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Dragon Rider (DragonMage Saga)

Page 23

by Platt, S. P.

  ‘Aura are you as hungry as us after using magic, for we find we are eating all the time. Gavrie says it’s normal so we were wondering if you get hungry as well?’ Carrying on eating.

  'We get hungry but we feed every four or five days so it will not affect us like you. But we still are eating a lot more than is usual and I did ask Grandfather the last time we went and seen him. He said the same it’s the magic and that it will settle down when our magic has settled down.’ Aura finished and looked up at him as she finished talking.

  ‘What are we going to do this after noon; maybe we’ll look in the castle at this end and see what’s in there if anything. What do you others think, worth a look, maybe we might find something that will be handy for us?’ Medwin asked as he got up and walked around, he was feeling just a little restless.

  ‘Ok let’s have a look but we must be careful as we don’t know what the condition is like in there.’ Angel agreed as he got up to join Medwin.

  They all got up and told their dragons they would not be long. They walked over to the cave mouth and Angel drew their magic to him as they walked through the storm to the door to the castle. Their shields protecting them as they went.

  They opened the door and found it very much resembled the school castle and so had an idea where things might be found. There were tables and chairs in the entrance hall and they were still in very good condition. Walking on into the meal hall or what was the meal hall in their school they found that it was the same here.

  Angel had and idea and headed up to what would be the Crystal Chamber in their school. He wanted to see if there was one here for if so they could practice with it here. Reaching the hall with it on they came to the door that would lead them into the Crystal Chamber, but they were just going to enter when Aura was in his mind.

  ‘The Renegade comes; his dragon has just called us. He says there are no creatures this time and he has come alone. The storm hides him so he came, and now the dragon tells us the last time he was here he felt you get pulled from the spell. The Renegade does not know who it was but he felt you get pulled Angel and he was not happy.’

  ‘We must be very careful from now on, come on lets see what’s in this room and hope it is another Crystal Chamber.’ Angel opened the door as he finished talking.

  The room was another Crystal Chamber but this one had a larger crystal in the centre. They all walked over to it and Angel could feel that this crystal has been unused for centuries and there was something different about it. Angel went up to the crystal and touched it.

  Standing there, hardly moving and not saying a word. As the time ticked on the others were starting to worry. Shylyn was about to touch him when he turned to them. ‘I feel the old spell, this crystal is linked to the spell and I think it is what helps keep the spell working after all these centuries. It is old like the crystal at the school but feels different to that one. We might be able to see the old spell from in here and we may be able to see the spell the Renegade is using.’ Angel’s eyes were bulging out with the scope of what this crystal could do for them.

  Shylyn come over and placed her hand on the crystal and then looked at Angel. ‘You are right I can feel the link to the spell and my thinking is if the Renegade ever found this he could destroy the spell by destroying the crystal. This should be in the school where it could be protected.’

  Medwin and Maive came over and proceeded to do the same, with all four touching the crystal and their dragons linked to them as well Angel let his magic just lightly touch the crystal and see what would happen. There was a little increase in the light coming from the crystal but nothing that could harm them.

  Angel felt for the old spell, finding it very easily he did not touch it but just stopped in front of it. He did not want the Renegade to feel their presence so he just looked at it. With his magic sense he moved along to the area where the Renegade had been working on it. All this time the others just went with him let him draw them along. They were there in case he needed them.

  They felt he could draw on their magic at anytime as they were near him. This was their place at his side his guardians, they would protect him and also lend him their magic if he needed it. This was their role, they were his poles of power and being poles we're also his guardians.

  Angel could feel the group all together and how each fitted into the group, his was the central role in the group. He was the power, him and Aura for he could feel they were one. The others were the three poles that surrounded him, gave him their magic when he needed it and also they would protect him form all that would harm him. But he would protect them from harm in the process.

  The Crystal Chamber they were now in had shown them how their magic worked; it still showed them they had a long way to go. They would make mistakes and they would have to live with them if they were wrong and in the process hurt someone or people.

  They found they were a power just coming into blossom and had to be very careful what they did. They had to consider every act they did till they were sure of their power and they had to tread carefully around the Renegade for they could tell he had tremendous power to be able to work an old spell like he was doing.

  They could see the spell he wove was very patchy but it was still a very powerful spell and could disrupt the old spell holding Nirvana to the mountain. They could not try anything against the Renegade just yet for they had to be sure that when they did fight him, they could win.


  The New Crystal

  They sat in that Crystal Chamber for the rest of the afternoon, just sitting looking at the crystal. It drew them to it and Angel could fell the power of it. This crystal could be very dangerous and they would have to watch themselves around it.

  The crystal in this chamber was far more powerful than the one at the school; it was totally different in what it can do to that of the other one. What this crystal was used for he had no idea, but who ever used it would have been a wizard of incredible power. Angel and his group could use it a little but it could very easy destroy them in a minute.

