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Hell's army officers

Page 4

by Andrew Komarowski

  Captain Pletnev, as usual, burst into the office Ramona uninvited. And, collapsing in his favorite chair next to the virtual simulation of the ancient fireplace, opened to a hologram of the monitor. Say Hello to the boss he is also not realized, as is generally poorly understood, what is time. Working day fanatic from science did not have clearly defined boundaries, and if not specifically assigned to him an assistant, literally controlling the basic functions of their body, Mr long would have died from exhaustion. To resent the person, permanently residing in the wilds of numbers, graphs, and files and living one Project was pointless. So, seeing that the guest went in thinking one known to him the problems, the major decided to remind myself.

  — Hey, Dima! — coming out of the desktop, he said Hello and walked behind the chair Pletnev, looked at abounding red lines schedule. — What have you got interesting?

  Ah, is it you? this problem — focused perspective on standing shoulder the chief scientist. — Listen, I was just about to come see you. How do you drew. I have appeared interesting information. Think you need to see it...

  Knock Pletnev with the thought of the cost, so tell us about that Dmitry is currently in his office, Ramon was gone. Instead, duplicate the signal coming to the monitor Pletnev, on the nearest wall and prepared to listen to explanations.

  So, if you start from the initial indicators of a couple of wolves — Orlova, the overall picture looks just lovely. And the guy and the girl are developing steadily, within the error of the analytical model, the five-forty-two to thirteen, and making a qualitative jump even sooner than we expected.

  The work of psychologists is also beyond praise — the key phrase number... Pletnev was momentarily distracted from the graph, called a conjugate link, and finding the right file, pointed to its extension: — this one, as expected, hurt hurt feelings Orlova. Girl-a student did not want to be "the last or penultimate". And plunged into the workout. As a result, the growth of its indicators for a number of disciplines has surpassed my wildest expectations. Look at melee it is a virtual third place. Tyr — the second, and behind Conti at the poor twenty-three points. TSP — third. Astronavigation — the second. Idyll, isn't it?

  — I was also very pleased with this pair... — cautiously assented him Ramon.

  — What's to celebrate, eh? — angrily jumping up from the chair and began gesticulating furiously, yelled Pletnev. — You have no eyes? When you last analyzed it menu?

  Running your fingers over the sensors komma, Rodriguez brought the monitor necessary information, reviewed the dynamics of the increase of caloric intake and blankly stared at the assistant:

  — Protein intake is normal... carbs a bit too far, but otherwise...

  — Otherwise there is a complete ass... don't mince words, interrupted the scientist. — What Fig carbohydrates and proteins? The energy value of food is not everything! Just remind me where we found this girl?

  — The Academy of planetary assault. Air assault school. Specialty — DRG commander.

  — Yeah. Can show her grades in chemistry, applied pharmacology and physiology. Fourth, fifth and sixth courses, the highest score. Reprogramming of military equipment of the perceived enemy — the highest score... Tactic DRG in the rear... So, it doesn't matter... Pletnev and chuckled, raising an eyebrow, staring at Ramon.

  — Well? Not understanding what he was getting major little angry.

  — Yes, you're all blind, or what? Girl takes antidepressants. "Experimenting" with the food synthesizer and portable midblock. Here's a look — I've figured that she could get from those components that are part of requested her meals, medications and vitamins, and was stunned.

  The medication list consisted of only four items, three of which were major unknown. But the fourth he tested on himself. And remembering the reason for his experiences then the breakdown looked a bit pale:

  — What have we overlooked?

  — A "small" flaw Miloslavskaya. Instead of trying to help his patient to overcome the crisis of perception of his new appearance, she chose to drive the complex into the subconscious. And now he came out in all its glory where it's not supposed to be. In a mixed pair!

  — I do not understand! Orlov in love?

  Yes. Judging by the readings of monitoring equipment, the tower she blows three weeks. A reciprocal feeling on the part of Volkov observed. As a result, she is introvert begins to wrestle with the causes... and comes to the conclusion that the case — in her appearance!

