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A Los Angeles Passion

Page 10

by Sherelle Green

  “First few million?” Kiara lifted an eyebrow. “Just how much are you worth?” She knew people in the movie industry made money, but she hadn’t thought it was that much.

  Trey stopped in front of the door and glanced back at her before he opened it. Once he did, she could see why he’d worn a proud smile. In the middle of the room sat a large king-size bed and matching nightstands, with two plush chairs in each corner. On one side of the room was a large circular glass window, and on the other side was a bathroom that was larger than some hotel bathrooms.

  “This is beautiful,” Kiara said as she continued to admire the bedroom. “I’m surprised you don’t live here as opposed to your home.”

  “When I first purchased this jet, I lived on it for a couple months and traveled to different areas of the world. My sister and my mom even joined me for part of that trip.”

  Trey leaned against the molding of the door and crossed his arms over his chest. He looked so sexy in that moment, Kiara was surprised she even understood what he was saying.

  “To answer your question,” Trey said. “I’ve never been the type to boast about how much I make. I may have come from a family of money, but I sold my first Hollywood script before I hit the age of twenty-two. I made my first million on another screenplay before age twenty-five. At age twenty-six, two of my movies were nominated for prestigious awards. One of my movies won. At twenty-eight, I’d been ranked one of the top ten screenwriters in Hollywood that year. And by age thirty, I was finally asked to write a screenplay on a comic book superhero, which had always been a dream of mine.”

  Kiara’s mouth slightly parted. Why the heck didn’t you ever google him? She sat on the bed, her legs suddenly wobbly. Money had never impressed her. Money couldn’t buy you a good personality or a caring heart. Money couldn’t comfort you after a bad day the way a pair of masculine arms could hold you. To be cliché, money couldn’t buy you happiness. However, on Trey, money looked damn sexy and she’d be lying to herself if she didn’t admit that his success was a major turn-on.

  “I’ll let you rest now,” Trey said, his eyes pinning her hostage. “If you need anything at all, just let me know.”

  There was a whole lot she could think of that she needed from him right now and none of her thoughts required clothes. Kyra was right. It’s been too long since I had sex. Listening to him talk about his accomplishments affected her in a way she hadn’t expected. She was pretty sure her panties were drenched, and all Trey had done was lean against the door.

  “Okay,” she said, too nervous to voice what she really wanted to ask him for. “I’ll let you know if I need anything.”

  Trey nodded and closed the door behind him. Once she was in the room by herself, she lay back on the bed.

  “Why didn’t you ask him to stay?” she asked herself quietly. You know why, her inner voice taunted. You’re too chicken to tell a man like Trey what you want. Kiara really didn’t understand herself when it came to Trey. Normally, she was never the shy type. She always spoke up when she wanted something. Yet around Trey, all she did was think about everything she wanted to say or do to him without really doing it.

  Kiara adjusted herself in the comfortable bed and tried to will herself to go to sleep. Her fear of heights wasn’t even an issue at the moment because her arousal was blocking out any other emotion. Thirty minutes later, she was still wide-awake and even worse off than she was before he left.

  If you want him, you should go get him. She groaned, annoyed with herself for overthinking the situation. Mind made up, she opened the door and walked down the narrow hallway to the main cabin. The flight attendant saw her first and gave her a wink. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say she knows exactly what I’m up to.

  She approached Trey. He hasn’t turned around yet. Good. She needed time to figure out what she was going to say.

  “Do you need me for something?”

  Kiara’s eyes flew to the back of Trey’s head. “Uh, I was wondering if I could borrow you for a minute.” What the heck? There’s nothing sexy about that statement, Kiara!

  “Only a minute, huh?” Trey stood from his seat. “Sure. I’ll follow you.”

  The walk back to the bedroom wasn’t nearly long enough to figure out exactly what she would say. Once they were back in the room, Trey closed and locked the door, before leaning his back on it.