  It was coming on close to the time they should be back at the school and still the Renegade had not gone. They would not be able to go for fear of getting caught by him as he was leaving.

  They just waited drawn to the crystal but very scared of it. This was a power they would fear, for it chilled their hearts. But they could not just walk away and leave it, now they had found it; there would be the urge to use it. Angel was not going to let that happen.

  Just then Aura broke into his thoughts. ‘The Renegade is leaving and the dragon tells us he is very wary and is looking all around. The dragon thinks he knows we or someone is working against him. The dragon warns not to leave where we are hiding till we are very sure he is gone. The dragon will try and worn us but sometimes the spell the Renegade has on him can take all his control and will be unable to help.’

  Angel lets the others know what is happening and they go to the window which over looks the sea. They stand there looking to see if they can see the Renegade leave. They stand looking out the window to roughly where the Renegade will go. They see no sign of him when Aura calls out.

  ‘Get away from the window now.’ Angel yelled out to the others as Aura told him.

  They all dropped to the floor and rolled away from the window. Suddenly a great dragon flew past the window slowly. The Renegade was on its back and looking as he flew past. They lay there not moving, for fear of the Renegade turning and coming back past.

  They heard the dragon fly past again and Angel stuck his head up just a little. He could sea the dragon and Renegade flying along by the next tower and disappears down and under the next deck. Angel got up quickly and indicated they all do the same and move from the window.

  The window was dusty so they hope the Renegade was not able to see in. They moved to the sides of the window and waited for with him going under the deck, he was going to come up again but the problem was where. They waited not daring to move or go outside.

  Angel called Aura. ‘Aura, are you all ok there?’

  ‘We are fine and have just moved back into our nesting area that little bit more, but we watch in case.’ Aura did not sound upset to Angel which reassured him they where ok.

  Angel found the others had checked with their dragons, and from what they had told them, they all sounded calm and not too worried. Angel Asked Aura why they were not warred.

  ‘Aura you sound calm with the Renegade flying around looking for us.’ Aura’s calmness was starting to affect Angel.

  ‘If he knew we were here he would have landed and looked for us he didn’t so he was hoping by flying around he might scare someone out of hiding. He will leave soon; we just have to wait.’ She spoke with that calming effect that relaxed Angel when he was a bit tense.

  They sat there for a bit longer when the Renegade and his dragon flew past again and then turned and went out to sea. They stood by the window as the Renegade faded into the distant storm. The storm had headed back out to sea so the Renegade was going to get home wet and grumpy which will go down well with him.

  They left the room and Angel stopped once more to look at the crystal. ‘I think for all of us, we stay away from this Crystal Chamber, it is too dangerous. I think to keep it safe we had better put a spell lock on the door and maybe one that will hide it. We remember how that spell went in our secret room. We’ll do one like that here now.’

  Medwin spoke as they stood in front of the door. ‘This will be a good idea for if the Renegade comes back and starts to look through these rooms he could find this crystal and then we would be in trouble. Lets make it a good spell just like that other one.’

  They looked at the crystal for one last time and then wove the spell just like the other one except they put a special lock on the spell to hide it that bit more. It was a very powerful spell they wove that day, for they used an old spell just like the Renegade but with their one it had no bad parts to the pattern.

  They went down stairs and out to their dragons, who had come out of the cave. Angel gave Aura a gentle rub above the eye and thanked her for her calm presence in his mind. They mounted their dragons and leapt up into the air and were away and over the side of the deck in no time at all.

  Getting back to their deck where they usually land and walk through to the deck right by the school. They head down to their secret room and enter to someone out side the door. They quickly replace the spell hiding the door and Shylyn opens the door. There they find Gavrie standing.

  ‘Headmaster what brings you here and how did you know this was our room?’ Shylyn had been caught unawares with Gavrie at the door.

  ‘I come to remind you about missing your meal and making sure you do not do what happened last time you lost sleep.’ He did not enter their room or ask to come in for that is forbidden. The only way for him to come in was if he was invited by the owner of the secret room.

  Shylyn was quick. ‘We were in fact just coming now as we don’t want a repeat of the last time.’

  Angel and the others walked over to the door and walked through into the hall to stand next to Gavrie. ‘We will walk back with you if that’s ok?’

  Gavrie didn’t mind not being invited into their room but he did think they just might, with them not minding shearing their magic knowledge with each other. But he did not tell them what he thought. ‘Come that would be good. Angel your mother will be here in the morning if you want to see her. She will be arriving just after the morning meal.’

  Angel was very happy with this as he did miss her. ‘Great but what’s she here for can you tell?’

  Gavrie talked as they walked up the stairs. ‘I think she has come to tell us they are stretched and are unable to offer any help. There have been more attacks at the hatchery and they are keeping all riders there for they must protect the young dragons at all costs.’ They had come up to the level with the meal hall and Gavrie would leave them soon. ‘They have been getting attacks nearly every day and so have been unable to get help here when we have been under attack. We get a hundred creatures attacking yet the Hatchery get nearly three hundred attacking it. They are up to something for they are keeping the Dragon Riders busy at home leaving other places undefended. We just hope they show their hand soon so we can stop them.’

