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John Constable

Page 39

by Anthony Bailey

  Fontaine (destitute organist) 165–6, 253

  Fonthill, Wiltshire 141–2

  Forbin, Comte Auguste de 159

  Forster, Thomas: Researches about Atmospheric Phaenomena 128

  France: at war with 16, 31, 33, 82, 77, 172; Constable’s success in 159–60; John Charles Constable in 283

  Freer, Mary: portrait of (1809) 46

  Freud, Lucian xv, 319

  Frick, Henry Clay 316

  Frith, Mr (music teacher) 200

  Frith, W.P. 207, 222, 235

  Frost, George 17, 34, 307

  Fry, Roger 318

  Fuseli, Henry 22, 31, 126, 139

  Gainsborough, Thomas 12, 16, 19, 25, 29, 36, 37, 45, 53, 210, 229, 257, 269, 297, 307

  Gardner, David 38

  Gardner, George 38

  Gates, John 7

  Gentleman’s Magazine 77, 194, 260

  George III 7, 19, 34, 49, 92, 114, 137

  George IV (formerly Prince Regent) 49–50, 98, 114, 116, 148, 153, 226, 230

  Géricault, Théodore 122, 150

  Gessner, Saloman 87

  Gillingham, Dorset 117, 118, 141, 142, 168, 198

  Gillingham Mill (1826) 168, 171, 177

  Gilpin, William 126

  On Picturesque Beauty 16

  Girtin, Thomas 12, 39, 45, 176, 270

  Glebe Farm, The (1830) 204, 295, 317

  Godfrey, Mrs 59, 178–9

  Godfrey, Peter 5, 59, 72, 73, 109, 135

  Godfrey, Philadelphia see Fitzhugh, Philadelphia

  Gooch, Dr Robert 120, 137, 173, 187, 188, 251–2, 304

  Gosse, Philip 240

  Grimwood, Dr Thomas 2, 3, 4, 8, 47

  Gubbins, James (Constable’s cousin) 16, 72, 77

  Gubbins, James (Constable’s uncle) 36

  Gubbins, Mary (née Watts) 36, 92

  Gubbins, Colonel Richard 72, 175

  Gubbins family 46, 55, 68

  Gunn, Martha 158

  Hackert, Philipp 272

  Hadleigh Castle (The Nore) (1829) 192–4, 256, 308

  Ham House, Richmond, Surrey 25, 42

  Hamerton, Philip G. 314, 317

  Hampstead 108, 109, 130, 131; Constable’s homes: Albion Cottage 109, Lower Terrace 123, 125, Stamford Place 140, Langham Place 173–4, Well Walk House 175–6, 178, 180, 186, 188, 207, 228, 308; St John’s church (Maria’s tomb) 188; West End Fields 215, 263; see also Hampstead Heath

  Hampstead Heath 123, 125–6, 127–8, 132; spa waters 109, 176; Constable pictures 130, 131–2, 163, 178, 317, and see below

  Hampstead Heath (1821) 120

  Hampstead Heath (1827) 177

  Hampstead Heath (1828) 182, 184

  Hampstead Heath with a Rainbow 317

  Hampstead Heath with Harrow in the Distance 317–18

  Hampstead Heath with London in the Distance (1830) 207

  Harden, Jessy 38

  Harden, John 38

  Harris, Thomas 151

  Harrow (1821) 120

  Hart, Mrs 179

  Harwich Lighthouse (1821) 115, 116; (1824) 160, 317

  Haverfield, J.D. 310

  Hay Wain, The (Landscape: Noon) (1821) 120–21, 122–3, 128, 135, 137, 140, 150, 151, 159, 308, 316, 317

