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The CIA Doctors

Page 22

by Colin A. Ross, M. D.

  X instructed his pupil that all true yogis are vegetarians. As a result Hardrup stopped eating meat - Neilsen then got to eat both portions of meat delivered to their cell. As well, Hardrup sat in the lotus position for hours on end to practice denial of his body. To further separate from material needs, Hardrup gave Neilsen his watch on instruction from X.

  Neilsen built on this program by citing vague references from books he checked out of the prison library, including the prophecies of Nostradamus. Everything that X said was a direct emanation from the divine kingdom. As another test, X had Hardrup agree that he would have sex with women once released from prison only on direct orders from X. Hardrup was also told to practice his “concentrations” as X called them, even when X was not around.

  Sometime late in 1947 or early 1948, X began to talk to Palle about schemes to raise money. The money would be used to finance the activities of the Danish National Communist Party. One scheme was an engine that ran on water. Amazingly, the engine idea actually made front-page headlines in a Danish newspaper on February 17, 1948. The Minister of Justice had drawings of it that Pale had submitted.

  When Palle’s father heard about the engine he had a lawyer draw up a deed of partnership between Hardrup and Neilsen, to protect his son’s interests should the invention actually work. X ordered Hardrup to sign the deed, which he did. Afterwards, X had him sign a second contract transferring all rights to Neilsen, and voiding the first contract. Following this, the tests that X devised began to become more sinister.

  In order to sever all ties with the material world, Hardrup began a series of hypnotic exercises involving money. In preliminary exercises, Hardrup would imagine moving money from the table in their cell to a safe or a “poor old woman’s money box.” This was experienced by Hardrup as a transcendent act of love and kindness. The tasks soon escalated. Soon, under orders from X, Hardrup was imagining robbing banks and committing murders.

  Any qualms or conflicts about robbery and murder were interpreted by X as the reactions of the physical body These Hardrup had to reject and transcend. He was reminded that if he failed to progress on the path to Samadhi, he might lose X and be consigned to despair and eternal damnation. One of the ways to stay on the path was for Hardrup never to allow himself to be hypnotized by anyone else, ever at anytime. Dr. Reiter called this procedure “locking,” the same term G.H. Estabrooks used in his 1943 textbook Hypnotism, which Reiter references.

  The bank robberies that Hardrup practiced in his hypnotic trances were rehearsed in minute detail, including the shooting of bank employees. Another hypnotic exercise involved Palle killing his mother, a true test of his renunciation of earthly ties.

  Sometime in 1947, X introduced a contingency plan in case Neilsen and Hardrup were ever separated in the future. He inserted an access code, the letter “X.” This would be transmitted to Hardrup in a letter disguised as “XH2O.” This code would not alert authorities because of the prior work on the water engine. The purpose of the code was to reinforce Hardrup’s loyalty to X and to trigger him to follow any other instructions.

  Neilsen and Hardrup were then separated for a period of time due to Hardrup’s transfer to another prison camp. After a month in prison Hardrup received a letter from Neilsen that concluded, “Many greetings X.” This letter was produced at trial. Neilsen was shortly thereafter transferred to the same prison. The two men arranged to have beds beside each other in the same dormitory.

  X began to instruct Hardrup on the necessity of setting up “fighting units” for the Danish National Communist Party. X told Hardrup that he needed to escape from prison to carry out this work. Hardrup was told that he should go to Germany for several weeks to escape the Danish authorities. Then he would return to Denmark, go underground, and carry out his mission. When Neilsen was eventually released, he would join Hardrup. X would provide further instructions at that time.

  Hardrup now began to hear X’s voice talking to him even when Neilsen wasn’t physically present. He had internalized his guardian spirit, possibly to protect himself from losing X should he and Neilsen ever be separated again. Separation did occur because Neilsen was transferred back to his previous prison, from where he sent Hardrup a Christmas card containing the message that Hardrup “was to get going with ‘XH2O’.”

