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Dragon Rider (DragonMage Saga)

Page 3

by Platt, S. P.

  ‘I’ve always played with them, so why are they doing this to me now?’ Tears streaming down his face as he looked up at her.

  Looking at him, the agony was there on her face scaring him. ‘It’s alright it’s just something that we never thought would happen and now it has we have to take you away from the dragons.’

  Screaming Angel throw himself at his mother yelling. ‘No I don’t want to they’re my friends.’

  ‘No Angel they’re not anymore, you’ve changed and the little dragons know it. They will never let you come near them again, so we will have to move. You don’t want the little dragons to be upset every time you try to see them that's what will happen. Every time you go near them they are going to get very upset and you know we don’t upset dragons, they are very special to us all.’ Moving to hold him, she could try to stop his hurting.

  Angel just stood there ‘I can’t see them any more! They were my friends and if they hurt when I am near then I will not go near them any more, I will not hurt them. But where will we go?’ Angel knew the one thing he would never do is hurt a dragon, he loved them to much.

  She stood up and looked out the window knowing she was going to have to tell him the rest. ‘We’ll go and move up to an old place I had up in the mountains it’s a good place. But it's a long way from here.’

  He moved over to the edge of the level looking down at the young dragons. ‘Why have I changed, what’s wrong with me, am I going to die?’

  Coming over she knelt down and held him tight speaking with tears ‘No you’ll not die, the change is good but you might not think so because it has taken you away from your dragon friends. What has happened to you has never happened before in all the time of the Dragon Riders. There has never been a wizard born into a Dragon Riders family and that is what's happening to you. The law says if you have magic you must go to the Wizard School. Also you know what happens with wizards around dragons. The dragons go crazy and try to hurt or kill them. It is only the strongest Dragon Riders who can carry a wizard and then they are fighting to keep control.’

  Angels eyes were bulging as she told him and he waited until she finished. His voice quivering. ‘I'm going to be a wizard, and then what happened yesterday is when it started.’

  She looked at him. ‘What happened yesterday?’

  He told them about the feelings he had and the dragon nipping him as he left, and that deep down he knew something was going to happen today. All this time, he had been looking at the young dragons playing as if nothing had ever happened. ‘I don’t want to be a wizard, I want to play with dragons and ride them like you, Pol and Tas. I want to be like them. I don’t want to be a wizard’

  Gavrie came over and spoke. ‘There is nothing your mother or anyone else can do to change what has happened. When you turn twelve you will go to the wizard school, it’s not a bad place. Your mother has been there a couple of times you’ll be alright you’ll see.’

  Taking one last look at the dragons playing, he turns to his friends who had been listening all this time and he could see not horror at him being a wizard but a look of wonder. To Angel he felt they now had a sense of owe of him, as if he had climbed another level above them. He knew their friendship would never be the same again.

  After saying his fare wells to his friends, Tish told him they will go home and tell his brothers what’s happened and where they will be going to live. She spoke as they walked out to the Dragon Hall. ‘Won’t they be surprised when they find out?’

  Angel gave his mother a worried look. ‘When Rho picked me up, Moontear was hard for Rho to handle, what will Nightwing do? He will hate me like the others.’

  She looked at him. ‘He will remember the good times and I will talk to him before you get up. He might be a little unsettled but should be alright. He knows you and you have a special bond with him, so we’ll see.’

  They got to the Dragon Hall going over to where NightWing was, Tish indicated to Angel to hold back while she spoke to Nightwing. She was over with him for a while before calling Angel over.

  Angel walked very slowly over to Nightwing and as he came close Nightwing stirred looking around at Angel. He could see Nightwing was studying him closely and he moved closer. Nightwing gave one more look and turned his head. Angel walked the final couple of feet and went to pat Nightwing.

  As Angel touched Nightwing and felt him shudder, he stood there and waited for Tish to lift him onto his back. She mounted and they climbed into the air and flew out of the Hall and up the mountain to their home. They could see Rho and Etha were home and he had to tell them what was happening.

  When they landed in the cave Rho’s dragon Moontear looked at Angel and shuddered a little but was good. MoonSkin, Etha’s dragon did the same, they would tolerate Angel which was more than they hoped but they would not let Angel come in here with out one of them. To let him come in alone and with his magic getting stronger they dear not trust them.

  Walking into the house his brothers looking at Angel they could tell there was something wrong. They waited for Angel to tell them for they could see the look on their mothers face and tell it was serious.

  Angel looked at them and burst into tears and ran to his room, they looked surprised for Angel would never let something upset him like this.

  ‘Mum what’s wrong, whys Angel upset?’ Rho's tone showed he cared very much for his young brother.

  ‘Angel will tell you what happened, he needs to. Today his life has changed forever and he is the one who needs to tell what happened.’ Tish had spoken with sadness in her voice.

  They could tell by there mothers face what’s happened today is serous. Rho had been thinking of Angel’s questions he had been asking yesterday. ‘Mum has it anything to do with what happened with the little dragons yesterday. He told me one tried to nip him but I just told him they where only playing.’