  — Nonsense... — she escaped from Rodriguez. — Maintaining the proportions of the female figure was one of the priority requirements of psychologists at the stage of calculation of the basic reactions of the candidates. And in order to implement it, we had to vbuhali a lot of money...

  — Explain it to her... again interrupted the boss is not seriously at variance a scientist. Little OU Demon will be the first full-time drug addict... a New field for experimentation.

  — Don't be ridiculous! — angry Ramon. — What are you already has taken?

  — Yes, really nothing. I gave the students the task to calculate all possible algorithms of a change of attitude to her Volkova, planned small changes its hormonal and are assessing the need to use hypomaturation. Although not a supporter — it's too unpredictable can be the reaction of our modificaton to direct intervention in the basic characteristics of their personality. Generally, in such a busy schedule of training the probability of occurrence of the objects of any other desires or feelings is vanishingly small. Have you thought about reducing stress? Or on rest days? They desperately need some positive emotions. In the end, they are not robots!

  By the end of the first month of living together I caught myself thinking that no longer suffer from that got partnered with a girl. And I do not regret about time spent on her training. Proud, stubborn, possessing a remarkable strength of will and patience, Irina Orlova literally forced myself to respect. Few of my classmates at the Academy were able to transcend the "do not want", "can't" and "hurt" as easily and naturally as did the Ira. Training on rukopashke turned to me in the cycle of fighting to the last drop of blood. The difference in height, weight and experience of the fights my partner is compensated for the beyond the will to win. And the same performance — every move I showed her, she worked so carefully, as if it was from him and depended on her life. And absolutely no attention to the injury.

  However, the ability to regenerate our bodies Rodriguez and his staff allowed us to work beyond the limit allowed with respect to the usual sparring partners. The bones, which became several times stronger, did not break. About sprains and dislocations I also had not heard, and in order to obtain the abrasion, it was necessary to try very much. Pain receptors shut off with the help of BK. With its help it was possible to arrange the injection of adrenaline to slow down time, or try "on the fly" to analyze the movement of the enemy. To lose consciousness from the attack, too, proved difficult, as calculated on a transcendent overload the brain stubbornly clung to the ability to think. So every battle was long and ended in a painful reception, or attack, is guaranteed to result in the death of the enemy. Of course, without a complete...

  However, the first time I tried to spare the Ira, practically not working on sore spots, chest and face, but soon realized that my "indulgences" in what good does not result — the girl ceased to respond to such attacks from the rest of the guys. I had to forget about the differences between genders and tumble her in full. Delight could not have it, but I soon got the opportunity to be proud of his student: after a couple of weeks after changing teaching methods, the Ira started tearing up everyone but me and Ricky. And the two of us to create serious problems. And first in the division have learned not to think about yourself...

  ...Fighting couple for a couple I didn't like never — when working alone I feel is not limited neither in space nor in the Arsenal used cords, in this embodiment, the match was forced to constantly monitor the relative position of the partner. So, to adjust its speed, direction and tactics depe
nding on the capabilities of the second number. Learning to feel her "skin" and using the maximum capabilities of BK, I at some point realized that I could almost not think about the rear: the Ira was ready to die but not to let me within striking distance of even the strongest opponents.

  However, in order to ever move the same tactic in the other studied disciplines, it took a little help of psychologists. But after that I suddenly grasped the concept of Fighting Two. And by the time we began field training, I was confident in Orlova, both in himself...

  ...One morning, an hour before lifting, Irina comm at the same time gave the signal "Uchebno-fighting alarm". Instantly field dressed in overalls and picking up from leaning covers weapons locker submitted by the Transporter arms and ammunition, we do not forget in any case to go to the toilet, jumped into the corridor. And noticing on the floor burning in the crimson line is lined according to specified digits place.