  Haydon, Benjamin R. 22, 40, 45–6, 101, 111, 131, 199, 250, 292

  Hazlitt, William 178 ‘Immortality in Youth’ 211

  Heathcote, Katherine Sophia (née Manners), Lady: portrait of 60, 64, 67, 94

  Hebbert, Henry 188, 307

  Helmingham Dell (1830) 215, 246

  Helmingham Park, Suffolk 25–6, 42, 70, 85, 104, 207

  Henderson, John 64, 133

  Hervieu, Auguste 288

  Hill, David: Constable’s ‘English Landscape’ Scenery 278

  Hobson, William, and family: portraits of 37

  Hogarth, William 14, 15, 269

  Holmes, Charles 318

  Hooch, Pieter de 234–5, 268–9

  Hopkins, John 253

  Hopkins, Theresa 253

  Hopkins, Captain William 280, 294

  Hoppner, John 21, 42

  Houses of Parliament: fire (1834) 260–61

  Howard, Henry 226

  Howard, Luke: Climate of London 128

  Howard, Thomas 268

  Huet, Paul 314

  Hunt, Robert: reviews 65, 106, 122, 135, 171

  Huntington, H.E. 316

  Hurlock, Reverend Brooke 19

  Hurlock, Lucy 16, 19, 27

  Hurlock, William 82

  Inglis, James 198

  Inglis, Jane (née Mason) 198, 272

  Ipswich Journal 45, 225; Dr Rhudde’s obituary 107–8

  Jackson, John 45, 46, 81, 149, 183–4, 193, 195, 249

  Jennings, W.G. 307

  John Bull (weekly) 151, 184, 245, 305

  Johnson, John G. 316

  Jones, George 22, 191

  Journal de Paris 152–3

  Judkin, Reverend Thomas 140, 152, 153–4, 288, 304, 306

  Stolen Moments 154

  Keats, John 39, 40, 131, 146

  Kebbell, Mr (curate) 51

  King, Joseph 100

  King, Stilleman: school 3–4

  Landscape – breaking up of a shower (1818) 102

  Landscape: Noon see Haywain, The Landseer, Edwin 195, 277

  Lane, Samuel 22, 101, 103, 110, 117, 243, 245, 252–3, 288; Constable to 133, 181, 299

  Lavenham School, Suffolk 4, 203, 282

  Lawrence, Sir Thomas 65, 112, 243; views on Constable’s work 52, 169, 199; as President of the Academy 114, 116–17; awarded Legion of Honour by Charles X 160; pictures praised by Constable 183–4; and Constable’s election as Academician 191; death and funeral 199; effects sold 209

  Leaping Horse, The (1825) 161–2, 163, 164, 170, 173, 308

  Lee, F.R. 198, 244

  Lenox, Colonel James 316

  Leonardo da Vinci: Trattura (Treatise) 13–14, 127

  Leslie, Ann 230

  Leslie, Charles R.: meets Constable 97–8; loses to him in Associate election 110; becomes full Academician 169; recognises Maria’s illness is terminal 185; witnesses Chantrey altering Hadleigh Castle 194; dines with Constable 195; unable to visit him due to toothache 200; admires Constable’s ‘daub’ 209; finds draft of dedication to English Landscape 218; views Constable’s ‘Paradise’ at Life Academy 222; at Constable dinner 226; supports Constable after illness 229–30; sends him a de Hooch copy 234; takes teaching post in America 247–8; returns to England 248–9; moves to Rossi’s house 250; with his family at Petworth House 257, 258, 259; sketches with Constable 258; invited to his lectures 267, 270–71; invited to see The Valley Farm 277–8; friendship with Constable 286, 287; artistic talents 286; on Arrangement Committee (1836) 288; at Academy farewell dinner 292; dines with Constable and Wilkie 294; New Year’s celebrations with Constable 296; witnesses his generosity 300; and Constable’s death 302, 303; exhibits Arundel Mill on Constable’s behalf 305; advises Constable’s son 306; organises donation of The Cornfield to National Gallery 306; auctions Constable’s work 307; publishes Constable biography 312–14, see Memoirs… (below)

  Constable’s letters and remarks to 181–2, 189–90, 193, 194, 202, 203, 204, 223, 225, 227, 228, 229, 230, 232, 233, 234, 235, 237, 239, 240, 241, 243, 244, 247–8, 257, 261, 263, 265, 267, 268, 280, 281, 282–3, 288, 294, 298

