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A Los Angeles Passion

Page 16

by Sherelle Green

  Max looked at Trey and Derek, who shared a knowing look. Trey knew Derek didn’t want anything to do with Reginald, but seeing him in such bad shape was a bit too much for either of them to handle.

  “We’ll be here for the holiday,” Trey said with mixed emotions. With that, the three of them left the bedroom and walked down the hall to Reginald’s office.

  “I’ve got some news,” Trey said. “Pete called me before I arrived and told me that he was able to locate the person from Insenia that was hired to hack into those San Diego files. Bad news, the hacker didn’t have the name of the person who hired him. Good news, he was able to tell Pete that Reginald Moore wasn’t the person who hired him, but rather, Reginald was part of the job he was hired for. The hacker was asked to leave clues in the coding that made it appear like Reginald was the one to log in and access those private files.”

  “You’re kidding me,” Derek said. “So, whoever hired him wanted Reginald to be framed just like Reginald believed.”

  Trey nodded. “It seems that way.”

  Max looked relieved. “I knew something good would turn up sooner or later. And that’s not the only good news. I got a call from a friend in the San Diego chapter earlier this morning.”

  “What did he say?” Trey asked.

  “It turns out that the security guard who came forward and accused Reginald of stealing the historic artifacts was actually the one behind the heist. Well, not him directly, but his nephew by marriage, who’s a well-known thief in the San Diego area. I guess some of the San Diego board members suspected that his story didn’t add up, and the security guard got nervous. He sang like a canary when the board asked him to come in for additional questioning.”

  Trey shook his head. “I can’t believe they didn’t look further into the security guard in the beginning.”

  “Me, neither,” Max said. “I think the entire chapter was quick to put the blame on Reginald since he was already accused of so much. The San Diego chapter is going to reach out to the LA chapter later today, but I wanted you both to know before the news circulated within Prescott George.”

  Derek ran his fingers down his face. “This may be good news, but what do we do next? We still need more answers.”

  Trey looked from Derek to Max. “I say we continue with the investigation, but also make sure we keep most things we find between the three of us. Of course, we’ll need to loop in some people, but we still don’t know whom we can trust. And a couple of wins doesn’t mean we’ve solved the entire case. Reginald was accused of quite a bit, so this may take a while.”

  Max and Derek nodded in agreement, and the men discussed their next steps. Two hours later, it wasn’t lost on Trey that even though Reginald was resting, it was the longest he’d been within the same vicinity of all three sons in years.

  * * *

  “Open up this door right now, young lady. Your car is in the driveway, so I know you’re here.”

  Kiara winced at the pounding on the other side of the door. She already knew it was her mom and she suspected she was stopping over to try to talk some sense into her.

  Reluctantly, Kiara stood from her couch and went to open the door for Gina. “Mom, you shouldn’t have cut your time short in Seattle just to come see me.”

  “Oh, hush, child,” Gina said. “You know I had to come home to give your brother a piece of my mind. The only reason I’m here is because I could hear the stress in your voice and I didn’t like it.”

  Kiara went to sit back down on her sofa. “Sorry you didn’t like what you heard.” Quite frankly, she didn’t like how she’d sounded, either. Even though Kiara wasn’t in the best state of mind, she could still appreciate her mother’s flawless beauty. For a woman who’d had four children and was in her upper sixties, she didn’t look a day over forty.

  “What is it, sweet girl?” Gina asked, sitting beside her daughter. As she had so many times while Kiara was growing up, she reached for Kiara’s head and leaned it against her chest. Kiara’s arms reached around her mother’s waist and the simple embrace was enough to cause Kiara’s waterworks to flood her face.

  “I don’t know what’s wrong with me,” Kiara said. “I took your advice and told Trey everything. He knows the truth and that I do want children, but can’t physically carry any children of my own.”

  “Oh, sweetie,” Gina said. “Did he not take the news well?”

