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The Alpha Billionaire's Unexpected Baby: A Billionaire BWWM Pregnancy Romance

Page 20

by Joanna Jacobs

  “What if I am? It doesn’t have anything to do with you. This is my life and I can do what I want, no matter how hard that is for you to understand.”

  “Ty, all he’s going to do is hurt you the same way he hurt Madison. I don’t want that to happen. I don’t want him to do something like that to you. You deserve better.”

  “Like someone who cheats on me.”

  “I made a mistake.”

  “Yeah, you said that the first time, and then you made the same mistake three more times.” Tyra shook her head. “Leave me alone, Jack. I don’t need this.”

  She went to close the door and he stuck his foot in it. “You’re making a huge mistake. Going out with Kent is going to change your life, but it’s not going to change it for the better.” Jack pushed the door open again. “Just give me a chance to prove to you he is the sort of person I think he is and then I promise I’ll leave you alone.”

  “No, I’m not going to do that to him. He deserves better than that.”

  “You don’t know the real Kent. I do. If you knew the real person you wouldn’t be willing to go on a date with him.”

  “Right now I’m thinking the whole reason you’re acting like this is jealousy. I get it. I do.

  It’s just not going to do you any good. Nothing you say or do is going to convince me to walk away from going on this date.”


  The water rained down on her as Tyra tried to work out how Jack would know she was going on a date with Kent. Obviously he’d found that out from someone, but she couldn’t work out who the someone was.

  Her friends and family wouldn’t do something like that, because they knew what Jack had done, which meant it was probably someone who knew Kent. As she didn’t know any of his friends there was no possible way she could know who it might be, but it was something she’d have to bring up. Finding out who was giving her ex information about her slowly blossoming relationship with Kent was important to her. Sighing, she bent down to pick up her shampoo. She knew she’d never get back with Jack. Not after what he’d done. He just didn’t seem to believe that and there was nothing she could do to make him see he was just making a fool of himself.

  Tyra didn’t think he was telling her the truth about Kent. It was easy to see Jack was biased against him, and that was understandable. Unlike Jack Kent had done something with his life, something that led to him having a lot more money that the average person, and that meant a lot of people he’d been to high school with were probably jealous of him. Madison seemed like she was jealous. He needed someone in his life who cared for him, not his money. Was Tyra that person? She’d never cared much about whether or not she had a lot of money. All she needed was enough to pay her bills and buy the books that made her happy. She didn’t need anything more than that. She couldn’t see that changing.

  As she washed her hair she thought about Kent. She liked him. She definitely liked him enough to go on a date with him, but dates didn’t always mean there’d be sparks. Tyra had been on a lot of dates before she met Jack and then there were sparks. Sometimes she wished there hadn’t been. If those sparks hadn’t existed he would never have been a part of her life, which meant she wouldn’t have to deal with the lies he was telling about Kent, and then there wouldn’t be any problems. She wouldn’t know Madison had lied about being a victim of domestic violence. Shuddering, Tyra shook her head. It was something she’d heard of before, but she couldn’t believe anyone would be willing to do that for any reason, and yet Madison had done it in order to manipulate people into helping her. Anyone who was willing to do that wasn’t a good person.

  Yet Kent had loved her. Tyra shook her head. Love could make people into idiots - and she’d been one herself, so she shouldn’t judge Kent.


  When there was another knock on the door all Tyra could do was hope it was Kent. She put her earrings in as she made her way over to the door, and when she opened it he was standing there, holding the biggest bunch of flowers she’d ever seen.

  “You do realise they’re just going to die a slow and painful death, right?”

  He stared at her and she knew that had been the wrong thing to say. It was a relief when he laughed. “You like cut flowers as much as I do.”

  “Yeah, pretty much.” She took them from him. “I’ll keep them alive for as long as I can, but I know, in the end, they’re going to wilt and die.” She sighed. “That wasn’t the best way to start the night.”

  “It was the best way to start it. Always be honest with me.” He stepped into her apartment. “It’s bigger than I thought it was going to be.”

  “There was a time when I shared this place with Jack.” She shook her head. “He moved out when I found him in bed with someone else, and after that I spend some of my emergency fund on buying a new bed. I couldn’t sleep in that one when I knew what he’d been using it for.” She pulled her only vase out of one of the cupboards in the kitchen. “I thought he was going to fight to stay, but when he came over to get someone of his things I had my mom over, and he seemed to think twice about trying to convince me we could work things out with her here, especially as he knew she hadn’t liked him since the first time he cheated on me.”

  “Why did you take him back?”

  “I hoped he’d change, and I loved him.” Tyra sighed. “I know I shouldn’t have done. Mom told me that a hundred times over. She didn’t believe that he could change and she was right, so obviously I should have listened to her, but I think everyone deserves a second chance. When they screw up that second chance they don’t get another one, though. I never give out third chances to anyone.” She glanced over at Kent. “Who did you tell about us going on a date?”