  Autobiographical Reflections 314

  Autolycus selling his wares 286–7

  Handbook for Young Painters 315

  Memoirs of the Life of John Constable xv–xvi, xvii, 10; on Sir George Beaumont 143, 144; on Constable: character 111, 287, 300, as collector 33, as copyist of portraits 42, as father 101, 200, lectures 270–71, painting habits 220, 221, 258, sketching Houses of Parliament fire 261, visiting the theatre 178; on Constable’s works: altarpieces 36, Cottage in a Cornfield 98, Dedham Vale: Morning 52, English Landscape 219, Hadleigh Castle 194, landscapes 38, 196, nudes 22, Salisbury Cathedral 224, sky studies 127, Whitehall Stairs 231, 232; on Maria Constable 145, 185, 188; on T
urner’s Helvoetsluys 231; on Van de Velde 126; see also Constable’s letters and remarks (above)

  Uncle Toby and the Widow Wadman 178, 251, 286

  Leslie, George 230

  Leslie, Harriet 230, 248, 286, 296, 302

  Leslie, Harriet Jane 248

  Leslie, Mary 259

  Leslie, Robert 201, 249, 259–60, 280–81, 312, 316

  Lewis, Henry Greswolde 46, 119, 181, 190; portrait of 67

  Leydenhall see Salisbury

  Linnell, John 109, 138, 178, 251–2

  Michael Angelo’s Frescoes in the Sistine Chapel 252

  Linwood, Mary 29

  Literary and Scientific Society of Hampstead 265, 270, 293, 303

  Literary Gazette 102, 138, 139, 150, 194, 224, 276–7, 292

  Literary Souvenir (annual) 261

  Lloyd, Charles 39, 40

  Lloyd, Sophia 39

  Lock, The (1824) 128, 149, 150, 210; mezzotints 217, 261, 274, 275; 1825 version 166

  London, Constable’s homes in: 23 Cecil St 18; 52 Upper Norton St 21; 50 Rathbone Place 24, 27; Percy St 44; 49 Frith St 45; 63 Charlotte St 55, 64–5, 109; 1 Keppel St 96, 113, 121, 133; 35 Charlotte St 133–4, 165, 175, 239, 308; see also Hampstead

  London Magazine 181

  Lott, John 50

  Lott, Willy 50; his cottage 70, 105, 275, 278, 320

  Loutherbourg, Philippe de 178, 272

  Louvre, Paris 159–60, 180, 283, 314

  Lucas, David: background 210; on Constable and Dunthorne 10–11; on Lawrence 199; works with Constable on English Landscape prints 210–11, 212–14, 216, 217, 218, 219, 261–2, 263, 265–6, 278, 300, 307; on Stothard and Constable 249; relationship with Constable 261–2, 263–4, 295; fails election to Academy 264; brought linseed oil by Abram Constable 283–4; Constable’s letters and remarks to xvi, 73, 220, 235, 236, 271, 291, 293, 300; death 307

  Lucas, Mrs 295

  Ludgate, Mrs 246–7

  Ludgate, Robert 246

  Lyell, Charles: Principles of Geology 240

  Maclise, Daniel 220

  Constable (c. 1831) 220, 221

  Malta (collier) 185

  Malvern Hall, nr Solihull 46, 181, 190

  Malvern Hall (1822) 135

  Manners, Lady Louisa see Dysart, Countess of

  Manning, Sarah 91, 154, 156

  Manning, William 91, 133, 154

  Manningtree church, Suffolk: The Risen Christ (1821) 123, 134, 136

  Markfield House, Tottenham 37

  Mason, Anne (née Parmenter) 76, 256

  Mason, William 76, 84, 104, 107, 256

  Meier-Graefe, Julius 297–8, 318–19

  Modern Art 318

  Mellon, Andrew 316

  Mellon, Paul 316

  Mermaid (1828 sketch) 190, 190

  Michel, Anne 205

  Michele, Mr (medical man) 301, 303

  Mill Stream, The (1811–14) 278

  Milton, John 195, 218, 229, 271

  Mirehouse, Elizabeth (née Fisher) 139, 142, 166

  Monet, Claude: Hyde Park scenes 317

  Monro, Henry 45

  Monro, Dr Thomas 45

  Montagu, Sir Samuel 318

  More, Jacob 272

  Morgan, Captain Elisha 249. 294

  Morgan, J.P. 316, 318

  Morley, Countess of 244

  Morning Chronicle 139, 163, 194, 224, 232, 245–6, 303

  Morning Herald 102, 291

  Morning Post 177, 224, 232, 245, 276, 291, 303

  Morrison, James 149, 150

  Mulready, William 22, 81, 295

  Munro, Hugh 292

  Napoleon Bonaparte 16, 31, 34, 77, 79

  National Gallery, London 137, 143, 299, 306, 317

  Nayland church, Suffolk: Christ Blessing the Bread and Wine (c. 1807) 36, 43, 115; restoration 204

