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Hell's army officers

Page 2

by Andrew Komarowski

  I closed my eyes and before my mind's eye flashed terrifying broadcast from cities dying Okada. Then on the background appeared the anxious face of the mother, accompanied me on the first interconnection a tour, then the figure of the sister, on aeroscale caught up with me near the school building, and I realized that I do know the answer:

  — No!

  — Let's learn to own your new body... did not look surprised at my response, the major. — Yes, by the way, my name is Ramon. Last Name Rodriguez. Said to your countrymen, I beg to love and favor. By the way, for everything you have, like, eight months......

  — And then?

  — Then, I fear, will begin the invasion... Well, sad until we... Now I'll go away: you have to talk to others. If you need to see me gain on the personal Communicator my name. But in any case I'll visit you tonight...

  Plenty to ponder I failed a couple of minutes in the room with tornado broke very fair complected girl of twenty-five and then unleashed on me a barrage of his eloquence:

  — What are you doing there, I wonder? Move your limbs, man! And it does rust!

  Without ceasing to speak, she threw aside the blanket and shamelessly staring at my naked body, I was beginning to wear:

  — Well, what have we here? Man! Relaxed, really, but we'll fix this! And, in General, very much even anything! Even when blushing! How much?

  How much? — I did not understand the question.

  — Well, not centimeters? again drove me to paint the girl. — How old are you?

  — Twenty-one!

  Oh, how young! — It is carnivorous licked his lips and looked at my red face, laughed: don't worry, I'm kidding. By the way, my name is Mary. Although there is no. Do not call. I come she...

  — Vic! Or Victor... — I introduced myself and tried to sit up. Fingers grabbed the metal handrail, crushed it like clay, and continuing the movement, pulled out a good half of the guards.

  Mary laughed:

  I just wanted to let you themselves to lean. Perhaps, yet refrain! For in contrast you do not have a heavy-duty bones. And not regenerating...

  Throwing a glance at his hand, still clutching the piece of pipe, I barely kept trying to fall off the jaw: during his stay in the hands of major Rodriguez my forearm was at least two times thicker. Lost her tan skin was markedly thickened, and under it disappeared even a hint of subcutaneous fat. And my hand turned into an anatomical guide to explore muscles. It's funny looked the brush: all the muscles, leading and outlet fingers, flexors and extensors, worm-like and opposes the little finger, was carefully pumped! The contemplation of the palm, like a dream of a fanatic bodybuilder, gave me hysterical laughter.

  — Is something wrong? anxiously looked at me, asked Mary.

  You my arms you saw? won't stop giggling, I asked. — It is something!

  I saw not only your hands, baby... — At the same moment my shoulder flashed injector, and I felt a slight sting. — Now you're a little calmed down, and we're slowly going to the gym...

  Alas, go ten steps to the door into the next room I could only a few minutes: during my forced immobility was a little disappointed vestibular apparatus. And the first attempt almost ended on the floor. To catch my falling carcass Mary was gone. And activated the mini-antigrav, prudently mounted on the small of my back. And when I hovered two feet from the floor, with salty jokes pushed me into the doorway.

  The hall was gorgeous. But... for the disabled: many simulators are located so that they can be lying. However, to think about the need for such an approach to oneself I did not, as proved above the water surface, where in a moment and had fallen out in a relatively shallow part of the pool...

  — Can you swim? — sarcastically looking at how I'm trying to rake in naughty limbs, she asked, waiting for an affirmative nod, funny wrinkled nose: — are You sure?

  My confidence has evaporated after five minutes, became noticeably more heavy body stubbornly refused not only to swim or at least float on the surface of the water, but just to repeat the basic movements!

