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Waking Up Were

Page 6

by Celia Kyle

  “I should. We’re alive. We’re safe. We’re mates.” He captured her flesh between his teeth, biting until a pleasure-tinged bit of pain snaked through her. When he released her, he laved the spot with his tongue. “Show me you’re alive, Brenna. Show me you’re mine.”

  Brenna whimpered, his words dragging the sound from her soul, and she knew, without a doubt, she knew she’d give him anything he desired. Mainly because she craved it as well.

  Shoving aside any doubts, she listened to her wolf, followed its lead. The animal existed by instincts, survived by following its heart and nose. She would let it take control. The moment she made the decision, the two parts of her worked as one.


  She spun in his arms, twirling until her front pressed against his while she remained captured by his embrace. Her eyes stung and she knew that meant the wolf was pushing forward. It’d hurt each time the beast asserted itself while she remained on two legs but eventually she’d grow used to the sensations. At least, that’s what Declan assured her.

  He had better be right if he ever expected to get laid again. Not that he’d been laid yet. That was what this whole thing was about.

  “This whole ‘mine’ thing is getting outta hand.” She’d give in, but on her terms. Although, he didn’t seem to like her terms because he bit her, hard enough for her to feel it, but not breaking skin. The pain shot through her, adding to the pleasure of his presence. “Oh, God.” She arched and tilted her head farther to the side. “Oh, shit.”

  Declan hummed, slowly releasing her and sucking on the delicate flesh. “No, you like it, your wolf likes it.”

  “I don’t really—” He placed a hand on her lower back, the other between her shoulders, and pulled her tighter to him. “Ohh… No, you see…”

  He bit again and she groaned and any thought of telling him to fuck off kinda flew out the window. She wanted only one kind of fucking and it involved him inside her and…

  “I hate you a little bit,” she gasped as Declan moved his hands and cupped her ass.

  “A little bit?” He lifted her and she automatically wrapped her legs around his waist. She clutched his shoulders so she wouldn’t fall away from the pleasure he gave her.

  “A lot of a bit. Especially if you stop.” He squeezed her butt, pushing her cheeks together, and the sensations went straight to her pussy. “Don’t stop.”

  He rumbled, the sound sliding over her nerves and tearing a gasp from her throat.


  Brenna recognized they were moving, passing through his home in a blur of motion, but she didn’t give a damn. Not when his mouth and tongue teased her neck and captured her lips. Especially not when he managed to do magic and rock his hips, thrust against her, as they traveled.

  Every handful of steps she found herself slammed against a wall, his cock rubbing against her pussy, cloth keeping them from ravishing each other fully. Damn it, she needed to get rid of her clothes, his clothes, all of the goddamned clothes in the universe.

  Instead, she rode him as best as she could, taking and giving pleasure. Tongues twined, teeth nipped, and they shared their breath. They were slowly becoming one… without that last step that would make them both scream.

  They needed to get on that.

  Then their surroundings changed, the aromas of the house replaced by the overwhelming scent of Declan. It enveloped her, hung heavy in the air and attacked her with its strength.

  She yanked her mouth away long enough to glance at the room, to see the massive bed and large furniture scattered throughout.

  She only cared about the bed.

  “Declan…” she moaned. “Please.”

  Please, please, please… Now and thank you, sir.

  Another few steps and then she was released, pushed away and tossed onto the bed. She bounced and settled on the soft mattress. With space between them, she could see her mate, her wolf, and his lack of control. Declan’s cheeks were covered in a light sheen of gray fur, his arms and hands coated as well. Those wicked eyes were now yellowed and she realized his wolf had obviously come out to play.

  They both wanted her.

  Brenna’s eyes still burned with her animal’s presence but now her pores ached as well. She let her gaze quickly flick to her arms and noted the golden fur that slid free.

  Apparently her wolf had come out as well.

  “Brenna… Need. Mate.”

  Her beast responded, bypassing her human brain. “Mate.”

  God, they sounded like Neanderthals. Seriously?

