His Vampire Harem_Harem Paranormal Romance [Gay]
Page 13
“And your wife, what happened?”
“What happened was I became a vampire. November third. I was down the pit, there was a collapse, me and another guy, Jack, were trapped. I’d broken my leg. It was grim with no water and intense heat. We were there for four days and I was slowly dying. I began to accept that and was glad it was Jack with me. I’d always got on well with him, thought him a good chap, and he was handsome and strong, something which appealed to me more than my wife’s delicate curves. But the weird thing was he wasn’t getting sick like me. Having no food and water, the thinning air, it didn’t affect him. Neither did the heat. He didn’t even have sweat patches. And he never seemed to sleep. I was delirious, going in and out of consciousness. I knew the end was coming. It was then he asked if I wanted him to bite me. I had no idea what he was talking about, but when his fangs sank into my neck this wonderful sensation came over my body. I presumed I was dying and going to Heaven. It went on and on, my cock was hard, my stomach felt full, the hunger and thirst left me. No longer burning up on a hard rocky floor I was gaining strength, as if death had given me a new powerful body.”
“He’d turned you into a vampire.”
“It was his only option to save me. He could have lived for centuries down there. My time was running out.”
“So then what happened?”
“When he’d finished explaining what I was, we fucked. And we fucked hard for two weeks before deciding to dig our way out and leave our old lives behind.”
“You fucked for two weeks?”
“Yep.” He huffed. “It had been a long time coming, being with a guy, and Jack made me feel invincible. Heck, I was.”
“And where is…” I trailed off. I’d thought Oscar and I had something starting, but if Jack was in the picture that might never happen.
I nodded.
He closed his eyes and squeezed the bridge of his nose. “Jack is gone.”
“To Hell.”
I sat forward. “What do you mean?”
“He was killed.” He opened his eyes and set his attention on me.
“But I thought you were immortal.”
“Immortal, yes. We don’t age, and neither will you for that matter.”
“What?” I won’t age?
“But,” he went on, “we can be killed. Stake through the heart, decapitated, burned, that’ll do it. And then our cold souls go to Hell.”
“Someone put a stake through Jack’s heart? Who?”
“Not who, what.” He folded his arms, his biceps bulging. “Shifters.”
“Wolf shifters. We were in Canada, roaming, fucking, taking the occasional drink from loggers we came across, then the Carlton Pack picked up our scent.”
“The Carlton Pack?”
“Long time enemies of vampires, they’re men who can shift into wolves. They’ve had some success at reducing our numbers over the years. Jack and I knew this, and we tried to shake them off. But we became complacent and Jack was caught.” He paused. “By the time I’d tracked him down it was too late. They’d killed him, his head was off and burned and his heart staked.”
“Oscar, that’s awful.” I switched sofas and sat next to him, rested my hand on his wide upper arm.
“Yeah, it was. Took a long time to get used to him not being around.”
“I’m so sorry.”
“No. You’re the last person who should be sorry. It wasn’t your fault, and you have the power to help stop that happening to Rhys, George, and Lloyd, the three souls in this world I still truly care about. They’re like brothers to me, I don’t want them to burn in Hell and suffer the way Jack is for all eternity.”
“And you, surely you don’t want that for yourself.”
He glanced away. “I wouldn’t choose it, but…”
“But what?”
“If it meant I could see Jack again then perhaps it’s an option.”
“No.” I slid my hand up to his shoulder. “I never met Jack, but if he loved you the way you clearly loved him, I’m sure Hell isn’t something he’d want for you. After all, it’s not something you’d wish on your worst enemy, let alone a lover.”
He stared at me. “I’ve never thought of it that way.”
“Perhaps you should start.” I smiled sadly. “I’ll help in any way I can. I’m not sure what you all want me to do, or what I know, but I’ll try to give you a key so your souls won’t suffer the same fate.”
“I know you will.” He unfolded his arms and wrapped one around me, tugging me close.
I pressed up against his hard leather-clad body and stared into his eyes. “When did you last drink blood, Oscar?”
His eyebrows raised, as though I’d surprised him with my question. “A few months back, in New York.”
“Did you fuck too?”
His eyebrows raised higher still. “No, there’s been no one since Jack. I couldn’t bring myself to, and then I met George at the Worshipful Company and he asked me to join him in his mission to find you, so I…” He paused. “I thought I’d wait for you, Darius. It seemed like the right thing to do.”
“You’ve been waiting for me? All that time.”
“Time doesn’t have much meaning.”
I swallowed. “So do you want to fuck now?” Jeez, had I really just asked that? Yes. I had. I wanted Oscar, there was no question about it. I wanted to get naked and have him do all the things to me he and Jack did, in that two weeks down in the mine, and when they were roaming around Canada.
“Ah, sweet Darius.” He kissed the tip of my nose. “I want to fuck you so badly, but my big cock shouldn’t be the one to take your virginity, and I have been known to get carried away.”
“I’ve told you before, I can handle it.”
“I’m not sure you can…yet. But you will. We’ll work up to it.”
“I’ve promised not to hurt you, and I intend to keep that promise, even though I’m not particularly comfortable right now.” He squirmed on the seat.