  “Quite the opposite,” Kiara said, wiping a few tears from her face. “He took the news better than I ever could have imagined.” She spent the next few minutes telling her mother about her conversation with Trey and how special and attentive he’d been to her the rest of the night. She left out the part about him making love to her afterward.

  After she was finished telling the story of how the night had unfolded, Kiara felt a wave of guilt over how she’d handled things with Trey the next morning.

  “I think I messed up,” Kiara said. “We’d had an amazing vacation, followed by a night filled with truth, hope and promise. Then the next morning, I got scared and told him that I need some time to figure out if this relationship is something I want.” Kiara sighed. “How could I not see how selfish I was being?”

  “Kiara, it takes a strong woman to tell the man she loves a truth that could jeopardize their relationship, but you’ve already done the hard part,” Gina said.

  “I may have told him about not being able to bear children, but I haven’t told him that I love him yet. Mom, he’s done nothing but be sweet and supportive. I’m not even sure how to move forward with Trey.”

  Gina leaned Kiara forward so that she could look Kiara in the eyes. “I’ve always raised you to face your fears, but as your mother, I also realize that your childhood was robbed from you the minute your father walked out on us. I was the adult and I should have forced you to hold on to your childhood a little bit longer.”

  “No, Mom,” Kiara said, shaking her head. “That wasn’t your fault.”

  “You’re right,” Gina said. “Your father leaving us was nobody’s fault but his own. However, since I had to work so many jobs to support you and your siblings, you were forced to run the household while I made enough money to pay the bills.”

  Kiara shook her head. “I didn’t mind.”

  “I know you didn’t,” Gina said. “Kiara, you have always been nurturing and placed others’ needs before your own. It’s what makes you so special, but it’s also what opens you up to being taken advantage of sometimes.”

  “You didn’t take advantage of me.” Kiara took her mom’s hands in hers. “I was happy to do my part.”

  “You always were,” Gina said, emotion filling her voice. “And even though I didn’t want you to grow up so fast, I need you to understand that every morning I woke up ready to conquer whatever life threw my way was because I had an amazing daughter reminding me that, in her eyes, I was her superwoman.”

  Kiara sniffled. “You’ll always be my superwoman.”

  She gave her mom a tight hug as they shed a few more tears. “Kiara, you’ve never had someone take care of you and treat you the way you deserve to be treated,” Gina said. “I often prayed that you’d meet a man who knew your worth. And although I still want to meet Trey, I can already tell he sees my daughter for the wonderful person she is. Let him love you, Kiara. I know you’ve had a lot of bad things happen in your life, and it’s expected for you to have some insecurities about relationships. Sweetie, any woman can be loved by a man. But to be loved by the right man is a different story entirely. Let go of your fears, sweetie. Let them go.”

  Kiara cried into her mother’s hug, releasing more emotion than she had in years. It was just the right amount of mother-therapy that she needed to accept the fears she’d held on to for years and move forward from them.

  Kiara and Gina sat quietly for a few moments before Kiara broke the silence. “He texts me every day just to let
me know that he’s thinking about me, he loves me and he’s counting down the time until we can see each other again.”

  “I like him,” Gina said with a laugh. “Have you given any more thought to when you’re going to go talk to him?”

  “I have an idea,” Kiara said, wiping her face with the back of her hand and perking up in her seat. She’d spent the past few days wallowing in her insecurities, and she could only imagine how that made Trey feel. “Hopefully, after I put my plan into place, Trey will realize that not only do I love him, but I’ll also never have doubts about his love for me again.”

  Gina smiled and lightly touched Kiara’s cheek. “Go get your man, baby girl.”

  Chapter 19

  Trey glanced around his home, realizing that it had never been as clean as it had looked the past week. That’s what happens when you have time on your hands and you’re trying to give your woman the space she requested.

  He had gotten a call from his agent earlier this morning, and as he’d hoped, they were predicting that his latest screenplay could be up for Best Original Screenplay. Although Trey appreciated the great feedback, he knew the only reason he’d made it through that screenplay was because of a very sexy brown beauty who’d managed to steal his heart in a short amount of time.