  Brenna’s fingers throbbed, nails burning, and she realized her nails were lengthening and thickening as well. Okay then.

  “Strip,” Declan snarled.

  She grinned, exposing her wolf’s sharpened fangs. “You first.”

  He didn’t have to be told twice. Fabric shredded beneath his claws and she couldn’t help but to follow his lead. It didn’t take long for her to destroy everything she wore and even less time for him to pounce.

  The first rough connection of skin on skin nearly sent her flying over the edge of release. She was so close to coming, the little bit of petting they’d exchanged already having her ready to tip.

  But not yet. She wanted him inside her, filling her, before she came.

  “Declan… Mate…”

  A rumbling growl escaped him, vibrating the air she breathed. “Mine.”

  Then she was. Well, was-ish. First he shoved her legs apart and crawled between her thighs. His long, thick cock rose from the trimmed thatch of hair at his groin, seeming to beg to be inside her.

  Yes, she wanted that too.

  One claw-tipped hand gripped her hip while the other toyed with her soaked pussy, a finger sliding along her slit. “So wet.” Brenna spread her thighs wider, hoping for more of his touch. “Wet for me.”

  “No shit. Any other wolf fucking with my clit right now?” Seriously? That actually needed to be said?

  He growled and bared his teeth, more of his fangs coming out to play.

  Okay, obviously it did need to be said.

  “Just for you, Declan. My mate.” He flicked said clit, nail gently rubbing over the bundle of nerves. She shouted with the hint of pain that joined the overwhelming pleasure. “Fuck! Need you now.”

  The hand tormenting her pussy left and she raised her head, watching him grip the base of his cock. He positioned the tip at her moist opening and then stared at her, his eyes—his wolf’s eyes—asking for permission.


  He let his lids drift down and then lifted them once again to reveal the chocolate irises she was familiar with. “I’ll claim you as mine. I won’t be able to stop.”

  Brenna’s wolf didn’t give a flying fuck and she decided to let the animal have her way. At worst, she’d gnaw him to death. She took down one guy already, how hard could another be.

  She refused to acknowledge that “taking down” really meant “biting after Declan did most of the work.”

  “Do it. Make me yours.” They could worry about dating and whatnot later. Fucking now.

  All hesitation left Declan. He kept his wolven gaze on her as he pushed his cock into her heat, penetrating her with his thick shaft. Each millimeter forward stroked more and more of her nerves, ones that hadn’t been properly petted in years now awoke. Each one sent spears of pleasure dancing through her limbs. Her clit pulsed in time with her heart while the bliss enveloped her from head to toe.

  And yet, he wasn’t finished. Nope, it was like the never-ending dick.

  If she was honest, she was good with that. Especially when the head of his cock stroked her G-spot and wasn’t that a lovely bundle of nerves.

  Yes, yes it was.

  Eventually (it took forever) he possessed her fully, his hips flush with hers and pubic bone nestled against her clit in the most perfect of ways. Super, very, amazingly perfect.

  Declan leaned over her, holding his weight on his hands as their gazes met. So much possessiveness and domi
nance lived in his expression and what should have scared her… didn’t.


  “Declan,” she sighed, his warmth heating her from inside out. “Take me, Declan.”

  He growled, eyes flaring until they glowed, and then he went into action. He retreated and then thrust forward once again. That set of movements set the tone of their lovemaking. Lovemaking? No, fucking, really. Lovefucking? Fuckmaking?

  She didn’t know, didn’t care, and didn’t give a flying of aforementioned fuck. Especially not when the pumping of his hips increased, each meeting of their bodies sending even more joy soaring through her body.

  The bed shook with each of his thrusts, jarring the furniture, and she idly wondered if they could fuck themselves through the wall.

  Then it didn’t matter because he thrust hard, snarled, and shifted his hold to clutch one of her hips. His force grew, slamming into her over and over and she couldn’t help but respond. She scratched his back and screamed his name, accepted what he offered. Instead of encircling his waist with her thighs, she planted her feet on the mattress. She met every thrust of his hips, slamming their bodies together in a primal, animalistic dance.

