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Riftkeepers: Reckoning

Page 24

by Carrie Whitethorne

  Retracting her weapon, Charlotte stepped back and waited, readying herself for a counter attack. Dane stepped around to her side, prepared to protect her.

  As one, the gathered Fae and Druid forces drew their weapons, ready for Nyja to signal the oncoming demons that lurked in the forest, waiting to rush the protective walls of the castle grounds.

  Releasing Callan and giving him a small shove back, Nyja turned to face Charlotte. Almost a foot taller, the faerie towered above her, but Charlotte stood firm, eyes flashing violet with rage.

  Fingering the torn fabric of her tunic, Nyja touched the place Charlotte’s dagger had struck. “Vicious little rat!” she spat, lunging for her with an outstretched hand.

  Callan moved with lightning speed, his sword angled at the back of her neck. “Don’t,” he warned, pressing the sharp blade down towards her soft skin. Less than an inch away, he paused, his blade meeting the unseen barrier of her shield. He didn’t have the power to break her defences.

  Lips pulled back in a leering grin, Nyja laughed, stepping closer to him. “You think you can harm me, Callan? Not one of you can touch me now. Bow to me; save yourselves.”

  Callan didn’t move as she closed the space between them, pressing her chest against him. His impassive expression didn’t alter as she pressed her full lips to his. No one else seemed to notice.

  Can’t anyone else see this? What’s she done to him? Callan?

  “He won't answer, Charlotte. He's mine now.”

  “Like fuck he is!”

  Before she'd finished speaking, Charlotte stuck again. Her flame coated blade passed effortlessly through whatever reinforced barrier Nyja had summoned around herself, sinking into the soft flesh of her side with ease. With her full bodyweight behind her, Charlotte pushed Nyja away from him, shrieking in fury. Nyja stumbled and Charlotte almost toppled with her when Callan gripped her by the waist. The blade slid free, leaving Nyja with another gaping hole in her tunic.

  Charlotte saw the blood and looked down at her dagger. “Not impervious then?”

  Lips curling into a half smile, Nyja looked at the forces gathered before her. They’d caught up with what had happened and were poised to attack. Looking back to Charlotte, she twitched her head to the side and said, “Let’s see how you fare against my friends.”

  With a blast of shadow, Nyja pushed herself back, travelling in a graceful arc to the tree line, landing behind her wyvern. Flashing a dazzling smile at them, she turned and walked into the forest.

  Dane scowled after her before turning on his heel and walking back into the army.

  Realising they'd all been rendered useless by Nyja, Charlotte frowned turning to Callan. “Are you okay?” she whispered, glaring at his throat.

  “Fine. It’s time to end this. Be careful. Wait for me; I’ll see you soon.” He kissed her on the forehead then turned to his brother. Dagda nodded once, and the forces around them prepared to move. Locking arms, they touched foreheads before striding towards the threatening gloom.

  Her faerie guard, her friends, passed around her, leaving her standing alone. The army at their backs followed in uniform perfection.

  At their approach, the wyvern took flight, but not before a knife sailed through the air, embedding in its side. With a deafening roar, its barbed tail flailing, it paused. Wings beating, it held its position many feet above the leading team of Fae. Dagda sent an upward draft of wind, knocking the beast off balance as Izak struck its spanning, shadowed wings with lightning. Suspended in the air, it roared again at the onslaught of electricity, then turned its attention to the sky above the forest. Charlotte followed, squinting into the gathering darkness. Something moved in the thick grey sky, growing larger.

  Moving along the gravelled path towards the castle, Charlotte called their own wyvern.

  Vlasta looked down, then up to the horizon and spread her wings, silver tips glinting as they caught the light of the many torches that now lit the castle walls. Charlotte watched as Vlasta took off, then scanned the castle walls for Markus.

  We need more wyverns, Markus. I don’t know how many there are up there, but she’s sending them in!

  Not waiting for his response, she hurried back to the gates.

  Sliding to a halt, she watched as Daeva poured from the forest in droves. She couldn’t tell one faerie from another in the melee as she scanned for Callan, but the scene terrified her. Daeva poured from the forest in droves, pointed limbs angled at the heads and chests of the attacking faeries. Their numbers couldn’t be guessed; the speed at which they moved threatening to overpower the faerie and Druid force.

