Book Read Free


Page 2

by Raven J. Spencer

  “That sounds good.” Wow. Could I sound any needier?

  “After breakfast, I’ll show you around some more, and then we can get to your workout. Don’t worry, I’ll explain everything before we start.”

  “I’m not worried,” I say. “I look forward to it.”

  I almost forgot about the exercise machines—the workout is an actual workout, not the moment where she tears off my clothes and has her way with me. Another quick shower, and we move on to guided imagery.

  I have attended a self-awareness class before, but this is different.

  As I sit on the huge pillow, I’m overly aware of Elizabeth’s presence in the room, close to me. Her voice is warm and seductive, leading me into safe spaces, through beautiful landscapes and sceneries. When she finally takes me to the imaginary bedroom, and on soft cool sheets, there’s not a hint of resistance. Elizabeth describes in detail the kisses and touches I’m sharing with the imaginary woman, from the first soft brush of fingertips to climax. Even though all of it happens only in my mind, I feel every sensation, every touch…and I can’t keep that moan from spilling over my lips. Her hands are on my shoulders, and I can feel her breath brush against my neck.

  “Hold the image,” she whispers.

  “I’m going to…” Come. Wow. It’s just words, and images in my head. I never knew this could get me so close.

  “No. Not yet. You are in control.”

  I don’t feel like it. The erotic imagery has aroused me. My nipples are hard peaks, desire manifesting itself in the pulse between my legs, warm, wet. That imaginary partner could be anyone, but in my mind, it’s her.

  “This is not fair.”

  “You can do it. Enjoy it.”

  Slowly, I manage to control my breathing, walk myself back from the brink.

  “I always thought that was a myth,” I confess once the session is over. “I’ve never been this close…without any touching.”

  “There would be no need for your training if you already knew everything.”

  “I guess you’re right about that. What’s next?”

  * * * *

  I get a tour of the rest of the building. Elizabeth shows me the door to her suite, but doesn’t ask me inside. I guess with the premise of our relationship, it’s important that we both keep some private spaces. There’s a small but exclusive library. She points me to a shelf with a variety of folders.

  “Of course you may read whatever you want, but this is recommended for week one.”

  I take the folder and a couple of books with me. Finally, she shows me the roof terrace, and I’m amazed that we can see the ocean from here.

  “I didn’t think it was that close.”

  “Addison wanted to build something that awakens all the senses. It’s not just about sex.”

  I turn to her, seeing something in her expression I can’t decipher.

  “But it’s about that, too, right? We don’t have to pretend. I have to admit, it’s a little strange, but I like all those additional experiences. I understand you are doing something more special, and classy…” Okay, I’ve gone off topic, ranting a bit too much. “What I mean to say is, we don’t have to wait. I’m ready.”

  Her smile is warm and affectionate. This time, I have no trouble detecting what else is there. I’m on the right track, I know it.

  “No, you’re not,” Elizabeth says. “Not today, anyway, or this week—but you will be.”

  The absolute confidence in her voice sends a pleasant shiver down my spine.

  “You’re going to tease me and make me wait?”

  “It’s the kind of situation you’ll have to be prepared for.”

  She stands in front of me, brushing her hand over the side of my face. I can’t help it, I lean into the touch. Her other hand touches against my breast, just barely.

  “It’s about seduction,” she whispers close to my ear. “Neither of us gets paid by the hour. There’s time for everything.”

  “Empty promises, I’m starting to think.”

  “You’ll be fine.”

  It’s as much a promise as it is a command, and every fiber of me reacts to that. Those are going to be interesting few weeks, before I am declared ready to serve in Addison’s harem. I thought a lot about her before I came here, about her motivations to build a place like this, what she would be like—what it would be like to have casual sex with a woman like that, someone wealthy and powerful enough to break all the rules.

  I am not thinking about her all that much now.

  That night, Elizabeth has taken over my fantasies, and she has added a few new ones thanks to the guided imagery.