  Pleasure consumed her, Brenna’s wolf echoing the feelings with howls and whimpers inside her mind. The two of them were in agreement, Declan was a sex god with a capital Fuck and Me.

  “Declan… Oh, God, Declan…” Her pussy rhythmically rippled around him, caressing his cock with the movements. “Need.”


  Need? Fuck, Declan needed, too. Her body was on fire, stoking the flames of his need while the wolf rode him hard. With every thrust, it snarled and demanded he bite her already.

  He would. He just needed her to come first. Or at least come at the same time as him. Somebody needed to come.

  The animal accepted his thoughts but hated every part of them. Instead of whining, it added its own desires to the mix. Their thrusts were more powerful, the rub of his pelvis against hers lasting longer and pushing hard over her clit. They swallowed and clutched her moans and cries, intent on hearing them over and over for the next hundred years.

  Her tits bounced, moving in time with their bodies, and they presented a temptation too great to resist. Never stuttering in his moves, he lowered his head and captured one hardened nub, sucking it into his mouth. When her gasp filled the room he purred, when it turned into a deep moan, he smiled. But when it transformed into a begging, pleading whine, he was overjoyed.

  He sucked and laved, alternating between the gentle attention, and then adding in more than one pinch of his teeth. Her skin was sweet and seductive, tempting him to continue his ministrations. He reveled in the tightening of her heat, each spasm immediately following his suckling.

  Sweet, delicious, and his. All his.

  Sweat coated his back, body working to give her as much pleasure as possible while holding back his own.

  Soon, soon, soon…

  Claw-tipped nails tugged his hair, pricking his scalp as she tried to pull him closer. He knew he carried proof of her enjoyment on his back, but he reveled in the additional pain from her. His wolf was thrilled at her wolf’s reaction to them.

  Both halves of her craved Declan and he wouldn’t have it any other way.

  Abandoning one breast, he kissed his way across her chest, ignoring her whines as he captured the other. Another rush of flavors assaulted him and he sought out even more.

  Brenna writhed beneath him, body trembling, and yet he still fought his release. The damn woman would come first. Damn it.

  His wolf howled, snarling that Declan needed to pleasure their woman and mark her already. They hated that she didn’t carry their bite and it was crucial they fix that. Now.

  Bite. Come. Impregnate.

  He didn’t think Brenna would take getting pregnant very well, so he was glad she wasn’t in heat. He did not want to have that conversation.

  Reaching between them, he found her hard clit with ease. He would stroke her to orgasm and then mate her, tying them together forever.

  The wolf tensed within him, crouched and prepared to pounce.

  With the new touch, she screamed, yelling his name as she sank her claws into his skin. The scent of his blood hit the air and his animal barked with joy. Her nostrils flared and he knew the moment she caught the aroma as well. More fur covered her, the golden hue sliding over her skin, and her teeth lengthened further.

  They would push into him. Soon.

  “Come for me, mate.”

  “Declan,” she whimpered and arched her back, baring her neck in the same move. “Please.”

  The clench and release of her pussy sped, increasing in strength and frequency. He knew it was there, her orgasm balancing on the edge.

  His body responded in kind, balls drawing up tightly and his cock begging for release.

  Another two pumps of his hips followed by a single, bone-jarring thrust was all he needed, all she needed.

  With those rapid actions, she howled for him, the sound pure wolf. His animal did the same, but before they came down from the pleasure-filled high of their shared orgasm, he struck.

  He lowered his head in a lightning fast move, spreading his jaws and then closing them on her shoulder. Brenna’s sweet, delicious blood flowed over his tongue as his saliva and DNA tied to hers. The howl that’d slowly waned built anew, tearing from her throat.

  With a snarl, the sound ceased and then searing pain enveloped his shoulder. It burned him, setting fire to his blood, and it was that agony that sent him over the edge.