  Palle became obsessed with escaping, and soon succeeded in doing so. As per instructions, he went to Hamburg. One evening he hallucinated meeting X by the roadside (Neilsen was still in prison), and received further encouragement from him. Again as per X’s orders, Hardrup crossed back over the frontier after two weeks. He was immediately arrested and put back in prison.

  Now followed a period in which Neilsen and Hardrup were separated for nine months. Prior to his eventual release on October 29, 1949, Palle received many letters from Neilsen signed, “Greetings from X.” Neilsen had been released before him, and Hardrup immediately established contact again as soon as he was free. Neilsen began working on plans for them to set up a “Psychophysical Institute,” which would require financing, and he resumed the intensive hypnotic training.

  Palle’s father had given him about $65.00 on his release, which he immediately turned over to X. Neilsen administered this money on behalf of X. Hardrup started work early in 1950 and turned over almost his entire earnings to X/Neilsen. This made Palle’s father suspicious about Neilsen’s influence, so X began to instruct Palle to sever connections with his family. X also instructed Hardrup to obtain a pistol, which he did.

  On February 11, 1950 Palle Hardrup was introduced to a girl named Bente by Neilsen. X had decided that Hardrup should marry her, and told him that he should make a pass at Bente when he took her home from the cinema. Ever obedient, Hardrup took Bente to his home to have sex, but his brother was there so the plan was thwarted. The next day Palle could not remember Bente’s first or last name. In less than two weeks they had had intercourse.

  The couple soon became engaged, as X had instructed. Prior to the wedding, X devised another test of Palle’s commitment. He instructed Palle to arrange for Neilsen to have intercourse with Bente. This actually took place. Ten days later, on April 4, 1950, Palle and Bente married. One of the reasons Palle gave for why Neilsen had to have intercourse with his fiancee, was that Neilsen’s wife was having her period.

  In June, 1950 Neilsen began training Hardrup for the first bank robbery in earnest. There was much emphasis on the need to finance the escape plan for Denmark’s intelligentsia in the event of a Russian invasion. The robbery was rehearsed in minute detail countless times. The robbery was carried out on August 23, 1950 with a take of just under $2,000.00. All this money, plus much of Hardrup’s ongoing income, was turned over to X.

  Plans for the second robbery began in early 1951. Preparations included the same detailed enactment of the crime during hypnotic trance. Constant reminders by X reinforced the belief that Palle’s transcendence of the reincarnation cycle depended on his successful performance. Shortly before the second robbery there was a hypnotic session amplified by chloroform.

  On March 29, 1951 Hardrup was caught by police immediately after the failed second robbery, having killed two bank employees. Under the influence of Neilsen’s locking mechanism (never to mention X, or Neilsen’s connection with X; never to let himself be hypnotized by anyone else), Hardrup told police that he had acted alone. He said he was trying to raise money for the Danish National Communist Party.

  Neilsen did not become a suspect because of any evidence or anything Hardrup said. Fellow prisoners from Hortens State Prison told police that they suspected Neilsen was involved. Neilsen was interrogated and held in custody, but he stuck to an elaborate story in which Bente was identified as the mastermind behind the crime, and Palle was described as a fanatic. Neilsen had carefully set up circumstantial evidence to support his explanation.

  In the course of legal hearings in the spring of 1951, Hardrup began to talk about being controlled by his guardian spirit, X. He claimed to have met X in Febru
ary, 1947, prior to his first meeting with Neilsen. Hardrup denied that he had committed the 1950 robbery but in October, 1951 Bente informed police that she thought her husband had committed the crime.

  Hardrup denied that his wife was correct, then a few days later confessed, then the next day withdrew his confession. By Christmas, 1951 he had written a lengthy account of the hypnotic conditioning by Neilsen. He stated that he was now free enough of Neilsen’s influence to maintain a stable story. In April, 1952 Hardrup began a court-ordered psychiatric examination by Dr. Paul Reiter. Reiter delivered a 370-page report in June, 1953.