  She’d looked too long, she realised, as she tried to move. Frozen in terror, she watched as the demons flowed over the faeries, seemingly winning the battle. Some fell, others stumbled, but soon regained their strong, steady posture and fought on.


  I need to get a grip! These are my people; my friends. They’re being hurt. They could die and I’m cowering here, more powerful than any of them.

  I have to help…how can I help? If I use fire, I’ll risk burning them all. Shadow won’t do much against them, but it could drive the demons back.

  Pushing down into the earth, she sought additional power, drawing the strength she needed to give her family, her friends, her people, time to recover themselves. To turn the odds to their favour. Her body surged as she pulled a strong current of the earth’s power into herself. With the flow constant, she squeezed her eyes closed and sent a thick wave outward. Not looking to see if she had helped, she sent another, then stepped slowly forward taking a steadying breath. Opening her eyes, she pushed herself on, building to a run towards the recovering army. To her surprise, there were few injured. She searched for Callan as they reformed their ranks, ready for another attack. They recovered before her eyes, thanks to Alayna working from the safety of the castle, sending out waves of healing and strength to them beneath Markus’ shields.

  Thank god we have her!

  The sound of beating wings and screeching drew Charlotte’s attention. Overhead, Vlasta and the demon wyvern clashed. In a tangle of gnashing jaws and flailing tails, Vlasta coiled and twisted in the air as she fought to make contact. Her silver tipped talons, wings, and tail barbs sliced into the shadowy creature’s body, but made little impact. Twice the size of Vlasta, it appeared to be healing itself. Raising a hand, Charlotte sent a bright blast of her fire at the tail of the savage demon, hoping to give her friend a small advantage. As her fire made contact, the thing twisted in the air and dove down, jaws snapping. Vlasta gave chase, pulling up violently as she noticed Charlotte beneath.

  Able to see its features more clearly, Charlotte looked directly into the open maw of the beast. Three rows of black fangs filled her vision, plummeting towards her upturned face.

  It’s exactly the same as the small ones.

  In a spray of violet and black, her shadow-fire shot directly into its open mouth, burning and tearing at its insides. It hurtled towards her; sharp, dangerous teeth ready to rip her apart.

  “Charlotte!” Callan bellowed as the creature rushed to meet her. Her fire died and she looked to him as the wyvern collided with her unseen shield, disintegrating in a plume of black dust, clouding her view.

  “Callan! I’m fine, I was looking for you!” she called, moving through the settling haze of powdered blood.

  He gripped her arm and pulled her close. “You’re supposed to be back there.”

  “Nyja isn’t back there, Callan; she’s in the forest,” she said, turning towards the trees.

  And I’m here to kill her.

  A deep shadow passed overhead, leading another wave of demons rushing from the forest. Callan pushed her behind him, angling his sword to attack.

  “She’s got more wyverns, Callan. I’ve told Markus, but I don’t know if he’s sent more out.”

  Stepping around him, she drew her dagger as he cut down a Daeva running directly at her. “Where are you going?” he shouted after her as
she walked towards the Daeva filled forest. She didn’t look back.

  After her. She’s hiding in there somewhere. You handle this lot. I’ll be back. I love you.

  She heard him swear and yell for Dane as the gloom of the forest swallowed her.

  Strangely, the Daeva ignored her as she picked her way over ferns, tree roots and uneven ground. Their numbers seemed infinite as she passed. Glancing over her shoulder, sure Callan hadn’t followed, she stopped and lay a fire at her feet. As it spread in straight lines to her right and left, she used the light to her advantage and checked her surroundings. The thousands of Daeva turned their attention to her, heads twisted at odd angles in curiosity. As they began to inch closer to her, the flames sprang up, tinting the forest a deep shade of purple.

  Wash them out.