  Mary, looking like I'm trying not to drown, smiled. And then gave me such a workout that the load on the first year of the Academy seemed like a vacation. For two hours she squeezed me dry. So I'm not even able to reach the sloping ramp leading to the edge of the pool. And drove me four injections, at the same time explaining what is which stimulates. Frankly, forces to reflect on her comments, I didn't and I missed the explanation on deaf ears, thinking that my ordeal was over. As it is not so. After waiting ten minutes and deciding that I am ready to continue, she activated the hologram monitor local local area and made me work head. In addition, every two and a half hours she fed me with a spoon, checked the reflexes and stabbed the next batch of drugs. In General, amused as she could. So in the evening I was so exhausted that I passed out. Directly during your next meal...

  — Well, gentlemen, I congratulate you. We were late... In the voice of Brian Olsen sounded a suppressed rage. — First division WITH SCD completed the debugging technology of the project "the Demon". And if she's not my source in the headquarters, the pilot batch of candidates have already passed the entire set of primary changes. This means that we missed a huge chunk of the pie. Can you hear me? A PIECE OF MY PIE!!!

  — Are you sure? — trying not to meet the boss's gaze, asked Edward. — Maybe it's ahead of the curve?

  — What game? — covered in spots, yelled Olsen. — I have a list of names of those who three months ago took people Kharitonov! In its one hundred and twenty-six people! And you know what pisses me off the most? The fact that none of you still can not clearly explain why our the project is still under break-in! You don't have enough money? A consumable? Possibilities of laboratory complex? What?! When you, Mr Sarkisyants, came into my office and timidly offered to Finance your idea, I agreed. And allocated not requested by you miserable three hundred million and a billion and a half! So? Or not? What do you say?!!

  — So...

  — You remember what I said?

  — That the idea is promising and you are ready to participate in its implementation... — quoted Edward.

  NO!!! You remember only what is beneficial to you! — from the heart by punching her fist on the table, screamed the banker. — I said ready to Finance the project only in that case, if you can guarantee one thing-the only condition! What, Eddie?

  — My, rather, our Zombies will be the first and only modificate on the market...

  — Exactly! Well, you tell me now? The first and only Demons. And our Zombies on the market don't even smell!!!

  — The project of General Kharitonov personally, I learned from you. And no more than three weeks ago... — knowing in advance that his argument is not convincing, muttered Sarkisyants.

  — What? This is the reason to work in a slipshod manner? I had to do all that is necessary, in order to advance copies of OUR draft was already ready to use! Not today, but yesterday! Or the day before!!!

  — I'm doing my best... — muffled said Edward. For the last two weeks there have been some positive trends in...

  I don't need trends... — interrupted Olsen. — I just want results. And as quickly as possible... And...

  — May I? — filed the voice of Ben Groner, before trying to keep a low profile. — I think that the rush is not worth it.

  — Why? — The price of judgment his "right hand", the banker knew perfectly, so slightly calmed down and looked at the assistant.

  — No matter how much we hurry, first become no longer able to. We must accept the fact that the first videoconferencing will Demons. And, instead of regarding floating not in our pocket money, to start to look for weaknesses in competitors ' products. Most importantly, we need to decide is the strategy for the extension of our product on the market. Personally I have to date, there is no information on the performance characteristics[5] modificando Kharitonov. I don't know the most basic things: how many are left after the procedure modifications, that is to exit. What they look like. How much is the process of obtai
ning one Demon. What they can do. The questions are endless, but the essence is one. No matter how sophisticated the project, it is required to find the flaws. For example, the high cost. Or excessive percentage of rejection of the source material. Or the mental instability of modificata. I can't say exactly how we need to change your Zombies to during the presentation they looked at the order more attractive Demons. But be sure to come up. And then, making the project NECESSARY changes, we can use Kharitonov's brainchild as a stepping stone. To lean on him and step above. That is, to snatch the piece of pie that the General we took, but other that its modificati do not qualify because of their design features...

  — And that... makes sense... — laughed the banker. So, if I understand correctly, in the first stage I just need information? About what "Demons" and what they eat?