  Maybe I can’t touch myself to relieve the tension, but I can imagine. More than ever before. I fall asleep wishing she was there with me, breaking another set of rules.

  I only met her yesterday, and I want her so much. There’s no need to question it, or worry about it. Nothing about this situation is normal, but for one million dollars in the near future, I’m along for the ride.

  * * * *

  Only four days, and I feel like I’m going stir crazy. I spend my days reading about sexual pleasure, thinking about it, preparing my body and mind to give and receive it, yet…nothing. Week two will be a one-way street, but at least I’ll get to do something other than imagine.

  Life with Elizabeth is a seduction of the senses, making me helpless and unable to resist. I sleep naked in the soft sheets, flinching at the brush of fabric against sensitive areas. Forget about it—at this point, my body seems to have transformed into one giant erogenous zone. I dream about sex, with her, with nameless women, waking up with my heart pounding, and no chance of relief.

  The food is amazing, light and healthy, and I don’t even mind the mandatory workout. Everything is intentional, from the lighting to the décor, every little detail has its purpose.

  In the morning, we do guided imagery, about sexual situations that might arise. I’m allowed to let my mind conjure the images, but at the same time, I have to control my body’s reaction to it. Mere imagination might make me come the next time.

  Elizabeth, of course, is always vigilant. “Breathe,” she orders. “Take a step back.”

  I don’t want to. But if I ever want to make it near the woman who started all of this, who is my ticket to a sorrow-free life, I have to follow the rules. With difficulty, I draw myself back from the brink. Again.

  In the afternoon, I learn some more about the various toys she showed me earlier, everything about their use and what they are supposed to do…I’m eager to have them on me, in me. As it is, I have to wait. There is no escape.

  Elizabeth seems to be satisfied with my progress, at least she doesn’t say otherwise. That means I’m still in the running. If I’m doing well, why not skip a step or two? Do they ever do that?

  I want to talk to her about it some more. Thursday proves to be another sleepless night, and so I put on my robe and go to her room, determined to get some answers, if not an orgasm. I knock on the door and open it, freezing at the sight.

  She is lying on the bed naked, another woman between her thighs, pleasuring her. The sight and sounds of the scene go straight to my core—I feel feverish. When our eyes meet, I don’t look away. Neither does she. Her hands reach down to tangle in the woman’s hair, as if pulling her closer. I am breathless with desire. I want to be her. I want to be that woman. I want to be in the bed with both of them. I study Elizabeth’s expression at the height of pleasure, her body stiffening, and I think about how she’ll be all mine in a matter of days.

  I can’t help it. My hand moves inside my robe, and between my legs. I sigh, trembling at the prospect of relief.

  “Robin. Stop it.”

  The other woman gives me a curious look as Elizabeth gets to her feet and puts on a robe.

  “Oh please.” I mean to convey annoyance, but it sounds more like begging. “Isn’t that a bit hypocritical? I can’t do anything while you have your girlfriend go down on you?”

There’s definitely amusement in the woman’s smile. She might not be the girlfriend after all, but another apprentice. I thought I was the only one in this house? Is this girl ahead of me?

  “That’s the way it is, take it or leave it,” Elizabeth says curtly. “Go back to your room. We’ll talk tomorrow.”

  Even when she’s ordering me around, her voice makes me melt. I’d like to get something out of it before I’m gone altogether…

  “No. Come on. Four days. I’m ready for the next level.”

  She joins me outside the bedroom, and closes the door behind her.

  “You sneaking around at night shows me exactly that you’re not ready. Three more days.”

  “What if I’m better than her? I’ll show you right now.”

  “Don’t overestimate yourself,” she tells me. “Go back to sleep. I’d like you to get an early start tomorrow.”

  “That’s unbelievable.” I stalk back to my room, annoyed and ready to quit the next day. I never thought I could be this impatient, this…driven, but the past few days have peeled away layers of my everyday persona. I’m not even sure I like what’s underneath.


