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Riftkeepers: Reckoning

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by Carrie Whitethorne




  Carrie Whitethorne



  This whole venture has been so encompassing at times I’ve had to drag myself away from the laptop and re-join the real world. The hours spent developing these characters, repeating their dialogue over and over, only to scrap the lot of it and start again are too many to count. But here I am, at the end of Charlotte’s story.

  None of this would have been possible without the support of my husband. I know it’s cliché. I know how pathetic it sounds. I know because I’ve been writing it for over a year. He is my rock. He is my inspiration. His unwavering support of my writing has been astounding and without him I could never have kept going.

  I think it has a lot to do with the fact that I never stick at anything. Never have. He’s known me forever, and he knows! I’ve had little fads here and there and have never seen anything through to the end. If you ask him, he’ll tell you the only thing I’m ever likely to finish is a bottle of wine. This has been different. Riftkeepers is the one thing I have stuck to; the thing I’ve been driven to complete. I’ve written the first three books of this series. I’ve breathed life into these people and will continue to do so until the whole story is told. This is my calling. This is where I should be. And he’ll be with me throughout this series, and the next, and the next.

  I am still writing, I will always be writing, and he will always have my back.

  I couldn’t have hoped for anyone more.

  I love you.


  The law of sacrifice is uniform throughout the world. To be effective it demands the sacrifice of the bravest and the most spotless.

  Mahatma Gandhi


  Her body slumped into his waiting arms.

  “Where?” Callan asked urgently.

  Blowing out his cheeks, Dane said, “The study. I’ll need some help. Are you alright?”

  “Yeah. Do you think you can get them out?” he asked, gazing down at her with concern.

  “Between us, we’ll manage. Wonder who it is…” Dane mused, studying her peaceful face.

  Callan huffed a humourless laugh. “Whoever it is, they have to face her eventually.”

  He pulled her close, cradling her limp body against his chest and closed his eyes.

  I’m sorry. I hate myself.

  “You had to, Callan. If she’d reacted badly she’d have torn the castle apart. At least this way she’s doing no harm and they can’t harm her. She’ll be out for a while.”

  “I know,” he muttered as he held her close and left Dane in the ballroom.

  Carefully lowering her onto the sofa, he blew out a tight breath. “I’m sorry,” he whispered, kissing her forehead.

  Sitting in the armchair opposite, he leaned forward, arms resting on his thighs, and watched her sleep. The gentle rise and fall of her chest the only movement she made, Dane’s influence keeping her safely unconscious.

  You should have noticed. You’re her husband. You vowed to protect her.

  None of us saw this coming, mate. She’ll understand.

  He looked up as the door opened and Markus entered, followed by Dane. Markus didn’t speak as he approached, small wisps of shadow creeping from his body towards Charlotte. He perched on the edge of the sofa and ran a hand gently over her head.

  I must remember that they’re helping her. She needs them.

  “Take it, Dane,” Markus said in a rough, nervous voice.

  The leather of the chair arms creaking beneath his tightening grip, Callan growled, “Take what?”

  Markus looked between them, weighing his words. “Her power. Whoever is hiding within her mind is tethered to her power. I cannot. I dare not,” he said as his eyes darkened, showing just a glint of fear. “Dane has an unusual amount of control where Charlotte is concerned. She will be left whole when we are done, I promise you.”

  Callan snarled, his body taut with rage. Markus eyed him warily.

  I’m expected to let you do that to her? To violate her like that? Fuck, Dane!

  There’s no other way, Callan. You’ll just have to trust me. I’d never hurt her, you know that.

  I said the same, then knocked her out. Make sure it goes back. However much I’d like to see her free of the burden, we don’t make that decision for her. All of it.

  All of it. You have my word.

  With an exasperated sigh, he moved around the sofa and clenched his hands into tight fists, watching over her as they began their assault on the parasite in her mind.

  Her body twitched as Dane cradled her head in both hands.

  Callan squared his shoulders, about to protest as Markus said quietly, “She’ll be okay, Callan. The impostor will put up a fight. We must take steps to protect her.”

  Markus was tense. Callan had never once seen the cool, steady confidence of the Un-Seelie king waver as it did now. He watched with growing concern as her head began to thrash from side to side. Dane stepped away and she calmed.

  Got it. Look.

  Before he could respond, Dane fully connected their minds.

  I’ll never get used to this…

  Shit, how does she live with this?

  Callan watched and felt through Dane as her power fought to return to her. It was wild, pushing and tugging away from him. There was no beauty in the feral force as it roiled and twisted within him. Dane held firm, using his own power to subdue the raging tumult, to placate it long enough for Markus to work.

  “Markus, quickly. Dane’s not guaranteed to be able to hold it,” he said through gritted teeth. “There’s no telling what it’ll do to him.”

  Markus had bent close to Charlotte’s ear, continually stroking her hair and murmuring something unintelligible. Each word uttered almost seductively, each stroke of his hand a gentle caress as he worked to release her. His free hand was positioned on her hip, pressing her into the sofa, holding her steady as she twitched and shuddered.