  Stopping at the meal hall, Gavrie bid them good night. They were thinking of taking the meal back to their rooms but decided to eat in the hall. They didn’t talk much as they don’t like to talk in the hall with other wizards there.

  They loved the view of the sea and valley from the window in their room. This was where they spent their time talking over things. They sit and practice their spells as well and do their channelling excise. There were large pillows spread all around the window so they could be comfortable.

  They got back to their room and went and sat there to discuss what they were to do next. Angel spoke. ‘We’ll still have to get close to the Renegade to study the spell he’s using. The Crystal Room we found today did not help us where that was concerned so we still have that to do.’

  ‘We also have to check on the old spell as we did not get the chance with finding the crystal, we forgot to see if the spell is still trying to repair itself.’ Medwin looking at Angel.

  ‘We’ll do that next chance we get; we also need to work out how we could use the Crystal we found today. But first we would have to see if we can use it without it affecting us. You could feel the power trying to draw us to it, so we first must be sure it can be used without us being controlled by it.’ Angel moved over to the window a bit more as his thought moved to thinking of his mother and brothers fighting the creatures.

  The morning arrived with another storm coming in and this one looked to be a whopper. Standing at the window, waiting for the others, Angel looked at the lighting that ran across the sky. He really enjoyed sitting watching the storm and all its little games. It was not long before the others joined him.

  They found the meal hall very crowded this morning and there weren’t that many tables free. Getting their food they sat at a table where two other student wizards sat. They nodded as the four sat and started eating, but did not talk much with them there.

  They finished just as the call come. ‘Dragons landing.’ The four were up like a shot and off out the door, Angel in the lead. He was missing his mother and brothers but he was hopeful the other dragons might be them. He arrived at the door where other students were gathering around, looking.

  All students and wizards loved dragons and when a chance came to see them they were always there. Angel had to push his way through with the others right behind. As he finely pushed his way to the front he could see there were three dragons and sure enough his brothers had come with his mother.

  Angel went part of the way over to them with Medwin, Maive and Shylyn close behind him. Tish saw him stop half way and wait for them. She was amazed at the confidence he was showing as he held back coming over to her. My son is growing up and it’s only been a short time he’s been here.

  His father would be proud of him the way he is holding himself, his manner is one of control. He has not seen me in a while and he must be worried we might get hurt fighting the creatures. I just wish his father was here to see how he grows. Gavrie tells me he and his friends are something different but good.

  Tish come up to Angel and gave him a big hug in front of his friends but he did not mind. His brothers come up behind Tish and stood each side of her giving Angel a smile as Tish still hugged him. Angel was now deciding it was enough and started to struggle out of her grasp.

  ‘Why Angel anyone would think you did not want to see me, seeing you struggling to get away from me.’ A great smile crossing her face as she said this.

  Rho gave Angel a quick hug and heir ruffle. ‘Well little brother I see life being a wizard is treating you well.’

  ‘I’m glad to see you’re ok as we’ve heard you are getting attacked all the time. We have had some attacks here as well nowhere near as
many as you. I’m just so glad you are ok.’ Angel had to look away as tears come to his eyes.

  Etha come up to him and brushed away the tears giving him a big smile as he did it. ‘No need for these, you know you have the best Dragon Riders for brothers around and nothing is going to get us. Beside who would you have to annoy, we couldn’t let you do that to anybody else now could we?’ He quickly side stepped as Angel tried to kick him.

  Just then Gavrie come up and started talking to Tish. Rho and Etha went to join them and they soon headed off into the school. Angel turned and looked at his friends who had big smiles on their faces. ‘What haven’t you seen anybody with water in their eyes. It must be the wind or something. Come on lets go, I would love to go over to the dragons but I would not upset them.’

  They headed back into the hall and found Tish and his brothers sitting in the Meal Hall having a drink with Gavrie. They could see that hard talking was going on and so did not wish to annoy them. The storm had just hit as they had entered the hall.

  Finding a table in the hall and sitting down they waited. His friends were not going to leave him by himself waiting so, stayed with him. It was about half an hour before Gavrie looked over at them and then indicated to Tish she should go over.

  Tish and his brothers got up and come over to Angel’s table and pulled up chairs to join them. Rho and Etha spoke before Tish could talk. ‘The food smalls really nice here, I wander if we could have some as it was a long flight.’ Rho looking at the kitchen.

  Etha looked at his brother and couldn’t help but laugh. ‘Ha come on you eat all the time, if you small food you want some, but I suppose it was a long trip and we have got to go back yet. Angel how about your friends taking us over to get some while you talk to mum?’

  Angel’s friends got the hint and got up telling Angels brothers to follow them. They headed over to the food and Angel looked at his mother with a big smile on his face. There was still the trace of a tear or two but he didn’t mind.


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