  “I’m sorry for snapping at you.”

  Elizabeth has followed me. I don’t turn around. She moves in closer, behind me. Intending to torture me some more, I have no doubt.

  “All right. Apology accepted. Good night.”

  She cups my breasts in her hands, lightly, but the contact is like striking a match.

  “You can do this,” Elizabeth whispers. “I know it. Just three more days.”

  “Three more days and you’ll be having all the fun.”

  “Ten more days and multiple orgasms will be a daily occurrence.”

  “Promises, promises.”

  “Does that sound good?” She squeezes gently, my nipples hard against her palms.

  “I have no choice but to trust you.” I sigh, mostly as a reaction to her letting go, and turn around. “I swear I didn’t mean to walk in on you, but I still think I can do better.”

  Elizabeth leans in, her hands on my face as she kisses me breathless.

  “We’ll see,” she says and leaves my room.

  I go back to bed, soon lulled into dreams that become a lot more specific.

  * * * *

  Breakfast, workout, guided imagery. Lunch, sex toys 101. Free time in which I do a few laps in the pool. Instructions on erotic massage, relaxing the body head to toe leading towards an incredible climax.

  “Does it ever get old for you?” I wonder when we sit out on the deck with a glass of wine, a soft breeze caressing the skin.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Mentoring. The sex, the…classes, all of it?”

  “Not so far, no. I teach pleasure, I get quite a bit out of it myself, and…” She laughs wryly. “The money isn’t bad either. I’m not worried about retirement.”

  “Wow. That’s more than most people can say about themselves.”

  “True,” she admits and takes another sip.

  “Do you ever have a favorite?”

  “That’s not my choice to make. I only accompany you for a certain period of time.”

  I guess that’s fair, even though it makes me a bit sentimental for her. Well, I’ll do my best so she’ll have good memories of me. Make no mistake, I am going to be the favorite, for long enough that when I leave here, I’ll be able to live the life I choose. Buy a nice house, travel, put some away for the future. I’m not going to waste this chance of a lifetime.

  “Maybe I’ll start a blog later,” I joke. “My new knowledge on sex toys alone should be enough to make me go viral.”

  She smiles at that. “Don’t think too much about the future right now. Your ability to be in the moment will be part of your evaluation.”

  “My evaluation will be fine. I’ll be sleeping with the person who’s going to write it, remember?”

  Elizabeth smiles.

  * * * *

  The weekend seems endless, but finally, Monday morning rolls around. I’m up and ready about five. I have brushed my hair until it shines. My skin is soft, the scent of the lotion lingering. Just in case—I am mostly resigned to the fact that breakfast, workout and guided imagery will be first as usual. Maybe she’ll give me some direction of what she’ll want me to do.

  I was mistaken:

  Elizabeth comes to my room around six.

  “It’s Monday,” I say.

  She takes off the robe. Underneath, she’s naked. For a moment, I just stare, reminded of the scene I witnessed in her bedroom…and my own bragging. No pressure.

  “Monday indeed.”

  I step in front of her, brushing my hand over her hair, then her back, grateful I can finally touch her.

  “You have no idea,” I tell her in a lusty whisper. “How much I’ve wanted this. I’ve been dreaming about you every night.” Her nipples rise under my fingertips, and I caress them, then lean in to lick them. It’s quiet in the room, so it’s easy to detect the change in her breathing. Her hands are in my hair now. I bet she’s feeling every flick of my tongue as a jolt between her legs.

  She promised me multiple orgasms in the next week. I feel like I have to prove myself.

  “You’re impatient,” she says when I get to my knees.

  “Aren’t you?” A brief touch leaves my fingers wet, my hunger intensifying. I guess I have my answer. She moans softly when I lean in to pleasure her with my tongue, my hands on her hips. A brush against her swollen clit, then I suck gently, and her voice rises. I’ll make sure she remembers me.