  His cock pulsed within her as his cum filled her slick passage. The bliss of her bite and blood filled him just as he filled her, body and soul. The sensations went on and on, never waning or slowing until he became a ball of sensitive fur and skin.

  With her first whimper, he eased his ministrations, the wolf quick to care for their new mate. The animal withdrew, Declan’s teeth returning to a human’s shape while fur retreated and fingers reformed. With the retraction of his fangs, he released his grip on her flesh. He got to work cleaning the wound, laving it with his tongue. He alternated between savoring her blood and cursing himself for the pain he’d caused.

  He didn’t regret it, though.

  Brenna tightened her grip on his shoulder a bare moment before she too opened her jaws. He throbbed in pleasure and pain, savoring this moment of contentment despite the ache of claiming.

  His. His. His.


  Brenna gave him the same treatment, lapping at his shoulder, and arousal blossomed again, his cock aching with the need to harden and take her.

  His dick was a dumbass. He had to see to Brenna’s comfort first.

  Then he could take her again.

  His shaft softened fully, allowing him to gently slide from his moist sheath. He ignored her whimper, doubly ignoring it when his wolf urged him to make her happy and fuck her again already.

  Between his dick and his wolf, he was gonna go crazy.

  Slowly, he gathered Brenna into his arms and rolled them, switching places so he lay against the mattress while she blanketed him with her bloody, sated body. She was a soft blanket, a comfort he hadn’t realized he’d missed over the years. He had her now, his mate, his everything, and he’d never let her go.

  She would remain in his arms until death took them. Even then, he’d chase her through heaven just to hold her again.


  Chapter Six

  Brenna was over the “mine, gotta hold you all night, damn he’s like a heating blanket” thing. A girl had to pee and eat. Not necessarily in that order because hunger was winning at the moment.

  Brenna eased from Declan’s bed, inching from beneath him, worming from his hold, and sliding over the edge until she thumped to the ground. She immediately popped up, peering over the side of the mattress like a prairie dog looking for danger. Well, a wolf–prairie dog hybrid.

  That thought had her wondering if there really were prairie dog shifters a
nd if there were, how big would they be. And…

  She shook her head. Weird shifter ponderings could come later. Like, after a visit to the little werewolf’s room and then snacks. Big, nummy bloody ones.

  Nom, nom, nom…

  Watching Declan, she held her breath and waited to see if he’d wake. When all he did was grumble and hug her pillow to his chest, she released the air in her lungs.

  Part of her was thrilled with her escape. The other half was ready to make fun of the big, bad, always vigilant Alpha wolf. The man slept through her getaway, what kind of protector was he?

  She mentally snorted and carefully rolled to her feet. Staring down at him, at the curl resting on his forehead and the way his mouth hung open as he drooled, she realized she was happy. Really, truly happy.

  Drool and all.

  She made a mental note to throw a few dogs drool jokes his way when he woke.

  Shaking her head, she turned, intent on grabbing a snack and then exploring the house. She hadn’t gotten much of a tour beyond the kitchen and then his bedroom. She was sure there had to be more.

  She managed to take one step and then her world tilted. An arm, obviously Declan’s annoying arm, wrapped around her middle while a growl split the air. He yanked her backwards, sending her tumbling back into bed. She grunted when she landed on him, his heat sinking into her from behind.

  “Where are you going?” He licked along her neck, stopping to suck on the bite he’d given her hours ago. The moment his tongue touched the spot her body burst into sensual flames. Her pussy slickened, preparing for him, and she groaned with the sensations.

  She also whined like a toddler because she was pretty sure he broke her baby maker last night. “Dec-lannn.” The stupid wolf purred and nibbled her mark, tugging on the skin with his teeth and sending another bolt of arousal and ache through her. It got worse when he flexed his hips, rubbing his cloth-covered cock against her ass. “Stop that. I don’t want your teeth or cock in me right now. I’m hungry.”

  He growled and increased the pressure. Bastard with his sexiness and making her clit twitch and he was not taking her to Pound Town this early in the morning. She needed coffee. And a steak.


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