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The CIA Doctors

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by Colin A. Ross, M. D.

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  291. Smith, R.H. OSS. The Secret History of America’s First Central Intelligence Agency. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1972.

  292. Smith, R.J. The Unknown CIA. My Three Decades with the Agency. New York: Berkeley Books, 1989.

  293. Sokoloff, L., Perlin, S., Kornetsky, C., & Kety, S.S. Effects of lysergic acid diethylamide on cerebral circulation and metabolism in man. Federation Proceedings, 15, 174, 1956.

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  304. Tyhurst, J.S. Individual reactions to community disaster. American Journal of Psychiatry, 107, 764-769, 1951.

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  308. Volkman, E. & Baggett, B. Secret Intelligence. The Inside Story of America’s Espionage Empire. New York: Berkeley Books, 1989.

  309. Vonderlehr, R.A., Clark, T., Wenger, O.C., & Heller, J.R. Untreated syphilis in the male Negro. A comparative study of treated and untreated cases. Journal of the American Medical Association, 107, 856-859, 1936.

  310. Wasson, R.G. Soma: Divine Mushroom of Immortality. San Diego: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1973.

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  312. Weberman, A.J. & Canfield, M. Coup D’Etat in America. The CIA and the Assassination of John F. Kennedy. San Francisco: Quick American Archives, 1992.

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  317. West, L.J. Sensory isolation. In A. Deutsch (Ed.), the Encyclopedia of Mental Health, Volume 1, pp. 1837-1841. New York: Franklin Watts, 1963.

  318. West, L.J. Hypnosis in medical practice. In H.I. Lief, V.F. Lief, & N.R. Lief (Eds.), The Psychological Basis of Medical Practice, pp. 510-520. New York: Harper & Row, 1963.

  319. West, L.J. Monkeys and brainwashing. In H. Harlow (Ed.), Psychiatric Spectator, 2, 21-22, 1964.

  320. West, L.J. Psychiatry, “brainwashing,” and the American character. American Journal of Psychiatry, 120, 842-850, 1964.

  321. West, L.J. Dissociative reactions. In A.M. Freedman & H.I. Kaplan (Eds.), Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry, pp. 885-889. Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins, 1967.

  322. West, L.J. Psychobiology of racial violence. Archives of General Psychiatry, 16, 645-651, 1967.

  323. West, L.J. Campus unrest and the counter culture. The Academy, 14, 7-8, 10-11, 1970.

  324. West, L.J. Contemporary cults: Utopian image, infernal reality. The Center Magazine, 15, 10-13, 1982.

  325. West, L.J. Cults, liberty, and mind control. In D.C. Rapoport & Y. Alexander (Eds.), The Rationalization of Terrorism, pp. 101-108. Frederick, MD: Alethia Books, University Publications of America, 1982.

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  329. West, L.J., Singer, M.T. Cults, quacks, and nonprofessional psychotherapies. In H.I. Kaplan, A.M. Freedman, & B.C. Sadock (Eds.), Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry, pp. 3245-3258. Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins, 1980.

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  334. Wolff, H.G. Factors used to increase the susceptibility of individuals to forceful indoctrination: Observations and experiments. Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry, 3, 123-129, 1956.







  7 January 1953

  Outline of Special H Cases

  In all of these cases, these subjects have clearly demonstrated that they can pass from a fully awake state to a deep H controlled state via the telephone, via some very subtle signal that cannot be detected by other persons in the room and without the other individual being able to note the change. It has been shown clearly that physically individuals can be induced into H by telephone, by receiving written matter, or by the use of code, signals, or word and that control of those hypnotized can be passed from one individual to another without great difficulty. It has also been shown by experimentation with these girls that they can act as unwilling couriers for information purposes and that they can be conditioned to a point where they can believe a change in identity on their part even on the polygraph.


  1 We know the man was unconscious during sleep because you could touch your fingers to his eyes without response.

  2 He could not possibly have lied during the.________ (even if he were a pathological liar). Everything he said during that state was true to him: If anything he thus said were actually false to fact, it would show him to have been mistaken, or psychotic not lying!

  3 The Subject maintained an honestly friendly attitude toward us -due to his amnesia. If this has since changed, it would have been due to one thing only - someone having told him that we extracted information from him. I hope and pray that this has not happened.

  4 From a medical point of view, Subject was definitely under total effect from the medication. In my opinion, he was not faking, acting or any combination thereof.

