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Dragon Rider (DragonMage Saga)

Page 18

by Platt, S. P.

  They so much wanted to be with their dragons it was going to be harder to part from them each time. They must come up with a solution and soon as time was running out. The Renegade and the creature attacks were going to make it harder still. Angel knew they or he needed to come up with an idea soon.

  They come down two decks over from the school and said their goodbyes and headed off. They get to the door to find Gavrie was standing on the other side talking to the wizard who is going to be on watch. Standing there they could hear him talking.


  ‘We don’t expect an attack for a few days but we must keep our guard up at all times. The Dragon Riders are having the same problem with all the attacks and so many riders off world at the moment. They are trying for a hit or miss at looking for the Renegade base, but may have to pull them back soon if the attacks don’t stop. Keep a close eye out as I don’t think they will leave us alone for long.’ Gavrie waited for the wizard to go before turning his head around to scan the deck looking for Angel and his group.

  Not seeing them around he started to head off to check the library to see if they were there or not. He was going to keep an eye on them but there is no time to do that. Thinking on what he would do he headed to the school and the library just maybe they are there.


  Seeing Gavrie finely go they quickly went through the gate and walked into the cave and went across in the shadow of the cave encase Gavrie turned and saw them. They waited before entering the school and trying catch site of Gavrie before he saw them. If they could get to the meal hall they would be fine.

  They got there with no sign of him and get their meal and take it back to their common room. They enjoyed being able to do that as it was not uncommon for wizards to do, so they might be able to be alone to study their magic.

  They have a peaceful meal and just sit quietly thinking of the fun they had today. That was the first time they simply just played and not thought of what was going on and what they were going to have to do about it.

  Angel come out of his thoughts and looked at the others. He could see the near panic on their faces and quickly got up and went over to the window. ‘We all know what will happen if the Renegade is left to finish what he’s doing. If we tell Gavrie what is happening we could lose our dragons, we might not but for them to find out our dragons have magic, we don’t know what they will do.’ He turns to them looking each in the eye, they see his determination. ‘They might not do anything, we just don’t know. I believe that what we do now is for the best, we work behind to keep our families safe. We have our dragons there to help us and with their magic and ours together we are stronger, we just need to learn how strong we are.’

  Medwin looked at him and seeing the hope in Angel’s eyes and determination he knew he was right. ‘We know you are right, we’re just afraid as we have never been in anything like this before, it’s all so knew. We will try but we’re still afraid but we’re with you.’

  The girls stood and went over to Angel and gave him a hug with Medwin joining in. There were tears on their faces as they come away from each other. They were the guardians of their follow wizards at the moment and they had to make sure nothing happened to the school.

  They went back to their seats as their dragons entered their minds. The dragons could feel the out pouring of emotions and were worried. They had also been a bit down after Angel and the others left them. They could feel the bond they had now was to be very important in the future. They felt they are a start of something that was going to go on for years.

  They all had a feeling what they do here was going to change a lot of things in the future. It was just going to be a hard road ahead with them being so young they were going to have to learn a lot in a short space of time. They knew they would make mistakes along the way but it was something they would have to live with.

  Sitting back down at the table they had to work out a plan that would get them to their dragons as much as possible. They knew the dragon of the Renegade would warn them when they come. They knew somewhere out at sea Renegades would open portals into the Dark Realms and let creatures come to their world. They knew that the most important thing was they had to be with their dragons as much as possible.

  Angel was thinking when he had an idea. ‘We know when the Renegade comes, for his dragon will tell us. The last time he came the creatures come so tells us that when he comes next the creatures will also come so will give us a warning. We just need to let the wizards know when the attack comes so they could try and get some Dragon Riders here. What do you think?’

  Shylyn spoke with a new zest in her voice. ‘Yes we get the time in between to be with our dragons as much as possible. We will get the afternoons and in the evenings we work in the library and learn more spells. I also think we need to find more on the Renegades and on the Wizard School and the whole of Nirvana.’

  Angel stood and smiled before he reminded them what they had to find out about the spell the Renegade is using to destroy the spell. ‘We will have to. Next time he comes before the creatures attack go and be ready to get a feeling for the spell he uses. It also means we are not going to be around when the creatures attack the school. We need to think off a reason to tell Gavrie why we’re not there. So I think we will have to find a new secret place so that Gavrie can find us there but also have the reason why we were not helping with the attack. So it must be in the quietist part of the school where we will not be able to hear anything?’

  ‘Tomorrow we go hunting a nice quite place and let Gavrie know about it after the attack.’ Maive looked with a gleeful simile on her face.


  The Secret Room

  It dawned cloudy with what looked to be storm clouds on the horizon. Going out and standing on the deck before they went in for their breakfast, they could see it was a storm brewing. They found standing out by the wall around the deck was so peaceful, as no other student or teachers were out here.

