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Cake: A Blood Nation Novel (Volume 1)

Page 11

by Derekica Snake

  Holy crap, he did! I thought back to my experimental twitch of my gluts in the bathroom. I should have been hurting, big time, but I wasn’t because…he’d healed my wounds with his tongue.

  “Uh…Thank you,” I said, not entirely sure that they were the words I wanted to say.

  “Come back to bed. I just want to hold you,” Marcus pleaded.

  “Will it happen again?” I asked, lowering my head and staring down at the carpeted floor. It seemed like the concrete bunker was warmer now in atmosphere as well as in temperature. I didn’t seem to be shivering as much.

  “The Flame will happen again, but it should be at a normal intensity. I could not have handled an eighty Flame as well as you did when I was a fledgling. I was proud that you were able to bind me in the shower without knowing how to do it. You used two bindings, a vocal and a physical. It took me decades to combine the two, yet you learned instinctively in less than two hours. Can you imagine what it will be like when you have control of your gifts, Sex…I mean Xavier. You will be a most formidable vampire. After your next Flame and burn period, we should be safe enough to take those cuffs off, if you can handle it just as well as the last time.”

  I frowned. “You mean, sex?”


  “With you?”

  “Hopefully. Or with Claudius, if he is willing.”

  I really didn’t see Claudius turning down an offered piece of ass. He struck me as a deviant of the ninth order. I snorted, and my voice grew quiet. “Marcus, will I turn into a whore again?”

  “Probably,” he admitted, kissing my forehead.

  “Can’t sugarcoat the truth, eh?” I said into his chest.

  Marcus was a big, big man compared to me, and he rested his chin easily on top of my head. “I have never lied to you, Xavier. I think you are beautiful when you are aroused. Now that you are of the Blood, you will be even more so. I will be beating Bloods off you with a stick. Revel in your desires, you shouldn’t fear them.”

  That was all fine and dandy for Marcus to say, only these weren’t my desires—they were his. While he’d been training my mind to fear him and obey him, he’d also trained my body to accept him. These feelings of lust weren’t mine. Those sensations of gratification weren’t mine. They couldn’t be. I didn’t want them, because I wasn’t gay. I didn’t want to feel pleasure from having his cock up my ass. I didn’t want to crave the taste of him in my mouth, and I sure as hell didn’t want to be the instigator of our coupling.

  “Sleep with me, Xavier. Sleep in my arms tonight. Let me protect you.” Marcus wrapped his arms around my chest and pressed his lips to my temple. “Can you allow me that? Please, give me this time.”

  “What happens tomorrow?”

  “Tomorrow will take care of itself.”

  I pushed at his arms. “See what you’re doing? I’m just your pet, a step away from being your mindless fuck toy.” He just crushed me back against him, lifting me up until my feet were barely touching the floor.

  For fuck’s sake.

  “Language, Xavier.” I tried not to shiver as he pressed his lips to the shell of my ear. “I have to go before the High Council to answer charges of keeping a human for a year. Since you are now birthed, there should be no repercussions, hopefully. I will confer with Claudius whether we should inform the High Council that you are a Blue Blood. I personally think we should wait until you have control of your full Vampiric gifts before announcing this.”

  He dropped me back to my feet and leaned over me, pressing his forehead to mine. “I have a feeling that you are going to be more powerful than Claudius and I put together when you are a little older. I also have a feeling that you will need that power. Some faction went to a lot of trouble to wipe out the Royal Blue line in the past, and I do not think they would like to see it resurrected.”

  I stilled. “I’m in danger?”

  “They will have to come through me to get to you,” he growled.

  It was a statement of fact. A bone-chilling statement of fact. When he said he would die for me, he’d meant it. I could feel his resolve in that one statement. I looked up into his chocolate eyes and felt myself getting lost in the warmth offered to me there.

  “Let me hold you, my Little…Xavier, while the world still lets me.”

  “You can use Sex as an endearment, Marcus,” I told him softly. “And you can hold me too, but I don’t want sex. I can’t handle it. What did Claudius say? I’m fragile right now. Just don’t push me, okay?”

