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The CIA Doctors

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by Colin A. Ross, M. D.


  Northern Studies (1975)

  Portrait of Norman Wells (1979)

  Adenocarcinoma and Other Poems (1984)

  Multiple Personality Disorder:

  Diagnosis, Clinical Features, And Treatment (1989)

  The Osiris Complex: Case Studies In Multiple Personality Disorder (1994)

  Satanic Ritual Abuse: Principles Of Treatment (1995)

  Pseudoscience In Biological Psychiatry (1995)

  Dissociative Identity Disorder:

  Diagnosis, Clinical Features, And Treatment Of Multiple Personality, Second Edition (1997)

  The Trauma Model:

  A Solution To The Problem Of Comorbidity In Psychiatry (2000)

  Spirit Power Drawings: The Foundation of a New Science (2004)

  Songs For Two Children: On Dissociation and Human Energy Fields (2004)

  Schizophrenia: Innovations in Diagnosis and Treatment (2004)




  1 Project PAPERCLIP

  2 The Tuskeegee Syphilis Study

  3 Radiation Experiments




  6 Other CIA Mind Control Programs

  7 LSD Experiments

  8 Brain Electrode Implants

  9 Non-lethal Weapons

  10 Dr. Louis Jolyon West

  11 Dr. Martin Orne

  12 Dr. Ewen Cameron

  13 Johns Hopkins University

  14 Other Doctors in the Network


  15 G.H. Estabrooks


  16 Linda MacDonald

  17 Mary Ray

  18 Palle Hardrup

  19 Patty Hearst

  20 Candy Jones

  21 Sirhan Sirhan

  22 Mark David Chapman


  23 Iatrogenic Multiple Personality Disorder

  24 The Reality of the Manchurian Candidate




  In working with individual subjects, special attention will be given to disassociative states, which tend to accompany spontaneous ESP experiences. Such states can be induced or controlled to some extent with hypnosis and drugs … The data used in this study will be obtained from group ESP experiments which have yielded significant results, high scoring subjects from special groups such as psychotics, children and mediums, and from psychological tests in which answers are of the multiple choice type … But the main consideration will be the attitude and general disposition of the subject. Wherever possible, every attempt will be made to tailor the tasks required to his preferences and his estimate of good working conditions. In one case the experimental procedure will be designed to achieve favorable motivation by such devices as instructing him that he is participating in a study of subception. In other cases drugs and psychological tricks will be used to modify his attitudes. The experimenters will be particularly interested in disassociative states, from the abaissment de niveau mental to multiple personality in so-called mediums, and an attempt will be made to induce a number of states of this kind, using hypnosis.

  MKULTRA Subproject 136 Proposal, 30 May 1961, Experimental Analysis of Extrasensory Perception, approved by the Chief, Technical Services Division/Research Branch, Central Intelligence Agency, 23 August 1961, $8,579.00.


  I would like to thank the people who suggested books for me to read. During the thirteen years I have studied mind control, many people have provided me support and encouragement, in person, and through e-mail and correspondence. That helped a lot, especially when the disinformation campaign against me was taking its toll. Dale Reeves worked very hard making trips to TRIMS in Houston, Colgate College in New York, and other locations, and filing and organizing documents. Tere Kole worked equally as hard on the files and on preparation of the manuscript and the mechanics of publishing.

  The CIA Doctors is based on 15,000 pages of documents obtained from the CIA through the Freedom of Information Act. Without this information, there would be no book. I want the reader to know that this book is not about the CIA nor the government. In my opinion, public scrutiny needs to be focused on the psychiatrists and medical schools. It was they who violated the Hippocratic Oath.

  If the West had not won the Cold War, I would likely have died in Gulag many years ago. The CIA and military intelligence agencies are owed a personal debt by me on this count. I am not criticizing the CIA or the military in this book because I am not an expert on intelligence matters. I am a psychiatrist specializing in dissociative disorders, which include multiple personality disorder.

  If I tried to write this book in Russia, I would be sent to Gulag. I would like to acknowledge the CIA for winning the Cold War, protecting democracy, and making my work possible. Many people have asked me if I am afraid of the CIA because of my investigation of mind control. I always tell them that the dangerous people, for me, are the psychiatrists.