  They felt they needed just a little peace and quite for what they planed today. Trying to find a place was not going to be easy as other students would have had the same idea. It was lucky the school had hundreds of rooms that were not used and students were allowed to find one and seal it with a spell.

  It was that student’s room and no one was allowed in it but that student. The teachers’ encouraged students to find their places of solitude so they could learn their powers and work on their own spells. All wizards are like this except Angel, Medwin, Shylyn and Maive, they found they needed each others company.

  They could see the storm was nearly on them, so moved back inside to get something to eat. They did have a class with Gavrie before they were to have the afternoon free. Having finished their breakfast they grabbed a drink to take to the Crystal Chamber with them as when in there, they find they get thirsty.

  Entering the chamber they find Gavrie sitting in the middle of the floor waiting for them. ‘Come sit in a circle with me and we will start. I would like you to just let your magic flow through you and around you.’

  They sat there for an hour just letting the magic flow through and around there bodies. Angel could feel the magic finding all the parts of his body and learning about his body. He never knew there was so much to his body for the magic flowed through his blood and his heart and all his organs.

  The magic seamed to want to learn how everything in his body worked. A feeling he has never experienced before. It was a wonderful feeling that he was getting back from his magic. He could see from the look on the others faces they were experiencing the same feelings.

  Gavrie watched them and a smile came to his face as he could remember the exact same feeling when he was that age. He could see they were nearly ready for the next part of the class but gave them just a little bit longer. It was one of the most exquisite feelings one got. It brought the magic into harmony with the body and now made it possible for them to learn the next spell he would teach them.

  ‘Ok now just let the magic
flow back to normal, letting it flow as before. Now I will teach you how to shield your body with your magic. Your magic needed to be able to feel every part of your body for it is your only protection.’ They all looked at him not understanding what he was meaning. ‘You can learn how to cast spells but can you stop spells from harming your body. Your magic needs to be able to shield your body when under attack.’ Looking at their faces he could see they were starting to get the picture.

  ‘You can cast spells at wizards and they can cast them at you but to shield yourself you need to be able to have a spell that can place a shield in front of you to deflect the spell. Trying to cast a spell to change the spell being cast at you is very difficult so a wizard needs his magic to do that for him at a moments notice.’ Getting as he carried on explaining.

  ‘It's not foolproof but it will stop a lot of spells or deflect them. So it left the wizard to work on his spells of attack. Letting your own magic know your body, lets the magic protect it without the wizard being conscience of it.’ Looking closely at them, and watching their reactions.

  ‘Now you must let your magic feel your bodies again as you picture the magic putting up an invisible bubble around your body at a moments notice. Soon as a wizard or creature fires a spell at you your magic will have the bubble up to protect you. It will not work on all spells or very powerful spells but it will help to deflect part of it so that you do not get hit to hard.’ He could see they were a bit sceptical, so he would have to give them a little demo.

  Now with the magic flowing around and through their bodies Gavrie tells them to tell the magic to protect their body let no harm touch it. They must tell the magic it is their protection, the bodies’ guardian. They could feel the magic change slightly and could feel protectiveness with it.

  The magic was a part of him and as a part of him could protect him. The magic felt protective, where as before it was a part of himself to use. The magic could now feel part of the body. Magic before just flowed through the body now it was part of him.

  Angel looked at Gavrie. ‘Will it protect me now from a spell or do we have to keep practicing with the magic?’

  Gavrie suddenly cast a fire ball spell at Angel; there was no time for him to cast another spell that would block it. The fire ball all of a sudden stopped in mid air, not moving an inch. Gavrie had a smile on his face at the expression on Angel and the others faces.

  Angel sat there looking into a small ball of fire just a foot away from his face. He could feel nothing, no heat at all. The fire ball just hung there in mid air not even moving, if you wanted to you could put your hand out and take it.

  Gavrie spoke to them as he moved over to Angel who just sat there with this ball of fire in his face. ‘Now Angel you can pick it up with your hand, go ahead try it and tell me what you feel?’

  Angel slowly moved his hand to the ball of fire and placing his hand around it. His face turned to a great big grin as he grabbed the ball of fire and threw it out the window. ‘Wow I never felt a thing, it was like touching nothing but you could see it there in my hand. The magic was stopping me from hurting myself by putting up a shield over the skin of my hand.’

  ‘That is what the shielding will do as there is no spell to cast but you have told your magic that now it is a part of me and so you will protect me as much as possible. You don’t have to let the magic flow through and around your body again as it knows it is a part of the body and will protect it best it can.’ They all had similes on their faces now that angel had got rid of the fire and for what they have just learned from Gavrie.

  They realized they now had another line of defence against the Renegade and this they loved. It was getting close to lunch so Gavrie let them go and he knew they would be throwing balls of fire at each other when they were away by themselves.