  “What can I do for you?” he asked. He crossed his arms over his chest the same way he’d done when he was in the bedroom before. His eyes sparked with amusement as he stood there, waiting for her to speak.

  “Um. I was wondering. Well, that maybe... If you want to...” Kiara shuffled from one foot to the other before sitting on the bed. Girl, you aren’t making any sense. Get it together!

  “You see. I know what I want. I mean, I think it would help. Actually, I know it would.” Nope, that was just as bad. How about you don’t talk anymore?

  She fidgeted with her dress, opting not to say anything else. After a short while, Trey squinted his eyes. “I’m a words person, Kiara. You have to speak up if you want me to know what you’re talking about.” Trey slyly smiled, which made Kiara want to scream. He knows damn well what I need. Now for the question lingering in the air. Was she bold enough to ask for what she wanted?

  Taking a deep breath, she went for it. “I’m extremely restless and tense, so I was hoping you could relieve some of my sexual tension.” There, you said it.

  “I’d love to,” Trey said with a cocky grin. She’d never seen his cocky grin before, and she had to admit she liked it. “What exactly do you want me to do to relieve your sexual tension?”

  “Um, you know...” She let her voice trail off, hoping he got the hint. He didn’t.

  “I know what?” Trey stepped closer to her and leaned down so that his face was only inches away from hers. “What do you want, sweet Kiara?”

  That’s it. I’m done with words. Kiara lifted one of his hands into hers and began guiding his hand up her dress and to her thighs. She’d had every intention to remain quiet, but surprisingly, the more aroused she got, the bolder she got.

  “I need you to touch me intimately. First, with your hands.” She guided his hand even higher. “Then with your breath.” She whispered into his ear to convey her meaning. “Lastly, with your tongue.” She suckled his bottom lip, moaning at the faint taste of mint and the scotch he’d been sipping on.

  “See, now that wasn’t so hard,” Trey said, before he lifted her by the waist and placed her farther up the bed. Kiara gasped at the movement, clenching the white duvet when Trey’s hands began to push her dress above her waist.

  “Do you have any idea how long I’ve been dying to taste you?” Trey said, as he placed soft kisses on her ankles, making his way up her legs.

  “No,” Kiara said breathlessly. “How long?”

  “Ever since I saw you in that white dress and those red pumps at the Rent-a-Bachelor event, I’ve been dying to dip my tongue into your sweetness.”

  She felt his fingers slide along the edges of her lacy navy blue panties and drag them down her legs. He hadn’t removed her shoes, and truthfully, she didn’t want him to do anything that was going to halt her pleasurable journey.

  When he kissed her inner thigh, she jerked at the feel of his tongue so close to the part of her that craved him most. “You’re soaked,” he said. “And now that I know how wet you can get before I even really touch you, it’s going to be my main goal to get you this wet all the time.”

  Kiara began wiggling in the bed. Lawd, help me. She was already halfway to an orgasm and he hadn’t even kissed her there yet.

  “Just breathe.” She heard his voice cut through the arousal that was overtaking her mind. He was right. She was barely breathing. Just as she allowed some oxygen into her lungs, she felt his tongue curl around her nub, suckling softly before he dipped his tongue into her center.

nbsp; Once again, Kiara jerked. Yet this time, Trey held her in place by lacing both his arms under her thighs and dragging her back to the edge of the bed. Kiara dropped her hands and gripped Trey’s head instead, keeping him in place. She wasn’t sure what she expected to happen when she felt his tongue on her, but his slow languid strokes weren’t only stroking her center. He was caressing her mind through his tongue because each stroke made her brain scream with pleasure in the same way her body was craving for a release.

  “Trey, please,” she begged. At this pace, they’d arrive at their destination before he finished with her, and even though his tongue on her body was sweet torture, she didn’t think she could handle it anymore.

