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Matilda's Freedom

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by Téa Cooper

  Matilda’s Freedom

  Matilda’s Freedom

  Téa Cooper

  An unconventional woman clashes with colonial society in this spicy and sweet Australian-set historical romance.

  His carefree bachelor days over, Christopher Matcham returns to Sydney to take responsibility for his mother, two stepsisters, and the family property. Fortune smiles on him when he is introduced to Matilda Sweet, a woman in need of work. Though unusual, Christopher senses that her fresh ideals and positive outlook can only benefit his sisters, so he hires her as a companion.

  By the time they arrive at Christopher’s family home, the two are fast friends. But Matilda’s unorthodox ways and her convict heritage make her a second class citizen to the family. Christopher has responsibilities, and they include an advantageous match. A breeches-wearing, fish-pond-swimming, plain-talking convict’s daughter will never figure in. After all, romance is a luxury the upper classes cannot afford…

  About the Author

  Téa Cooper lives in a stone cottage on one hundred acres of bushland, just outside the time-warp village of Wollombi. When she is not writing, Téa can be found haunting the local museum or chatting to the locals, who provide her with a never-ending source of inspiration.


  Where to begin? First and foremost, thanks to my critique partners Eva Scott and Annie Seaton who were there from the first moment Matilda drew breath. I’d also like to acknowledge Carl Hoipo—Wollombi’s favourite historian—for his invaluable assistance, The Gate Gallery for allowing me to steal their name, and everyone in Wollombi today. You’ve all been so encouraging.

  Further afield, I would also like to thank Escape Publishing and Kate Cuthbert for offering me this opportunity, and all the members of Romance Writers Australia for their ongoing support and friendship.

  To Katy, with all my love, always.


  About the Author


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Bestselling Titles by Escape Publishing…

  Chapter One

  Sydney, Autumn 1856

  ‘Paris is a city of contradictions—rich and poor, the glamorous and the debauched—and I loved every moment of it.’

  Christopher Matcham turned his head as the girl’s breath caught, although he was uncertain whether the sound was from shock or delight. In another situation, he might have interpreted it as a sign of pleasure. Rocking back in his chair, he stared across the table at the delectable Miss Matilda Sweet.

  Matilda radiated vitality and vivacity. In the flickering candlelight, her skin had an almost amber hue, highlighting her honeyed hair. Her wide eyes beckoned to him, and a tiny pulse flickered along her elegant neck. She might be a currency lass and of convict stock, but her looks were far from disappointing. She was so different from the women of Sydney society—and that of Paris.

  ‘Kit, I think you’re getting worse with age instead of better. Remember, there are ladies present.’

  The delighted grin on Emily Bainbridge’s face belied her husband’s words. ‘Richard, don’t be such a stuffed shirt. I would love to hear about Paris. We get so little news from elsewhere, and I’m sure Matilda doesn’t mind.’

  The girl smiled and lowered her eyes behind lashes that would have done a courtesan proud. Her hand fluttered to the column of her throat.

  ‘I am totally fascinated. I cannot imagine what Paris must be like. They say half the world visited the city for the Exhibition Universelle.’

  Matilda’s low contralto rippled across his skin like a warm brandy, and the temptation to lean across the table and inhale her scent was almost overpowering. Clearing his throat, Christopher dragged his eyes away from her generous mouth and made an effort to pay due attention to his host and hostess.

  ‘Paris is certainly a fascinating city, full of intriguing layers. The upper classes cling to the skirts of the Emperor and Empress while on the seamier side, the commoners flex their muscles and enjoy life. The cafés are open day and night, and the entertainment is outrageous. La chahut dancers have claimed the streets as their own. Their acrobatic skills are phenomenal. The dancers kick their legs so high they can remove a man’s hat and then, of course, display delightful glimpses of their under—’

  Richard coughed and placed a restraining hand on Christopher’s arm. ‘Kit, I think perhaps we should adjourn to my study for brandy and cigars while the ladies talk.’ He pushed himself to his feet.

  ‘Sit down, Richard. You will do no such thing. Please, Kit—continue.’ Emily turned to Matilda. ‘Matilda and I are enthralled, are we not?’

  Matilda’s head dropped in a demure nod that did little to camouflage the impudent grin on her face or the flash in her brilliant blue eyes. The cheeky minx was enjoying every moment of it.

  ‘You were about to tell us about their undergarments, I think.’

  ‘Emily, that is enough!’

  He’d known Richard and Emily long enough to talk in front of them in such a risqué manner. They were apart from the hidebound colonial society of Sydney—why else would they entertain the daughter of a convict?

  ‘I’ll attempt to temper my remarks, Richard, but I must still satisfy the ladies’ curiosity.’ He turned to them. ‘The dancers wear skirts shorter than fashion decrees, just grazing their ankles, and their voluminous petticoats are frilled. With each high kick, they display much of their petticoats and long pantaloons. It’s all very much in fun, of course.’