  Why do I admire the CIA? In part, because I admire its founder, William Donovan43, 138, 302. If Donovan had been in charge of U.S. foreign policy after World War II, there would not have been a Vietnam War. The true spirit of the CIA would have prevailed. Donovan was the head of the OSS during World War II. The OSS was disbanded in 1945, but resurrected as the CIA in 1947. During the Second World War France was occupied by the Nazis. The French were our allies and the OSS worked with the French resistance. During the Nazi occupation, the northern half of France was administered directly by the Nazis, while the southern half plus Algeria were administered on behalf of the Nazis by Frenchmen. This southern government was called the Vichy Government. Our allies the French were collaborating with our enemies the Germans. The Vichy Government hated our allies the British, and in fact the British attacked the Vichy naval fleet in July, 1940.

  Around the other side of the world, our enemies the Japanese occupied what is now called Vietnam in September, 1940. At that time North Vietnam was called Tonkin and South Vietnam was called Cochin. In order to occupy Vietnam, the Japanese kicked out the French government which occupied the country before and after the Second World War. In Vietnam, the French were our allies and the Japanese were our enemies. Unfortunately, the French government kicked out of South Vietnam by the Japanese was a Vichy government; this Vichy government was an enemy of our allies the British.

  Linked to this diplomatic mess was the situation in China. In July, 1942 the OSS set up guerrilla warfare unit in India for operations in southeast Asia and China. At the time, General Joseph Stilwell was U.S. Commander in China, Burma and India and also Chief of Staff to Chiang Kai-shek. The only American military force in China was an air force squadron called the Flying Tigers, headed up by General Claire Chennault. In 1947, Chennault became the head of Civil Air Transport, an airline owned and operated by the CIA.

  In China, Chiang Kai-shek was enemies with Mao Tse-tung, so Mao Tse-tung should have been our enemy. On the other hand, Mao Tse-tung was aligned with our allies the Russians, so should have been our friend. The official American position was to be allies with Chiang Kai-shek, but the OSS trained about 25,000 of Mao’s guerrillas and supplied them with 100,000 pistols.

  Chiang Kai-shek’s head of intelligence was a man called Tai Li. William Donovan met with Tai Li in person for various negotiations during the war. The British arrested Tai Li in Hong Kong in 1941 but he was released due to a personal intervention by Chiang Kai-shek.

  In May, 1941 the Vietnamese, known at this time as the Annamites met
in southern China, Chiang Kai-shek’s territory, to set up a Vietnamese resistance organization. This organization was devoted to liberating Vietnam from Japanese occupation and establishing a free, democratic government aligned with the United States The OSS supported the resistance fighters in Vietnam just like it did those in France.

  The leader of the Viet Minh, the name given to the resistance organization, was a man called Nguyen ai Qoc: this man was arrested and imprisoned by Tai Li’s agents in August, 1942. He was not released until September, 1943, and then only because of a deal made with Chiang Kai-shek’s government by a Chinese warlord. After his release Nguyen ai Qoc changed his name to Ho Chi Minh in order to avoid Tai Li’s agents.

  For the last two years of the Second World War, Ho Chi Minh was the leader of the Vietnamese resistance against the Japanese. He created an extensive underground network in Tonkin, supplied intelligence to U.S. forces, and aided in the rescue of downed Flying Tiger pilots. He had full OSS support.

  Our allies, the French didn’t like Ho Chi Minh because if he succeeded in liberating Vietnam from the Japanese, and established a free democratic government, the French would not be able to take over at the end of the war. The deal that ended up getting made between the Americans, British, French and Russians was that the French could have South Vietnam back. This meant that Ho Chi Minh had to be transformed into a communist enemy of democracy.

  OSS support of Ho Chi Minh included an officer of the Chase Manhattan Bank who was parachuted into his camp, and an OSS medic named Paul Hoagland. Paul Hoagland saved Ho Chi Minh’s life with quinine and sulfa drugs, otherwise he would have died of a combination of malaria, dysentery and other tropical diseases. The OSS also trained 200 elite troops of Ho Chi Minh’s army commander, a man named Vo Nguyen Giap.

  On August 17, 1945 Ho Chi Minh and the Viet Minh took control of Hanoi from the Japanese. Ho Chi Minh was accompanied on his march into Hanoi by Paul Hoagland and the rest of the OSS Deer team that had parachuted into his camp. On that day, August 17, 1945, Ho Chi Minh broadcast the following message in English to OSS headquarters:

  National Liberation Committee on VML begs U.S. authorities to inform United Nations the following. We were fighting Japs on the side of the United Nations. Now Japs surrendered. We beg the United Nations to realize their solemn promise that all nationalities will be given democracy and independence. If United Nations forget their solemn promise and don’t give Indochina full independence, we will keep fighting until we get it.