  They had to let their dragons know how to do it as well and their room was a good spot to do that. Calling them into their minds they showed them how to let their magic flow through and around their bodies. Angel had a disturbing thought about what they have just learned.

  ‘What if our magic won’t join together now like it did before, as we have now taught our body to fight other magic? We will need to find out how it will react to joining the magic. I think we had better try it now, and let the magic join through our mind link?’ Angle looked worried as he told them his fears.

  Angel and Aura joined their minds and did the magic flow exercise finding they were still able to do that to each other. Now he created a ball of fire in mid air, it wasn’t a big one. He then did what they did on the dragon deck with their dragons and called Aura’s magic in to the spell and made it bigger. The ball of fire got bigger with no sign of the magic fighting the different magic.

  ‘That is good the magic still joins and each others magic won’t fight it. I think the magic feels no threat so it will allow the joining. We now have another way of protecting ourselves now.’ Smiling at them.

  The storm had broken over the school and they knew the Renegade would not be out in this, so this was going to give them time to find a place in the school for their hiding place. A storm like this one was going to last a couple of days but the bad thing was they would not be able to get to their dragons.

  They had the mind link and decided they would have that, as much as possible while not being able to get to their dragons. It was the next best thing they had decided.

  They decide they need a place well out of the way but close to the entrance to get to the other deck. So they were going to have to look deep for the school still had rooms below the level of the deck. They head off down the hall till they came to the stairs leading down to the next level.

  They head along finding rooms but finding them locked with spells, they were other student's rooms so had to go down more yet. Reaching the next level they find there are a couple of rooms that are still used by students so they head down another level and there find no other students using this level.

  They go to the end and find a room big enough for them; they will use it for their secret room and keep things in here that they could find useful. They use their magic to clean the room and restore the magic glow lamps on the roof. Now all they have to do is finding away to get to the other deck without getting seen and down here after the attack.

  Angel looks to the wall and walks over to it and places his hands just centimetres away from the wall and slowly proceeds to move them up and down an across. He did this for a time before the others got curious.

  ‘Angel what are you doing?’ Medwin came over and stood next to him.

  ‘There is something different with the wall it’s as if there is something hidden here; I can feel something, just a wisp of something that should not be here. Ah there’s a spell here I can just feel it starting to appear to my magic.’ He moved back a little as he explained what he was feeling.

  The others come up to him and using their magic they also could feel there was a spell. Angel looked at them and told them to use their magic as sight and to have another look. Doing this they looked again and could see what the magic told them was there.

  In front of them appeared a magic door, this was a door that is hidden with magic, but this magic spell was different to anything they have been shown. The spell hiding this door was very well made and had been woven with very great care. The spell was old but not as old as the spell holding the school or the one the Renegade use’s.

  They found it was not only hiding the door but locking the door. They could see there was a way to unlock it by moving part of the woven spell. Angel looked at them before he turned back to the spell.

  ‘I’m going to try and unlock the spell so we can see what’s in behind it. It could give us clues to the Renegades or could lead to other decks. This could be a way for us to get to the dragons without crossing the deck. We must try?’ A pleading look on his face as he turned to his friends.

  They looked at him and they couldn’t do anything but simile at him. They knew themselves they wan
ted to find out where it goes to. Nodding, they come up beside him and watched as he proceeded to move the pattern around.

  Angel stood in front of the pattern for a long time moving the pattern around this way and that trying to find the key to unlocking it. He stopped and sat down for working with his magic had taken a lot out of him. He looked up at the others and made an effort to get up.

  ‘Angel stay down there and rest, there’s no point in tiring yourself. If we all sit down with you and look at the pattern maybe we can see the key in it. There must be something in the pattern that will hint at the key?’ Maive looked hard at the pattern as she spoke, knowing she had to be positive so Angel did not get despondent.

  Medwin and Shylyn sat down with Angel and Maive, both looking up at the pattern trying to see what should be there. ‘There must be a way of seeing the key for what we have learned so far in our magic studies, the other wizards and students can’t see the patterns in a spell without the crystal chambers help. So that means we should be able to see the key.’ Medwin gazed up at the spell.

  ‘I know it's there but the spell is so strong and finely woven the wizard who wove it must have been very powerful. Only a wizard of great power can get such detail into a spell. He loved his art for the pattern is so rich and artistic for a spell to hide a door. The only part of the pattern that is rough is the corner down on the left; he must have been rushed to leave it like that.’ They all looked down in the left hand corner where Angel indicated.

  ‘You know if he put such work into the spell surly he would have finished it like it and not leave that one little area?’ Shylyn crawled over to look at the corner.

  They all followed her and the four of them just looked close at that spot trying to see why it was like it. Shylyn got her finger and pocked it in the very corner of the spell and using her magic started to pull one line of the pattern over to the other corner of that little rough area.


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