  — Yes, boss! I Groner. — And we'll figure out how to get videoconferencing to choke...

  Psychologist Mary was wonderful for the first month, spent in a laboratory unit, I have not had any spare time for reflection. This young woman picked me load that from the moment you Wake until the moment when I bent to get to bed, my brain was constantly busy. There, practicing basic programs of Werewolves, I always found time to meditate. For example, during crosses many kilometers with full gear, training in the gym, sniper training, and more. In her hands I couldn't parallel to the physical stress I had to tackle so many different tasks that I occasionally felt like a freshman-idiots.

  The first days after my "awakening", when the main time of the day I spent on practicing the basic movements, she drove me in a trance, achieving a maximum concentration on what I'm doing. Making sure I'm more or less in control of their limbs, started to pull me in the evanescent modes, driving all actions and reactions, which may, in the subconscious. And then, feeling that I started to get in shape and able to use part of your brain to solve some of parallel tasks activated biological computer. Something like a chip implanted in my brain even before the first mutations.

  In principle, work with Bq remotely resembled a connection via the shunt to the AIS combat ships. Just me trailing wires, and remote communication with the LAN of the laboratory was much faster. And wider. Even those few functions that were available to me during that period, impressed: swimming in the pool or doing complexes stretching ligaments and muscles, I was able to simultaneously solve the problems of celestial navigation, the tactics of a group fighting in the atmosphere or to count the jumps through Hyper. The slowing of time when you work with Bq was significantly superior to army counterparts, and the amount of information displayed on a virtual screen "before the eyes", the first time made me lost. However, the logic of the interface was very clear and I learned pretty quickly to manage all the available functions.

  Think about how much I changed, I started after two times per day broke the trainer in hand-to-hand combat, working with him in ultimate mode for it as I would never have dared in the Academy — "Grizzly" was very non-standard logic behavior and maimed too often played opponents. Thoughtfully looking at the mutilated hands of my frame, I suddenly realized that for a long time not to notice his "dirty tricks". Just as it grew...

  The third simulator, installed in the hall during my absence at dinner was several times more massive. And immediately taught me a lesson: to work with him in the same way as with the previous two — to the limit — obviously not worth it. In General, it almost ended fatally for me. Android, easily evades the first attack, smeared in the air and struck me a terrible blow in the chest. Flying backwards to the nearest wall, I have time to enjoy a monstrous stamina my ribs and lost consciousness from the final series to be near a trainer.

  Oddly enough, bringing me to consciousness, Mary first cursed me. Its call "Krivorukov freaks, not able without help to put a basic lock-on experimental equipment", I heard from beginning to end. And, gradually coming to himself, managed to admire the ability of my personal trainer surprising to find cultural equivalents for the most exquisite insults. Expressing his interlocutors all that was going, the girl turned off the comm, slightly went through the vices of my mental development, and in the final execution remembered about myself:

  Yeah if I ever take from you opinion, may I be flogged!!!

  Desire to flog I didn't have any, as I couldn't take his gaze from the polished side surface of the table with medications and there by the reflection of my face right in front was delayed a cut eyebrow!!!

  Frantically touching the skin, I suddenly thought that the feelings she became even tighter. And then realized that the spectacle which I see before me is a real regeneration!

  However, the desire to look at himself in the mirror, flashed in my head that instantly disappeared as soon as I hear the following phrase Mary:

  — Well, what are you lying? Got a scratch and sour? Also my Werewolf...

  Flash of aggression, throw me in the attack on the trainer was induced artificially, but then I do not understand. And forget about wanting to deal with him for another week...

  Following stimuli, which forced me to think about my changebecome the ability to night vision and voice, periodically sounding in my mind. If the first bothered me are not really in total darkness, I almost had no sensation to light madness arising is increasingly beginning to irritate me. And even a favorite medicine of Mary — an increase in load — did not help...