  On September 2, 1945 a band marched through Hanoi playing the Star Spangled Banner while OSS officer Colonel Archimedes Patti and Vo Nguyen Giap stood side by side, arms held in salute. The two men are shown in this stance in a photograph in Smith’s book on the OSS291. Ho Chi Minh had declared that day Vietnam Independence Day, and he began his liberation speech with the words, “All men are created equal.”

  Ho Chi Minh, the hated Communist was originally a resistance fighter devoted to freedom and democracy, supported by William Donovan, the OSS and the American taxpayer in his fight against the Japanese. He was transformed into a Communist enemy because of the deal made between the British, Americans, French and Russians at the end of World War II. For several months after the end of the War, Donovan worked in Vietnam trying to rebuild the infrastructure, attract American capital to Vietnam, and establish a democracy lead by Ho Chi Minh. This effort was shut down for political reasons, and as a result the stage was set for American military involvement in Vietnam a decade later.

  If the work of the OSS in Vietnam had continued under the CIA and William Donovan’s leadership, there would have been no American casualties there in subsequent decades. Ho Chi Minh would have been the leader of a democracy aligned with the United States. But the true vision of the CIA did not prevail. I include this historical aside to show why I admire William Donovan, and to explain why I am not in any way a critic of the CIA.

  My focus in The CIA Doctors is on the psychiatrists, not on the CIA. It is the psychiatrists who violated the Hippocratic Oath, and it is the psychiatrists who betrayed their patients’ trust for career advancement funding, and academic promotions.


  The major goal of the Cold War mind control programs was to create dissociative symptoms and disorders, including full multiple personality disorder. The Manchurian Candidate66 is fact, not fiction, and was created by the CIA in the 1950’s under BLUEBIRD and ARTICHOKE mind control programs. Experiments with LSD, sensory deprivation, electro-convulsive treatment, brain electrode implants and hypnosis were designed to create amnesia, depersonalization, changes in identity and altered states of consciousness. One purpose of The CIA Doctors: Human Rights Violations by American Psychiatrists is to prove that the creation of controlled dissociation was a major goal of mind control research. Other authors, who are not specialists in dissociation255-258, have failed to understand this fact. Multiple personality disorder is now classified by the American Psychiatric Association12 as dissociative identity disorder.

  The main purposes of this book are:

  1. To document extensive human rights violations by American psychiatrists over the last 70 years.

  2. To prove that these violations were pervasive, systematic and involved leading psychiatrists and medical schools.

  3. To counter claims that the violations happened in an earlier time with different ethical standards – they violated the Hippocratic Oath and the Nuremberg Code.

  4. To call for a systematic review of these violations by government and the profession of psychiatry.

  Because the subject matter of this book is likely to provoke extreme reactions, I have taken great care to present only facts that are fully documented and based on objective, public domain information. Experiments to create Manchurian Candidate “super spies” must be understood in their social and historical context, which is one of pervasive, systematic mind control experimentation, not by a few isolated renegade doctors, but by the leaders of psychiatry and the major medical schools.

  The literature on psychiatric participation in CIA and military mind control is incomplete. A systematic inventory of projects and investigators has never been attempted. Only one paper on the subject has been published in medical journals248 and only one book was published by academic presses in the 1990’s313. These treatments of the subject had a narrow focus. Other books and articles on the subject range from scholarly277-278 to popular301, 307, 333. The last study of the subject with a broad perspective appeared almost two decades ago184. The medical schools and academia have been completely silent on psychiatric participation in mind control experimentation.

  The participation of psychiatrists and medical schools in mind control research was not a matter of a few scattered doctors pursuing questionable lines of investigation. Nor did the experiments occur in a previous era governed by different ethical standards than those prevailing at the beginning of the twenty-first century. Rather, the mind control experimentation was systematic, organized, and involved many leading psychiatrists and medical schools. Many leading psychiatrists must have been directly aware of the Manchurian Candidate programs.

  The mind control experiments were interwoven with radiation experiments, and research on chemical and biological weapons. The mind control work was funded by the CIA, Army, Navy and Air Force, and concurrently by other agencies including the Public Health Service and the Scottish Rite Foundation. The psychiatrists, psychologists, neurosurgeons and other contractors conducting the work were imbedded in a broad network of doctors and much of the research was published in medical journals.

  Mind control contractors with TOP SECRET clearance included the American Psychological Association, Past Presidents of the American Psychiatric Association and the Society for Biological Psychiatry, and psychiatrists who have received awards from the American Psychological Association and the American Psychiatric Association. Many of the mind control doctors have been the subjects of obituaries in the American Journal of Psychiatry


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