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Serendipity (Inevitable)

Page 33

by Nissenson, Janet

  He hurried out of his clothes in record time, and then let out a long groan as she impaled herself on his throbbing dick.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Cameron sensed something was wrong the moment she saw Nathan waiting for her at the end of the airport concourse. The smile he gave her in greeting looked forced, and there was a definite strain to his features.

  Her suspicions only increased when he gave her an almost impersonal peck on the cheek instead of a welcoming kiss on the lips, and asked her in a monotone voice, “How was your flight?”

  She linked arms with him, sidling up against his body, needing to feel physical contact with him. He didn’t actually pull away, but he was definitely not making any effort to get closer to her, either.

  “The flight was fine. The weekend was a blast. You got my texts, didn’t you?”

  Nathan nodded. “Yes, I did. Sorry I didn’t get a chance to reply to most of them. How was the show last night?”

  Cameron kept up a lively conversation while they waited for her luggage and during the drive to her condo, aware that it was largely one-sided. Nathan made only brief, polite comments from time to time but was otherwise silent and most definitely preoccupied. She had a very unsettling feeling but was reluctant to come right out and ask him what was wrong, for she feared she wasn’t going to like the answer.

  When they reached her condo, Nathan carried her suitcase upstairs as well as a large paper shopping bag that she knew she hadn’t brought with her from Las Vegas. She frowned as he set it down beside her suitcase.

  “That’s not mine,” she told him. “Why did you bring that inside?”

  Nathan looked solemn. “Because it has all the things you had at my condo inside it. I’ll get the stuff I have here before I leave.”

  Cameron felt like she’d taken a right hook to the jaw. Her legs felt wobbly all of a sudden, and she quickly sank into a chair. “What? Wh-why would you do that? Nathan – what the hell is going on?”

  His voice was gentle. “Cam, I’m so sorry, but I can’t marry you. I’ve been giving it a lot of thought for awhile now, and I know that it would be a mistake.” He paused when she didn’t answer him, when she couldn’t answer him, for she was speechless with shock. “I’m sure this comes as a shock, and I’m guessing you’re pretty pissed off right now, which I totally get.”

  “Jesus, Nate,” was all she could rasp. “This was the very last thing I expected. I mean, if you weren’t ready to get married you should have said so. Like before I started making wedding plans. But, okay, let’s ease off for awhile, put the plans on hold.”

  He ran a hand over his face. “You don’t get it, Cam. It’s not just that the engagement is off. You and I – it’s over. For good.”

  She fought down a rising sense of panic, shaking her head. “No. No, I don’t accept that. I am not going to go through this again. This was supposed to be the real thing, Nate, the one that finally worked out. How in the world can you do this to me after what I’ve been through? You can’t do this, Nate.”

  She got up and started pacing almost frantically around her living/dining space, shaking her head, and wrapping her arms around her waist.

  “Cam, calm down, okay?” he said soothingly. “Christ, I know this is unexpected and I wish like hell I could make it right for you.”

  Cameron stopped in front of him, and threw her arms around his neck, pressing close against him. “Then do it. Don’t leave me, Nate. God, I love you so much. You’re breaking my heart here. Please, give me another chance.”

  Gently, he tried to disengage her arms and step away from her. “Cameron, no. I’m sorry, but it’s over. I’ve thought about this for weeks. and it’s just not the right thing for me. For us. I’m never going to be the man you deserve, the one who can make you happy.”

  The tears started falling down her cheeks and she choked on a sob. “But why? I don’t understand. What happened to change things? Was it something I said or did? Can’t we talk this out, fix whatever is wrong? God, give me a chance here!”

  “It’s nothing you did or said, Cam,” he assured her. “But I should have never agreed to this engagement, not when I didn’t feel completely right about it. And I’ve tried to make it work but things are over. I know I’m being a complete bastard to break up with you this way, but I’d be a worse asshole to stay with you for the wrong reasons.”