  Initially, Dr. Reiter found Palle Hardrup to be unhypnotizable, until he broke through the locking mechanisms. This required a combination of growing trust, discussion of the evidence, extrication of Hardrup from Neilsen’s influence, and hypnosis. Once the locking was undone, Hardrup proved to be highly hypnotizable. Dr. Reiter easily induced amnesia for posthypnotic suggestions.

  In November, 1952 Neilsen had a secret conversation with Hardrup while the two were in court. For two weeks afterwards Hardrup hallucinated X’s voice and was anxious and agitated. This gradually settled down and went away.

  Testimony at the trial included both wives, Mrs. Hardrup and Mrs. Neilsen, corroborating events of which they were aware (the two couples spent a lot of time together). The Hardrups had a daughter, and Bente stuck by her husband throughout.

  The Palle Hardrup case is not an isolated example of the documented Manchurian Candidate. Dr. Reiter reviews other similar cases in his book, including ones that came to trial and resulted in conviction of the hypnotizer. One is the 1936 Heidelberg case documented in a book written in German by Dr. Ludwig Mayer (Das Verbrechenin Hypnose, J.F. Lehmann, Munich, Berlin, 1937). Mayer was the most prominent German hypnosis expert of his time.

  The hypnotist in the Heidelberg case was sentenced to ten years in prison for crimes committed by a 24-year old woman. The woman was acquitted. The hypnotist had inserted a locking mechanism involving verbal codes that were required for her to enter trance.

  In another case, A German schoolteacher in Thuringia came under the influence of a criminal hypnotizer in 1921. In this case the schoolteacher was found guilty of arson and insurance fraud, but the hypnotizer was not convicted. Re-interviewed in 1952, the schoolteacher was almost completely amnesic for the years 1921 to 1933 (he was released from prison in 1928). Under hypnosis he gave a complete account of how he was made into a multiple personality that exactly matched a 200-page transcript of the account he had given under hypnosis in 1926. Both the tape recording and the transcript from 1926 were in Dr. Reiter’s possession when his book on Palle Hardrup was published in 1958.

  Hypnosis was only a single element in a complex mind control experiment conducted by Bjorn Neilsen, as the jury understood. The debates by academic expert witnesses at the trial as to whether a person can be compelled to commit crimes with hypnosis alone were correctly viewed by the jury as irrelevant to the real-world business of creating a Manchurian Candidate. Hypnosis is only one tool among many required for creating a Manchurian Candidate.

  The Palle Hardrup case provides compelling evidence that the creation of Manchurian Candidates claimed by G.H. Estabrooks, and described in BLUEBIRD and ARTICHOKE documents, is real. The methods used by the creators of Manchurian Candidates are those of classical thought reform, brainwashing, mind control, and coercive influence, all terms for the same process. The methods have been used by leaders of destructive cults, MKULTRA contractors, professors of psychology and psychiatry at McGill University, and probably the KGB and other intelligence agencies. The Manchurian Candidate is fact, not fiction.



  Patty Hearst was born in San Francisco on February 20, 1954. She has four sisters: Anne, one year younger; Vicki, two years younger; Gina, five years older; and Cathy, fifteen years older. Their father is William Randolph Hearst, owner of a media empire including The San Francisco Chronicle and Avon Books, which published Patty Hearst. Her Own Story115. The Hearst girls grew up more-or-less normal, with no serious trauma and no serious mental health problems.

  On February 4, 1974 the Symbionese Liberation Army (SLA) broke into Patty Hearst’s apartment in Berkeley, California, tied up her boyfriend, Steven Weed, and abducted her at gunpoint. She was gagged, bound, blindfolded and hit on the left cheek with a rifle butt before being taken out of her apartment. There were several bursts of gunfire before she was driven away. She was transported to the SLA’s hideout and immediately placed in a closet, still blindfolded.