  At the command, her flames sped back the way she’d come, chasing the Daeva from their hiding places and onto the waiting blades of Callan and their allied forces. Stopping safely before the forest’s edge, her fire traced its way back, destroying everything in its path as it returned to her. She listened carefully. The faeries and Druids followed her flames, moving almost silently through the forest. Higher, a battle raged overhead. Unable to see beyond the canopy of the trees, she assumed that Vlasta fought the incoming wyverns and hoped she had some help.

  Twigs snapped and ferns rustled behind her and Charlotte knew it was time to move on. Her fire left the ground and shrank down to a single, flickering flame nestled in her relaxed palm. Dagger gripped tight in her right hand, she walked into the now dark forest, hunting down her enemy.

  Another wave of demons passed and avoided her, seeking out the faeries, picking their way closer. Charlotte felt for people out ahead and found no one.

  Where’s she hiding? Who starts a fight then hides? Bloody coward.


  Not disappointed at the lack of reply, Charlotte kept walking until she found a small clearing. Pausing, she mustered the courage to call to Nyja again.

  “Come on, Nyja! Why are you hiding? I know you thought this was an easy win, but you aren’t defeated yet! You have, what? A third of your demons left? One wyvern? They’re all busy. It’s just me. No Callan. No Dane.”

  The slender knife sank into her hip in what felt like slow motion. Stomach clenching, eyes rolling back, Charlotte fought to mask the excruciating pain. Her shield responded, shadow healing the wound and numbing the pain before Nyja retracted the blade. Sinews and tissues knitted back together, blood flow halted, and the blade came out clean.

  Charlotte spun, slashing at Nyja’s abdomen, and dropped to the ground in a crouch. Her shield pressed outward in a solid blast, knocking Nyja back. The tiny flame remained dancing around the wrist of her left hand.

  Keep the shield up! Stupid! Play the game. Drag it out. If you’re smart about it, you can take her.

  As Nyja corrected her posture, Charlotte rose, clicking her tongue as she swept a foot around in front of her to check for obstacles.

  “Sloppy, Princess. Very sloppy. But then, your father told me you were completely useless with a blade.”

  At the mention of Petr, Nyja snarled, flame coating her arms. “I must admit, I’m surprised you came to me, Charlotte. I expected to drag you from Callan’s cold, dead arms.”

  “You won’t harm him, Nyja. Whatever front you gave for chasing him, whatever they believe, I know you loved him.” Charlotte gave her a wry smile. “That much was obvious from you stalking us in Glasgow. All of this is because he spurned you.”

  Nyja held her under her hateful gaze. “Perceptive little beast. I’ll have him when you’re dead.”

  Charlotte laughed. “Make your mind up: you’re planning to kill him, or you aren’t. There isn’t a faerie alive would touch you now, Nyja,” she said, shaking her head in pity. “A shame, because you really are beautiful. You’d have been the perfect trophy, if it weren’t for that malicious streak and your forked tongue.”

  “Trophy! That’s something coming from their pet human,” Nyja spat, circling her.

  “I’m not their pet. I’m their friend, Nyja. They’re my family and I love them. Maybe if you had feelings, a little bit of empathy, you’d have had the same. Perhaps Callan could have loved you and never found me. It’s sad really, how your jealousy, your thirst for power cost you everything.” She stepped carefully to the side as she kept the princess talking, assessing the small clearing they occupied, looking for emerging faerie soldiers. “It’s a gripping tale, though. I’ll be glad to tell it to the kids when I get home.”

  Nyja’s lips twitched up into a sneer. “You fu—”

  “Ah, yes, I know. I’m a fucking bitch, Nyja” Charlotte sang, allowing her flame to spread around her hand. “Now you have two choices. Let me take your power, or die trying to kill me. Which is it?”

  Nyja flinched at the threat of losing the power she’d taken so easily. Charlotte grinned and began drawing power from deep within the ground.

  She realised the army was coming closer as Nyja fell silent, seething, deciding whether now was the time to attack.