  Cameron glared at him through tear-filled eyes. “You are a bastard, no question there. How could you, Nate? My God, I’m going to be a fucking laughingstock again – the girl with three broken engagements. You have no idea how humiliating this is going to be for me. I’m thirty-five fucking years old, Nate! Who the hell is going to want to marry me now?”

  He winced as her voice grew louder and louder. “Cameron, that’s ridiculous. What difference does your age make? You’re a beautiful, accomplished woman and you will meet the right man. I’m sorry but I’m not him.”

  She thrust her hands through her hair, which was back to being chin-length after having the extensions removed. “How am I going to tell my parents? God, my mother is going to be furious. And I just left all my girlfriends in Vegas after talking about wedding plans all weekend. They’re planning on giving me a bridal shower, and a bachelorette party. Now I have to tell them to forget it. Jesus, how humiliating!”

  “Again, I’m desperately sorry,” he told her gently. “But none of those things are valid enough reasons to stay together when one of us isn’t committed to making it work.”

  “You know, now that I think of it, you’ve been distant for awhile now,” she said slowly, a niggling suspicion beginning to form in her mind. “For several months, in fact. Have you been having doubts all that time?”

  Nathan shrugged. “I can’t say for certain when they began but it’s been awhile.”

  Cameron pointed a finger at him accusingly. “I think you started having doubts when that little whore began working in your office. And the more I think about it, I’m fairly sure you’re breaking up with me because you’re involved with her. How long have you been fucking Julia?”

  The startled expression on his face was a dead giveaway, and now Cameron knew the real truth, despite his initial attempt to deny it. “Cam, that’s not why I’m breaking up with you,” he began. “It’s just not -“

  “Have you fucked her or not?” she screamed. “Just answer me.”

  Nathan hesitated but finally gave a brief nod. “Yes.”

  She slapped him as hard as she could, with all the anger and hurt and humiliation she was feeling at the moment. “You bastard,” she hissed. “You filthy, lying, cocksucking bastard! How could you cheat on me – and with that bitch? How long has it been going on?”

  He rubbed the visibly reddened mark on his cheek gingerly, and it gave her some perverse sense of satisfaction to know she’d hurt him as he had hurt her. When he didn’t answer her, she gave him a hard shove.

  “Answer me, you sonofabitch!” she demanded. “How long have you been fucking that whore?”

  “Not long,” he replied quietly. “We never meant for this to happen, Cam. Never meant for you to get hurt.”

  “Well, you should have thought about that before you fell into bed with her,” she spat. “You could have at least ended things with me before you fucked her. I never would have thought you to be such a heartless bastard, Nate.”

  “Cameron, you need to know that I would have ended things between us soon anyway, whether Julia was in the picture or not,” he told her in a gentle but firm voice. “So don’t blame her for this.”

  Cameron fought to control the rage that blazed through her. “Don’t blame her? My God, who else am I supposed to blame? If she hadn’t come to town and thrown herself at you, none of this would be happening. All of this is her fault and she’s going to pay for it.”

  “No. Leave her out of this. I get that you’re pissed off and that’s to be expected. But take your anger out on me, not Julia.”

  “Fuck your precious little
Julia!” she screeched. “She’s probably been panting after you since her first day on the job – shoving those big tits and wiggling that ass in those tight dresses in your face every day. What a slut she is, going after someone else’s fiancé. Doesn’t she have any shame?”

  “It wasn’t like that,” he told her solemnly. “Neither of us wanted this to happen this way. We wanted to do the right thing.”

  “Then why didn’t you?” she yelled. “Why couldn’t you keep your dick in your pants?”

  “Because I’m in love with her.”

  Cameron stared at him in horror then shook her head. “No, you can’t be. Goddamit, Nate, that can’t be true. You just want to fuck her, that’s all. Once you get tired of her, you’ll see what a mistake you’re making, what you’re throwing away. Or she’ll get tired of you and dump you, move on to someone else. Then you’ll come running back to me, begging me to take you back. That’s exactly how it’s going to happen.”

