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Wicked Thing (C.O.A Series Book 2)

Page 14

by Kim Cormack

  She wasn’t a fan of dancing, unless it was with Grey. Lexy glanced back at her Handler and he definitely wasn’t amused by Silas’s flirtations.

  Her undeniably buffed suitor whispered, “As much as I’d like to ignore everyone but you. I should go and greet your newest clan members.”

  “You probably should,” Lexy agreed as she shooed him away with one hand. He chuckled and lagged behind her to go and meet the newbies. She wasn’t going to worry about how Grey felt tonight. They’d talked everything out. She’d more than likely be spending the evening after the banquet with her friend, Prince Amadeus.

  Lexy smiled as she walked towards the large intricately engraved arches that led out of the colosseum and into the adjoining network of stone and marble corridors that attached the colosseum to the castle. Lexy glanced back at the rest of her clan and smiled. She felt powerful here. She’d more than proven herself at the Summit. The breeze picked up and blew Lexy’s scarlet hair around giving it the appearance of fire. Her crimson flames flickered in the wind like a victory flag.

  The survivors of the Testing were led past her and away from the group. Kayn was a Dragon too. It was ironic that the girl who’d always thought of herself as a drunken moose in her internal dialogue was now a Dragon. Lexy still wasn’t sure how she felt about that little tidbit of information. A part of her was going to miss the carefree girl that had been left behind within the horror filled walls of the Testing. Maybe, parts of that girl would return, in time? Their situations prior to the Testing had been quite different; Lexy had become a Dragon long before the Testing. Sometimes, she wondered if she’d been born one. It had just taken her a little while to hatch.

  Lexy grinned as Kayn disappeared from sight. She understood where Kayn was in her mind at this moment. She was a lit match and eventually anyone that attempted to hold her down would have their fingers burned. In this fledgling Dragon state Kayn would definitely not be capable of playing well with others, nor would she be able to filter her reactions. These things would be required of her during the banquet. Perhaps, Prince Amadeus would endeavor to save her too? The thought of Prince Amadeus and his kindness had always made her smile. The Prince had aged but he was still an attractive man. He was a decent man and that was the operative word. Frost started to silently walk beside her. She could tell by his demeanor that he’d talked things out with Kayn but he still seemed to have a lot of things floating around in his head. He was walking beside the right person because she wasn’t about to question him about what he was thinking, even though she was a tiny bit curious. Grey was lagging behind the group, chatting with Lily. Where this would have irritated her not too long ago it now made her glad he was occupied and he wouldn’t be eavesdropping on her thoughts. She glanced at Frost and then down at the marble beneath her barefeet as she strolled down the corridor. Tiberius had also told her to save him a dance. She definitely had no desire to dance with him…in public. The large heavy wooden doors opened as they approached and for a split second she wondered if they had been automated. Then she noticed a man on either side holding them open as they strolled into the next room. It was the curtained bathing area. She felt like she’d just been forced to do this. This time the ladies were ushered to one and the men to another. It seemed like they were being rushed through the motions this time.

  Lexy looked at Lily and complained, “It feels like we just had to do this.”

  Lily allowed the girls to undress her and stood there quite unashamed of her gloriously perfect naked form as she responded, “I quite like this princess treatment.”