  Either he didn’t hear her, or he refused to listen, because his strokes were still slowly precise, eliciting moans from her that she was sure the staff aboard the flight could hear through the walls.

  Suddenly, without warning, Trey increased the pace of his tongue, dipping in and out of her core with a newfound purpose that was driving her to the brink of the edge.

  She opened her mouth to ask him what he was doing to her, but no words came out. Only more moans and a noise that she thought may have been a squeal, but she wasn’t sure.

  Seconds later, her body released a powerful orgasm that rocked her entire being to the core. Her thighs were begging to buck off the bed, but Trey didn’t ease his grip. Once she realized he was going to continue to lick her until he got every drop, she gripped his head tighter and held on for the ride. She had no idea how long it took her to come down from her high, but when she did, she noticed Trey had pulled her dress back down over her thighs.

  She reached for him with every intention of returning the favor, but Trey lay down beside her and began running his fingers through her hair. Moments later, Kiara didn’t see anything but the backs of her eyelids.

  Chapter 12

  Trey stood back and soaked in the awe-stricken look on Kiara’s face as she walked around the luxurious three-story villa overlooking the Ligurian Sea and Monaco, the sovereign city-state located on the French Riviera in Western Europe.

  Trey hadn’t been to the villa in over three years, but he couldn’t imagine it ever looking as beautiful as it did right now.

  That’s because you’re here with her. Kiara makes everything more beautiful.

  “This view is breathtaking,” she said, walking toward the second-level balcony. The wind blew across her hair and dress the minute she stepped outside.

  “You’re breathtaking,” Trey said. Had he not just tasted her hours prior, he’d be dragging her back inside and into the grand canopy bed that she had yet to see on the third level.

  She turned and glanced at him over her shoulder, the sun casting a glow around her face. Unable to help himself, Trey took out his iPhone and snapped a picture before Kiara stepped back inside.

  “No fair,” she said, walking to him and placing her arms around his waist. “I don’t have any pictures of you in my phone.”

  Trey smiled. “Then I guess you should take plenty before our mini vacation is over. I know I plan to.”

  Kiara’s lips curled to the side in a smile. “I still can’t believe your idea of a mini vacation is jet-setting us halfway across the world for an extended weekend. I can’t wait to explore this place!”

  “Speaking of exploring,” Trey said. “A very well-known international film school has a campus here in the French Riviera. A friend of mine asked me if I could speak tonight during a class he teaches. Would you like to accompany me?”

  Kiara’s eyes lit up. “I’d love to see you in your element. It sounds like fun.”

  “Great, but I’m warning you... I’ve been told that I give boring speeches, so don’t get your hopes up.”

  Kiara shook her head. “I can’t imagine you being boring at anything.” She glanced at the stairwell that led to the third level. “Now, show me the rest of this gorgeous villa so we can head down to the beach before your speech.”

  Kiara was up the stairs faster than Trey could keep up. He knew the minute she discovered the grand canopy bed because her gasp echoed through the hallway.

  When he reached the top of the stairs and turned the corner, he leaned against the door frame and took a moment to observe her. Her fingers lightly slid across the crisp white sheets and light comforter before her hands moved to the draped white curtains. From there, she observed the vintage dresser and matching nightstand. His housekeeper had left the balcony door slightly ajar as he’d requested earlier this morning, so the curtains around the canopy bed and glass doors that led outside moved lightly with the wind.

  “The design of your villa is so unique. I’m not sure what I was expecting, but there is a definite historic vibe to this place. Maybe Victorian age?”

  “You have a good eye,” Trey said. “This villa was refurbished from the nineteenth century, and when I hired my interior designer, I requested that the villa be kept as authentic as possible. She settled for a mix of Victorian-and Spanish-themed furniture and accent pieces. She even kept the theme consistent when designing my film study.”

  “Film study?” Kiara asked. “May I see it?”

  Although he should have expected the question, it still caught him off guard. Even though his family had been to his villa before, no one besides his designer had ever stepped foot into his film study.

