Book Read Free

Burning Submission

Page 7

by J. Richards

  “I would love nothing more than to sink into your hot, fucking body.” He drops his lip to kiss her forehead. “But now isn’t the right time, Victoria.” He peppers more kisses down her jaw and along her throat to her collarbone. “However.” He softly nips at her skin, making her squeak and squirm under his weight. “If you need a distraction, I can accomplish that without my cock.”

  “Please, Gavin.” She whines with her need. “Yes, please.”

  His palm smoothes over her inner thigh. He pushes gently till she parts her legs wider. He holds his weight on his left elbow. It rests near the side of her head. His lips continue making trails up and down her neck. He stops only to leave small bites in places that make her suck in more air.

  He touches the pads of his fingers up her pussy, lightly tracing her seam. He flattens his hand and cups her center possessively.

  “Damn, Victoria,” he pants into her shoulder. “Tell me this is mine. That you only want me.”

  “I do, it’s yours. Only you.” She moans, lifting her hips into his hand. His forefinger and ring finger part her lower lips while his middle one flicks up and down in her juices.

  “You’re soaked for me, kitten. Did sucking my dick make you this way, baby girl?”

  “Yes, yes. Please, Gavin.” She whimpers and rolls her hips, trying to receive more contact from his hand.

  After wetting her swollen clit, he makes quick circles around the bundle of nerves. Her spine bends, pushing her tits against his hard chest. Every muscle in her thighs begin to jump and jerk from the tiny shocks zipping from her clit out to her limbs. He slows the motion of his finger to drag out her torture.

  “Gavin!” she gasps, her hands flying up to grip his shoulders. Her nails bite into his flesh, her moans falling from her lips.

  “You want to cum for me don’t you, baby girl?” He presses down on the top of her clit as she squirms under him. He lifts himself from his elbow to his hand so he can look down at her expression when she breaks apart for him.

  Her eyes squeeze shut, and her lips part. She’s sucking in air fast and hard. Her fingers relax against his shoulder for a second before bunching back up as the coil of tension tightens through her body, on the verge of releasing. His hand lifts from her pussy, and she screams in frustration.

  “That’s what I wanted to hear.” He gives her a wicked grin and presses his lips to hers in a quick kiss. Pulling back to make sure he doesn’t miss the look on her face. “Cum for me, Victoria.”

  He brushes his fingertip back and forth right over the hood of her clit. Her back bows and her head slams back into the pillow. Her pussy floods as she gives him the orgasm he demanded from her.

  He strokes her clit in random patterns to prolong her orgasm. He murmurs against her temple how beautiful she is and that she’s such a good girl. When her breathing returns to normal, he rolls to the side of her and slips his finger into his mouth. His eyes shut as he tastes her.

  Vicki sighs heavily and curls herself to his long side. Her head rests in the hollow of his shoulder, which seems as if it was built just for her. Her hand lays flat over his heart. She shuts her eyes and listens to the steady pattern.

  “Thank you,” she whispers.

  “Thank you for trusting me, Victoria.” He leans his chin against her head. “When you are ready, I’ll give you a pair of sweatpants, and we can drive down to the station to get my truck. I’ll follow you from there to the clinic so we can check on Kane.”

  She looks up at him. “Before we go to the station, can we stop by Country Chic? I can grab clothes that will actually fit me there.” She smiles up at him and he leans down to capture her lips.

  “Of course,” he whispers, his firm lips meeting with her plump ones.


  Gavin waits in Victoria’s Jeep as she skips into her shop to find clothes that aren’t his. He understands the need, but damn if she didn’t look too fucking perfect in his T-shirt. Her actions this morning have him in a trance. Waking up to find her mouth full of his hard cock almost broke his control. Thankfully he was able to rein the beast back in on his tight leash before he snapped it.

  The interests she showed about his lifestyle felt like the beacon of a lighthouse to a ship lost at sea. She still might struggle with the reality of his games, but at least he wouldn’t be capsized by the wave of her rejection.