  On a direct question about what was happening to me, the girl demanded to enumerate the symptoms that bothers me, then grinned mischievously and said:

  — You're right. A little patience — and you will know... until then, sorry, not supposed to...

  Reflection on the army "not allowed" of course, I failed: I was waiting for the equipment and tasks of increased complexity. And the next morning, after talking to all of the above added and firearms training. In the dash, located on two levels below, which was located at my chamber...

  Pushing me to the door with the inscription "TIR", Mary shone like the sun in the headset space suit during a training output from the spacecraft. Let me down — don't come home!

  I tried to say something in response, but then the door swung open by itself, and I had dark ebony with a width of meter and a half and the growth of my waist. Critically having inspected me from head to foot, he snorted, but still gave it to me:

  — Captain Jackson, baby! Your shooting instructor! — He winked at Mary and sent her a kiss, added: — And you, baby, you can leave now. I will look after him!

  After seeing the girl a carnivorous smile, he showed me the door with the number "1" and pushed me in the back:

  — Go inside, get on the table pistols, stand on the red circle and you will obey my commands! Questions?

  — No questions, sir. in unison, he barked and I turned to the right.

  The room in which I found myself, from the inside looked peculiar: gray walls, covered with small black spots, pimples, white floor with a small scarlet spot in the middle and a totally black ceiling. No targets, no fixed small monitor of the simulator or gipnoizluchateli. While I was trying to figure out what I need to shoot from matched next to the front door of the guns, the lights in the room went out, then my eyes hurt rezanulo a flash of light, and appeared around me the real tropical jungle. That is, of course, not real, and imitation, but imitation is the highest quality what I have seen around the birds were singing, somewhere to my right, through the impenetrable thickets were full of some kind of animal. And dorayme smelled of flowers and wet grass...

  Look into the fine details of a picture I did not — on training experience at the Academy knew that carelessness in the simulator does not end well. And prepared for surprises.

  — The first exercise. Sector of thirty degrees. Target in human growth. The rate of occurrence is on the rise. Light gun does not require reloading. Started! — roared the voice of Jackson, and immediately to my right from behind a Bush appeared the figure of an armed pulse rifle person. I shot, hit him in the head, and he fell. Immediately to the left moved the second, and I shot h
im with another gun. Target began flickering more often, and I ceased to control them fall, doing one shot at each silhouette. Five minutes later I got dizzy: they practically succeeded each other, and at such a pace that my index fingers do not have time to put pressure on the trigger hooks. The attempt to connect the BC failed, apparently, to dash it specifically blocked. However, without him I suddenly felt his weapon with continuation of eye. And the next ten minutes were shot with machine. Not only managing to see each target, but pre-assessing the accuracy...

  Gradually, the sector of the attack began to expand, targets began to appear even the back and the noises indicating their appearance, barely managed to break through the cacophony of the jungle and the crashing sound imitation of my shots. Had to dispel the attention. And shoot at almost the same intuition. Oddly enough, it worked well. But for a relatively short time — soon my eyes began to pour sweat, his fingers stopped normally hold the weapon, and after some time I realized that I have no time...

  Getting a dozen hits in different parts of the body against virtual opponents, I gave up — put the gun down and leaned against the wall. The surrounding landscape was gone, and the room appeared disgruntled instructor:

  — What is it? Say, tired?

  The hands not holding, sir! — honestly I said. — Shoulders like a lead filled!

  — It's good! So, they're still there... — chuckled Jackson, then looked at the Communicator display and said For the first time not bad. Three hours and forty seven minutes. Waiting for tomorrow by nine. Questions?

  — May I go now, sir? trying to voice sounded in the statutory cheerfully, I asked, trying to figure out how I managed so to lose the sense of time. I thought I shot one hour.

  — Wait at the door. Now you come running your Bimbo. I have contacted...

  — Yes, sir! — I saluted Jackson turned around and trudged to the door, on the way, stretching his stiff shoulders.


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