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His Vampire Harem_Harem Paranormal Romance [Gay]

Page 10

by Lily Harlem

  He smiled at me. “I wouldn’t have put you as a history buff, Rhys.”

  “There’s a lot you don’t know about me.”

  “You’re right, starting with what you’d like to drink.”

  “Whatever you’re having.”

  “I was about to make coffee.”


  “Make yourself at home.” He gestured to the sofa. “The controls for the TV are there.”

  He disappeared into what I presumed was the kitchen and I moved across the luxury apartment and sat. The sofa was softly cushioned and exquisite quality.

  Flicking on the television, a grip of excitement tugged at my belly when I saw the screen—a still of two naked men kissing beside a lake.

  Fuck. He’s been watching gay porn.

  I glanced at the kitchen. Should I turn it off and pretend I hadn’t seen it, or leave it on and see where the conversation would take us?

  What would Lloyd do?

  Lloyd would leave it on. I was sure of it. He’d tell Darius he also enjoyed porn and suggest they watch it together.

  I didn’t have long to ponder, because at that moment, Darius appeared in the doorway holding two mugs.

  The soft expression he wore switched to one of tension. A line appeared on his forehead and his jaw clenched.

  “I…er…just switched it on,” I said, resting back and trying to look completely chilled, even though that wasn’t how I was feeling.

  “I’m sorry, I…here let me.” He rushed to put the mugs down then went to grab the controls.

  “Hey.” I raised my hand so they were out of his reach. “No apologies, I watch this kind of stuff all the time.” I peered at the TV. “In fact I think I’ve seen this one.”

  “You have?” He swallowed and dropped his arms to his side.

  “Yeah, I’ve got a subscription, you know, so I can indulge whenever I want.” I patted the seat cushion. “Sit.”

  He did as I’d asked.

  “There’s no man in my life, Darius,” I said, then paused. “I’m presuming you guessed I was gay.”

  He nodded. His eyes were wide and his cheeks red.

  “I’ve been waiting for someone special,” I said. “Someone who gives me that fluttery feeling, here, you know.” I tapped my chest.

  “I understand.”

  “But I still have needs, Darius, basic desires. So this kind of thing,” I gestured to the screen, “gives me satisfaction.” I raised my eyebrows. “Beats wanking off to Eastenders.”

  He laughed softly. “I guess.”

  “So is that what you do?” I shifted position. My cock was hardening again.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Do you give yourself a hand-job while you watch it?”

  He glanced down at his hands, which were clasped in his lap. The outline of his cock was visible through the material of his sweats. “I haven’t…”

  “What?” I asked quietly.

  “I haven’t. I mean this is the first time I’ve watched it. I mean I’ve thought about it, a lot, but I just found this and started it and…”

  I rested my hand on his bare forearm. “Do you want to tell me why today was the day?”

  He looked at me, his neck twisted and his hair flopping forward. “I guess…well something happened at the shoot today.”

  I knew full well what had happened but I wasn’t about to tell him that. “Go on.”

  “There was this guy, George. We had a connection and it got pretty heated.”

  “If there’s sexual chemistry that’s always gonna happen.”

  He nodded and stared at the screen. “He propositioned me. Offered to take me somewhere private and…”


  “Bend me over, do things. Things I haven’t done before. And I figured.” He sat forward, his back hunched. “I figured I should do some research because it’s only a matter of time until I do get naked with someone, might not be George or Lloyd but…”

  “But someone.”

  “Yeah, and I don’t want to look an idiot,” he said. “I’m mid twenties and a virgin for fuck’s sake.” He shot me a look as if daring me to mock him.

  “Hey.” I held up my hand. “I was into my twenties before I went with a man.”

  “You were?” He frowned. “And how old are you now?”

  I wasn’t going to give him the real answer to that one. “About the same as you.” I smiled. “And I’m sure you’ll be fine. Once desire, passion and lust kick in, it’ll come naturally.”

  “You think?”

  “Yeah.” I moved close, still holding the remote. “So how about we watch this together, while we have that coffee.”

