bentley.

  He has brought out so much of me. The me that I kept hidden from the world. The me that I kept hidden from myself. He's made me see myself better than I ever have before. I am no longer the Anna that I was a year ago, or even six months ago for that matter. And while I have lost so much of myself along this journey with Bentley, I have gained so much more. I have found the girl that I buried long ago. And with her, I found my heart.

  Bentley leans in and kisses me sweetly before nodding towards the porch. “Would you like to go see your new home?” He asks, waiting for my excited nod before guiding me up the large stone steps that lead to the front porch.

  Each step I take feels like I am closing the distance between me and my happy ending. This is my forever now. The place where I will share my memories of the life I get to live with the man that stormed into my life and gave me no choice but to love him. I know it's just a house. Materials and belongings. But it's what the house represents that means so much to me.


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