  He needed to find time to explain to her what being with him sexually would mean. That he would not only want the use of her body, but to have his hands in every aspect of her life. To know she is well and safe at all times.

  Women in the past would agree to his terms, thinking he would change. That his needs would shift as he grew to love them. Oh how mistaken they were. They would test his boundaries until ultimately he sent them on their way to find a man willing to be what they wanted him to be, instead of the man he was. Gavin never wanted to be anyone other than the man he’s worked so hard to become. Fit, wealthy, and in control of his future. Not even Victoria could change that. Not even if he wanted her to.

  The object of his desire steps from her shop wearing the smallest pair of Daisy Duke shorts he has ever seen. Her ass is barely contained by the denim, and his body aches to be inside of her. The light blue tank top she wears ties in the back, and the material flutters around her sides and back as she locks up the store. Her beautiful red hair is being tossed around her head and shoulders by the slight breeze. She turns and smiles at him, her green eyes bright. How can anyone handle her current situation so well?

  “All right, I am keeping your sweats.” She beams at him as she climbs into the passenger side. “They look better on me anyways.”

  “I can’t argue with facts, now, can I?” He grins, whipping the Jeep around and heading to retrieve his truck. With the fire and police station only a few minutes from her store, they arrive quickly. Both hop from the vehicle. She walks around to his side, and he wraps her in his arms, pinning her small body to the car’s door. His fingers brush wild strands of hair back behind her ear.

  “I wanted to talk to Chief and walk over to the police station to ask if the county’s dogs came up with anything last night,” he says, watching as the light in her eyes dims but doesn’t fade. “Can you go check on Kane by yourself or would you rather I come with you?”

  “I’ll be fine.” Her back straightens, and her strength makes his heart swell.

  “Good girl.” He presses a kiss to her lips and releases her. “Don’t leave the clinic till I get there.”

  “OK.” Her eyes flutter when he pulls back. She climbs back into the car, and he watches her cross the street before going in search of the chief.

  Gavin finds the chief and the rest of the crew in the small workout space. Each man drops his weights and they come around to greet him. He shakes hands with all of them.

  “How’s she holding up?” Smith asks.

  “Better than expected, actually. She’s gone to check on her dog now. Did you get a chance to call the damage crew and see when she can go back in?”

  “Should take no longer than a week,” Chief responds. “A pair of workers are supposed to go by the house today around noon to assess how much work will need to be done.”

  “She will be happy to hear that.” Gavin places his hands on hips, grateful to have at least some good news to bring back to Victoria. “I’m gonna walk over and check with the police to see what leads they have on Dave.”

  “All right, I’ll call you after I hear back from the company.” Chief meets his eyes. “You look beat. Don’t worry about the rest of your scheduled shifts for the next few days. She’ll need you.” He claps Gavin’s shoulder in farewell.

  “Thank you. I really appreciate that, sir.”

  One stop down, a few more to go. With a heavy sigh, he makes his way over to the small police station. He checks his watch to see how long he has been away from Victoria. He sends up a silent prayer that everything with Kane is well and that they will be taking the dog back to his house

  The town, being so small, has no more than three officers on staff and only one or two on the clock at the same time. Gavin steps into the small building and finds the man who responded to the shattered windshield stationed at the front desk. The officer looks up when Gavin comes in and he stands up.

  “Gavin Jones. I was one of the responders at the Williams fire last night.” He offers his hand and the officer takes it, giving him a firm handshake.

  “Matt Carrion. Nice work last night. That girl’s been through a rough patch, to say the least.”

  “She sure has. I was wondering if the dogs tracked Dave Rollins last night.”

  The officer shakes his head and looks down at the notes on the desk. “He vanished somehow. We found car tracks behind the house. He followed an ATV trail about five miles south, ditched the car that he was driving, and picked up another. He must have stowed it there. We have forensics working on the make and model, but that’s going to take some time.” He blows out a sigh. “We sent some guys to his house, and there’s no evidence he was following her or anything. The house was cleaned out. We have camera surveillance on site, but he doesn’t look like he plans on returning.”