  Major Rodriguez, calmly looked at the stopwatch komma, wait until the system will fall out of the room last Hasek, and gave a little speech. Oddly enough, there was no common words or so of my favorite officers of the Academy unflattering comparisons with ruminants or raise the morale of the slogans. Only congratulations with the beginning of field studies, specifies the transport that we need to use in order to get to the landfill, and controlling the time of collection. To run to the spaceport, loaded in a cargo boat and warming up the engine in emergency mode, up in the air, it took us a little over five minutes. Ten we crept at a snail's pace six hundred miles per hour over the lifeless Savannah, looking for the rare clumps of scrubby trees and sloping hills, with the height of our flight like waves. To the horizon the eye not for that catch, and Irina and even managed to exchange ideas about the fact that in the vicinity of that damn complex there's no place to rest. However, soon we had no thoughts about the rest — on the horizon polygon number two. Big square hangar fifty meters tall and is a party to two kilometers.

  Is wow size! — whistled Helen, first getting out of the boat. — I estimate how many nasties crammed! Something tells me that we don't like it...

  — I'm afraid you're right... — agreed Ford. And, before waiting near the landing craft, major Rodriguez served "under construction", trot rushed toward the boss. Naturally, we followed him...

  So, ladies and gentlemen, your only job today is to pass this polygon. Every ten minutes, one pair will log out in those cute green gate. To exit from the opposite side of the hangar two thousand one hundred four meters. You have one hour to get there. Everything that moves is dangerous. Something that is not moving. Who does not meet the standard, returned home on their own. That is, Jogging. There is not so far away as it seems. Only sixty kilometers. Knut, that is incentive. For everybody. On the other hand, we have prepared and stick: those who will not blunt in the process of moving on the ground for a surprise. To dwell on it before the end of the workout I will not... Okay, the opening speech is complete. Semenov and Schwartz! Your time has gone...

  Once the first pair to be outside the gate, both because the sash tightly covered with shots were heard. I looked at Orlov and mentally suggested:

  — Come on, let's go, just leave two hundred meters to the side? Maybe it will be easier?

  Oh, something I doubt it... mentally replied Irina. — It is unlikely that those who have figured out the logic of our progress, so impenetrable doodles. But to try I don't mind...

  — Go as usual? — sigh, I asked and seeing her nod, looked at Starobeshevo to the hangar Rodriguez: If he goes to the Tower,[9] I propose to sunbathe. The weather is super cool. And the rest is up to our queue for forty minutes to stand at attention I something feel like...

  ...Vibration alarm komma and sound a siren to alert the next pair, that is, about the beginning of time, sounded almost simultaneously. Somehow he opened his sleepy eyes, Ira and I looked at each other and laughed... it was that moment when the process of sunbathing gradually turned into a dream, neither she nor I noticed.

  — It would be interesting to see the reaction of Rodriguez, if after an hour he found us sleeping. Here... jumping to my feet, laughed Orlov. Well, what wash brains and forward?

  I nodded and, moving BC the Cup in battle mode, activated injection "cocktail" — hormonal-drug mixture, accelerating the reaction, clarity, and metabolism. Time obediently slowed down, and, feel ready for anything, I first flew to welcome us towards the open goal...

  To adapt vision to changing light took several milliseconds. But this short period of time equipment of the landfill decided to use efficiently — from the intricacies of the vines, covered with thick foliage of bushes and trees, firing on the run, we towards already raced two Android. Red piping around the left was a hint of BK and testified to the fact that Irina's will start to work on it. And immediately went into a roll, the place where I was already flying shrapnel grenade...

  Ira, skolzneva behind a nearby tree, shot out of it noticed the silhouette of another Android and asked to indicate the direction of motion. I nodded and left, not waiting for confirmation, took the first step...

  Alas, to accustom us to the luxury of the use of information from satellites, tracking stations and a miniature Autonomous reconnaissance complexes of Arcelik, as they are called in the army, in the plans Rodriguez was not included. Therefore to control its advance accounted for only through the interface of the BC-Cup. Who passed on my virtual tactical military helmet information with analytical complex Orlova. However, to complain about the boss was stupid — even truncated the possibilities do not end up activated BK has given us a plethora of data about the environment. It is a pity that only the first ten minutes — starting with the eleventh we both began to "refuse" one unit after another. Apparently referring to the need to move faster...