  New Monthly Magazine, The 76, 177

  News, The 277

  Newton, Gilbert Stuart 101, 261

  Nixon, J.M. 288

  Noble, Sophia: school 200, 203, 206, 282, 299

  Nodier, Charles 122, 150

  Noon (print) 215, 263

  Nore, The see Hadleigh Castle

  Northcote, James 22, 42

  Memoirs of Sir Joshua Reynolds, Bart. 67

  Observer 122, 223, 247, 277, 290–91

  Old Hall (1801) 29

  Old Sarum, Wiltshire 118, 196

  Old Sarum (watercolours) 196, 256, 256, 317; print 263

  ‘Old Smoaker’ (Brighton dipper) 158

  O’Neill, Eliza: Dawe’s portrait of 77

  Osmington, Dorset 88, 92–4, 117, 119, 137, 199, 218

  Osmington Shore (1818) 106

  Owen, William 91

  Parris, Leslie 278

  Partridge, Professor 303

  Peel, Sir Robert 228, 234

  Philadelphia (ship) 249, 294

  Phillips, Charles 101

  Phillips, Harry 141–2

  Phillips, Henry 159, 170, 174, 265

  Phillips, Thomas 110, 181, 182, 258

  Pickergill, H.W. 112, 193

  Pierce (Pearce), Reverend Thomas and Mrs: school (Folkestone) 206, 239–40, 279

  Pitt (messenger) 239, 302

  Ploughing Scene in Suffolk (1814) 69–70

  Pope (actor) 178

  Pound House school, Aldham 3–4

  Poussin, Gaspar 38

  Poussin, Nicolas 18, 24, 131, 143, 169, 267

  Pulham, Mrs: portrait of (1818) 102

  Pulham, James 160, 163, 246

  Pulham, James Brook 316

  Purton, William 255, 266, 306, 308, 313; Constable to 268

  Pyne, W.H. 159

  Rainbow – Salisbury Cathedral, The (mezzotint; 1836–7) 295–6, 300

  Raphael 12, 222, 315

  Read, David 138, 251

  Rebow, General Francis Slater 59, 87, 88, 89, 99, 263, 307

  Rebow, Mary: portrait of (1812) 59, 62

  Redgrave, Richard 111, 209, 222, 299, 314

  (with Samuel Redgrave) A Century of British Painters 313, 317

  Reform Bill (1831) 223, 228

  Reinagle, Richard Ramsay 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 27, 33–4, 111, 133, 138, 195, 235, 244

  Constable 21

  Dedham in Flood 19, 23

  Rembrandt van Rijn 53, 126, 263, 265, 267

  Revans, Mr (steward) 109, 183

  Reynolds, Graham: The Later Paintings of John Constable 209

  Reynolds, Sir Joshua 12, 15, 29–30, 42, 45, 61, 66, 85, 126, 205, 209, 210, 269, 290, 294; monument to 289–90, see Cenotaph, The Discourses 14, 23, 176, 290

  Reynolds, Samuel William 210, 265–6

  Rhudde, Dr Durand: background 50; as rector of East Bergholt 7–8, 36, 49, 50–51; and Constable’s courtship of his grand-daughter 47, 49, 50, 58–9, 60–61, 69; and Constable’s picture of East Bergholt church 51; his heart-shaped flower beds 59; 81st birthday 75; and death of daughter 76–7, 79; attentiveness to Constable family 74, 76, 135; and Constable’s disloyalty to John Dunthorne 83; ‘inveterate’ against Constable 83–4; ‘full of indignity’ that Constable does not inherit 86; reactions cease to matter to Constable 87; suggests Constable goes into the Church 88; sends Abram Constable turkey for Christmas 94; wants ‘proper apology’ from Constable 95; draws up new will 95, 105; not displeased at becoming a great-grandfather 101; disposition a concern 104–5; death 107; obituary 107–8