  Callan’s gut tightened with rage as he watched Markus, the king’s proximity to his wife igniting his baser instincts. In need of a distraction, he turned his attention back to Dane, hoping he’d maintained their mental connection while he worked.

  Dane? You okay?

  Yeah, this shit’s incredible. It’s cooling off now. It’s either recognised me or is biding its time, looking for a weakness so it can get back to her. I think it’s waiting.

  Markus fell silent, removing his hands, his face grave. Eventually, he looked to Callan. “Whoever that was, they’re powerful,” he said, pinching the bridge of his nose. “It was not the warlock.”

  Dane stepped forward, took her head in his palms and closed his eyes as he murmured, “There you go. Home safe.” He kissed her forehead and looked up at Callan. “I’ve put her under for another hour. Let her sleep this off.”

  Callan nodded and looked to Markus, “What did you do?”

  Markus paused, as though debating with himself whether to divulge the information. Eventually, he said, “I took the presence into my own mind and crushed it. Whoever that was knew who we were, what we planned, and was determined to maintain their hold on her. We must discover who they are, and quickly.”

  “How?” Dane asked, pouring himself a large glass of vodka from a decanter on the side table.

  Markus stood, straightening his suit, and said, “I must examine the records, but I believe there is a way.” Callan and Dane nodded as he strode to the door. “I shall return in an hour.”

  As the door closed quietly behind him, Dane physically relaxed.

  “Do you want one?” he asked, gesturing to the decanter.

  “Yeah, I think I do,” Call
an said, sitting on the floor beside Charlotte. “How did you contain that?”

  “With fucking difficulty, mate,” he answered dryly, handing him a cut crystal glass filled with vodka. “There’s no risk of anyone taking it from her. It went wild trying to get back.”

  “I saw. Thank you.” The vodka burned as he swallowed, the sensation a welcome distraction. With a wince, he added, “I know that wasn’t easy.”

  “I’d rather have to do that every day than live with what you do, Callan,” he said quietly. “We all appreciate the pressure you’re under with the council.”

  He looked back to her, sleeping peacefully on the low sofa. “She’s worth it.”

  Draining his glass, Dane smiled down at her and said, “Yeah, she is. I’m going to go and see what my father’s looking for. Give you some privacy.”

  Callan nodded his thanks and waited a few moments to be sure they were alone.

  “Charlotte?” he murmured. She remained unmoving in a deep sleep. He sat in silence and watched her, stricken with guilt.

  What I’ve done…what’s happened to you since I found you, I can never forgive myself for.

  All those years alone, wandering, and when I finally find you, I can’t keep you safe.

  What could you have possibly done to deserve this fate?

  I’ll always be here. Whatever comes, I’ll never leave your side.

  He took her hand and sat quietly, summoning a small flame to dance around their entwined fingers. He drank and watched, waiting for her to regain consciousness.


  Having had enough of resting at home, Charlotte jumped at the chance to visit the palace. The whole family had gathered for lunch with Caoimhe and Taran.

  “Charlotte, can I have a word?”

  Dagda shifted uncomfortably, avoiding making eye contact as he asked the question.

  “Yeah. In private, or…” She pulled in her brows, puzzled.

  He looked over to Callan and the children as they played on the patio. He tipped his head towards the door and held out a hand. “Please, can we go...?”

  I’m nipping out with Dagda. Won’t be long.

  Callan’s initial reaction was to stiffen, still unused to her pushing her thoughts to him, then he relaxed and smiled. She placed her hand in Dagda’s and found herself in a suite she hadn’t visited before.

  The lounge was almost identical to their own in the palace, except for the wall to the left of the rear glass wall. She walked towards it, a smile tugging her lips. Gleaming frames filled the wall, each with a different photograph or watercolour portrait encased within.

  Wow…he loves his family so much. And this one’s a turn up!

  “Did you paint these?” she asked, studying each in turn. Her gaze settled on the largest, hung in the centre of the collection and she turned to him.

  “Yes. It passes the time,” he said gruffly.

  She looked back to the centre portrait. “That’s beautiful, Dagda,” she said, admiring the stunning watercolour painting of her friend.

  “It’s Ferne I want to talk to you about. Can I get you a drink?” he asked, crossing to a small bar in the far corner of the room.

  She shook her head and moved to sit on the sofa. “No, thank you. What’s up?”

  He poured himself one and drank half the glass before filling it back up.

  She waited for him to take the seat beside her and said, “Do I need to look for myself or are you going to tell me?”

  He gave a low chuckle and growled, “Try it, girly.” When she laughed, he said, “I wanted to ask what you thought she’d say to being asked to move to Arran.” He huffed out a long breath and took another large gulp of whisky as she considered her response.

  “Do you want the truth or what I think you want to hear?” she said after a long pause, a smirk tugging the corner of her lips.

  “You’re wicked, Charlotte MacAidh,” he said, rubbing a finger along his brow. “The truth, please.”

  Running her hand over his taut shoulder, she laughed. “I think they’re the same thing, Dagda.”