  Just as Kit had anticipated, colour blossomed on her cheeks. To watch those cobalt eyes widen and the tinge of pink rise on her cheeks was to risk temptation. A shiver of anticipation streaked across his groin; he found himself shifting in his seat. Richard was right—all this talk of petticoats and high kicks had to stop. It was disconcerting for him to be so aroused while sitting at the dinner table. Still, something about the girl intrigued him.

  ‘Mr Matcham …’ Matilda’s moist, pink tongue traced her lips.

  ‘Christopher, in fact, but everyone calls me Kit.’

  ‘Kit.’ Her voice turned the word into a caress. ‘I would very much like to hear about the Exhibition Universelle.’

  A change of subject.

  ‘Superlatives seem to fit the bill—enormous, impressive, startling. The site stretched across forty acres along the Avenues de Champs-Élysées, and over five million people attended during the six months the exhibition was open. I believe there were representatives there from over thirty-four countries.’ He watched her lean forward, her face captivating in the candlelight. ‘I found the industrial arts exhibition hall particularly interesting. I have imported some machinery from the event for my vineyard in Wollombi and also some stock from Bordeaux. France has recently introduced a classification system for wine, so a small number of us in the Hunter Valley have begun to plant grapes. Some of the original vines from the First Fleet ended up there, you know.’

  Matilda twirled her fingers around the stem of her glass and then lifted it to her lips. She sniffed delicately befor
e taking a small sip, almost as if she was trying to immerse herself in his words and the wine.

  Mon dieu.

  Christopher continued, watching those full lips as they almost caressed the glass. ‘The King and Queen also paid a visit to the event. Emily, you would have loved the beautiful, handpainted floral silks. The designs could have been taken straight from your garden. The Queen was particularly taken with them, and I believe Albert intends to design a dress from them for her.’

  ‘We shall have to think twice about our spring wardrobes then, Matilda, will we not?’

  ‘That is not something I will be doing for a while.’ Her satiny-smooth shoulders rose and fell as she sighed, her elegant fingers interlacing as she rested her chin on them. She stared into the flickering candles at the centre of the table. He had no idea what she was seeing in those flames, but it appeared her mind was no longer on the delights of Paris.

  ‘Now, Kit, what about those political aspirations you were nurturing before you left for Paris?’ Richard asked. ‘Do you intend to pursue them now you are home?’

  ‘An interesting question.’ He glanced at Matilda, who had grown quiet and distant. It was almost as if she were no longer in the room. ‘As you know, I wasn’t anticipating returning home for another twelve months, but my trip was cut short when I received news of my stepfather’s untimely passing. My mother has taken it very hard and has been confined to her bed.’ He frowned. ‘I think I will put my plans on hold until I have the new vines planted and the mechanised mower in working order. I know my mother won’t be happy, but my responsibility to her and my step-sisters far outweigh any political ambitions.’

  ‘Very noble sentiments, Kit. I commend you. Your mother’s gain, however, is our loss. As soon as you are settled and able to return to Sydney, we will discuss it further.’

  Kit turned his attention back to Matilda and mulled over Richard’s earlier comments. Apparently, the girl had suffered a family tragedy and was looking for some way of supporting herself. Most women would have run screaming to their nearest male relative for charity, not taken the weight on their own delectable shoulders.

  He should make his offer sooner rather than later. Matilda needed a position, and his stepsisters needed a companion—someone to keep them amused and out of harm’s way. It would be a good match. Plus, she appeared to be a well-brought-up girl despite her dubious heritage, and her experience of country life could be an added advantage.

  Time was of the essence.

  Chapter Two

  Kit stood behind Matilda’s chair and eased it backward to help her rise. His hands rested on the timber uprights, the heat of his body warming her. A faint prickle of awareness rippled across her skin as his sleeve brushed her arm.

  She was being ridiculous—this was chivalry, good manners, and nothing more. She’d spent most of her life working shoulder-to-shoulder with her father and the itinerant labourers he’d employed on their paltry holdings, and yet she had never reacted this way before.

  The dark rumble of his voice sent shivers down her spine. He settled her hand in the crook of his arm and led her down the passageway to the sitting room.

  ‘May I say how delightful you look this evening? Being my first night back in Australia, it is a wonderful reminder of how much I have been missing.’

  Christopher raked her with a sizzling glance. The compliment pleased her but she knew it meant nothing. How could a simple Australian girl compete with the Parisians? Nevertheless, she found that she enjoyed the novelty, for such a thing would never have happened at home.

  Home, she mused. No, it was no longer home but simply an investment for the future—a piece of paper. The fire had taken care of the rest. She had much to arrange before she could call it home again, and the most pressing concern was to find a position … and, eventually, a husband.

  Kit led Matilda to the sofa and seated her next to Emily.

  ‘Kit was kind enough to bring us some coffee,’ Emily said, offering her a cup.

  Matilda accepted it. ‘It’s quite a luxury.’ As steam rose from the cup, she closed her eyes and inhaled. The smell was strange and almost burned. She would have preferred a cup of tea from a billy and with a hint of eucalyptus, but she wasn’t about to offend her hosts after they had been so very kind. They had offered her accommodation at the drop of a hat; if only the rest of her problems could be so easily solved.