  She would. Lexy watched her breathtakingly beautiful fellow Ankh as she stepped down into the pool full of scented petals. Her attention had been elsewhere as she’d been stripped naked. That had been a first. She stepped into the warm pool of water and it did feel glorious. Well, for a second. A group of ladies began to wash her and Lexy scrunched up her nose as she attempted to inch away. It felt like she was being deloused this time with how quickly it was done. She smiled as it occurred to her that they were probably viewed as savage earth dwellers. Lord knows what kind of diseases they have. Lexy smiled as she was directed out of the bath and dried off without even a moment to relax and enjoy the water while being left alone as she’d had last time she was here. The girls were directed towards the cubicles that had always intrigued her. What a strange thing to use technology for? She stepped into the tiny room where she stood there waiting for a second, in the dark as someone chose what she was going to wear this evening on the screen by the entrance. Oh, they’d taken another weird step forward with their odd technology. She was wondering if they could see the perplexed expression on her face as the room began to hum for a second and it became uncomfortably warm as a strong wind blew over her entire body. The door opened and she stepped out. Lexy glanced down at the slinky form fitting teal colored strapless stretchy lace and silk dress she was wearing and nodded. It didn’t even need to be adjusted. They were good. She stepped into the next square booth and it was followed by the same humming sound and sensation of a breeze caressing her skin. They were spraying her make up on in this one. It was like a temporary tattoo. She recalled being told that each application would last for days. It had been peculiar information to share with her, knowing she wouldn’t be there to find out whether or not it was the truth. It always made her giggle when she thought of this planets choice of important technology. Nobody wore shoes but they found it necessary to have rooms that dressed you where they spray painted perfect make-up on your face. It was a strange place, indeed. They weren’t brought to the room full of jewels as they had been before. This time, their jewelry had already been selected for them. Lily was stunning as always in chiffon and Jenna was wearing an amazing tangerine colored dress that hugged her curves. Lexy glanced down at her teal colored gown and knew the color had always looked good on her. The girls were led towards the banquet area where they met up with the guys.

  Grey smiled as he strolled towards her, took her arm and whispered, “You look….”

  “Hideous?” Lexy teased because he hadn’t bothered to finish his sentence while ogling Lily. Hell, even she couldn’t help but stare at Lily. She was definitely in her element.

  Her Handler tightened his grasp on her arm, stared into her eyes and finished his sentence, “Breathtakingly beautiful.” For a second she thought he was slipping out of their platonic zone and then he leaned over and kissed her hair. Awesome, she felt super sexy now. The doors opened as they arrived, without all of the ceremony of the Summit. They coupled up and strolled in, following the rest of the guests into the dimly lit colosseum style banquet room with dining on all of the levels, and made their way to the long table that was always reserved for Clan Ankh. The royal family was sitting with a bunch of famous actors from earth. Were they clones or the real thing? It was impossible to tell. They usually took the real thing for a couple of days, cloned them and then dropped them off back on earth in a hotel room somewhere with a room full of booze and a missing patch of time.

  Prince Amadeus had been watching her entrance, while smiling to show his admiration. She returned the intimate gesture of long-time friendship, knowing he’d probably summon her to be his companion by the end of the evening. All they had was friendship, and a single kiss that had happened a very long time ago.

  Grey leaned over and quietly sang, “Someday my prince will come.”

  Lexy glared at him and shook her head, knowing stomping on his foot right now would only make her appear more the, Wild Thing they’d always known her to be. She’d never had any true romantic feelings for Prince Amadeus, but he’d always had her back and protected her in a way that no one else could while in this realm. She looked forward to the time they’d surely be spending together later on that evening but against her will her eyes strayed towards the table where Tiberius would be seated. Lexy had always been caught in the past when she tried to do something stealth. He saw her, grinned, and winked as he raised his goblet of wine in her dire
ction in salute. The reckless moment they’d shared in that stair well flashed through her mind and she miscalculated her footsteps that were timed with Grey’s. Her Handler caught her before she went down and snickered. Grey wasn’t stupid. He knew why she hadn’t been paying attention to the timing of her feet. Lexy wasn’t embarrassed by her naughty behavior she was fighting against the urge to ignore rational thought and do it again. This was not the time or place for that. The last thing she wanted to do was to offend Prince Amadeus. She felt his sexy stare and glanced back at her dark nemesis and he laughed as she purposely looked away.

  Grey squeezed her arm as they reached the table he loudly preened, “Doesn’t my girl look gorgeous in that dress?”

  Arrianna grinned at her and replied, “She’s absolutely gorgeous.”

  My girl…Lexy was cringing on the inside as she left his side and strolled around to the back of the table, so she could sit directly across from Grey. It was more than just that one thought that attributed to her other side of the table decision. From that vantage point she wouldn’t be able to see Tiberius unless she cranked her neck and made her interest obvious. It would be a cold day in hell before she did that. Frost gallantly pulled her seat out before she sat down.

