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The Alpha Billionaire's Unexpected Baby: A Billionaire BWWM Pregnancy Romance

Page 1

by Joanna Jacobs

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  My Alpha Russian Billionaire BWWM Romance

  Carrying The Billionaire’s Baby

  Surprise Bonus Book

  Surprise Bonus Book

  Surprise BWWM Cowboy Romance

  Bonus - The Billionaire and Me Complete Series

  The Caring Cowboy’s Love

  Free: My Best Selling BWWM Romance Novel

  Let Me Personally Thank You!

  The Alpha Billionaire’s Unexpected Baby

  By Joanna Jacobs

  Wait! Before you start reading…

  Go to the table of contents and you’ll get instant access to read a handful of my Bestselling BWWM Romance Books as a FREE surprise – Go see which ones I’ve added to the end of this book at the table of contents now:

  Also as some fun, I’ve added an entertaining little quiz about The Alpha Billionaire’s Unexpected Baby. Enjoy – Joanna x

  Chapter 1

  “Holidays are for having fun, Angie.” Fiona wrapped an arm around Angela’s shoulders as the two of them walked down the street. “We’re in a foreign country, so we have a little more freedom than we would do at home, and I am going to make the most of it. What you do is up to you, but it’s about time you learnt how to enjoy yourself.”

  Angela looked at Fiona. “I know how to enjoy myself.”

  Laughing, Fiona shook her head. “We both know that isn’t what I meant. You haven’t had a boyfriend since that whole debacle with Daniel, and I think it’s about time you got back on the horse.”

  Even though it had been over two years before Angela still tried not to think about the mess of a relationship she’d had with Daniel. Believing they were meant to be was one of the biggest mistakes she’d ever made, and after it she’d promised herself she’d never make the same mistake again. That had turned into her keeping her distance from most men, no matter who spoke on their behalf, which had to stop. It just wasn’t anywhere near as easy for her to change things for the better. What she needed to do was make the most of the holiday and finally move on, instead of letting one mistake affect the rest of her life.

  “You’re right.” Angela nodded. “It is time I got back on the horse. All I’ve got to do is hope I don’t make the same mistake a second time.”

  “You won’t.” Fiona squeezed Angela. “I truly believe you’ve learnt your lesson from that.” For a moment they were both quiet. “It wasn’t really a mistake you made, Angie, because none of us knew how badly that was going to work out.” Fiona sighed. “I’ve spent a lot of time wished I never introduced the two of you. I didn’t know what he’d be like, so I have no real reason to feel guilty, but I do. If it wasn’t for me…”

  “Fi, that had nothing to do with you. You introduced me to a guy. It’s not as though you hadn’t done it before, and you didn’t say anything about having a relationship with him. I should have known there was something off about him from the beginning. He was far too determined to convince me I should spend the rest of my life with him.” Angela shrugged. “I’m just glad I didn’t end up pregnant with him.”

  “That was the only bit of good luck you had during that relationship.”

  Nodding, Angela tried not to think of the bad times, because there had been good times. It was just hard to hold onto them when the bad had slowly taken over her life. All Daniel wanted was to control her. He’d done everything he could to make that happen, from trying to convince her to give up her job to nuking her birth control in the microwave. Getting away from him was one of the hardest things she’d ever done, but she didn’t regret it.


  “May I buy you two lovely ladies a drink?”

  Fiona and Angela shared a look. Of course the first guy to hit on them would be an American. When Angela glanced at him she wouldn’t say she was complaining about that, because he was good looking, but she’d been hoping for something a little more exotic. It was Fiona who shrugged. “We don’t have anything against the idea.” She smiled at Angela. “I’m Fi, and this is Angie.”

  He looked between the two of them. “I’m Zane.” His eyes met with Angela’s for a second, and she could see something within them she wasn’t sure she wanted to see. “What are you having?”

  Angela did her best to act normal, and put on her professional smile. “We were slowly making our way through the cocktail menu.” She lifted up the brightly coloured drink she’d been sipping on. “I think, if I remember correctly, we were about half way down, but I’d be happy with anything.”

  Nodding, Fiona reached out to take Angela’s hand. “I’m the same.” They shared another look. “Even if it’s something we’ve had before it’s good.”

  “Okay.” Zane’s smile grew. “I will be back in a moment.”

  There was silence as they watched him walking away, before Fiona started laughing. “It’s just our luck he’s American.” She shook her head. “Do you think he thought we were Spanish?”

  “It’s unlikely.” Angela shrugged. “Maybe this is a good thing.”

  “Maybe.” Fiona glanced at him. “He is good looking.”

  “Yeah, he is.” Daniel had been good looking too, so good looking wasn’t a sign the guy in question was actually normal. “I think it would be best if we have this drink and then move on. There has to be someone else.”

  “We’ve only been here a couple of days. You have to give it time. Someone will turn up.” Fiona shrugged. “How do you know it isn’t him you’ve been waiting for?”