  Rhudde, Mrs 51, 105

  Richardson, Jonathan 29

  Road to the Spaniards, The (1822) 131

  Roberts, David 224

  Roberts, Elizabeth 123, 125, 134, 142, 153, 173, 186, 201–2, 206, 238, 280, 299, 306, 309, 310

  Robertson, Andrew 22, 306

  Robertson, Reverend 72, 75

  Robinson, Henry Crabb 163

  Robinson, Henry Peach: Fading Away 146

  Rogers, Samuel 270, 272, 286, 287–8, 302

  Romney, George 265

  Rosa, Salvator 267

  Ross, William C. 288

  Rossi, J.C.F. 250

  Rousseau, Théodore

  Rowley, Reverend Joshua 135, 236

  Royal Academy of Arts xv, 21–2, 137, 206–7, 305; Presidents 23, 106, 114, 116, 169, 191, 207; Constable admitted as Probationer 17, 18, 21, 22, and Life School student 22–3, 25, 28, 42, 55; civil war between members 34; election of Constable as Associate member 40, 42, 45, 66, 71, 74, 81, 91, 100, 102, 110–12; and death of George III 114; George IV’s birthday dinner 116–17; Constable’s election to full membership 124, 134, 137, 138, 169, 181–2, 191–2, 196, 206–7, 250, 251; Constable on Arrangement Committee 207–8, 223–4; Reynolds’s palette presented to 209; Constable’s Life School Visitorships 220, 221–2, 250, 292, 293, 298–9; ‘varnishing’ days 171, 193–4, 231, 276, 277; Lane and Lucas stand for election 252–3, 264; moves from Somerset House 292–3, 300; and exhibition of Constable’s works 317

  Exhibitions: (1797) 16; (1802) 29, 30; (1803) 33; (1804) 34; (1806) 40; (1807) 40; (1810) 44–5; (1811) 52; (1812) 54, 58, 59; (1813) 65; (1814) 69–70; (1815) 76, 85; (1816) 85; (1817) 97; (1818) 103; (1819) 105–7; (1820) 115–16; (1821) 120, 121–3; (1822) 135; (1823) 138–9; (1824) 149–50; (1825) 162, 163; (1826) 170, 171; (1827) 177; (1828) 182, 183–4; (1829) 193–4, 215; (1830) 207–9, 215; (1831) 220–21, 223–4, 233; (1832) 230–32; (1833) 242, 244–6; (1834) 256; (1835) 275–6; (1836) 288–92; (1837) 297, 305; (1847) 311; (1848) 235; (1850) 312

  Royal Institution: Constable’s lectures (1836) 267–73

  Rubens, Peter Paul 31, 36, 65, 66, 184, 234, 267, 287, 297, 302, 315

  Rush, Sir William 135

  Ruskin, John 277, 314–15, 317

  Ruysdael, Jacob van 18, 23, 27, 96, 234, 267–8, 315

  St James’s Chronicle 40, 44

  Salisbury 54, 118, 123–4, 141; Leydenhall 107, 117–18, 119, 125, 196, 197, 207, 223

  Salisbury Cathedral (various versions) 128, 151, 166

  Salisbury Cathedral from the Bishop’s Grounds (1821–3) 119, 134, 136, 138–9, 198, 253, (1823) 139, 141, 142, (1826) 139

  Salisbury Cathedral from the Meadows (1831) 220, 222–3, 224–5, 306, 316

  Salisbury Cathedral from the Meadows – Summer Afternoon (1836) 292

  Salisbury, Morning (1812) 54, 58

  Sanford, John 202

  Sanford, Louisa (née Bicknell) 63, 68, 71, 90, 108, 173, 182, 202, 228, 284

  Sass, Henry/Sass Academy 154, 222, 311

  Savage, Mrs (housekeeper) 187, 201

  Savell, Zacariah 52

  Savile, Christopher 134

  Scene on a Navigable River (Flatford Mill) (1817) 97, 317

  Scene on a River (1830–37) 278

  Schroth, Charles 150, 159, 164, 167

  Scovell, Charles 246

  Sea Beach, Brighton, A (print) 215, 216, 263

  self-portraits: (1804) 35–6; (1806) 40, 41


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