“So do you want to drink?” I asked, my mouth drying at the thought.
“Taste your blood, Hell yeah.” He rolled his lips in on themselves. “If you’re offering that I’ll take it.”
“Don’t vampires just take it anyway, without asking?”
“From humans, yes. But you’re not human, are you?”
“So I’ve been told.”
He reached for the base of my t-shirt and pulled it up. “Take this off.”
I did as he’d asked.
Within seconds it was off and he was tugging at his leather jacket. Once removed he tossed it to the floor, then added his t-shirt to the pile.
I stared at his naked torso. His skin was taut over dense, hard muscles, and his nipples were small and dark. He had a patch of chest hair which ran downward, thickening beyond his navel before disappearing into the waistband of his leathers.
“Your skin is a beautiful color,” he said, tracing from my left nipple to the right. “The veins are most visible here.” He stroked up to my collarbone, then my neck.
“Where do you want to drink from?” I asked, a fizz of nerves winding through me.
“Wherever you’ll let me.” He ran his hand over my shoulder then down my arm. His huge palm was cool and a little rough. His gaze followed his own movements.
“Here.” I held up my wrist, exposing the delicate underside to him.
“Good choice.” He smiled then cupped my forearm.
I gulped.
“Don’t be scared, it will feel good, like I told you it would.”
“I’m not scared.”
“Then you’re a braver man than me, I’d have been scared if I hadn’t been nearly dead and Jack told me he was going to bite me.”
“Jack drained you.”
“For my own good. We need you very much alive and as human as you can be, Darius. This is purely for pleasure, mine and yours.”
He peeled back his top lip, exposing his teeth, then his eyes glazed slightly and two sharp teeth slid downward. His top lip settled again, protruding the way Rhys’s had the night before.
“Are you ready?” he asked.
I nodded.
He hovered his mouth over my wrist for a moment, then drew it close and sank his needle-sharp fangs into it.
There was no pain, just prickly heat which surprised me knowing how cold he was.
And then it washed over me—a wonderful euphoria that grew with each tug of his mouth. The gentle suction flooded me with a sense of pleasure, and desire. I gasped and closed my eyes.
My cock hardened, straining against my pants, and my balls tightened.
“Oscar,” I managed, settling my hand over his head, his thick, dark hair slotting between my fingers. “That’s so fucking good.”
He didn’t answer, just continued gently drinking my blood.
The pleasure grew. I clenched my ass, thoughts of sex sweeping over me. More blood pumped through my shaft and I groaned, amazed at how hard I’d gotten so quickly.
After a full minute he pulled up, setting his thumb over the two tiny puncture marks he’d left.
I was high on bliss, ecstasy flooding my veins. Whatever was in his saliva was potent stuff.
“I told you you’d enjoy it,” he murmured against my lips.
“Yes. Fuck yes.” My dick ached. I needed to masturbate. “But…damn it.” I glanced at my groin.
“I see the problem.” He slid his palm over my tense abdomen then popped open the button on my jeans. “And I have a solution.”
“Oscar,” I gasped as he shoved at the material, quickly exposing my cock.
“That’s it, let me…” He wrapped his hand around my shaft. “Relax and let me finish this.”
“Fuck,” I muttered, gripping his wide, chilly shoulder and fisting my other hand over a cushion. “I’m gonna…”
“Yeah, you’re gonna come fast, real fast and real hard.” He started pumping me, root to tip. “My saliva in your veins will do that.”
I stared at his hand working up and down, the end of my cock, already glossy with pre-cum, peeking out on each stroke. It was one of the most erotic sights I’d ever seen.
I raised my hips as the pressure grew, lifting my ass from the sofa. He stayed with me, his breaths coming as fast as mine. My balls retracted, my belly tensed further. “It’s here.”
He didn’t answer.
“Fuck!” I came, long and hard, holding my breath as spurt after spurt of cum landed on my belly.
He rubbed steady and firm, extending the bliss.
I cried out, dug my nails into him, and arched my back as sweat popped on my forehead and armpits.
“Ahh…yeah…that’s it.” I slumped and he stilled.
My belly was basted with pearly fluid. A strand had caught in my pubic hair, stretching up to my navel. Another drip remained balanced in my slit.
“Did that feel good?” he asked, kissing my cheek, then my lips. His fangs had retracted.
“Couldn’t…you tell?” I panted.
“Yeah.” He smiled. “And that was just my hand. Think what my cock will be like when we get to that point.”
Chapter Twelve
I stared at Darius. He was breathing hard, his cheeks were flushed and beads of sweat sat on his top lip. He looked more beautiful than I could ever have imagined. We were so lucky to have found him.
I stroked his cock. It was still hard, the pulse throbbing against my palm. He was so responsive, so utterly open. A blank page when it came to sex. Which was why I couldn’t fuck him, not for some time. Jack and I had been wild together. But he’d been a big, tough unbreakable vampire. Darius was a delicate half human. A wild session with me would not only hurt him, it might also scare him away from us all.
“Was it good for you? The blood?” he asked.