  “Just me?”

  “I’m not the one who has a horrible history to get over.” Fiona squeezed Angela’s hand gently. “Maybe an American is a good place to start. It’s not as though it will be easy to find him when we get back, will it? I’ve never seen him before and neither have you.”

  Sighing, Angela glanced over at him. “Maybe you’re right.” She nibbled her bottom lip. “I guess it’s as good an option as any.”

  “You sound enthusiastic.”

  “I don’t know, Fi. After everything with Daniel I guess I was hoping not to have to deal with an American.”

  “Not everyone you come across is going to be like Daniel. Give Zane a chance. You never know what might happen.”

  That was the problem. Angela didn’t know what might happen, and the thought of things going as badly wrong as they had done before bothered her more than she wanted to admit to Fiona. She watched as he walked back over to them, two glasses full of brightly coloured liquid in his hand, doing her best to push away her worries.


  Chapter 2

  Zane’s arms were wrapped tightly around Angela as they moved on the dance floor. Fiona had found her own guy, who she was dancing with close by, while Angela did her best to slow her heart. There was nothing about Zane that made her think she should worry he might be another Daniel. At the same time that was always going to be a worry. When she looked up into his face she found he was studying her in a way that didn’t make her entirely uncomfortable. He seemed like he was trying to work out who she was, because she’d kept that to herself. The last thing she wanted was for him to be able to hunt her down when she got home.

  “You okay?” He seemed truly worried. “You’ve been really quiet.”

  “I’m fine.” She didn’t bother faking a smile. “There’s just not been muc
h to talk about. Today is all about drinking and dancing.”

  “True.” He smiled, but that didn’t push away the worry in his eyes. When he moved in such a way she thought he was about to kiss her she did her best not to flinch away. “Come on, Angela. Be honest with me. I know you’re not comfortable with me, and I was really hoping you’d be honest with me. I don’t want to make you feel like you have to do anything you’re not happy about doing.”

  “It’s a long story.”

  “We have time.”

  “I don’t know.”

  “It would help me to understand you, and that’s something I really want to do.”

  “Why do you even care?”

  “You’re a really lovely person.” He shrugged. “I was hoping we might be able to make something of the time we’re spending in Spain, but that’s not going to happen if you can’t be honest with me. I don’t really think you want to be with me, or anyone, even though you’ve been doing your best to pretend you do.”

  “This is a conversation best had somewhere that isn’t here.”

  Nodding, Zane led her away from the dance floor. Angela shook her head when Fiona went to do the same with her guy, and the two of them shared a look before Fiona nodded, although she didn’t look happy about what was happening. It seemed like Zane understood, as the two of them sat at a table Fiona could see. For a long time both of them were silent. Then Angela gathered the courage she needed to tell a total stranger about the terrible relationship she’d had with her ex-boyfriend, and why it made everything hard.

  “It’s been two years.” Angela shook her head. “I should be over it be now.”

  “Why should you?” His question surprised her. “Daniel, from what you’ve told me, took everything that made you the person you are and made you feel like you shouldn’t be her. That’s going to take a long time to get over.”


  Angela surprised herself by going in for a kiss. It wasn’t something she’d done for far too long, and when Zane responded she felt herself melting into him. The conversation they’d had changed things for her, in ways she didn’t think words could have affected her, but it seemed like Zane understood her worries in a way no one else did. That was something she needed. Being around him felt more comfortable than she thought possible. As their bodies seemed to meld to each other she realised she was able to feel his erection pressing against her. He wanted her just as much as she wanted him.

  Then he pulled away. For far too long he studied her. “Are you sure about this?”

  Laughing, Angela shook her head. “I’m not sure about anything, Zane, but I know I want this.” She grabbed one of his hands and tangled their fingers together. He was so white, compared to the darkness of her skin, and she loved seeing the way the colours mixed together. “I want you, okay?”

  “Okay.” He looked at their hands. “You are beautiful, Angela.” He lifted them up and gently pressed her hand against the wall. “Thank you for giving me a chance.”

  “I think it’s you I should thank.”

  He shook his head. “I just did what any good person would have done.” He took a step closer to her, and their bodies pressed against the wall behind them. “You have no idea how much I want you.”

  Smiling, she brushed her hand over his erection. “I think I have some idea.” He made a sound, so she did it again, wanting him to know how much she wanted him. “My room, or yours?”

  “Mine would be best, I think, because it will give you a chance to get away if you do have any doubts.”


  “After what you told me making certain you’re okay with this is the most important thing to me.” He kissed her again. “You and I are meant to be, Angela, and I don’t want to scare you off by doing something incredibly stupid.”

  “Meant to be.”