  Dim, on the verge between day and night vision lighting got on my nerves: the eye was reconstructed from one mode to the other, occasionally giving us a fine aim. Under my feet sloshing in the mud, hiding all kinds of traps from the trap the bear to antipersonnel mines. the cries of the Wild animals and bird DIN drowned close noises and were forced once again to rush from side to side: this was the only way to Dodge the shots of androids disguised as humans, stumps and boulders. In addition to the "living forces" of the enemy, move prevented any kind of long-term fire points, the terrain and gravity anomalies. Imagination of those who created this obstacle course, it was possible to envy — the way we met even a cross between a quagmire and a swirl out of which without the help of Orlova guaranteed I would not be able.

  The fauna of ground was treated, too, without a special piety — to shoot a moose-age, jumped out from behind the trunk of some tropical tree and nearly trample my partner into a pile of fallen leaves, I spent most of the half clips.

  But the most difficult part of the exercise began over a hundred meters before the exit: a well-disguised plot several lines of defense were so carefully zeroed "protect" its Android, to overcome it took us more time than all the previous way.

  Moreover, the amount of manpower in this area was so large that I burned all of my existing ammo. And, having spent the last clip, foolishly tried to use the weapons of the near defeated enemy. Alas, sensors "friend or foe" sewn into the arms, caused the undermining of the store and almost tore my arms off. I had to go hand to hand. Against robots, high-speed qualities in no way inferior to those established in the laboratory after the failure of "Grizzly". Thank God, Irina turned out to be more economical and I shot those opponents who are not eager to pick a fight with me one-on-one and fired me from all that was at hand...

  The moment when Orlov pushed me out, I almost didn't remember, tore the head appeared particularly resistant to the enemy and sought the eyes of the following...

  — All out! Relax! Happy her voice seemed like magic music. Looking around and not seeing has become almost habitual of the jungle, I looked at the dial of the Communicator, and happily exclaimed: — Passed! In just forty-one minute!

  — Can not be! — I was approached by Semenov an
d patted him on the shoulder. — Congratulations!

  — And you for how much? — asked him Orlova.

  — Sixty-two! — grimly muttered lying not far Helmut. — Stuck at the last defensive line. So pass by the surprise... And I really wanted to try the cake...

  Where is the rest of the tooth? — I asked, looking back at the gate.

  — God knows... — pessimistic chuckled Igor. Shooting can still be heard...

  ...Ten minutes from the gates of the fallen Hasek and Gomez, and Gomez were pretty lame, and Jacob clutched to her smashed into the blood right hand.

  Fu! Marc collapsed on the grass at the gate and blissfully threw his arms to the side. — Managed!

  — What's wrong with you? Instantly once there, Irina was engaged in children.

  — Hooked. Barely limped. Although, in principle, tolerable! replied Jacob. How about you?

  — Helmut, Igor missed, and we kind of had...

  No way "like"! — outraged Igor. They passed the hangar for forty-one minute! Fled, probably...

  Yeah! From crocodiles... — I smiled.

  — There's a crocodile was? — surprised mark. — Sorry, I have not got! Never seen... Well, except for holofilm about the nature of...

  — He was joking! We only moose seen. Mutant. The size of a small elephant. Almost got me trampled... — treating the wound, said Irina.

  — So spring! They gon! Looking for a female! — Helmut laughed and I felt in my ear. From me.

  — I'll give you "a female"! Won over Igor have fun... I pinned him to the ground and gave a heavy flick. She's not a female, and my partner! Hurt — kill...

  Having slipped out of the grip, Schwartz immediately fell on his knees, begged me to forgive him and crawled towards Irina. Thus building hilarious faces and portraying the repentant sinner. However, to fool around he has failed: the show was interrupted by the sound of approaching boats.


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