  “Fuck.” Gavin runs his hands over his head.

  “If you leave your number with me, I’ll make sure to keep you up to date on any information I receive.”

  Gavin can see the frustration in the other man’s face. “Thank you.” He leans forward and scrawls his number on the offered slip of paper. He then adds Victoria’s underneath. “Victoria Williams will be staying at my place over on Currier Road. You can reach either of us with the information.”

  Officer Carrion nods, giving him a thoughtful appraisal. “Good to hear someone’s watching out for her.”

  “That’s right,” he says. “I’m going to make sure no one ever harms her again.”


  Vicki welcomes Kane into her open arms. He pushes until she falls from her bent position to her bum. He covers her face and neck in happy kisses. Tears of joy slip from her eyes as she hugs him tightly.

  “Oh you scared me, pal,” she says against his ear. “Let’s not eat any more random stuff you find in closets, OK?” She pulls back to look in his eyes. His mouth opens as he pants and it looks as if he is smiling at her.

  “He should be good to go,” Annie says, watching them as Kane turns and plants himself between Vicki’s legs, leaning against her as she rubs his big chest. “Just no running and jumping for a few days. Try to keep him calm if you can.”

  “Thank you so much for saving my baby.” Vicki pushes to her feet and hooks the leash onto Kane’s collar.

  Gavin walks in the door, the sunlight at his back making him look like a massive angel. Her hero, one who seems to have secrets she isn’t sure she wants to unbury. Or perhaps it’s only Gavin who sees the faults in his personality and keeps his heart locked up in a cage so no one can touch it. When she looks at him she can only see the polite, respectful man who has stood up for her honor, been a shoulder to cry on when she had no one else to turn to, and above all, her rescuer. She couldn’t possibly repay him for those gifts, but she is more than willing to do all in her power to show him how thankful she is.

  “Well, look at you!” Gavin grins at Kane and bends to one knee. He rumples the animal’s scruff. She smiles at the way Kane has warmed up to him. He looks almost as happy to see Gavin as he was to see her. “You two all set?” He looks up at her, and Kane steals the opportunity to lick his cheek. He groans and playfully pushes the dog back a step. Kane barks and bounces on his front paws. “Yeah, you’re cute, but you aren’t my type.” He pets the dog’s head and smiles at Vicki.

  “Yup! I mean, I think so.” She turns to Annie. “Did you need anything else from me?”

  “No, honey. You guys are all set to go. Don’t hesitate to call if you have any questions or if you think he isn’t behaving normally.”

  They leave the clinic and walk around the grassy shoulder of the building to let Kane relieve himself before the drive.

  “You find out anything worth repeating over there?” Her chin tips toward the police station across the street.

  “I did.” He steps close enough to place his hand on her lower back, and she smiles at him. “They didn’t catch Dave. I guess he’s smarter than he looks, but they have cameras watching his house.” They stop as Kane sniffs over a bush. “And me watching you. I won’t let him get close to you again.” She lowers her head and nods slowly, and he continues. “The cleanup crew should be done with your house by next week. The police have both our numbers and will keep us informed.”

  “OK.” Her simple acceptance is all she can give. “Thank you for going over there.”

  He slips his hand from her back to her hip and tugs her to his side. Lowering his lips to her hairline, he whispers.

  “You’re welcome, kitten.”

  Kane pulls against the leash and tugs Vicki from Gavin’s arms. She giggles slightly at the dog.

  “A jealous male, huh?” He smirks while watching the pair. “I guess he’ll be sleeping in the living room so he isn’t able to interfere with my wicked plans, then.”

  “Oh, is that so?” She laughs and yanks on Kane to get him turned around and moving toward the Jeep.