  “I told you that I would abide by your decision. When you Flame, just reach for me and I will take care of you.”

  “I don’t want to Flame.” My voice was barely above a whisper.

  “It will never again be as bad as the first time. This I can promise.” Marcus kissed my temple and rubbed the side of his face in my hair. “So, may I hold you?”

  I nodded, feeling a lump in my throat as I let the big vampire lead me back into the playroom. Claudius was still sleeping, sprawled on one side of the bed. Marcus picked me up easily and lay me gently in the center of the mattress, and then, taking my bound hands in his, he pressed a kiss to my knuckles.

  “We can take these off, once you have a normal Flame.”

  He climbed beside me and stretched out his full length, turning me face-to-face with him, urging me to rest my head on the slope of his shoulder. He still had that apple scent I noticed before, and I found it oddly comforting. He moved, rolling over onto his back, so that I was partially laying on him. His arm came across my shoulders, and he hugged me tightly. A big sigh came from deep within his chest.

  “I wish I could freeze this moment. I know you do not love me, but you are also not trying to stab me through the heart.”

  “I’m not apologizing for doing that. You deserved it,” I blurted, hearing his heartbeat thumping steadily beneath my ear.

  “Yes, I did, and I deserved to get my nose ripped open too. I promise I will never take you without your consent again. But please, talk to me before you let your hands loose again. As a human, you were a little too hard to control. I hate to think of what I would have to do now that you are part of the Blood.”

  I felt his fingers idly twiddling in my hair at the nape of my neck. “You’re going to quit raping me, just like that?” I asked.

  “You are to be cherished, my Little One. You are a special gift. I will ask from now on, and I will abide by your wishes. Now, go to sleep, it has been a long day for you.”

  Though I had no intentions of sleeping, my intentions hadn’t been worth a hill of beans lately. I found myself yawning, and I closed my eyes.



  I woke to a soft whisper in my ear.

  “Wake up, Xavier. We need to get this underway.”

  “Hmmm?” I buried my head back into the pillows, and a waft of apple-scented potpourri assaulted my nostrils.

  Thanks for waking me, Mom.

  “Shall I just start fucking him?”

  Fucking me?

  I quickly came back to the here-and-now to find Marcus was my pillow, and he had my cuffed wrists in his hands and was holding them pinned tightly to his chest while Claudius was sitting on his heels between my naked outstretched thighs. What the hell? I’d had pants on when I went to sleep.

  “So much for your promise not to take me without my consent!” I shouted, jerking on my arms. I was rewarded with a chin butt to the top of my head. It was strong enough to make my teeth clack together.


  “You are jumping to the wrong conclusion again, Xavier,” Marcus drawled. “I am giving you two choices. Both Claudius and I have been called before the High Council; we will be gone for hours. If you enter into your Flame during that period, none of the household will be safe. To make sure that doesn’t happen, you would have to be restrained to the bed, and the longer the Flame period lasts, the worse it is to endure. You would be in unbelievable agony until I returned. The other option is that you allow Claudius and
me to try and jumpstart your Flame for you.”

  “Jumpstart?” I didn’t like the sound of that.

  “We overwhelm your senses with stimuli of a sexual nature.”

  I twisted my head towards Claudius as he spoke, my brow furrowing. He gave me a thin-lipped look in return. I could see that there was a subtle burning in his eyes, and I realized that this was not just a duty to his fledgling. He wanted me.


  “It is almost nine hours since your first Flame. The next one should be close. I do not want to leave you chained to the bed in torment, Xavier. Give me permission to send you up in Flame, please,” Marcus requested.

  “We do not have much time, we cannot be tardy,” Claudius added.

  Tardy. Who the hell uses the word tardy any more? I craned my neck to look back up at Marcus. “And if it doesn’t work what then?”

  “It would have been a pleasant way to start your day?” he answered, leaning over and pressing his lips into my hair.

  I shut my eyes. I couldn’t believe that I was even thinking of this. But the alternative was just not acceptable. “Do it,” I hissed.