“Perfect.” I licked my lips, gathering up the last of his taste. “You’re all I’ll ever need. Your blood is strong and delicious.”
“Good, I’m glad.”
“We were meant to be, Darius,” I said. “All of us.”
Something flashed over his eyes.
“What?” I asked.
“You keep talking about all of us and…”
I released his cock and slid my hand up his body, enjoying the delicate contours of his abdomen and chest. “Tell me.”
“Do you really mean all of you and me?”
“Even when…”
I raised my eyebrows.
“Even when I tell you Rhys gave me a blow job last night?”
I smiled. “Your first blow job, congratulations.”
“And Lloyd kissed me, outside, and we…”
“And you had a good time together. I understand, we all do. You’re our cambion, and it’s going to take all of us to protect you and see that you’re kept happy and satisfied.”
“So you don’t mind, none of you, if I…?”
“Have sex with us all? No, we don’t mind.”
“What if it goes deeper?” He cupped my cheek, his hand pleasant and warm. “What if I fall for one of you, Oscar?”
“We hope you will fall for us all.” I moved closer to him, feeling his breath on my skin. “It’s what we want, to love you and have you love us in return.”
“Vampires can love.” He hadn’t said it as a question, more of a statement to himself.
“With fierce passion and frightening intensity. We love with a determination that will blow your mind, Darius.” I paused. “Just give us a chance. I promise, we won’t let you down.”
“I want that.” He rested back as if exhausted. “I want to give you all a chance. This is so new, but also exciting and a little scary, if it’s okay to say that.”
“Of course. I want to know how you feel, so I can make it right if it’s not. And if there’s anything I can do to make it less scary you must let me know.”
“Being with you, all of you helps with that.”
“I’m pleased that’s the case.” I paused. “I should get something to clean you up.” I nodded at his sticky belly.
“Yeah, thanks.”
“And then something to eat and a rest for you.”
“Shall we order takeout? What do you fancy?”
I reached for my t-shirt and tugged it on.
“Pizza, Indian…”
“Whatever you want, babe.”
“Ah, fuck.” Darius frowned. “You don’t eat, do you? Sorry.”
“You’ll get used to it.”
The afternoon turned to evening. Darius ate pizza—a huge amount for someone so lean in my opinion—then made a call to his agent and a photographer. I didn’t know why he was bothering. George was one step ahead of his schedule and would adjust it to suit our needs over the coming weeks and months. Darius’s safety and finding the key was our priority, not him getting his photograph taken over and over. It wasn’t as if he would ever need the money, we had more than we could spend between us. And now he’d reached adulthood he’d never age. Modelling was something he’d be able to do for as long as he wanted providing we could conceal his youthful appearance.
I watched him move across the room with his cell pressed to his ear. He was chatting to his mother, his daily catch up, he’d said.
Even the way he walked appealed to me, his back straight, his long limbs elegant, and knowing his skin was warm and soft beneath his clothing made my cock tingle with a hunger to be close to him. And he was so damn beautiful. It was hard to believe a demon had anything to do with his creation, but of course that had been part of his father’s evil plan, to create a human no one could resist, everyone wanted to feast their gaze on, and ultimately be with.
When it darkened outside, I pulled the curtains, relieved the sunlight had gone from another day. I sent George a text, letting him know all was calm. He replied saying they’d found nothing in the alleyway.
t do you want to do?” Darius asked, setting his phone aside. “Go out, stay in? Are we waiting for something?”
“I’d rather stay in, I don’t think we’ll get any visits from your father in here.”
“Why not?”
“It’s too…” I struggled to find the right words. “It’s too nice, too full of warmth and good.”
“Good.” He frowned. “Surely my mother’s house was the same, when he visited her that time.” A slight rise of color grew on his cheeks. “When he came to seduce her and create me.”
I thought for a moment. “Yeah, I’m sure you’re right. George and I talked about it. I think the difference is she was longing for a man in her life, a special someone and he knew that. It made her vulnerable and that’s how he wormed his way into her dreams and her bed.”
Darius ran both of his hands over his hair, tugging his bangs back from his face. “It’s kind of sick, don’t you think?”
“Evil has a habit of playing that way.”
“You said earlier I wouldn’t age. What did you mean by that?”
I shrugged. “Exactly that. Time has no meaning in demon worlds, or vampire worlds. You don’t need to worry about your body growing old and wrinkled, you’ll stay in the prime of your life, forever.”
“Forever.” He blew out a breath. “Fuck, that’s a long time.”
I stood and went to him, cupped his elbows. “Is it long enough if you’re with someone, or a few someones, you love?”
“Well I…”
I smiled. “You’re stuck with us, for as long as you want us, even if that means centuries…millennia.”
He glanced away.
“What?” I frowned.
“Unless you get staked or burned like Jack did. Unless the Carlton Pack, isn’t that what they’re called, get a hold of any of you?”
“That won’t happen.” I’d spoken in a gruffer voice than I’d intended. “The Company keeps a close eye on the movements of the Carlton Pack now, and on top of that we’re careful to avoid them. I learned long ago they should never be underestimated.”