  His phone ringing interrupted his cleaning. “Hello, this is Trey Moore.”

  “Hello, Mr. Moore. This is Lacey, one of the bid assistants for Rent-a-Bachelor. We’ve spoken before.”

  Trey frowned. The last thing he wanted was to get rented right now. “Hi, Lacey. Yes, I remember speaking before. What can I do for you?”

  “You’ve been rented again, sir. Are you free for the next five evenings?”

  “Five evenings?” Trey asked. “I’m not sure I stated my availability to be open that long.”

  “You did, sir,” Lacey said. “Need I remind you that the bidder placed a pretty penny for your time and you did have your calendar listed as free?”

  Trey groaned into the phone although he hadn’t meant to. He’d placed a hold of a week and a half on his calendar so he could finish his screenplay and go on his vacation with Kiara. He’d meant to adjust his availability after that time.

  “We’re only following the rules you created, sir,” Lacey said. Trey almost laughed at the irony that even he—the creator of Rent-a-Bachelor—had to follow the rules. Maybe I need to have this program reevaluated.

  “I understand, Lacey. Yes, I’m available.”

  “Great,” she said. “You’ve been rented by Kiara Woods again.”

  Trey perked up. “Did you say Kiara Woods?”

  “Yes, sir. Kiara Woods. Per her request, she asked that you meet at her place tonight.”

  After getting a couple of additional details, Trey disconnected the call, suddenly more excited for the day than he’d been all week.

  * * *

  Kiara wasn’t sure there was ever a moment when she was as nervous as she was now. All you have to do is make the call. No big deal. Except, it was a huge deal. Everything about tonight mattered to Kiara and she wanted to make sure the night went smoothly.

  Without giving it a second thought, she pulled out her cell phone and dialed the phone number. The recipient answered on the second ring.

  “Hello?” the female voice asked.

  Kiara took a deep breath. “Hello, Carmen. This is Kiara Woods. I received your phone number from Trey’s friend Kendrick Burrstone. I hope it’s okay that I’m calling you.”

  “Kiara, hi,” Carmen said. “Of course it’s fine that you called. Is everything okay?”

  “Not really, but I’m hoping that after tonight, it will be. I know we met only briefly, but I really like your brother and I wanted to do something special for him. To do that, I need your help.”

  The other line grew silent, and Kiara worried that Trey had told his sister about the fact that Kiara had needed some time to think this past week.

  “I’ve never had the strong feelings I have for Trey for any other man,” Kiara said. “Some days ago, I told Trey I needed to do some thinking about our relationship, when I just hadn’t fully faced my fears about caring so much for someone and having them not return those same feelings. Tonight, I really want Trey to realize that I’m in this for the long haul and I’m not going anywhere.”

  Carmen grew silent again. “Carmen, are you still there?”

  “Sorry,” Carmen said. “I was changing Matthew’s diaper when you called and this boy won’t stay still for anything. I’ve been placing you on and off hold so that you don’t hear the struggle, because let me tell you, Matthew is winning this war.”

  Kiara sighed in relief before laughing. Okay, so the silence wasn’t because of me.

  “My brother has dated some questionable women in his past, but I like you, Kiara,” Carmen said. “And I’ve had my share of heartbreak, most recently from Matthew’s father, so I understand your fears. I’m hoping that, with time, you and I can get closer and get to know one another. My brother means the world to me, and he deserves a woman like you who sees how amazing he is, so I’m all ears. What do you need my help with?”

  Although Carmen couldn’t see her, Kiara gave the biggest smile she’d given all day, before she proceeded to tell her the plan.

  * * *

  As Trey approached Kiara’s home, he felt like a kid in a candy shop. He’d spent the entire day excited to see Kiara tonight, and he was anxious to know why she’d rented him for so many days after asking for some time to think.