  “You want to watch this with me?”

  “Hell yeah. In case you hadn’t noticed, Darius, I think you’re fucking gorgeous. Watching porn with you is top of my bucket list right now.”

  “I…well…” He rubbed his temple. “I’m used to being told I’m gorgeous at work and stuff, but by guys who…”

  “Want to bend you over and do things to you, not so much, huh?”

  A loud bubble of laughter erupted from his chest and filled the room. “Say it how it is, Rhys.”

  “I’m working on doing that more. Lloyd says I hold back, I should say what I want more often instead of keeping it in.”

  “If you don’t ask, you don’t get.” His face became serious again. “You really want to watch this?”

  “I wouldn’t have said I did otherwise.” I squirmed and made a show of adjusting my cock through my jeans.

  His gaze trailed down my body, then back up again. “Okay, press play.”

  I did as he’d asked, then silently removed my t-shirt. If I was lucky enough to get close to him I didn’t want clothing in the way.

  I guessed the on-screen guys had only just started. They were still in jeans and were kissing, their hands roaming over each other’s toned upper bodies.

  I moved closer to Darius.

  “You ever done it outside?” he asked as the men undid each other’s pants and shoved at them.


  “You like it?”

  I grinned. “I like sex no matter where I do it.”

  “Oh, I see.”

  “You’ll love it too,” I reached for his hand, tugging it from its tight clasp on his other one. “When you’re ready.”

  “I hope that will be soon.” He tipped his chin, his attention firmly on the screen.

  Two cocks were out now. Each big and hard and glossy in true porn-star style.

  The men were moaning, their kisses noisy, as they worked each other’s shafts.

  For a few minutes we watched in silence as the camera panned around them, giving views of their cocks, butts and faces.

  When one man sank to his knees, I moved closer still to Darius. My arm brushed his, so did my leg. Being so near to him thrilled me, as did the solid wedge of flesh tenting his sweats. “Are you enjoying it?”

  “Yes.” His voice was breathy.

  “Me too. The one on the right has a great cock, don’t you think?”

  “Yes.” He swallowed.

  “And it’s about to get sucked.”

  He glanced at me, then turned back to the screen. He swiped his tongue over his bottom lip.

  The urge to kiss him, hold him, bring him pleasure and taste his blood was almost overwhelming. I reined myself in. “Would you like me to suck your cock?”

  He hitched in a breath and his eyes widened as the onscreen cock disappeared into a willing mouth.

  “You’ll know what it feels like then, Darius. You won’t have to imagine.”

  “You want to…do that to me?”

  “Hell yeah.” I ran my hand down his warm arm, across his belly, then to his cock. “I can think of nothing I’d rather do.” I leaned closer and pressed my lips to the ball of his shoulder.

  “Rhys…” He looked at me and touched my cheek.

  “No strings,” I said. “Just a bit of fun.” I pause
d. “An experience I’d be honored to give you."

  His eyes flashed and he rubbed his fingertips together. I wondered if heat was growing inside him, a heat that would result in sparks; I hoped so, I wanted to see them.

  “Okay,” he said. “I mean, yes please. If you don’t mind, I mean—”

  I chuckled and brushed my lips over his. “You’re the hottest guy I’ve seen in a long time, and me and you, we’ll be good together.” Pushing to the edge of the sofa, I then sank to my knees between his legs. I looked up at him as I curled my hands into the waistband of his sweats. “Keep watching the TV and relax. Let me do this. I consider it somewhat of a speciality of mine.”

  He lifted his hips, allowing me to pull his sweats to his thighs.

  His cock sprung free and a wild rage of excitement went through me. This was the man we’d been waiting for, and now I had him. He was mine, for now at least.

  I gripped his shaft.

  “Fuck,” he muttered.

  “I’m sorry, my hands are cold.”

  “It’s not that, it’s…”


  “Just having you touch me. Rhys, I…” He rested his hands on my head.