  “We will, and you are going to help us,” Marcus said as he locked my hands to the hook on the headboard and slid sideways from underneath me. He tipped up my face and gave me one of his new tender, special kisses, the ones that didn’t hurt, that didn’t crush my lips and make them throb or bruise. With these kisses, I didn’t need Claudius stroking my cock to make my body shiver.

  “On your knees and spread your legs, Little One. Claudius is going to take you into his mouth. You stated that you preferred his lingual arts.”

  Claudius moved into place, and I struggled into position, which was very hard to do with your arms confined and your hips being pulled backwards. Huge hands stroked my flanks, a kiss was pressed into the small of my back, and a tongue tasted my flesh. I cut off a groan.

  “You are allowed to feel, Xavier. There is no shame in enjoyment. I love to hear your voice when you are lost in passion. It is the most erotic thing I have ever heard,” Marcus urged.

  I probably would have appreciated his words more if he weren’t whispering them over the skin of my ass, and Claudius hadn’t chosen that moment to take me into his mouth.


  Marcus draped himself over my back, and I gritted my teeth and waited for the searing pain that always came with his penetration. I wasn’t ready for the fingers that started twisting on my nipples, and I arched my torso down toward the bed, driving my hips back towards his equipment, almost helping him to penetrate me. Marcus quickly moved from me a little, and I began to think that he had other ideas anyway.

  I choked on a moan when he dragged his fangs down my spine and tweaked my nipples again. I didn’t know which way to go, up or down, so I simply stiffened, not moving either way, and shuddered.

  My cock was released from Claudius’s mouth. “You are so quiet,” he muttered underneath me.

  “Xavier is always quiet until he gets lost in pleasure,” Marcus answered for me. “That is the goal, to drive him up the pleasure scale, to finally get to hear him moan and talk dirty.”

  Fuck. I can hear you. I am in the same room.

  I gritted my teeth to bite back a groan of pleasure as Claudius turned his attention back to my cock. For someone who didn’t want sex with men, I seemed to be having no problem taking on two at a time. I shivered as I felt Marcus caressing my portal, and a ball of heat ignited in my intestines. Was this the start of the Flame? Lick. Lick. Lick. What the hell…Marcus was tonguing my ass! My skin caught fire, and that crystal vision clicked on.

  Soooo goooood.

  I twisted my torso as much as I could to stare at his sable head as he prepared my portal for entry. This slick wet administration his tongue was giving me was so much better than the brutal ramming previously, and with the dual sensation of having Claudius at the front of me, and Marcus at my rear…it made me want to roll my eyes up into my head and moan.

  “Pretty likes licking my ass, eh?”

  Marcus sat up. “Well, hello, Sex. Show me those pretty green eyes of yours as they flare up in Blue Flame.”

  I flashed some fang at him instead. “Claudius is good.” I arched my spine and looked down at the other vampire. “You suck good.”

  Claudius’s response was to set his tongue at the tip of my cock and flick across it like a snake. My whole body prickled, and a wanton desire for the black-haired vampire shot through me.

  “Let me go.” I jerked hard on my wrists. I wanted my hands free to touch Claudius.

  “Retract your fangs.”

  I flashed Marcus a wicked, fanged smile before willing the extended teeth back even with my own, and as I did so, Claudius returned to his task once again, taking me straight to the back of his throat. I gasped out loud, lost for a moment in sheer ecstasy before looking over my shoulder and arching a brow at Marcus.

  “Are you going to fuck me, Pretty? You can use your tongue again if you want. I like that.”

  “Should I release his hands, Claudius?”

  Once more Claudius let me go, and my cock slurped out of his mouth and slapped at my belly. I shivered and tried to keep back a disappointed moan as he slid out from under me, his hands pulling at my tight nipple buds as he did so. “It is your neck he will be going after, not mine,” he replied to Marcus.

  “How do you feel, Sex?”

  “It burns…it hurts. Touch me, Pretty.”

  Marcus pulled my wrists free from the hook.

  “Why do you call him Pretty?” Claudius asked while tugging his lips at one my nipples like a hungry calf.

  Huun, mmmmh.