  ‘So, Matilda, tell me what the most important things are for you in Sydney? Friends, the theatre, dressmakers?’ Kit pinned her with a fixed stare. Her cup rattled slightly in the saucer, and she gripped it more firmly as he continued. ‘It is a great pity I shall be leaving tomorrow evening for Morpeth. I would have been delighted to show you some of the sights and reacquaint myself at the same time.’

  ‘It is more important that I find a position than visit the dressmaker,’ she stated bluntly.

  ‘Matilda is looking for some form of employment to tide her over until the matter of her family estate is finalised,’ Richard said. She silently thanked him for stepping in and covering her outburst.

  ‘I think perhaps we could come to an arrangement that may suit both our situations.’ The mood in the room changed in an instant. Emily’s gaze was on Kit as he stood up and rested his arm along the mantelpiece.

  Whatever did he have in mind? The way his eyes had been following her all evening made Matilda wonder if he was going to proposition her right in the middle of the Bainbridge’s’ sitting room.

  ‘It seems to me that we both have something to offer each other.’

  Oh, good heavens! Surely he hadn’t noticed the way she had been watching him or the strange bumps and slides of her insides.

  ‘I am in need of someone of your age, patience and good humour.’ Was he going to suggest that she dance for him, perhaps kick his hat off his head? It would have to be an extremely high kick. He towered over her, making her feel small and strangely feminine—or maybe that was just due to the dress she had borrowed. Whatever the reason for his words, her face grew hot.

  ‘I require a lady to act as companion and governess to my stepsisters Hannah and Beth. Since their father’s death, my mother …’

  Matilda swallowed excitedly, and the sound seemed to echo around the room. She glanced at her aunt’s smiling face and couldn’t shake the distinct feeling she had been set-up.

  ‘Pray continue,’ Mrs Bainbridge said. Matilda turned her gaze to the nonchalant figure now draped across the overstuffed armchair opposite her. His long legs stretched out in front of him. He was a picture of masculine contentment.

  How could he be so relaxed? A curl of excitement was brewing like a summer storm in her chest. The temperature in the room became almost unbearable. She wanted to fling the windows open and snatch any stray breath of air.

  He was offering her a job, and a position in his household. She’d be able to support herself and keep her family property—it was simply too good to be true.

  Kit cleared his throat. ‘It may be inappropriate, and you might not be prepared to travel unaccompanied, but I am leaving tomorrow evening on the steamer for Morpeth. From there, I will travel onwards to Wollombi. It is imperative I return home immediately to ensure the well-being of my mother and stepsisters. If you would be prepared to accompany me, I could offer you the position when we arrive.’ He paused.

  Terrified her mouth was gaping open from excitement, Matilda bit her lip. Was he expecting her to throw a fit of the vapours at the thought of travelling with a man? Certainly not. She had every intention of making the most of the situation—any situation.

  ‘Of course, if you feel it is inappropriate or I have been too forward …’

  Matilda turned to her uncle and smiled. She hardly had a reputation to consider, and women of her background were more concerned with practicalities than station. Ever since her mother’s death, she had been surrounded by male company and had been living on the farm with her father and the property farmhands. But now her father was gone.
/>   The ever-present tears threatened to well up again.

  Closing her eyes, she pushed the memory of the blazing inferno to the back of her mind. She would not dwell on it; the pain was still too raw.

  Travelling unaccompanied was hardly an issue, for she’d recently made the journey alone from Bathurst to Sydney by coach. She needed advice. ‘Uncle Richard, what do you think?’

  ‘I can vouch for Kit. This sounds like the perfect solution to me, Matilda—at least for the time being. I can arrange the lease on the farm for you from here, so there is nothing keeping you in Sydney.’

  The swirl of excitement continued to build in her stomach. ‘Aunt Emily?’

  ‘It’s a wonderful opportunity, and you will enjoy Wollombi. It is hardly Sydney but has become a thriving township in recent years, and this will give you the opportunity to meet new people.’

  ‘I don’t know how to thank you all.’ Matilda leaned across and grasped her aunt’s hand.

  ‘And I can put you in touch with Richard’s niece, Lily, and her husband, Tom. They live only a few hours’ ride from Wollombi. I believe Bonnie is also in Wollombi now, isn’t she, Richard?’


  ‘Forgive my interruption,’ Kit broke in, ‘but I believe Bonnie is the name of my mother’s current housekeeper. At the moment, she has the privilege of keeping an eye on my two stepsisters, for my mother has been most unwell since Barclay’s death. Could this be the Bonnie you mentioned?’

  ‘Oh, I have no doubt she is one and the same. She acted as companion to Lily at Wordsworth and accompanied her to Sydney afterwards. There was also all that business with horse thieves, but you would have missed all of that while you were in Paris. It was the talk of the colony.’ Emily’s twinkling smile seemed to light up the room as she looked around at her guests. ‘But that’s a story for another day. So since we are all well-acquainted, I can see no reason why Matilda shouldn’t accompany Kit to Wollombi. I have no doubt his mother and stepsisters will be thrilled by the notion.’


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