  For about forty days, Patty Hearst was kept in solitary confinement in the closet with no contact with the outside world. Besides profound sensory deprivation, she was subjected to food and sleep deprivation, sexual molestation, frequent interrogations and mock FBI raids staged by the SLA. During these she thought she might be killed at any time. Once out of the closet she was subjected to further interrogation and threats. Her autobiography makes it clear that the SLA used the classical techniques of thought reform, coercive persuasion, mind control, or brainwashing.

  The SLA was an underground revolutionary group led by Donald DeFreeze. There were seven members, three men and four women. Donald DeFreeze was an uneducated black petty criminal. He was a maximum security prisoner at Vacaville State prison at the same time the CIA was conducting mind control experiments there under MKSEARCH Subproject 3.

  These experiments involved administration of the drug pemoline to Vacaville prisoners under the direction of Dr. James Hamilton, as confirmed in an October 18, 1978 letter from Frank C. Carlucci, the Deputy Director of the CIA to Congressman Leo Ryan (see Appendix J).

  According to Mae Brussell44, Donald DeFreeze was a subject in an experimental behavior modification program run at Vacaville State Prison by Colston Westbrook. Westbrook was a CIA psychological warfare expert, and advisor to the Korean CIA. From 1966 to 1969 he was a CIA advisor to the Vietnamese Special Police Branch. In Vietnam he worked under cover as an employee of Pacific Architects and Engineers306.

  According to Brussell, Westbrook returned to the U.S. in 1970 and got a job at the University of Berkeley. He entered Vacaville State Prison under cover of the Black Cultural Association, and there designed the seven-headed cobra logo of the SLA and gave DeFreeze his African name, Cinque.

  Westbrook’s331 M.A. thesis from the University of California, Berkeley was entitled “The Dual Linguistic Heritage of Afro-Americans.” It is about ebonics. His thesis committee consisted of Jesse Sawyer, Kenneth Johnson and Julian Boyd and his M.A. degree was conferred on June 15, 1974. The thesis is dedicated to, “My wife Eposi and our son Ngeke Colston Ngomba-Westbrook.”

  In his thesis acknowledgments, Westbrook describes working as a teaching assistant in linguistics at Berkeley. He says on page 84 that he was born on September 14, 1937 in Chambersburg, Pennsylvania, second son to Edward Cody Westbrook and Virginia Ruth Colston. He describes serving three years in the Army, and being assigned to Travis Air Force Base, California in 1960 after an assignment in Korea.

  Westbrook states in his thesis that he did contract work in Vietnam for the U.S. Army and the Agency for International Development before returning to the University of Berkeley in September, 1970. On page 58 of his M.A. thesis, Westbrook writes under footnote 62:

  During the writing of this thesis, the “Symbionese Liberation Army” kidnapped Patricia Hearst. Thinking that the alleged leader of the SLA would respond more directly to Black English, this writer read a three-page open letter to news media people which was presented as a “BIZARRE LETTER TO CINQUE” by an unofficial news publication of the University of California, Berkeley (See The Daily Californian, Tuesday, March 5, 1974). Cinque acknowledged the letter in a subsequent tape by stating–for the first time – his reborn name. That and other rejoinders were evidently too subtle for many people to understand.

  Brussell states that Westbrooks’ control officer was William Hermann, who was connected to the Stanford Rese
arch Institute and the Rand Corporation, which were both MKULTRA institutions. Hermann was also linked to the UCLA Center for the Study and Prevention of Violence, headed by MKULTRA contractor, Dr. Louis Jolyon West. In her autobiography, Patty Hearst115 describes DeFreeze as being convinced that Westbrook was an intelligence officer. She says (pp. 133):

  But the worst arguments arose over Cin’s [DeFreeze] issuing “death warrants” for three people. One was Colston Westbrook, the coordinator of the Black Cultural Association at the Vacaville prison, who had worked with Cin and Cujo [SLA member William Wolfe] and the others at the prison…. Cin pronounced the death sentences upon all three because he insisted they were informing to the FBI. He never explained how he could know such a thing.


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