  Etha was about to ask something when Angel walked back into the room. They could see he was holding back the tears. Angel stood by the door and looked at his brothers and the words just spilled out. ‘I can’t ever be a Dragon Rider like you. They don’t like me anymore; they will kill me if I go near them. Dragons hate me now and forever.’ The tears were now streaming done his face again.

  His brothers just looked at him and then their mother. She looked at them and nodded her head. Looking at Angel she held out her arms for him to come to her. Angel just ran over and through his arms around her. ‘Angel is to become a Wizard that’s why the young dragon nipped at him yesterday and it got worse today, a very dangerous situation which we just managed to get him out of with the help of Gavrie.’

  They were all silent for a short time when Etha got up and came over to his little brother knelt down and gave him a hug. It was all he could think to do or say. Next minute they were all doing it.

  ‘Ok come on I think we need food, Angel while I get that ready you can tell your brothers what happened and what we have to do.’ She headed off to sort that out, leaving the boys to talk.

  For Tish memories come back to her as she walked away leaving the boys to it. Memories of a time of great pain and the loss of someone special. He will be like his father but in him there is going to be a great loss and pain. To grow up around dragons playing and getting rides, having them in every part of his life and then finding out in one short time that it is over never again. Dragons will no longer be a part of his life.

  Tears trickling down her face, as she got the meal ready. Wiping her face she took their meals in and they sat around the table talking about what tomorrow will bring.


  A New Beginning

  The move to the new house took two days and in those two days there were dragons flying around everywhere. All Tish’s friends came with their dragons to help move to the new house. With all the dragons around, Angels mum was trying to think where Angel could go until it was time to move.

  He came up to his mother on the morning the move was happening. ‘Mum I don’t want to be aro
und when all the dragons come to help move.’

  ‘I know we’ll just have to find a place for you to stay till the move is finished.’ Tish knew it was going to be hard on Angel no matter where he was.

  ‘I thought about it and decided I’ll take some food and going climbing up behind the house till everything has been moved and there are no more dragons around.’ Tish could see the tears were just being held in check.

  Looking at him, she gave him a hug; it was going to take time for them all to adjust to what had happened. ‘That might be a good idea but you will be careful up there and don’t go far ok?’

  ‘I’ll be careful, you know I’m a good climber Rho and Etha will tell you I am. I use to go with them when you were away. They showed me what to do and where to look for holds. We just didn’t tell you how many times I would go with them encase you worry. I’m a great climber now and I won’t go far, just high enough to be out of the way.’ He tried to put a simile on his face but it didn’t come out well.

  ‘Ok, the dragon riders will be here soon so away you go.’ Tish went out to check on Nightwing, as she was having trouble hiding her feelings.

  Angel watched her go and went to get some food and his gear for climbing. He was out and up above the house before he could see the first dragon riders. He climbed a good height above the house when he found a ledge to rest on. It had been an easy climb not to steep and he knew the easy path up having done this with his brothers. With his back to the rocks and his legs hanging over the ledge he closed his eyes and tried to get dragons out of his mind.

  Must not think of them but it’s so hard, the urges are getting stronger. I just can’t let them; they are not good for me. I’ve been around them all my life and to try and get them out of my life just like that, it’s not fare. I must think of other things.

  Just then there is a disturbance in the air in front of him, opening his eyes to a great blue dragons face looking at him. Jumping with surprise he relaxes as Etha’s face comes into view and gives him a wave.

  ‘What’s wrong everything ok?’ Yelling at the top of his voice. ‘Just came up to see how you’re doing and how far you got. Are you ok you left before your bother and I could see you?’ He was just not quite able to hide the worry on his face.

  Angel looked at them. They look so majestic just hovering there, MoonSkin’s wing moving in gentle but strong movements. Keeping them in the air in the one place, oh why can’t I be with dragons, I don’t want to be a wizard I want to ride dragons they’re a part of me now. They have been for a long time, they’re calling me.

  Suddenly he remembers where he is and who is in front of him. ‘I just needed to get out before all the dragons come. Sorry I didn’t say goodbye, just wanted to be out of the way.’

  ‘Ok but be careful and we’ll see you later when we finish for the day. Come on MoonSkin lets be away.’ Waving to Angel as they headed back down to help with the move.

  Angel just sits there watching them, wanting to be like them. Finding the urges getting stronger by the day. He could not tell his mother he was getting them as she was worrying about him not being around dragons, it would be too much for her. He knew that Dragon Riders got the urges just before they find their dragon.

  He just didn’t think they came on so early, he started having feelings just a couple of days ago and thought that it was for one of the young dragons he’s been playing with. Then when the young dragons attacked him he thought the urges would go away as the dragons hate him now. But they hadn’t gone away and they were getting stronger.

  He sits there most of the day on the ledge before making his way back down home. Getting back as the last dragons head away. Going into the house he finds his mother there getting their last meal in the house ready. His brothers are not back yet but won’t be long so goes over to his mother and gives her a hug. Feeling better at the moment he needs to reassure his mother.