  There was no indication, physically or mentally, that Subject had been “conditioned” either by H processes or via administration of drugs by another agency prior to our interrogation.




  The Table of MKULTRA contracts is not complete because some of the information is still classified. The security status of some of the investigators is unknown because it is not clearly stated in the documents. The investigators were probably cleared at TOP SECRET in most or all Subprojects for which security status is not stated.

  The amount of money allocated to each Subproject is accurate most of the time. Sometimes the amount is not clear from the documents and a bit of guesswork is required. There are no major errors. The total amount of money funded through MKULTRA was $5,155,623.81.

  MKULTRA Contracts










  Research Grants

  Principal Investigator of contract number AF 49(638) - 72B from the Air Force Office of Scientific Research for an Investigation of the Nature and Uses of Hypnosis as a Control Technique, 19591962.

  Principal Investigator of research contract number Nonr - 3952 (00) from the Office of Naval Research for an Empirical Investigation of Basic Research Problems in Hypnosis and Related States, 19621964.

  Principal Investigator of research contract number AF-AFOSR-88-63 from the Air Force Office of Scientific Research for a Scientific Investigation of Personality Attributes of Good Subjects, 19621964.

  Principal Investigator of research contract number DA-49-193-MD-2480 from the United States Army Medical Research and Development command for Studies in the Detection of Deception, 1963-1964.

  Principal Investigator of research contract number DA-49-193-MD-2744 from the United States Army Medical Research and Development Command for an Empirical Investigation of Trance Phenomena, 1966-1967.

  Principal Investigator of research grant number AF-AFOSR-707-67 from the Air Force Office of Scientific Research for an Empirical Investigation of the Relationships between Sleep and Hypnosis, 1964-1971.

  Principal Investigator of research contract number Nonr-4731(00) from the Office of Naval Research for an Empirical Investigation of Basic Research Problems in Hypnosis and Related States, 19641971.

  Principal Investigator of research contract number DA-49-193-MD-2647 from the Unites States Army Medical Research and Development Command for Studies in the Detection of Deception, 1964-1971.

  Principal Investigator of research contract number DADA17-71-C-1120 from the United States Army Medical Research and Development Command for the Empirical Investigation of Recovery from Fatigue, 1971-1979.

  CIA MKULTRA Subproject 84



  Hospital Appointments

  Chief, Psychiatry Service, 3700th USAF Hospital 1952-1956

  Lackland Air Force Base, San Antonio, Texas

  Psychiatrist-in-Chief, University of Oklahoma 1954-1969

  Consultant in Psychiatry, Oklahoma City Veterans 1956-1969

  Administration Hospital

  Consultant in Psychiatry, United States Air Force Hospital 1956-1966

  Force Base, Oklahoma

  Consultant in Psychiatry, Palo Alto Veterans Administration Hospital 1966-1967

  Consultant in Psychiatry, Veterans Administration Center 1969-?

  For Psycho-social Medicine at Brentwood, Los Angeles

  Consultant in Psychiatry, Veterans Administration Hospital 1969-?

  Sepulveda, California

  National and International Appointments

  Consultant, United States Air force Aero-Space Medical Center 1961-1966

  National Advisory Committee on Psychiatry, Neurology, and

  Psychology, United States Veterans Administration

  Professional Services Subcommittee, 1968-1972,

  Chairman, 1970-1972 1968-1973

  Consultant to the Surgeon General, United States Army Medical Research and Development Command 1974-1977

  Member, United States Army Medical Research and Development Advisory Panel 1974-1979

  Consultant, V.A. Health Care Committee, National Research Council, Division of Medical Sciences, Assembly of Life Sciences 1975-1976

  Regional and Local Appointments

  Dean’s Committee, Oklahoma City Veterans Administration Hospital 1954-1969

  Dean’s Committee, Wadsworth Veterans 1969-1989

  Administration Medical Center

  Dean’s Committee, Sepulveda Veterans 1970-1989

  Administration Medical Center

  CIA-MKULTRA Subproject 43.



  Partial List of Ewen Cameron Research Grants From Canada’s Department of Health and Welfare

  604-5-11 The Effect of Senescence on Resistance to Stress $195,388.00


  604-5-13 Research Studies on EEG and Electrophysiology $60,353.33


  604-5-14 Support for a Behavioral Laboratory $17,875.00


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