  “I told you, relax, and come when you want to.” I leaned forward and swiped my tongue over the tip of his glans, gathering up a tiny leak of pre-cum. I moaned and closed my eyes, he tasted divine.

  His thighs tensed around me and he gripped my hair.

  I opened my mouth wide, forming an ‘o’ with my lips, and sank onto him.

  The noise that peeled from his throat was long and guttural and vibrated through me.

  I tipped farther forward, cupping his balls with my free hand and taking him as deep as I could. Once there, I paused.

  The sounds coming from the television were sexy as fuck—moans, groans, gasps and unholy praises to God.

  I wanted to hear Darius making those noises, so I lifted up and started on a steady rhythm, using my hands, fingers, lips and tongue.

  This man is everything I need and more.

  “Rhys, fuck, I can’t last long.” His cock twitched, more pre-cum slid onto my tongue.

  I didn’t answer, instead I upped the pace, making sure I lodged him against my throat on each downward plunge.

  He was shaking, his body tensed to granite. His hips were rising to meet my mouth and he was yanking at my hair following the rhythm.

  And then it was there.

  He held his breath, froze, and hot cum shot from his cock. His shaft throbbed and his balls contracted.

  I swallowed and didn’t let up.

  He cried out, a long wail of release I knew I’d never forget.

  The men on the screen were going for it, flesh-on-flesh slaps filling my ears as they pounded.

  Darius yanked at my hair, pulling my mouth from him.

  I caught his shaft in my palm and set my thumb over his slit.

  He was breathing hard, his face was flushed and his pupils wide. He held his hands out to the sides, fingers splayed on the sofa.

  “How was that?” I asked, wiping at a drip of saliva trickling down my chin.

  “That was…damn, I should have lasted longer but it felt so good.”

  “It wasn’t a test, it was an experience. You came when you wanted, what’s wrong with that?”

  He wiped his forearm over his brow then glanced at the TV. “Where’s the remote?” As he’d spoken he’d picked it up and turned it off.

  “You weren’t enjoying it?”

  “I’ve got the real thing, why would I need that?” He smiled. A lovely wide grin that melted my heart all the more for him.

  I love him so much.

  I studied his groin and traced my fingertip over a vein leading from his abdomen to his right thigh. It was a delicate shade of lilac and combined with the pulse I could feel in his shaft, I had a desperate urge to taste him.

  “Just here,” I said, looking up at him. “Can I bite you?”

  “Bite me?” He laughed, though he was still out of breath and currently studying the ends of his fingers. “What, like a hickey?”

  “Yeah, something like that.” My fangs were tingling in my gums. “I want to taste you here.” I placed the tip of my tongue on the vein. So damn good, so damn close.

  “Are you and Lloyd vampires or something?” Darius laughed. “He wanted to give me a hickey too, but I can’t have marks on my body, it’s my livelihood.”

  “It would be the smallest mark, two actually, and they would heal quickly.” I licked my lips. My fangs were drawing down over my regular teeth. “Say yes, Darius, I don’t want to without your permission, you’re too special for that.”

  Confusion flashed in his eyes as he stared at me. “What do you mean two marks?” He paused. “And what’s wrong with your mouth?”

  I quickly stood and turned. George would be furious if I revealed to Darius what we really were. We’d agreed to pick our moment for that.


  He was shifting on the sofa, no doubt pulling his sweats back into place.

  My fangs retracted and I pulled in a deep breath. Turning back to him, I smiled. “I’m sorry, I got carried away. And yes, I thought a hickey there would be okay. Obviously I was wrong.”

  Chapter Nine


  I woke alone. Rhys had left the apartment not long after my first blow job, and, exhausted—and for once totally satisfied—I’d flopped into bed.

  Judging by the weak light filtering through my curtains, I guessed it was early, but feeling energized I showered, then made eggs on toast.

  My agent messaged me the details of the day’s shoot and I checked out the address. It wasn’t far and as the sun was crawling into a cloudless sky I decided to walk.