  He took a seat leaving a space between them. She smiled knowing he was probably saving it for Kayn. Lexy took a sip from the goblet in front of her and stealthily glanced towards Triad’s section. He wouldn’t be able to see her either. Good, this was good. She peered into her enormous goblet of red third tier wine, dunked her finger in and then licked the droplet of wine off of it. Don’t you dare lead me into temptation.

  She heard Frost say her name and she snapped back to reality. “Yes?” she answered.

  He chuckled, “You’re off in la-la land, aren’t you? Are you looking forward to the after party with Prince Amadeus?”

  She pressed her lips together, nodded and said, “Yes, there’s nothing like our g-rated after parties.”

  Frost grinned back at her and replied, “You look lovely tonight. I’m sure he’d rather it didn’t have a grating but I understand… It’s complicated.”

  Her cheeks cracked into an enormous grin as she laughed, “You look lovely too and he’s married.”

  Frost leaned closer and whispered, “He’s royalty. It’s probably little more than a business agreement.”

  Lexy smiled, opting out of a response because she knew way more than she was letting on. It hadn’t been a business agreement. He’d loved her until his wife had started spending her nights bedding his brother.

  A man’s voice announced, “Clan Triad.”

  Her eyes darted upwards only long enough to catch a quick glimpse of Kevin’s face. She wasn’t sure why she couldn’t bring herself to look at him. Possibly it was because she didn’t want to see the monster they’d created by forcing a boy to murder the girl he’d loved his whole life. She peered up at Frost and he wasn’t looking either as they entered; Grey turned around in his seat and stared at her, she gave him an understanding smile and now wished she’d chosen to sit beside him instead of across the table. Her Handler was a softer soul and guilt ate at him.

  In a rather well timed subject change Frost casually asked, “So, how are things with your other half?”

  She’d just popped a grape into her mouth from one of the trays on the spread before her; she quickly chewed it and swallowed so she could respond. Lexy smiled and replied, “Back in the friend zone.”

  “I’m curious, is that really what you want?” Frost enquired with knowing eyes as he casually took another drink from his goblet.

  Lexy glanced at him, smiled as she responded, “That’s a trick question, isn’t it?” She took a long drink from her goblet and then replied, “It’s not what I want, but it’s how it has to be.” She placed her almost empty wine on the table and knit her brow. She’d better slow down. How had that happened?

  A man wearing an absolutely ridiculous looking outfit strode into the center of the banquet hall. The muffled sounds of talking subsided until Lexy could swear she’d be able to hear a pin drop. Their clan’s name was announced as the doors opened and the five newest members of clan Ankh walked into the hall as somebody played a trumpet. She still couldn’t get over the fact that they had five new Ankh. It was going to be a tight fit in the motor home. The trumpeter began to play a well-known pop song. Once the newest of the Ankh had all taken their seats, what appeared to be silken ropes dropped down from the ceiling and at least twenty women walked in a procession through the main arched doorway. All of them were dressed in white. They wrapped the ribbons around their wrists and began to dance. They wrapped and entwined themselves up higher and tighter until they were suspended in the air performing. It was as though they were dancing in mid-air.

  Frost leaned over and whispered in Kayn’s ear, “You look absolutely breathtaking. Don’t spill wine on your dress love.”

  Kayn glanced up at Frost under a veil of eyelashes and replied, “Thank you, and I’ll do my best.”

  Lexy grinned. Wonderful, she was going to be listening to the sexual innuendo Olympics all night. Heaven, help her.

  Kayn crossed her legs and whispered, “Is something wrong?”

  Frost’s gaze travelled the slit in the material of Kayn’s golden gown and he teased, “You’re not wearing any underwear.”

  Kayn replied, “I hadn’t thought about it, but I guess I’m not. With the whole no shoes thing, I just assumed everyone wasn’t wearing any.”

  Frost took a drink from his goblet and as he lowered it he chuckled, “Now, there’s a thought.”