  He had to repeat himself before I was able to reply to him.

  “Because he is pretty,” I answered simply, turning and locking sensual gazes with Claudius. He gave a quirk of an eyebrow, so I expanded on my description of my maker. “He has the longest eyelashes, the most beautiful soft hair, and his ears are perfect.” I flipped over onto my back panting as Marcus unlinked the cuffs, and I speared my hands into his long brown hair.

  “So why not call me, Beautiful?” Marcus asked.

  “I’m Beautiful, you’re Pretty.” I closed my eyes as I brought his hair to my nose. That apple essence of his clung to every strand.

  “Why are you Beautiful?”

  “Because you called me that even before I was. I am your Beautiful. Will you be my Pretty?”

  “I will be honored to be your Pretty. What do you want from me?”

  I arched up and pressed my nose further into his hair, breathing in deeply. The aroma of apples filled my head as I whispered to him, “Fuck me…and I want to bite you when you do it to me.”

  “Can you control yourself?”

  “I don’t know. You smell so good.” I licked his ear. He even tasted like apples.

  “Caution, Marcus,” Claudius warned with a mild tone.

  “Claudius will take you,” Marcus decided. “You can bite me. Is that good, my Little One? It is for my safety as well as yours. Do you mind?” He shifted me sideways to look at his sire.

  “Anything for you, my dear Marcus,” Claudius replied, pulling me back onto my knees.

  I looked over my shoulder as his hands settled on my hips. “You’re evil,” I said.

  “I have never claimed not to be. Brutal or slow, Little Blue?” His eyes flared…no, flamed up into a deep crimson red.


  I wiggled back against him, and then let my fangs extend past my lower lip before looking at Marcus, who had a hint of his own red flame burning around his eyes.

  Claudius was brutal. He pushed into me with little preparation other than the brief tongue play Marcus had given me, and he continued pressing forward until he was buried fully. Once anchored in, he grabbed at my chest and pulled me upright, changing the angle of penetration. Christ! He rocked back into me and ran his palms over my nipples.

  “Evil,” I gasped out to the ceiling

  “You like it?” Claudius had a slight laugh in his voice.

  “Yeah!” I laughed too, and grabbed at Marcus. “Kiss me, Pretty. Show me how you like it.”

  Marcus teased my lips open, his tongue stroking just inside my mouth, flicking along my teeth. I let my tongue tease against his, and he opened his eyes wide, his irises burning red. As he flicked along my tongue again, I watched his face as I caught his and sucked on it hard. He pulled back, separating our mouths, and ran his thumb along my cheek.

  “I want to fang you.” I was almost begging.

  “What?” He blinked, and then smiled softly. “Straight in. Straight Out. Do not drink too deep, Sex,” he reminded me.

  Claudius leaned forward. “If you drink too much, you will Flame up again even sooner. And remember, Marcus has to go before the High Council, so do not leave him weak.”

  I nuzzled at Marcus’s skin, and smelled the aroma of a fall apple orchard again. The scent was in his hair. It seemed to seep from his pores. He was my very own private, pretty apple orchard, and I bit into him eagerly. He hissed and sagged against me as I timed my pulsing drink with Claudius’s thrusts.

  Everything started to blur. Or maybe it was just me, as I filled up on the heady concoction of Marcus’s blood. I let him go but licked at his neck, catching every droplet of his sweet elixir. He brushed my hair out of my face, tucking it behind my ear, and touching the ruby he had placed there. I didn’t need any special sign to see the possessive glance of ownership in his eyes, and when he reached down and touched my cock I exploded, and he swallowed my cry with a kiss.

  Claudius grunted and sped up his possession, and Marcus held me tightly as his sire continued to piston in and out of my ass. My bright crystal vision faded, and the burning tingles were just fading waves. Every thrust washed them over me, but they grew less and less intense, dropping down to the normal, mind-numbing sexual stimulation. Claudius grunted, pulled me back roughly out of Marcus’s arms and jetted into me. Then he toppled over backwards, pulling me with him.


  Marcus crawled over me. “Just his usual beautiful, jade green.”


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