  She’s close now. Chances are she has given this scenario some serious thought before…

  “Slow down,” she rasps. “Take your time.”

  Still mentoring. I change my pace, brushing my fingertips over her inner thighs. I don’t see much of a point in drawing this out endlessly when we have so much time, but whatever she wants. I make it last. I am precise. When she says, “now,” I give her the right pace and pressure to come.

  I get up, licking my lips, satisfied with the expression on her face, even though the heat between my legs is almost unbearable.

  “Another time before breakfast?” I suggest. Once she’s in the bed with me, and I’m all over her, something might happen for me as well.

  “You’re a good student,” she says mildly.

  “Wasn’t that more than good?”

  I kiss her, then pull her onto the bed with me, a moment later on top of her. She wraps her legs around me, and I press into her, moaning when I feel her wetness against mine. A few quick movements, and this would be so good for both of us. Better than good.

  “Remember the rules,” Elizabeth shatters my illusion.

  She’s not going to touch me. I’m not supposed to get off for another week. Damn rules.

  However, I’m distracted from my own woes when I explore her, feel her react to me even though she just climaxed moments ago.

  “That’s quick,” I say. “Should I be flattered?”

  “If you want.” Her words turn into a gasp when my fingers glide into her. Two for now. I move them in and out slowly, monitoring her reactions.

  “You’re so wet,” I whisper. “It must have been hard for you too, waiting all this time, following all those silly rules. Of course, there was the other girl, but did she do it like this?”

  Her body clenches around my fingers, tightening and relaxing to let me in even deeper. I’m sure that under different circumstances, she’d have a comeback to that. As it is, she can only enjoy.

  I add another finger, and she moans, pressing into my hand.

  “I’m supposed to take it real slow, right?”

  My thumb brushes over her clit lightly, making her flinch.

  “You catch on quick.”

  “I’m motivated. I like compliments from gorgeous women,” I say, pressing into her again, velvet heat against my fingertips.

  “Stay focused.”

  “Look who’s talking.�
� When the moment comes, I’m ready, continuing the gentle thrusts and stimulation to her clit until she’s completely still.

  After a few minutes of silence, I ask, “So? Did I make the grade?”

  “Not bad,” she says. “Let’s have something to eat. I’m starving.”

  * * * *

  I am hungry too, and the coffee is heaven sent, but it’s hard to ignore the one-sidedness of this new phase.

  If I fidget enough on my chair, I might be able to…The image is enough to make me shiver. At the same time, my resistance is wearing down. I want to be that A student, graduate with a master’s in lesbian sex. I want to be everything the woman who is giving me this chance, dreams of. I want to please Elizabeth. That is, I assume, a normal progression after the intimacy we’ve shared, in living together, the guided imageries and sex.

  “What else is on the agenda for today? We try out some of those toys?”

  “No,” she says, putting a spoonful of jam on her toast. “On the first day, we keep it more vanilla.”

  “Oh. All right. Why do people even say that, vanilla? It seems condescending. Not like you can’t get a damn good orgasm from it.”

  “It’s just a term…but I do see your point.”

  “I hoped you would. When do we get to the toys?”

  “Most of them? Week three.”

  My surprise must have shown on my face. Elizabeth explains to me. “We will use some vibrators, but except for fingers and tongue, there’s no penetration this week.”

  “Oh,” I say again and feel instantly stupid for it. Did I miss something here? “It’s a power move.”

  She doesn’t confirm nor deny it.

  “Are those her choices or yours? I mean…I’m supposed to learn all of it, aren’t I?”

  Not that it matters so much to me. I am ready for fingers, tongue and toys to be used on me, and I checked that on the list. With measurements, even.

  “We’ll see after the next two weeks,” she says. “Some of it depends on the progress we make, but if you must know, those are her choices.”

  “Okay. I can live with that. Vanilla for today, and fun with vibrators later this week. Can you give me a little preview what you’ve planned for me in week three?”


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