  Now. Away from them. No one getting caught up in it. They can’t be close enough to stop this. Need to do it now…

  Twenty -nine

  In a burst of power, Charlotte attacked. Flame and shadow engulfed Nyja’s willowy form as Charlotte drove her dagger into the ground. With a shriek of fury, Nyja blocked the attack and retaliated, knocking Charlotte to the ground. Before she could react, Nyja grabbed her around the throat and effortlessly lifted her into the air. With slender fingers wrapped around her neck, Nyja squeezed as Charlotte kicked and bucked, fighting to free herself. Her fire leapt to her defence, searing up Nyja’s arm, forcing her to release her grip with a hiss.

  “Is that it?” Charlotte rasped, coughing as she sucked in precious air.

  Remember what you saw in the vision. The fire. Create that and put an end to this.

  Nyja examined her scorched hand as Charlotte recovered and listened. The Fae were drawing closer. She was running out of time. Tearing her dagger from the ground, Charlotte charged and her weapon connected with Nyja’s shoulder, sinking in deep. Allowing herself a small smile, she poured her power into the supple leather of the hilt. Nyja screamed in pain as shadow and heat channelled into her body.

  Gripping tightly, fingers entwined in the hair at the nape of Nyja’s neck, Charlotte growled through clenched teeth, “You won’t win this. I’ll offer you a pardon if you stop now.”

  Despite the pain of Charlotte’s ravaging attack, Nyja laughed.

  “You’re going to die, Princess. Are they worth it?” she growled as her hands reached up and gripped Charlotte on the sides of her head.

  Your fragile human body can’t take what mine can. You’ll die in vain, Charlotte. Their sacrificial lamb. You can’t kill me. Certainly not with my own family’s blade.

  Charlotte let out a shrill and piercing scream as Nyja countered with her own shadow-fire. Throbbing, searing heat flowed into her body, her head feeling as though it may burst, her body pulled taut as her own power rallied to protect her.

  She heard voices, but couldn’t place them as she fought to survive the tumultuous attack.

  Her power responded with defensive measures, shielding her from the raw energy that Nyja relentlessly pushed into her body. Charlotte slumped, exhausted, and Nyja let her fall.

  Pulling the dagger from her shoulder, the faerie laughed, smirking at the blade as Charlotte slumped in an awkward heap on the ground. Prone at Nyja’s feet, sucking in rasping, heavy breaths, she tried to recover herself.

  Get up! I must get up!

  How is she healing so quickly?

  The voices were closer. Callan called her name as they rushed through the dark forest to find her. Nyja looked up in their direction, then down at Charlotte and sighed. “Well, now I have you under control, I suppose I should go and kill them. They’re all that stand between me and my throne now. I’ll let you watch.”

the dagger once more, she said, “You can hold onto this.” With a swift, downward thrust, the dagger embedded into Charlotte’s open palm. The sharp point made easy work of slicing through flesh and bone, skewering her hand against the forest floor.

  Charlotte groaned, already overcome with pain from the shadow-fire ravaging her body, she barely registered the new wound. As she glanced at the dagger, her bracelet slid free of her tunic. With so little natural light left beneath the canopy of trees, she was surprised at the dim glow from within the filigree charm. Losing herself in its beauty, she momentarily forgot her pain. It shone with its own power.

  The moonstone...

  Nyja grinned down at her. “Your husband is here. You can die together. The perfect, romantic end to your doomed affair.”

  “Charlotte!” He called her name again and tears welled in her eyes.

  No! I was supposed to keep them safe. I must keep them safe. What Rona saw…good. Be good…

  The stone. The ring. The fire…

  The fire…

  Nyja knelt beside her and whispered in her ear, “He’s coming for you, Princess; only he’s too late.”

  Nyja’s confidence, how assured she was in her victory, the realisation of what Rona's vision meant, gave Charlotte a surge of renewed determination.

  With a grunt, Charlotte threw up her shield. The dagger, still firmly planted in the ground, allowing her to channel, a last effort to end her nightmare and to keep her family and friends safe.

  Charlotte, get out!

  She groaned hearing his voice inside her head. He wasn't supposed to be there yet.

  I can’t, Dane. I’m stuck. It’s okay; I can finish this. Just get Callan away. Get everyone away!

  No, Lottie! Please, get yourself out!

  I’m here to do a job. Let me do what I came here for. Please…tell the kids…tell Callan. I’m sorry. I love you. I love you all.


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