  “A couple of close friends.”

  “You need to ask them if either of them are on good enough terms with Jack to tell him about us, because he turned up earlier to try to convince me I shouldn’t be going out with you. He told me I didn’t know the real you and if I did I wouldn’t be willing to go out with you.”

  “Until you said that I didn’t think either of them were, but I’ll have a talk with them. I don’t want Jack turning up here every time we go out, because he’s jealous of the two of us being together.”

  “Neither do I. I knew he wasn’t going to give up on us. He said that before. I just kept hoping he’d stop, because it’s getting really annoying now.”


  The pant suit was definitely a good idea. Tyra and Kent walked into a restaurant she knew for certain she never would have set foot in with anyone else, and she checked herself over once more. “You look beautiful.” He took her hand and squeezed it. “You’re more than good enough for this place, okay?”

  “Okay.” She nibbled her bottom lip. “Why did you bring me here?”

  “They do a good steak and I haven’t had one in months.” He looked at her. “You can order whatever you want, without feeling guilty, because this place is my choice.”

  “I asked you out, so, technically, I should have chosen where we were going.”

  “Where would that be?”

  “That really depends on what mood I’m in. Normally, for first dates, I take them to this fusion place I know, because it’s simpler than going for something more unusual. On the second date it will be Ethiopian food. Dad was Ethiopian and he left me his cook book, so I managed to teach myself how to cook the basics, but I haven’t had time to do anything more than that. I’d like to. For now, when I fancy it I go to one restaurant I know, as it is the best, and it just happens to be run by my uncle, which means I always get little extras.”

  “What happened to your dad?”

  “He died of cancer when I was six. After that Mom was on her own, with three children, and I remember trying to do everything I could to help her. There were times when I caused more problems than I solved, but I was doing my best.”

  “Do you miss him?”

  “I didn’t know him, Kent. I know he loved me, but the few memories I do have of him a
re hazy. Mom told me a lot about him. I enjoy listening to her stories, and it helps me to connect with him a little more, but I know it’s not the same as knowing your dad. There are days when I miss him. I know exactly how he’d react to Jack being the irritation that he is.” Tyra sighed. “What about your dad?”

  “He left Mom when he found out she was pregnant. It wasn’t until later Mom found out she was girlfriend number three. Dad was forced to pay child support for me, so she had the money to pay for me, and it was still hard. I never knew him. When he found out about the money I earned he did send me a letter, trying to tell me it was Mom who sent him away, but I knew that wasn’t true, and by then I had my step-father in my life. Without him I don’t think I would have become the person I am now. He died three years ago and I still miss him now.”


  “Do you want dessert?”

  Tyra shook her head. “I’m fine, thanks.” She was doing her best to ignore the eyes on her, but she knew people were staring at her. Was it because she was with Kent? That did seem the most likely explanation, and yet she couldn’t help thinking it might have something to do with the colour of her skin. “I have an early shift in the morning and I just want to get to bed.”

  He nodded, but she could see the disappointment in his eyes. “This hasn’t worked out the way I hoped it would.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  “You’re uncomfortable. I never wanted that to happen. I’m sorry.”

  “That isn’t your fault.”

  “I should have known better than to bring you here.” He looked around the restaurant. “I know this isn’t the sort of place you would have come if you had a choice, but I just… I guess I wanted to show you how good things could be if you did decide to take things further. I want us to try having a real relationship.”

  “Kent, I don’t want your money. I have no interest in it. I like you for who you are, not because of what you have. The nice house, being able to come places like this… I’m feel like I’m going to sound really ungrateful, but this isn’t important to me. Being able to spend time with you alone has been nice. I’d like to do it some more. Maybe next time we can go to my uncle’s restaurant. Ethiopian food can be a little difficult to get used to if you aren’t into spicy food, but I think it would work for you.”

  “You’re sure? I haven’t put you off by bringing you here?”

  “No, you haven’t. I can understand why you did. This is a part of who you are now and I need to accept that if we are going to have a relationship.” Sighing, she sipped her wine. “I wouldn’t mind coming here occasionally, but it’s not the sort of place I’d like to come regularly.”

  “I understand.” Kent smiled. “As long as I haven’t put you off entirely.”

  “Of course you haven’t.”

  “Good.” He breathed a sigh of relief. “Mom did say she thought this might be a bit much for a first date and I should have listened to her. She understands what it’s like to not have money still, while my life changed in ways I never could have expected when I found myself earning millions a day. Madison used to ask to come here at least once a week and she always bought something expensive off the menu. She had a new dress every time.” He shook his head. “I guess I got used to being with someone who made the most of me having the money I did and I’m not used to being with someone who’s learnt to enjoy the little things in life. She never did. She always wanted something more.”