  This was actually getting painful.

  “Am I really the only one who isn’t wearing any underwear?” Kayn whispered back to Frost.

  It was time to put a stop to his teasing. Lexy leaned over and whispered, “None of us are, just ignore him. He’s messing with you.”

  Kayn smacked Frost’s knee under the table and he laughed.

  He looked at Lexy and complained, “Party pooper.”

  Lexy grabbed some meat and a tortilla off of the table. She had no idea what they were called here but they resembled tortillas enough to use that word as her point of reference. There were also tiny baguettes and fruit.

  Frost put some on Kayn’s plate for her and said, “If you don’t eat anything, it’s an insult. Just eat it; you don’t want to know what it is.”

  Lexy smiled as she took a mouthful of her meat wrapped tortilla. It wasn’t great by earth standards but she’d once eaten some kind of mutant lizard meat while in this realm. She wasn’t about to complain over cooked anything. It was probably dinosaur meat. The Third Tiers were feeding the dinosaurs, stolen cattle and celebrity clones. Maybe, when she had a moment alone with Amadeus she’d suggest cloning the cattle and eating it instead? Beef tasted way better than this oddly stringy mystery meat. Something occurred to her, and she winced as she attempted to inconspicuously sniff the meat in her tortilla. They could be eating cloned mortal meat. It didn’t smell like human meat though...

  Always the attentive big brother figure to Kayn, Grey tossed a flat thing that looked like a thick rough edged tortilla across the table at Kayn and said, “Make sure you eat lots of these if you’re drinking tonight.” He pointed at her empty wine glass. Kayn took a giant bite of the bread and smiled.

  Lexy found herself staring at Kayn. When she was dressed up like this the resemblance to her mother Freja was uncanny. She glanced at the head table and began to feel nervous for her fellow Dragon, recalling the look that she’d observed between Markus and Jenna. It wasn’t that she didn’t believe Kayn was capable of defending herself if she ended up in a precarious situation tonight. It was that she wasn’t allowed too. Lexy downed the rest of her drink and placed it down on the table. She couldn’t think about it. This was the one situation where defending yourself or anyone else was never an option.

  They brought around bowls of orange soup. Some people picked up the whole bowl and drank from it, while others
were dipping their tortillas in it. The whole table of Ankh began to lighten up and joke around as the wine took hold. Her eyes were drawn to the head table once more, and this time she noticed the King, he was watching Kayn. There was something about his intense unwavering gaze that was triggering the protective instinct within her. Kayn noticed him staring at her; she smiled pleasantly at him and then looked away.

  Kayn took some food, smiled at the boy who had brought it to her and politely said, “Thank you.” He smiled back, but appeared to be confused.

  This evening was about to take a messed up turn. Lexy could feel it in her bones.

  Frost nudged her fellow Dragon and explained, “They aren’t supposed to speak to us. Let me rephrase that, they aren’t allowed to speak to us.”

  Kayn picked up a pastry and stared at it critically as she replied, “That’s pretty stupid.”

  Frost’s eyes softened as he responded, “Yes. It is.”

  Kayn sniffed the pastry and whispered, “What’s in this one?”

  Frost took it from her hand, and placed it on his plate. He found her a different one and whispered, “Open your mouth.”

  Lexy glanced over. Frost was feeding her pastries. He was coming on a little bit strong and the Dragon version of Kayn would be feeling the urge to be more than a little bit reckless. Lexy decided to keep her mouth shut and let her have some fun. Why shouldn’t she be reckless? She’d just survived a simulation of hell. Frost slowly licked the cream from the treat he’d fed her off of one of his fingers and Lexy grinned. She couldn’t help it. She had to watch them. The whole Frost trying to seduce Kayn show was quite entertaining.

  Kayn grinned and whispered, “What was in that one?”

  Frost swallowed it, winked, smiled back and stated, “Nothing good.” He stared at Kayn for a second and motioned like she had something on her face. Her eyes widened and she unsuccessfully attempted to lick it off.


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