  He glanced sidelong at her and physically relaxed. “When you visit, she’s happy. When you leave, she feels ill. I know what she goes through when you aren’t there. I lived it for seven years. I think she’d walk out of her front door with you and never look back.”

  He sighed, relief relaxing his taut shoulder muscles, and leaned into her.

  What are the bloody chances? Seriously!

  “I’ve no idea how you’re going to make it work though. She’s high maintenance,” she said, sliding her arm through his and squeezing gently.

  He turned to her and grinned. “I hadn’t noticed. I own the house next door to you and Cal. Do you think she could live there or will she need to choose her own home?”

  Yep, he knows she’s high maintenance. She’ll scream knowing that’s hers!

  That explains him leaving by the front door all the time, too. Why does no one tell me this stuff?

  “I think she’d live in a cardboard box if it meant you came home to her every night, Dagda,” she said earnestly. “When do you next see her?”

  “Tonight, I’m going to ask her to come home with me. Trial period. See how it goes?” He sounded unsure.

  “Sounds like you’ve got it all sorted. Stop second guessing yourself. She loves you,” she smiled, nudging him. “She was terrified of scaring you off, so if she’s been a bit distant, that’s why.”

  “Why would she…?”

  “Because she thought she was just a…I dunno. She didn’t know you felt anything for her.”

  “Am I that much of a prick?” he muttered into his glass as he drained the contents.

  “No, you were giving her the space to decide for herself, as you promised me you would. I told her you’re a good man, told her to look after you.”

  He reached a huge arm around her shoulders, pulling her close and kissed the side of her head. “Thank you.”

  “You’re my big brother. I love you. I don’t want to see you get hurt.”

  “Love you, too, little sister,” he grinned, squeezing her shoulder.

  “I’ll wait for the excited screams down the phone with bated breath,” she said, rolling her eyes. Patting his thigh, she stood up chuckling. “Come on, Callan will think we’ve run off.”

  Well wrapped up in thick coats, gloves, and hats, Charlotte and Enya trudged over the field. Callan and Blair walked ahead with Zander, oblivious to the cold.

  “This is ridiculous,” Charlotte muttered under her breath.

  I’m bloody freezing. The kids must be, too.

  “You said yourself, they need to be at school. I agree. All we’re doing is improving security before they go back,” Callan said over his shoulder.

  “It’s good practice for him, Charlotte,” Blair added, dropping back. “The whole island could do with reinforcing.”

  Zander stopped and bowed his head as he placed another ward. They’d walked the entire perimeter of the school grounds as he’d warded the site.

  That’s going to take months!

  “It’s two o’clock in the morning,” she hissed through her chattering teeth as Enya yawned.

  “Only the doors left and we’re done,” Callan assured her, turning to follow Zander as he walked towards the school building.

  “Isn’t this trespassing?” she asked, catching up to Zander.

  “Not really. If we were challenged, we could argue that I’ve helped fund the place for the last twenty years.”

  Why would he fund the school here?

  “Why?” she frowned.

  “Why not? I’m a member of the community and Druid children attend. Do you want Blair to take you home? We’ll finish these few and follow you.”

  “Please, Mummy,” Enya said quietly.

  “Okay, don’t be long,” she said, kissing Zander on the head and giving Blair a brief smile as he took their hands.

  “Go and get ready for bed. I’ll follow you up,” she sa
id as Enya shrugged out of her coat.

  Enya said goodnight to Blair and marched up to her room.

  “Tea, Blair?”

  “Please,” he said, sitting at the island in the kitchen. “How have you been since Houska?”

  She filled the kettle and pulled three mugs from the cupboard. “Okay, I suppose. I didn’t really know what was happening so”— she shrugged, pausing for a moment—“well, I was aware something was off, but I was so angry and tired I didn’t realise there was anything wrong with me.”

  He cocked his head and studied her for a moment. “Would you like me to arrange some mental barrier training?”

  “I’ve done some with Dane,” she sighed. “Thanks, though.”

  “If there’s ever anything I can do to help, Charlotte, please don’t hesitate to ask me.”

  His smile was genuine and comforting. “I know. Thank you. Can you excuse me for five minutes while I settle Enya? Callan has a coffee there when he gets back.”

  “Does that mean we’re safe at school now, Mummy?” Enya asked as she huddled under her duvet.

  Charlotte leaned over, kissed her forehead and said, “It does, baby. And I know we’ve always said not to use your magic, but if you’re ever in danger like that, you use everything you have. Get yourself free, okay? Anything you have to do.”

  Enya nodded and yawned. “I don’t want to lose Zander again,” she said in a small voice.

  “You won’t. Never again. You keep each other safe.”

  Zander came into the room soon after Enya had fallen asleep.

  “Have you eaten something?” she asked him as she passed him some nightclothes.

  “Yeah, Daddy gave me chocolate,” he said, grinning.

  “You did well, baby. I’m so proud of you,” she praised. “Do your teeth. Do you need anything else?”

  “No, I'm tired,” he said dumping his clothes on the floor and heading for the bathroom.

  Charlotte moved his clothes to the laundry basket, shaking her head.

  I don’t know how he manages to take all this in stride.


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