  “No, Cam. I’m sorry, but you can’t think that way,” he said firmly. “I’m not coming back to you. And despite what you think of Julia, she didn’t pursue me. It just – happened. I’m going to get my things now, and then I think I should go.”

  She could almost taste the combined flavor of bitterness and desperation rising in her gorge, and she clamped a hand around his arm. “No, no. Please don’t go, Nate. Don’t end this. I love you so much. God, I’ll do whatever you want as long as you don’t leave me.”

  Gently, Nathan removed her hand from his arm. “Cam, stop this. You’re just getting yourself more upset. I’ll be right out and then I’m going to go.”

  “Nathan -“her voice drifted off as he strode resolutely down the hallway towards her bedroom, where he kept a few of his things. In the brief time he was gone, Cameron’s anger reached the boiling point as she paced furiously around the room. She grabbed a bottle of vodka from her bar, and poured herself a shot, bolting it down in one swallow.

  She was on her fifth shot when he emerged, carrying another paper shopping bag. He looked expectantly contrite, sympathy in his eyes, and for some reason that infuriated her even more. The last thing she wanted was his fucking pity.

  “So this is it,” she stated bitterly. “You’re just taking your stuff and walking out. I never would have pegged you as such a heartless, unfeeling bastard, Nate.”

  He paused with his hand on the doorknob. “I wish there was something I could say to make all of this easier. But I know I can’t, so I’m just going to leave. Good-bye, Cam.”

  As the door shut behind him, she tossed back another shot of vodka. Then, finding the bottle empty, she hurled it against the far wall, cursing vividly as it shattered.

  “This isn’t over, Nate,” she hissed. “You and your little whore are really going to regret screwing me over like this. Someone needs to pay for humiliating me.”

  Julia hurried to open the door at the sound of Nathan’s knock. He’d sounded awful when he had called her a few minutes earlier, and had gratefully accepted her invitation to spend the night.

  Neither of them spoke as he walked inside, and Julia simply wound her arms around his waist, resting her face against his chest.

  “I love you, Nathan.”

  Without a word, he bent and picked her up, carrying her into her bedroom. He laid her down gently before crawling up beside her, wrapping her in his embrace.

  “I love you, too,” he whispered into her hair. “Just let me hold you for awhile, okay?”

  In answer, she snuggled more closely against him, entwining her legs with his. They were silent for several minutes, and Julia thought perhaps he might have fallen asleep.

  “She knows about us. And I couldn’t lie.”

  Startled, she propped herself up on an elbow and stared down at him. “How could she possibly know?”

  “She’s been suspicious for quite awhile, apparently. When I told her it was over between us, she couldn’t let it rest and kept pushing for reasons. Guess I’m a terrible actor because she must have seen the truth in my face.”

  Julia caressed his cheek. “Speaking of your face, it looks like she got you pretty good. Let me get some ice for that bruise.”

  “It’s okay, baby. It doesn’t hurt, and I’m guessing it’ll fade by morning. Nothing I didn’t deserve.”

  She kissed the corner of his mouth gently. “I’m sorry.”

  He pulled her head down for a longer, lingering kiss. “It was worth it. And it needed to happen. We had good intentions in not telling her about us, but it’s actually a relief that the truth is out. Now we don’t have to hide.”

  Julia pouted and pushed his shoulders to the mattress before straddling him. “Aw, and I was looking forward to having this secret, dirty little fling with you.”

  Grinning, he untied the sash of her robe, pushing it from her shoulders. ‘Well, I want this to be much, much more than just a fling. But no reason it can’t be dirty.” He flicked her nipple through the cream lace bodice of her short nightgown.

  She groaned as he slipped the thin strap off her shoulder, baring one swollen breast. “Mmm, I was always a nice girl until I met you. Now all I want is to do lots of nasty things with you.”

  “You mean like this?” He suckled one erect nipple into his mouth, baring her other breast at the same time.

  She clutched his head closer as he feasted on her aching breasts. “God, yes, exactly like that.”

  “Hey, you got a few minutes?”