  He rang her doorbell and adjusted his blazer. He’d chosen to go semi-casual and wear jeans, a white T and a beige blazer, since he wasn’t sure what Kiara had planned. He smiled when he thought about the fact that he’d also been able to see M-dog for a couple of hours after Carmen called and asked him to stop by her place and watch him for a little while. Trey had welcomed the distraction of his nephew. Otherwise, he could have been anxiously watching the clock as he waited for the time to pass until he got to see Kiara.

  Trey glanced through Kiara’s side window and noticed, for the first time, that no lights were on.

  “That’s strange,” he said aloud. He was sure the bid assistant had informed him that Kiara wanted him to meet her at her home. A quick check of his email confirmation confirmed that he hadn’t misunderstood.

  Just as he rang the doorbell a second time, he noticed an envelope on the welcome mat with his name written on the outside. He’d been so preoccupied with seeing Kiara, he hadn’t noticed it before. Trey opened the envelope and began reading.

  Roses are red. Violets are blue.

  Please visit the location where I first laid eyes on you.

  Love, Kiara.

  Trey flipped the card over to see if anything else was written on it. “Seriously,” he said aloud. “She’s sending me on a wild-goose chase?” His question was answered when he rang the doorbell twice more and there was still no answer. All he could do was laugh and head to the first place he’d met Kiara. The LA Prescott George headquarters.

  During the drive, Trey had to convince himself not to run any lights. He even called Kiara twice and she didn’t answer, but texted him a kissing emoji. “That’s fine,” he said to himself. “I’ll get her back when all of this is over.” And he had the sweetest kind of payback in mind.

  He arrived at the Fine Arts Building and made his way to the twelfth-floor penthouse suite. Steve, the security officer, greeted him when he arrived.

  “Hi, Steve.”

  “Hello, Trey.” Steve reached in his back pocket and pulled out an envelope. “This is for you.”

  “Thank you.” Trey smiled and shook his head as he opened the second envelope.

  The beauty of the sunset.

  The lushness of a tree.

  When I rented this sexy man I met,

  I had no idea the impact he’d have on

  Love, Kiara.

  She’s back at my place. He wasn’t sure how he knew, but he did. Trey flipped over the card again, just as he had the first one, to make sure there wasn’t anything else. Nodding goodbye to Steve, he made his way back to his house.

  He arrived at his house and swung open the door, expecting to see her waiting in his living room, but she wasn’t. He glanced around the room and spotted another envelope on his coffee table. Instead of another poem written on a card, she had written only two words.

  Rooftop Terrace

  Trey took the stairs two at a time, wearing the biggest smile he’d worn all week. Given everything that had been on his mind lately, he was ready to see his woman and make up for a week’s worth of lost time.

  * * *

  Kiara knew the moment Trey had made it to his rooftop terrace, because she got goose bumps all over. When her eyes landed on his face, she breathed a sigh of relief. There was something in his eyes that put all her nerves at ease.

  “I’m glad you found me,” she said as he approached. A sly smile crossed his lips before he pulled her to him for a kiss. She gasped in surprise, although when she thought about it, she knew she shouldn’t have been surprised at all. Some men would have been upset with her with how she’d handled things after the last serious discussion they’d had, but not Trey. Trey didn’t have a vindictive bone in his body.

  “Sorry,” he said, breaking the kiss and clearing his throat. “You look so sexy in this formfitting teal dress, I had to do that before this night went any further. What were you saying?”

  Kiara lightly shook her head out of its lustful state. “I was just saying that I’m glad you found me, and I wanted to say I’m so sorry for needing space this week.”

  “You don’t have to apologize,” Trey said. “There will always be a time in every relationship when one person may need a moment to evaluate some things. I knew I wasn’t going anywhere—I just needed you to believe that.”

  “I believe it,” Kiara said. “And I hope you know that I’m not going anywhere, either.” Kiara stepped closer to Trey and placed her hands around his shoulders while his hands went around her waist. “Trey, my needing time to think had nothing to do with you and everything to do with me needing to face my own fears. I was so used to men claiming they love me, but not sticking around through the hard times, that I projected those fears onto our relationship. I was so surprised that you were so understanding, because what I told you is life-changing.”


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