  At ten a.m. I headed out of the door. The scent of blossom filled my nostrils and I dropped my shades into place. One of my neighbors said good morning as she passed loaded down with shopping bags, so I scooted back to hold the door for her.

  “Thank you, Darius,” she said with a smile. “Have a nice day.”

  “You too, Mrs Coleman.”

  It was lovely to have a spring in my step as I walked. My mind was full of Rhys and how he’d sucked my cock. I’d never felt anything so good, and certainly never had such an amazing orgasm. It was clear a man’s mouth was much better than my own hand.

  Will I see him again?

  A slight frown marred my brow as I crossed the road. I didn’t even have his cell number. But I did have Lloyd’s, and he was Rhys’s cousin.

  The frown deepened. Damn it, I was well and truly involved with both men. Not an hour before I’d been thrusting my hips toward Rhys’s face, I’d been grinding against Lloyd, kissing him until we were both gasping for breath, and coming in our pants.

  I pressed my lips together and shoved my hands deeper into my pockets. I was a two-timer. I’d gone from no man in my life to two.

  Turning into a smaller road and away from the noise of the High Street, I berated myself. I’d been caught up in the moment, riding high on the excitement of having found someone, or rather two people, I was insanely attracted to. Lloyd with his sharp features, shorn blond hair and sexy smile had my heart beating faster each moment I spent with him. And Rhys’s with his dimples, cutely quaffed hair and young lean body was the stuff of fantasies.

  What if I lose both of them?

  “Oh God,” I muttered. That thought didn’t bear thinking about. Lloyd may well be furious I’d had sexy time with Rhys, and the same might be the case vice versa.

  I stomped on, into the shadows of an office block. I’d always presumed when I found someone special to be in my life there would only be that one person.

  Yet I had two.

  And that was before I’d added Oscar, my hot, rugged biker from the plane into the equation. I still wanted to go out with him…I still wanted my promised kiss. What would that stubble feel like on my chin? How would he hold me? Would he want to strip me naked and…”

  A heat
was growing inside of me. I knew what it was. It had happened too many times in my life, and the scorching sensation was unmistakable.

  I pulled my hands from my pockets and spread my fingers, allowing the breeze to slide between them. But it was only a delaying tactic. The burn in my chest was spreading over my pecs to my shoulders. My belly was tight, my skin tingling and the hair on the back of my neck standing up as if an electrical storm was about to kick off.

  One glance at the sky told me that wasn’t the case, it was still a perfect azure blue.

  Oscar. Lloyd. Rhys.

  How had I got myself into this mess?

  Frustration and confusion swirled within me. I tried a few deep breaths, worked on keeping my thoughts calm, but it was no good. I’d have to release sparks.

  I glanced around. The back street wasn’t busy but there were too many pedestrians around for me to fire a few even at a drain or the gutter. Plus there were high windows, anyone could be looking out.

  ‘Never let anyone see your special trick, Darius.’

  My mother’s words came back to me, but also an image of Lloyd walking toward me, hood up, eyes flashing. He was the only other person to have ever seen the power leave my fingertips.

  I spotted a narrow alley, one which had a large green wheelie bin at the end and what appeared to be an abandoned bike, minus one wheel, half blocking the entrance. I slipped down it, and out of the sunshine. It wasn’t quite wide enough to fit a car along and stretched for about fifty meters.

  Glancing over my shoulder, I guessed I’d soon be away from prying eyes. If only I could hold off until then. The blistering pain in my arms was becoming unbearable. It was as if boiling water was being splashed onto my skin.

  The arrival of a sudden cloud crossing over the sun was a welcome reprieve from the heat in the air, as was a sudden cool gust of wind. It lifted my hair and pressed my t-shirt to my chest.

  “Fuck,” I muttered, speeding up. Soon I would be out of view of the office windows, just another few steps.

  I stepped over a cardboard box, bursting at the seams with household rubbish. A few flies buzzed around it.

  My stomach was tight. Nausea gripped me. I stopped, leaned against a cool, gritty wall and raised my right hand. A bitter taste had lodged itself in my mouth and unease was making me shake.


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