  Travis looked up from the designs spread over most of his desk, and rolled his eyes in exasperation at Nathan, who had already strolled inside his office.

  “No, not really, but that’s never held you back before. What’s on your mind, Nate?” he asked in resignation.

  His business partner was grinning stupidly from ear to ear, and Travis cocked his head with sudden interest. Nathan hadn’t been in a good mood like this one appeared to be in a very long time – weeks, perhaps even months.

  “I just have some news to share with you. I thought under the circumstances that you should be one of the first to know.” Nathan took a seat in front of the desk.

  Travis leaned back in his chair. “From that dopey grin on your face, I’m guessing its good news. I’m also guessing it’s not necessarily business related.”

  “Right on both counts. And I really shouldn’t be grinning about this but Cameron and I are over. I broke things off with her last night.”

  Now Travis was the one who was grinning. “Well, halle-fucking-lujah! It’s about time you did something about that. I mean, no offense, but I really did not know what you saw in that woman. How did she take the news?”

  Nathan grimaced, rubbing a spot on his cheek that Travis now noticed was slightly reddened and bruised. “Uh, not well. I’m lucky I got off with one good slap. She may be skinny but damn she’s strong. Overall I’d say she’s mighty pissed off and upset, and that I haven’t heard the last of her. Especially given the circumstances behind our breakup.”

  Travis rose and opened a cabinet door in his credenza, drawing out two crystal tumblers and a bottle of very expensive single malt Scotch. He poured them both a drink and handed Nathan a glass. They clinked glasses and bolted down the contents.

  Travis screwed up his face in distaste. “I still don’t know how you stand that shit. I keep that here mostly for clients, but give me a good martini or expensive Chardonnay any day over that stuff.”

  Nathan’s grin returned. “And you’re bolting it down at only nine-thirty in the morning, too. What a badass you are at times, Travis.”

  “Hey, getting that bitch out of your life is something worth drinking about. So now, spill. What are these aforementioned circumstances?”

  Nathan set his glass down. “Understand that I would have broken things off at some point with Cameron anyway, okay? And I know you won’t call me a bastard for this like a lot of people probably will. But there’s someone else. And I wasn’t going to tell Cam about her initially, but she’s too sharp and guessed t
he truth. Naturally, her knowing that made things ten times worse.”

  Travis smiled knowingly. “Yes, I would imagine that Cameron was seriously pissed off to learn you were breaking off your engagement so that you could be with Julia.” He chuckled at the look of astonishment on his partner’s face. “You honestly think I didn’t know how you felt about her? Christ, you can be awfully dense at times, Nate. I think I knew before you did.”

  Nathan shook his head. “Not possible. Because what you don’t know is that I met Julia months before she started working here, when she was still living in New York. It was when I attended the convention last September.”

  Travis stared for a moment, and then grinned. “I knew it. I knew when the two of you met here in my office that there was something going on. I assume when you say you quote unquote ‘met’ her in New York, that -“

  “We hooked up. Oh, yeah, big time. Mind-blowing, incredible sex, nothing else can even begin to compare.”

  Travis held up a hand. “Okay, no details. I have to work with both of you, remember? So let me get this straight. You met her in September. Weren’t you already engaged to Cameron by then?”

  Nathan had the good grace to look guilty. “That’s the really bad part of this. I was a shit to Cameron for cheating, and an even bigger one to Julia for not being honest with her.”

  Travis frowned. “So what a hell of a coincidence – you being my business partner. I’m kind of amazed that she would have even applied for this job knowing she’d have to see you every day.”

  “Uh.” Nathan looked chagrined. “She actually had no idea I worked here. We, um, didn’t get around to exchanging last names at the time. Or cities of residence. Or professions. The fact that Julia already knew you and wound up in San Francisco was way more than a coincidence.”

  “Serendipity.” The word popped into Travis’ head automatically.

  Nathan gazed at him curiously. “Weird. Jared said exactly the same thing. How come I never heard that word before – or knew what it meant – and now two people have both used it to describe this situation with me and Julia.”


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