  ‘Angel there’s not much more to do tomorrow so I will take you to the knew place first before we bring what’s left. You can do a little exploring around and a little climbing if you like?’ Giving him an extra hug before letting him go.

  Angel could see the look and knew this was just as hard for her as it was for him and so put on a simile. ‘Come on mum it’s going to be alright, I’m going to be fine and so are you. Look we’re going to have a wizard in the family and that’s a dragon rider first.’

  He gives her another big hug and holds on hard then release’s her giving a big simile as he did so. Just then they could hear two dragons calling as they came into land in the cave below them. Angel’s brothers were home so time for a final meal together in their old home.

  The next morning Tish took Angel to their new place, it was a long way from the Hatchery and the dragon riders’ school. She knew they had to be well away and where they are now is that. They did not need the other Dragon Riders as they could carry the last themselves. Angel to take his mind off things began to put things away taking all morning. He would have liked to have done some exploring but his brothers and mother wanted them to be together for the afternoon so they could all get use to the house.

  Angel was glad to get to bed as everyone was trying to be nice and not let him think on what’s happened. He could see it was hard for them as well and thought going to bed was the best thing to do. Tomorrow he will do a little bit of climbing and see what’s around here.

  As he lay in bed, the urges, the deep wanting were getting stronger. He had to find a dragon to be around. But he knew it wasn’t possible and was getting angry he was still having them. He was sweating and holding himself with the deep wanting till he fell asleep.

  Awaking in the morning with a feeling of ease; calmness had come over him. He felt really good, so going out to his breakfast he found his brothers already there and finishing. ‘I’m going to do a little exploring and see what’s around.’

  Tish got him some food to take encase he got hungry in his exploring. ‘Don’t climb to high as you haven’t climbed around here before and you don’t know what’s up there.’

  Giving her a hug as she handed him food to take. ‘I’ll be careful so don’t worry. I’ll probably climb around till lunch and then eat and come home later.’ He walked out the door not wanting to look back.

  Looking above he scanned the rocks to find a path that looked easy. Standing there looking a feeling came over him not like the urges he had been getting but a feeling.

  Something’s drawing me up; I need to be up there somewhere. I still feel good; it’s not a bad urge but something gentle and soft. I must see where the feeling takes me.

  He was soon climbing with the feeling, this was right. He was a little way up to the right of the house when he found a large cave, it didn’t go back a long way so decided to keep climbing and maybe on the way down have another look at it.

  He had been climbing now for a good half of the morning and thought it might be a good time to rest. The climb was fairly easy and was now getting into a harder area and he would need to plan his next path up. He had stopped on a little ledge over looking the valley.

  The view from up here was enough to take his breath away but Angel’s mind was not on views. The longing will it ever go away, these feelings to want to be around dragons they are so strong. I want no need to be around dragons. They are a part of me; I’ve been around them all my life and I can’t just give them up now. I will go back down and just stay close to the house and watch the dragons, that can’t hurt.

  Angel had been nibbling on some of his lunch so had to pack this before he could head back down. He had climbed a fare distance above the house and could not see any of it, but he could just make out dragons flying around way down below. With his lunch packed he turned and started down when there was a feeling deep down saying no.

  Stopping he looked around, up and down, the feeling was deep in him. He could not work out what the feeling was but it was new. Was this part of the magic in him, another part changing or was it the same but get
ting stronger. He decided to keep going down.

  He didn’t get far as the feeling suddenly got stronger and he had to stop. He looked around again and down at his new home far below where the dragons were flying. Then he swung his head up, the feeling was to keep going up and it was getting stronger all the time. I’ll keep going down and see what happens.

  He didn’t get far again before the feeling overwhelmed him and he had to grab hold till it stopped. There was sweat pouring off his face giving it a wipe with his arm. He had no vest as it was very hot even up this high. That was not the cause of the sweat it was the feeling, he must go up.

  Angel looked up and started heading back up and he didn’t stop till the sun was at its highest point. Stopping he looked down and now could not see the dragons flying around, he was high. He was not worried but he would have to start down soon if he was to make it back before night.

  Having a quick bite he carried on. He could see a large gap up ahead and was soon there. Climbing into the gap he found it opened up into a passage that led through the mountain. Seeing light at the other end and deciding to look and see what was there.

  He came out the other side to a large rift in the mountain and it was deep and wide. The rift had spilt the mountain but Angel couldn’t see the end of it in one direction but where he had come out was this end of it. There was a bit of a track leading off to the left with no way of going to the right so deciding he would follow the path to the left.

  He had only just started around the track when he heard some loud screaming, stopping for he knew that sound, Fire Lizards. They looked like little dragons but could not fly, but they could climb very well. He was about to turn and head back when another noise stopped him dead. It was a dragon a young dragon, but up here that’s not possible.

  He was trying to decide whether to go back or see if it was a young dragon, but a young dragon out here in the wild. He had never heard of that happening before and he would have, with his mother being head dragon rider. He moved along the path very slowly and heard the noise again, closer this time.


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