  But you want to show her. She’s the only one you’ve ever felt inclined to show. His sister and mom always got on his case about being so private about showing certain parts of his home, but for some reason, he didn’t want to be private around Kiara. If she was interested, he wanted to show her everything. “Sure,” he said, taking her hand in his. “Come with me.”

  She smiled in a way that was slowly becoming his most favorite vision in the world. He led her to the end of the hallway where a small table and lamp sat in the corner. Right above the table was his favorite Encyclopedia Britannica collection, placed on three built-in shelves.

  “Wow,” Kiara said. “I haven’t seen an entire encyclopedia collection in years.”

  “My grandfather passed it down to my mom and she passed the collection down to me,” Trey said.

  “I’m surprised you keep it in the villa and not back at your home in LA.”

  Trey smiled before pulling out one of the encyclopedias and handing it to Kiara. She flipped through a few pages before glancing up at him. “It’s not the original, is it? It looks the same, but knowing you, there’s no way you wouldn’t have this collection in your sight.”

  Trey laughed. “You guessed right. This is an exact replica of the encyclopedias that I keep back in LA. Remind me to show you where they are next time you’re at my home.”

  Kiara placed the book back on the shelf and glanced around the small corner. “I assume this corner isn’t your film study. Or is it?”

  “It’s not.” Trey reached for the seventh encyclopedia on the shelf and bent it forward. As the wall turned to the side to reveal a narrow hallway, his eyes stayed pinned to Kiara, soaking in her surprised expression.

  “Trey Moore, you never cease to surprise me.”

  “After you,” Trey said as he motioned for Kiara to walk down the hallway. He thought she might hesitate given that the lighting was dim, but she walked right through the opening and stopped when she reached the entrance of his film study.

  “This is...” Kiara’s voice trailed off when she stepped into the room. Trey knew his study like the back of his hand, but watching her run her fingers along the framed posters of the movies he’d written screenplays for forced him to view the room through a different set of eyes.

  “This room used to serve as a safe house,” he explained. “I had the skylights in the ceiling added, but other than that, it’s authentic to the original design.” The study was divided into three different sections, with his grand mahogany desk in the main section. The
skylights provided ample natural light for the space, and built-in bookshelves housed his private library.

  “All the books on the top level are based on some of my favorite Hollywood and independent films,” Trey said when Kiara made her way to the bookshelves. “I also have books about the film industry, writing quirks and other information that’s aided me in my journey.”

  Kiara walked into the next room that contained replicas of all the plaques and awards he’d won in the industry. The room also had a large beige chaise lounge, a small bar and a refrigerator.

  “The door in the corner leads to a modest bathroom,” Trey said. “That way, I never have to leave when I’m in the moment or on a deadline.”

  “Forget the villa,” Kiara said. “I could live in your film study alone.”

  Trey laughed. “That’s the idea. I’ve always felt that way, but I’ve never shown this room to anyone besides my designer. I’m glad you share the feeling, too.”

  Kiara squinted. “You’ve never shown anyone your study before?”

  Trey shook his head. Kiara observed him for a few more seconds before she pointed to a built-in safe he’d forgotten was in the room as well. “I like the safe. I almost didn’t notice the dial.”

  “How do you know it isn’t fake?”

  She lifted an eyebrow. “Is it?”

  Trey glanced at the wall. “No, it’s real. It was designed to mesh with the filmography design on the accent wall. It holds all my important electronics while I’m away. Mainly, backup laptops and hard drives.”

  Kiara nodded as she walked into the third room. He sensed something more was on her mind, but she remained quiet.

  Trey watched her stand in the middle of the empty room and glance up at the ceiling. “It’s been years, but I’m still not sure what to do with this room,” he said. “Every time I think I have an idea, I overanalyze it. By the time I’m done second-guessing, the idea doesn’t seem to fit anymore.”


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