  “You aren’t the only person whose last relationship had you doubting yourself. I know what it’s like. My ex… she was never truly going to be happy with me, and yet I did everything I could to try to make it happen. In the end the effort was all for nothing. I felt like I was the one who’d made all the mistakes, because I should have been better than I was, but I’ve slowly come to see I wasn’t the one in the wrong. She was. She was trying to make me into someone I wasn’t, as that was the person she wanted. It turned out she ended up getting back with her ex, who was the person she was trying to turn me into, and I felt like such an idiot for letting it happen.” He shrugged. “I think you can understand what that’s like.”


  Chapter 3

  Slowly Angela stroked a hand down Zane’s body. Ever since they’d got naked she hadn’t been able to take her eyes off him. He was gorgeous, and it was obvious he worked out. His washboards abs were far more interesting than she believed possible, but then part of it was procrastination. Even though she wanted him more than she’d wanted anyone since Daniel she wasn’t entirely certain she wanted to make the move. He seemed to be in very much the same position. As she studied his body she thought about what he’d told her about his ex. If he truly did understand what it was like to be with someone who seemed most interested in tearing you apart and making you into the person they wanted you to be then everything was going to be easier. That didn’t mean she was trusting him to tell her the truth.

  “It’s okay.” He gently stroked a hand through her hair. “We can take as long as we need to, Angela. There’s no rush to make anything happen that you aren’t ready for.”

  When she looked up at him their eyes met. “I want this, but I’m scared.”

  He nodded. “I know. I feel very much the same way.” He ran his hand down her body. “It’s been a long time since I let myself get close to someone. I thought this was my chance to let go of my fears and move on, but it’s nowhere near as easy as I was hoping it would be.”

  “How do you think we should work this?”

  “The best thing we can do is take it slow. Neither of us needs to run before we’re ready.”

  “I want to run.” Angela nibbled her bottom lip. “I want to feel like everyone else would do when they were next to a good looking naked man, but it’s not that simple. I keep thinking about Daniel and what it was like when we were together. He was the first person I’d ever thought I could be with for the rest of my life, until I found out the truth about him. Then…” She shook her head. “I should have walked away a long time before I did. I shouldn’t have stayed with him when he started trying to control me. I just wanted to believe him when he said he was going to get help. He never did.”

  “Wanting to stay with him is normal. You shouldn’t beat yourself up about that. People like Daniel are very good at making the people who love them believe they’re going to change, only they never do.” Zane shrugged. “In the end you did get out and that’s what matters.” Gently he kissed her cheek. “You can find someone else, someone better, and enjoy your life with them, the way you’re supposed to.”

  “Are you that someone else?”

  “Honestly, Angela, I don’t know, but if we feel like we could take this back to America who’s to say we shouldn’t.”


  For the first time Angela felt ready. Zane was hovering about her, looking deep into her eyes, and she could tell her was worried about the two of them going too fast. Smiling, she reached up to stroke his hair. Nodding, she gently tugged his lips down to hers, trying to show him that she did want him inside her, because her fears had faded away in a way she didn’t think they could. As he kissed her he slipped inside her at the same time. It was the first time she’d had sex since Daniel and she hadn’t realised how much she missed it.

  Zane started slow. Angela didn’t want slow. She wanted him to be fast, but she wasn’t going to push him. She stroked her hand down his tanned chest, trying to be patient, because she didn’t know how long ago his last ex had been. When she wrapped her legs around him more tightly he seemed to understand what she needed from him. That didn’t stop him from going sl
ow, though, his thrusts going deeper than she thought possible. As she was paying more attention to his eyes that anything else she didn’t realise he was going to touch her clit until it happened. She shuddered. It had been even longer since someone had wanted her to enjoy the sex. Daniel had been very selfish. The only thing he cared about was his enjoyment. Zane, obviously, wasn’t that sort of person.

  He studied her. “Is this okay?” There was no chance of her voice working, so she nodded. A couple of sounds escaped her throat, and that seemed to help, because Zane smiled. “Tell me if anything I do makes you uncomfortable.”

  Angela nodded again. She wasn’t certain she’d be able to use her words, but she would at least be able to use a hand to tell him. As he stroked his thumb over her clit, his cock going deeper into her than she thought possible, they stared into each other’s eyes. The emotions within them were almost unreadable, which wasn’t exactly a bad thing. If she was honest with herself she didn’t really want to know what he was feeling emotionally. It was hard enough to deal with her own, without letting his affect her, so she focused instead on what he was doing to her. The feeling was more than she thought it could be. Maybe it was because it had been so long since she’d last had sex. When she did focus she realised she was close to her climax, and she wasn’t certain that was what she wanted.

  Then he kissed her. All her worries about the intimacy between them faded into nothing as his tongue slipped inside her mouth, and she let herself go. Angela’s cum was harder than any she’d had in a long time, because sex was very different, and she flopped onto the bed, her body having given up on her.


  Chapter 4

  “I’m never going to see him again after this.” Angela shrugged. “I’m okay with that.” She looked around the airport. “That doesn’t mean I’m not hoping for something more.”


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