  Kent insisted on walking Tyra up to her apartment. It wasn’t a surprise when they found Jack waiting outside the door. He looked between the two of them, seeming like he was in pain, and she shook her head. “Why are you here? I don’t know how many times I can tell you I have no interest in being with you, or being friends, before you actually get the idea.”

  “I wanted to make sure you were safe.”

  Finding the words wasn’t an easy thing for her to do. Blowing up at Jack wasn’t going to do either of them any good, even though that was what she wanted to do. Sighing, she brushed a hand through her hair, wishing she didn’t have to deal with him ever again. “There was no reason for you to do that. I am fine, I’m happy, and you’re better off keeping your distance from now on. I have said that before, but you don’t seem to be listening.”

  “No matter how stupid you are about this I do still love you.”


  “You insist on going out with him even after what I told you. He hurt Madison.”

  “Or maybe Madison was lying.” She shook her head. “I don’t know why you don’t like Kent. I’m guessing this is some sort of high school rivalry that hasn’t died the way it should have done, but the one thing I do know is that I’m not going to get into the middle of this. There’s no reason for me to. You might believe what Madison told you about him, but I don’t. I’ve had a chance to get to know Kent and I don’t believe he’s the sort of person who could hurt anyone. You, however, seem willing to accept the very worst is true, which means you’re incredibly biased.” She turned to Kent. “I’m sorry about this.”

  “There’s no reason for you to apologise.” Kent smiled. “Thank you, though. I do appreciate it.” He looked at Jack. “What happened between us is something that should have been over a very long time ago, Jack. We were both young. We both made mistakes. I am sorry for the pain I caused you back in high school, but I’m not that person any longer. I never was that person. I was just reacting badly to a situation I was trapped in the middle of. Madison used us, because that was what she did, and she wanted the two of us to hate each other.”

  “Don’t.” Jack glared at Kent. “There’s no reason for you to show off in front of Ty. I know you have no real in apologising to me, otherwise you would have done it a long time ago.”

  “No, I wouldn’t have done, because Madison told me about the two of you.” Kent sighed. “I didn’t want to have to do this in front of Tyra, but I know you were sleeping with Maddie when the two of us were together.”


  Tyra rolled over. Her phone was making a horrible racket and she wanted it to stop.


  “You believed him?”

  “Seriously? I don’t need this. It’s stupid o’clock in the morning on my one day off and you call me to talk about last night.” She made a face. “I believed him, because I know what you’re like. You did cheat on me multiple times. You can say you loved me all you like, but we both know it isn’t true. You didn’t love me, you don’t love me, and I’m fed up with this.” She looked at the number of the phone. “Who did you convince to let you borrow their phone? I’ve blocked as many numbers as I can. Maybe the only option I do have is to change my number.”

  “Don’t, please.” Jack sighed. “I know I screwed up before, but I’ve realised how much you mean to me. My life isn’t the same without you in it and I just… give me a chance to prove myself to you, Ty. I can make you happy. You don’t want to get into any sort of relationship with Kent, because he’s going to treat you worse than I did, so just… can we talk about this in person? I know you don’t believe me, but I have proof of what he did to her. Madison let me take pictures when she was with me.”

  “Maybe she did, but that doesn’t mean Kent was the one who caused the injuries she had. If she was sleeping with you it’s entirely possible she was sleeping with someone else too. How do you know they weren’t the ones who were hurting her?”

  “He’s really got to you, hasn’t he? I get it. The man with the money means more to you than I ever could. That’s exactly what happened with Madison. I thought the two of us really had a chance of making things work, but then she realised Kent had a chance of hitting the big time, so that was it. I didn’t matter to her any longer.”

  “You really think it’s his money I’m interested in.” Tyra shook her head. “You obviously don’t know me at all, and this situation is nothing like the one you were in with Madison. The two of us don’t have any chance of being a couple,
because of the choices you made when we were together. Had there been a chance nothing Kent said or did would have affected that, as I truly loved you, Jack, but you were the one who destroyed it. In the end the only person you have to blame for our relationship ending is you.”

  “I know I made mistakes.”

  “I found you in our bed with another woman. That’s not a mistake.”

  “Please, Ty, give me a chance to prove I’ve changed. You don’t really want to be with Kent.”

  “I don’t want to be with you. It’s as simple as that. Now I’d appreciate it if you’d stop calling, otherwise I will change my number.”


  “Hey, Tyra.” Kent passed her Eve. “I’m sorry to have called you, but I really need to go to this meeting. Mom would have taken Eve if she wasn’t on the road.”

  “It’s fine.”

  He shook his head. “It’s not fine. You deserve better and I’m sorry for this.”


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