  Vicki opens the door, and Kane jumps right in. She kisses his snout and turns the manual window crank, lowering the glass so Kane can stick his head out. When she turns to get to the driver side, she collides with a solid wall of muscle. Gavin cages her in against the side of the Jeep, his hands above her shoulder on either side of her head. The look in his eyes is darker than it was a moment ago.

  “Your laugh makes me wanna string your body up and lick your cunt until you have no juices left for my tongue. Do you know that?” He whispers the crude words. She shivers but not in fear. Her pussy is suddenly soaked in response to his words. Her breath gets caught in her throat, and she blinks up at him. He smiles before kissing her lips. His right hand cups the back of her neck and pulls her deeper into his kiss. She moans and opens for him. His tongue slips over hers before he pulls back and nips her plump lower lip.

  “Oh.” She barely manages a sigh when he releases her. He takes three steps back and his eyes move up and down her frame.

  “I’ll pick up something for lunch,” he states, as if he was only just asking her if she would prefer fish or chicken instead of talking about licking her most private of areas. He presses his house key into her hand. “Go back to my house. We can talk about everything over the meal.”

  “Um, yeah. OK.” She touches her fingertips to her lips and starts to walk around the front of the car. She looks back over her shoulder and catches his gaze glued to her ass. A smile parts her lips, and she blows him a kiss before climbing up into the driver’s side.


  Gavin climbs down from his pickup with a box of pizza in his hands. He pulls on his front door, but it refuses to open. A grin spreads over his face when he realizes that Victoria has locked him out of his house. Good girl. He rings the doorbell and waits.

  Her pretty little face peeks through the thin curtain covering the long strip of glass to the right of the door. She smiles when she sees it is only him. She pulls the door open and Kane bounces down his entryway to greet him.

  The feeling of his house becoming a home for the three of them rocks him to the core. He walks through the door and kicks it shut behind him, passing the pizza box off to Victoria before locking the deadbolt and following her sexy little ass into the kitchen. She places the box on the island and turns to smile at him.

  He pulls plates and flatware from the cabinets and drawers, setting them up to eat their lunch right where she dropped the carb-loaded meal on the counter. He scoots one of the high barstools back and helps her get settled on the cushioned seat. Giving her knees a light shove, the stool swivels and puts her in front of her plate. Her small giggle tickles down his spine. Gavin removes a slice for each of them and sits b
eside her.

  She picks up her slice and takes a big bite. A small moan slips from her lips, and he smiles at her reaction. Marinara sauce seeps from the corner of her mouth, and she catches it with her finger, sucking it clean before taking another bite.

  “This conversation may get awkward or difficult.” He brushes her hair over her shoulder. “But it is very important that we are open and honest if we are going to make anything of”—he pauses and points to the air between them—“this.”

  “OK.” She says around her mouthful. “I can do that.”

  “Good girl.” He grins and takes a bite himself. After chewing and swallowing, he begins. “You said you know about BDSM, but that you had never played. I am a Dominant, Victoria. I have a lot of rules and I expect them to be followed by the woman I agree to be in a relationship with. I will be faithful only to you and expect the same. Punishments will be handed out in correspondence to the misconduct.” Her face seems interested, not scared, so he continues. “I would never punish you in anger, and you will always have a safe word, one that will end anything we are engaged in, and I will remind you of the word often so you will not forget. I would never, ever be upset at you for using a safe word. That is exactly the reason we will agree upon one. For both of our safety’s sakes.” He takes another bite, giving her a moment to digest the conversation and information.

  “Seems reasonable. I have no issues so far.” Her pupils are dilated, and he suspects she is more than a little interested in this kind of lifestyle. The knowledge makes him very happy.

  “In my house you will be expected to stay nude unless told otherwise, to obey my commands without a second’s hesitation, and to trust that I would never ask you to do anything I didn’t think you could handle.”

  “Shall I undress now?” She blushes and starts to stand up. He places his hand on her thigh to stop her.

  “No, I won’t be able to focus on the conversation if you get naked now. I want you too badly.”


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